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Mark Ardent

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Liber Al Vel Legis


659 ogledov

Inkubus Sukkubus "The Witch Of Berkeley"


A woman liked by all who ever knew her

A hedonist who lived life for the day

She fed her soul on feasting and with riches

And feared the day that she would have to pay


Her raven came, one evening to her table

And warned her soon she'd pay out for her sins

She cried alound, 'My merry days are over'

'For now's the time my troubles shall begin'


You can't cheat your day of reckoning

For fate chatches up with you

For this is your day of reckoning now


The days that came were filled with many sorrows

And soon our witch was taken to her bed

Her children came, a monk and nun to see her

And as she died, they reeled at what she'd said


Within her tomb, her body wrapped in deer hide

And triple chains to guard her mortal soul

Then demons came and smashed two chains asunder

The third of iron, Old Nick destroyed alone

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