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Generally, typically, and most of the time, Darling, it's those who consider themselves to be the least spiritually mature who are the most, and vice versa.

Holy cow, The Universe


This is the one with in-depth visualization guidelines, easy belief-alignment techniques, and the 3 steps anyone can follow to get unstuck...

"I wondered how you could possibly add to 'Infinite Possibilities'... now I know!" * "Your arguments are cogent; your personality is endearing; your approach is good friend, not left me uplifted." * "It has breathed a new life force into me. I am forever grateful."


Quite the paradox, huh ??

Generally, typically, and most of the time, Ksenija, it's those who consider themselves to be the least spiritually mature who are the most, and vice versa.


Holy cow,

The Universe



a jst pa zamikam za kakšen dan? ;)

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Logic - While just about worthless in assessing the nature of reality, Darling, it's perhaps the finest tool you possess for revealing a path of least resistance between otherwise limiting, invisible, self-sabatoging beliefs. If you aren't feeling "it," intellectually and inspirationally, think again, think again, think again.


Love your brains, The Universe


It's also rather useful for discerning sub-layers of your own super consciousness, finding worm holes, and traversing outer space in bunny slippers, but that's for another day.

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Do you know how you can tell when you're being watched? When strings are being pulled for you? When the game is rigged in your favor? When the marching band is playing a little louder on your behalf and the cheerleaders begin spelling your name?

Well, whenever it's a Tuesday, for starters.

"Whoooohoooooo!!!! Audi, back!!"

The Universe


You sooo own today, Darling.



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Help me with the lingo here, Darling. Are people just kidding when they refer to the "holy land," "holy words," and "holy people," as if they were somewhere else?

Or do they understand that there's no land holier than that beneath them? That no words are mightier than those they choose? And that no one, ever, has been more divine and revered and deserving of their heart's desires, than they now are?

I do declare,

The Universe


Upon your very chair, at this very moment, sits divinity. Excuse me, while I kiss the sky.

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ja Pinka, pol si pa neki narobe naredila??

A si napisala prav naslov??

Daj probaj šeenkrat... :palec:


ja sej sem že vem mogoče pa to ni zame ha ha

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ja Pinka, pol si pa neki narobe naredila??

A si napisala prav naslov??

Daj probaj šeenkrat... :palec:


No zdej sem pa na tretji mail poslala pa je ratalo jupi ha ha

Sej pravijo, da v tretje gre rado :palec:

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Those who are not yet spiritually wise, simply cannot appreciate, or even recognize, those who are.


Fortunately, you can still blow their socks off as you live the truths you've uncovered.


Hubba, hubba -

The Universe



Evo moje prvo sporočilce ;) :flower:

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Those who are not yet spiritually wise, simply cannot appreciate, or even recognize, those who are.


Fortunately, you can still blow their socks off as you live the truths you've uncovered.


Hubba, hubba -

The Universe

Evo moje prvo sporočilce ;) :flower:



saj je simpatično, mar ne :inocent:

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Impatience is a sign of hurrying; hurrying is a sign of worrying; worrying is a sign of fear; and fear is a sign, Darling, that someone has temporarily forgotten that it's never too late to change their thoughts and therefore their "things." And for these reasons, time will forever be on their side.


Glad we could straighten that out -

The Universe


The perfect guide to thinking new thoughts and making new things: A full length audio program with in-depth visualization guidelines, easy belief-alignment techniques, and the 7 steps anyone can follow to get unstuck...


"If I had to give my children ONLY ONE thing to listen to in the world, it would be your info on leveraging the universe." * "If they were drugs, I would have OD'd! Man - they're better than... !" * "Leveraging the Universe has breathed a new life force into me. I am forever grateful."


Please, Darling, no "thing" jokes today....

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Those who are not yet spiritually wise, simply cannot appreciate, or even recognize, those who are.


Fortunately, you can still blow their socks off as you live the truths you've uncovered.


Hubba, hubba -

The Universe

Evo moje prvo sporočilce ;) :flower:

saj je simpatično, mar ne :inocent:


The best :palec: zelo mi je všeč

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Be proud to know as much as you do about life, dreams and reality. Bask, Darling. It was a long climb up the stairway of enlightenment, and many a battle over false beliefs and mass consciousness have been won. You don't have to shout from your roof to live your truth every second of every day, but don't shy away from the ignorant; they need you. Nor be intimidated by the truly wise; they love you. And please don't ever let self-consciousness keep you from stepping out into a world that would be unimaginably incomplete without you.


You are a vessel of light, a holy ghost, and frankly, so dang "hot."


The Universe



Playing dumb, Darling, only makes one so. Besides, the more you speak your truth, the more you live it, and the faster you can have whatever you want.


Life is so beautiful :)

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If you hold the thought, it begins to form. If you speak the word, it draws ever near.

And if you walk the talk, Darling, heaven help the poor "Jones'," because this is exactly how worlds are born, miracles are performed, and dreams come true.

The Universe



Resnica je ena. Tista, v katero verjamemo. Če oblikujemo misli, bodo dobile formo, mar ne? Ko izrekamo besede, te lahko postanejo besede :) x:px

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