Skoči na vsebino

Mark Ardent

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Dark gothic


267 ogledov

I see the mother in the sky

The mother in the clouds

The blue, the stars, the rain

I feel the mother in the earth

The mother in the rocks,

The caves, the soil, and the grain

Oooo can't you see her

Oooo you better believe her

I feel the mother in the sweat lodge

Mother in the kiva, mother in the drumbeat

I hear the mother in the wind

The mother cries her pain

And then she laughs again

Oooo can't you see her

Oooo you'd better believe her


Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Inanna, Ishtar,

Ostra,Cerridwen, Rhiannon, Modron, Artemis, Tara, Eos, Danu,

Persephone, Morgan, Bludwed, Kore, Gaia, Friea, Tailltiu, Aphrodite,

Walprig, Ariadne, Aine, Vesta, Rhadha, Lakshmi, Durga, Parvati,

Saraswati, Sita, Hera, Juno, Thebe, Heria, Rhea, Bobo, Lucina,

Coliope, Cleo, Uterpe, Thalia, Tersacore, Erato, Uradia,

Cailleach, Gamalia, Pax, Justicia,Ceres, Tiamet, Selena, Clotho,

Atropos, Alecto, Hagia, Frig, Lachesis,Sophia, Mother Theresa,

Polyhymnia, Marilyn, Kwan Yin, Maria


Oooo, can't you feel her?

Oooo, you'd better believe her

I see the mother in the sky

I feel the mother in the earth

I feel the mother in the sweat lodge

Mother in the kiva, mother in the drumbeat

I hear the mother in the wind,

The mother cries her pain

And then she laughs

I see her I feel her, mama-Gaia Kah-Nah Maria


jenny bird

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