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Your physical senses give you many perks, DARLING: smelling the flowers, sipping the cocoa, reading the funnies, and feeling the velvet, to name just a few. But perhaps their greatest gift lies in presenting you with the opportunity to assess the world around you at any given point in your life, to compare what you think you've been thinking, to what you've really been thinking.



The Universe

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Wherever you go, Darling, there I am. Appearing as the people, places, and circumstances you've most expected to see. Behaving as you most expected them to behave. Crafted as you most expected them to look. And brimming with abundance, adventure, and infinite possibilities, because I'm darn sure that's exactly what you've been visualizing.



The Universe

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This just in... Darling, no matter how happy you have ever been, even at your happiest, it won't come close to how happy you will one day be. The plot thickens.

Trust me, I'm there now...


And from that happiest of all your happy days, you will one day become even happier. And then one day happier still. And eventually even happier. And so on, and so on, forever and ever. Trust me.

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The very best moment in any long journey that makes your dreams come true, Darling, comes not on the day you realize they have, but on the day you realize how little they matter compared to loving the adventure they've inspired.

Don't ask me why, I just know what I know - Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!


Darling, you've always been part of my journey... xoxoxoxo...

The Universe

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Thinking, Darling, is life's only variable. Everything else was settled a long, long time ago.

Sittin' pretty -

The Universe


That you think, Dar, and that those thoughts become things, are pretty much its only constants. Not counting my unwavering love for you....

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What if the word "work" was changed to "dance-with- life," ? And instead of it being viewed as an alternative to fishing or a way of "paying your dues," it was seen as a chance to meet a parade of new friends, discover your own untested potentials and unpolished gifts, and open avenues for abundance to come pouring into your life?

Yeah, I bet lottery sales would plummet.

The Universe



Not to mention the office parties, donut runs, and "free" pens, Darling... cha, cha, cha!

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hej punce, to vesolje je malo počasno :) čez ene dva dni šele zazna tvoj klic.... saj bo... :palec:


Ma kaj dva dni cel teden že čakam in čakam :( ha ha

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HEJ bejbe, jaz sem takoj dobila odgovor :inocent: :vio:


Jambo Da De!

It's official, we've completed the customary background check and the prerequisite interrogation of your family, friends and loved ones, and you've been voted in!


TUT'S ADVENTURERS CLUB is a reality, with over 225,000 Charter Members from 182 countries, and NOW, Darja De from LJubljana is one of them, JOLLY GOOD! By the way, JAMBO is Adventur-ese for "Glad our paths have crossed, in this most awesome of all Adventures, called life!" (It's also Swahili for hello).


The primary purpose of this club is to provide YOU with a reminder service of life's everyday magic, of how powerful you are, and of how far you can reach. Sometimes it's easy to lose sight of these truths, particularly living in a world that wants to insist that we're limited, aging creatures, stuck somewhere between luck and fate. A life properly lived is an easy, luxurious life, it's not supposed to be hard though we can make it that way with limited thinking, low expectations, or failing to see ourselves as we really are: Infinite Beings of Light. Fun loving gladiators of the Universe. Adventurers just being human, with eternity before us and the power of our thoughts to shape it!!


WE MAKE OUR OWN REALITIES, OUR OWN FATE AND OUR OWN LUCK. That, is how powerful we are, and Darja, that, is how powerful YOU are. And to offset all the mainstream thinking to the contrary, you deserve to hear this kind of message as often as you have to hear all the others.


As a new TUT Adventurer, you'll soon be receiving our "Notes from the Universe", via email from World Headquarters, that will contain a link to your recently completed TOP SECRET profile. By simply clicking on this link, you'll be able to edit your profile and change your goals, as often as you like.


If you'd like to get a jumpstart on better understanding the overriding philosophy of your new club, you might enjoy listening to my FREE 7 minute presentation, entitled, "Thoughts Become Things!" If you have high-speed Internet access, you can even watch the video! I PROMISE YOU'LL LOVE IT! To watch or listen, FOR FREE, just GO HERE!


And, Darja, we didn't want a chance like this to go by without reminding you of how AWESOME you are. Without you, there wouldn't be an Adventurers Club, AND FAR MORE IMPORTANTLY, without you, your insights and emotions wouldn't be added to the Infinite Mosaic of All That Is. Verily, space, time, and everywhere ever thought of would be far less than it is. We're honored to include you among our founding members.


Thanks for becoming a TUT Adventurer. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. Until then, remember, "Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!" (This is your new club's motto!)




Mike Dooley

TUT's Adventurers Club


PS - Be sure to scroll down to the bottom of every NOTE to read "The Universe's" PS! Many regard this as a favorite feature!


PPS - Remember the FREE recording, viewable at the website! THIS WAY, PLEASE!







voice: 407-517-5082


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Komot, Ksenia, ce hoces postni v mojega, da vidim, kdaj dobis, pa ti prevedem...


Audi rabis prevod?


Pinka, jaz sem tudi najprej mislila, da sem se prijavila, pa se nisem, potem sem se pa se enkrat pravilno in dobila. Dobivas zdaj sporocila, a se vedno ne?

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Komot, Ksenia, ce hoces postni v mojega, da vidim, kdaj dobis, pa ti prevedem...


Audi rabis prevod?


Pinka, jaz sem tudi najprej mislila, da sem se prijavila, pa se nisem, potem sem se pa se enkrat pravilno in dobila. Dobivas zdaj sporocila, a se vedno ne?



ne hvala, se potrudim sama, če pa kaj ne razumem, grem pa v svinjakec pogledat

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True, Dar, it's not always easy to imagine places you've never been but dream of going, owning things you've never had but dream of having, and being the type of person you've not yet been but have always aspired to be... but wouldn't it be easy to imagine the after-party? With best friends and family in the swankiest club you know while your favorite music plays. Proposing toasts, receiving toasts, crying happy tears. Getting hugs, hearing congratulations, leading the conga-line. And otherwise carrying on as you do when you're feeling light as a feather and all the world makes sense.

And that should pretty much do it.

Follow Dar everyone!


The Universe


Dar, make friends, hold hands, find travel buddies, play Twister!


Seeing beyond the "end result," especially preparing for beyond the "end result," Dar, is as good as, if not better than, simply seeing and preparing for the "end result." Toga!

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:eek: danes imam pa istega kot je tvoj

True, Ksenija, it's not always easy to imagine places you've never been but dream of going, owning things you've never had but dream of having, and being the type of person you've not yet been but have always aspired to be... but wouldn't it be easy to imagine the after-party? With best friends and family in the swankiest club you know while your favorite music plays. Proposing toasts, receiving toasts, crying happy tears. Getting hugs, hearing congratulations, leading the conga-line. And otherwise carrying on as you do when you're feeling light as a feather and all the world makes sense.


And that should pretty much do it.


Follow Ksenija everyone!

The Universe

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Generally, typically, and most of the time, Darling, it's those who consider themselves to be the least spiritually mature who are the most, and vice versa.

Holy cow, The Universe


This is the one with in-depth visualization guidelines, easy belief-alignment techniques, and the 3 steps anyone can follow to get unstuck...

"I wondered how you could possibly add to 'Infinite Possibilities'... now I know!" * "Your arguments are cogent; your personality is endearing; your approach is good friend, not left me uplifted." * "It has breathed a new life force into me. I am forever grateful."


Quite the paradox, huh ??

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