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Kamelot - Glory

sworn by the crown I lead a crusade fight for belief to be one   out in the field fearless and cold building the road to my Calvary   strong is my steel dark is my mind carmine the ground that I tread   faith in my god keeps me alive but when does my faith turn to doubt   silently watching the rain carving the earth on my grave lord you know that I prayed one for the glory and one for the souls that I've slain   how will I know how could I tell where would I find some serenity




† Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. ~ Albert Einsten † Ne glede na to, kam gres, vedno si tukaj.~ Konfucij † There is no end to the journey. You must always remember that you are traveling forward, and be attached to nothing." ~ Mother Meera † Everything comes out in silence. In silence more work can be done. The true experience of bliss is without words." ~ Mother Meera † "Kdor sodi ne razume; ce bi razumel, ne b



Žrtve religije - Medicinsko zanemarjenje

Besedilo oz. primeri so napisani v angleščini, ker sem tako lažje našla primere ki sem jih iskala. Primeri prikazujejo otroke. Namen je ozavestit ljudi, da religija ni zmeraj tako nedolžna kot deluje ampak ravno nasprotno. VICTIMS OF RELIGION-BASED MEDICAL NEGLECT IAN Ian Lundman, age 11, died of diabetes in 1989 in suburban Minneapolis. His father had left Christian Science, but did not have custody. The boy lost weight and became lethargic. A school official noticed a fru



Kamelot - Lunar sanctum

little do I know little do I care little would it help if knew and was aware aim beyond the stars catch a glimpse of gold a planetary chart where the stories are untold   there's a piece of truth for everyone give me something to die for like a sacrifice for days bygone in my solitude   there's a place where I want to hide with a view to a shallow moon there's a star in my cosmic mind that reminds me of you   a gathering of wolfs under Luna's light fear of the unknown make us



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