Koledar življenja Življenje Zapis je objavil/a Ksenia 20. december 2007 444 ogledov Deli Več možnosti deljenja... Sledilci 0 kaj bo tule nastajalo, verjetno ne ve nihče... pustimo se presenetiti, vi in jaz čeprav okvir že nastaja ane? Prijavi zapis
Ksenia 33 20. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli nič ne bo moja skrivnostkaj mi danes po prečuti noči in noči polne bolečine napiše Audi... ti šment ti.. da pojasnim sanje - nekomu ki mi veliko pomeni, gre oseba ki mu je blizu v bolnišnico... stojim pred zd. domom in jo opazujem...sama pošljem Dragici sporočilo, da je ona tam, saj bi morali skupaj odpotovati (očitno z eno skupino)... druga oseba sede k meni, se pogovarjava, v njej toliko žalosti, nasloni se name.. povezanost, nogo imam preko noge te osebe... nato izvem da je šla k zdravniku ker ima popadke... začudeno gledam, ker ko je odhajala skozi vrata, je bila zavita, kot da jo daje vročina... pride ven, pa pravi da je bilo lažno, da ni še čas.. če bi v tistem trentku mene vprašal, sploh ni bila noseča...takrat jaz sedim že čisto nekje drugje. kar naenkrat sedimo za mizo, še ostali... pa pravim, če želiš rodit, dej natoči si v banjo vodo in se sprosti... gleda me kot da bi jo razkrinkala.... zbudila sem se z težo na prsih in grozno bolečino ter občutkom da je tista druga oseba v precepu, občutek sem imela da je tole bolj izsiljevanje... aja v sanjah sva s to osebico opazovala novorojenčko, čist črno z lepimi črnimi laski.... in občutila sem bližino.... no in nato preberemANGEL POSLUŠANJAAli poslušaš sebe in druge? Ali si vzameš čas, da prisluhneš svojemu notranjemu glasu? Ali kdaj meditiraš? Meditacija ti bo pomagala, da boš slišala svojo dušo in notranjo modrost ter da se boš uravnotežila. Končno boš prepoznala svoje resnične potrebe. Zdaj je pravi čas za to. Ne išči več sreče zunaj sebe. Afirmacija: V VSAKEM TRENUTKU POSLUŠAM IN SLIŠIM SVOJ NOTRANJI GLAS. Citiraj Link to comment
Ksenia 33 20. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli Sam si odgovor vprašanjem in rešitev težavam svojega življenja.CORDARE Citiraj Link to comment
Pujsita 540 20. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli Madonca, zanimive sanje, samo jih niti malo ne znam povezat s teboj... Bi rabila prevod, ce zelis da tole razumem, sicer pa tudi O.K. Vazno da sama ves, kaj zelis, da se sama razumes in poslusas . Citiraj Link to comment
Ksenia 33 21. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli Afirmacija: Z LAHKOTO IN VESELJEM SE UČIM NA VSEH PODROČJIH ŽIVLJENJA. Citiraj Link to comment
Ksenia 33 26. marec 2008 Prijavi Deli Afirmacija: Z LAHKOTO MANIFESTIRAM VSE SVOJE POZITIVNE CILJE, KI SO V MOJE NAJVEČJE DOBRO. Citiraj Link to comment
Ksenia 33 1. april 2008 Prijavi Deli AfirmaciIja: JAZ V VSAKEM TRENUTKU SLIŠIM IN POSLUŠAM SVOJ NOTRANJI GLAS. Citiraj Link to comment
Ksenia 33 16. april 2008 Prijavi Deli Graceful changes *** Valid during many months: This influence represents an excellent opportunity for you to make changes in your emotional life and personal surroundings, such as your home. And you can make these changes without causing great problems and upsets, as might be the case at other times. For example, you could remodel your home or change your personal habits. Either of these changes would be appropriate to the energy of this influence. Events may present you with opportunities to experience your emotions in a new way. You may begin a new relationship that will bring feelings you have never had before. A love relationship that begins under this influence will have a wonderful excitement that may be missing at other times. Existing relationships may also change so that they, too, allow you new emotional experiences. A situation may occur that brings up an event from the past so that you can examine it in a new light and change your attitudes toward it. By understanding the past differently, you will be able to change its effect upon you. For example, this may be an encounter with your mother or other female relative that clarifies and allows you to change your attitude toward something that happened in your childhood. You may have got into certain routines with friends and other people whom you see every day, with the result that you have not been experiencing them as they really are. Unconsciously adopted attitudes may have got in the way of seeing them clearly. This influence gives you the chance to recognize these attitudes and to change them. Consequently you may experience your friends as new individuals. Take advantage of this opportunity to make graceful changes in your personal life. Now it will be easy to get rid of unconscious attitudes, habits and routines that will be much harder to get rid of later on. Transit selected for today (by user):Uranus Trine Moon, , activity period from 9 April 2008 until beginning of March 2009 www.astro.comThe first move *** Valid during many months: This is a time when feelings and emotions play an important part in your life, and relationships based on feelings and emotions become very important. This influence is usually experienced positively as warm feelings within yourself and from others. You feel emotionally very generous and giving. Relationships are usually quite good and rewarding now, and those that you have been building up for years may begin to produce results. You can now decide clearly which ones are worthwhile and which are not. But there is a negative side to this influence also. It can make you feel very self-indulgent and undisciplined. You may feel that the world "owes me a living," whether or not you really deserve it. It may also make you feel that others ought to be breaking their back to help you. In personal relationships, you may become very demanding without really offering anything to your partner in return. Instead of reaching out to make things happen in your life, you wait for others to make the first move and become quite angry when people insist that you take some initiative. Your love relationships and relations with women can be either very good or very bad, probably not anywhere in the middle. It all depends upon your general reaction to this influence. If you are demanding in the manner described above, then your relationships will be bad. But if this influence arouses your feelings of warmth and generosity, they will be quite good. And this is a good way of gauging where you are with this influence, because encounters with others, especially women, will bring out its effects. Transit selected for today (by user):Jupiter Opposition Moon, , activity period from beginning of April 2008 until beginning of December 2008 hm... zanimivo tole, če jst prav štekam Citiraj Link to comment
Ksenia 33 16. april 2008 Prijavi Deli Resnično sem hvaležna za vse, kar imam ZDAJ. Citiraj Link to comment
Ksenia 33 10. junij 2008 Prijavi Deli Resnično sem hvaležna za vse, kar imam ZDAJ. Citiraj Link to comment
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