Teh nekaj besed - izbor iz antologije sl. haikuja
Dimitar Anakiev
v eni izmed zastav
pomladanski veter
in one of the flags
spring wind
Rafael Angelo
Nočna tema je
prej kakor v Kjoto - prišla
v cvetje perunik.
Natalija Bizjak
jutranji žarek
na gladini jezera
rahlo valovi
a morning ray
on the lake surface
waves slightly
Marko Elsner Grošelj
detel išče
na deblu
svoje jutro
a woodpecker
seeks his morning
on a treetrunk
Ivo Frbežar
Štropot dežja
po okenski polici - Mrmranje
mojega in tvojega sveta
rain trickles
on the windowsill -- the murmur
of your and my world
Vladimir Gajšek
nekje v vodi
nepremična regica
le v nebo bulji
somewhere in the water
a motionless frog
stares at the sky
Marko Hudnik
čepe ob bregu - strmi
v belino labodov
the junkie girl
squatting by the lake - stares
at the swan's whiteness
Darja Kocjančič
kovinsko nebo -
na mrzli pločevini
miruje osa
metallic sky -
on the cold tin
a wasp rests
Rade Krstič
tekoča reka -
kamni na dnu
ne motijo nikogar
flowing river --
nobody cares for the pebbles
on its bottom
Zlatka Levstek
zvezdnato nebo
nad ponočnjaki ostaja
above the night owls
a starry sky
Špela Lovišček
mavrica hiti na drugo stran
ptice si sušijo krila
na pisanem loku
on the arc of the rainbow
birds drying their wings
Silva Mizerit
listje odpada
vsak dan je boljši razgled
od tod do neba
falling leaves
the view from here to the sky
wider each day
Marko Pak
sonce zahaja...
v krtino izgine
senca smokulje
sunset .....
the adder's shade disappears
into the mole-hill
Franc Pečnik
polena zdaj zadnjič
greje sonce - nad zvonikom
kroži jata ptic
firewood sunwarmed
for the last time -
birds circle the belfry
Stane Pevec
sence golobov
se puste pohoditi
ljudem na trgu
shadows of pigeons
stepped on by people
walking the square
Primož Repar
Vizija dneva.
Sredi praznega mesta
cvetoča češnja.
the day before me --
in the empty town
a cherry in bloom
Rudi Robič
zelena reka
polna mokrih oblakov
hiti k izlivu
green river
full of wet clouds
running to its mouth
Franček Rudolf
Na poti domov
gore v daljavi. Spet je snežilo
brez mene.
on my way home
snowfall in the distant mountain
once more without me
Edin Saračević
kroženje kanje -
ušesa so polna
a hawk circles --
the ears full
of silence
Rudi Stopar
večerna reka -
zdrobljen mesec zapušča
zamudna raca
evening river --
a late duck leaves
the moon broken
Slavica Štirn
Zdrobim koščico.
Sonce je obsijalo
drobno jedrce.
broken fruit stone
the sun is shining upon
its small kernel
David Šušel
samo en most -
prek reke sonce pelje
pajkovo prejo
a single bridge --
across the river the sun spreads
the spider's web
Smiljan Trobiš
drevesni listi
se sporazumevajo
s trepetom bilk
tree leaves
whispering to the grasses
in the breeze
Dušan Voglar
krajec počije
v vejevju - tik nad črto
vidnega neba
the crescent rests
in the branches - by the line
of the visible sky
Darjo Volarič
odsev ribnika
in krik srake izginjata
v polni luni
the pond's glare
and the magpie's cry disappear
in the full moon
Jože Volarič
tiha množica -
sliši se le prst v grobu
in čriček v grmu
silent crowd --
as earth falls into the grave,
a cricket's chirp
Zlata Volarič
Beli oblaki,
bel konj, bel jezdec s koso.
Kam drvi?
White clouds,
White horse, white rider with the scythe.
Running where?
Alenka Zorman
soncu v zenitu
kalužnice vračajo
hladne poglede
midday sun --
marsh marigolds return
cold glances
Copyright haiku društvo slovenije, 2002
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