Skoči na vsebino

Mark Ardent

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Harvest Moon


667 ogledov

This mouth-breathing monster

with his stubby, red fingers,

his rhuemy eyes running

on the back on my neck.

Makes my heart pound in my temples,

shakes the shrines in my head.

I was dreaming about fog

until his flat teeth

caught on his tongue,

as he lolls it at me,

with his fat cow-head.

I was thinking of your coat-tails,

and what if you had them,

I'd hang tight onto them,

even as you pissed in the alley,

until you swept me into

the well-walked world of your sleep.

And hid me from bad men,

hid me from bright lights,

hid me from car wrecks and Christians.

And those pin-pricking persecutions

that drool from the mouth

of the quiet devil's minions.

They don't know he has them.

And I am one of them.

Take Me Away, Brother..


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