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Project Runway winner Christian Sirano, 22, was born to design. Raised by a creative family in Annapolis, Maryland, Christian was first introduced to the arts through his sister's interest in dance. Christian himself performed with The Ballet Theater of Maryland, though his passion for dramatic costumes outshone his plie.


Christian began designing professionally at just 13 years old while working at Bubbles, a trendy Annapolis hair salon. The salon took first prize two years running at an annual hair competition thanks to the elaborate costumes he designed and constructed. Confident he wanted to pursue a career in fashion, Christian went on to study fashion design at the Baltimore School for the Arts and, upon graduation, at the American Intercontinental University in London .


Just months after arriving in Europe, Christian showed a small collection during London's 2005 fall fashion week. His ambition earned him an internship with punk legend Vivienne Westwood and, during his senior year, a prized position with Alexander McQueen.


Christian returned to the States and moved to New York City after graduating. He worked as a freelance bridal designer and collaborated with Rosetta Getty on her Riser Goodwyn label, but his big break came when he earned a spot on season four of Bravo's hit program Project Runway. Despite fierce competition, Christian earned his spot as the show's youngest ever winner, fan favorite, and a rising star in the fashion world.


Since winning, Christian has designed for style icon Victoria Beckham, model and Project Runway host Heidi Klum and Extra host Dayna Devon. He created the dress Kimberly Locke wore to debut her new single on season seven of American Idol, as well as rapper Eve's dress for the MTV International Music Awards.


In addition to his guest starring role on hit television series Ugly Betty, Christian has appeared on Ellen, the Tonight Show with Jay Leno, the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, Regis and Kelly and the Today Show. He was a red carpet fashion correspondent for the 2008 MTV Movie Awards and Kids Choice Awards, a guest judge for the 2008 Miss USA Pageant, and host of the 2008 Logo Awards.


Mormo priznat, ej, mali ma stil in jajca da takšne ekstravagantne in dramatične obleke pošilja na modno pisto. Poglejte si finale Project runway 4, težko bi si predstavljal da bi katera ženska nosila takšne hude obleke, ampak vseeno, sodniki so ga razglasili za zmagovalca ;)

Mogoče pa je v ameriki taka moda -> leto 1870 :P hehehe

Victorii Beckham je očitno ta stil zelo všeč, glede na to da jo ON oblači ;)

Moram priznat da so mi njegove obleke ful všeč, kapo dol za malega ;)

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