Skoči na vsebino

Mark Ardent

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Liber Al Vel Legis


238 ogledov

One of the fey - within the dark and gloom we'll find our way

One of the fey - we have a calling which we must obey

Here in our lives supernature lives and breathes

Once in a while see your future in our eyes

Oh, we have magic in our lives

Oh, secret lives are charmed and wise

Drifting away, the shroud that blinds the soul is cast away

In joy and pain and dark emotions seek the inner flame

Caught in the light you hold them till they fade and die

Blessed with the sight your spirit soars to distant skies

Oh, we have magic in our lives

Oh, secret lives are charmed and wise

Oh, we have magic in our lives

Oh, in our eyes the moon shall rise

One of the fey, you feel a magnet pull you can't ignore

Finding the way, the path will lead you to the open door

Lost in a sea of busy times and mundane lives

In time we'll see future lies in open minds

Inkubus Sukkubus - Fey

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