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Tantric Verse

Here is my joy in this tantra

Walking wide-eyed, shyly, childlike into this new and miraculous world

Seeing everything freshly, like the sun after summer rain

Everything the same as I used to remember it

Yet different like I'd never noticed it before

My body suddenly an exciting companion on this life's journey

Willing brave loyal adventurous delicious

fun eager bursting with life's lust

My mind shining, opening absorbing

My spirit dancing, playing, easy so easy

Letting it happen, watching it all happen...

Angry, wrathful, bouyant, raging, laughing,

sulking, embarrassed, confident, shy,

dancing, turning, twisting, falling, floating,

A child dancing in the wind,

A child dancing in the sun

A child dancing in the rain

I am freed,

I am holding hands & I am letting go

I am standing on solid ground and I am falling falling

Joyfully falling..... Fall with me, tumble in the air with me,

Touch fingertips as we pass, mingle, embrace, dissolve into me,

solidify and tumble away, be me & I be you for a while

Taste our otherness and our sameness.

This is my tantra love song, this is my hymn of joy

Oh revel in it with me my fellow beings

jump in with me, tremble and shiver with delight

All of us tumbling in ecstasy

All of us tumbling in space

All of us being.

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