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Kamelot - Lunar sanctum


425 ogledov

little do I know

little do I care

little would it help

if knew and was aware

aim beyond the stars

catch a glimpse of gold

a planetary chart

where the stories are untold


there's a piece of truth for everyone

give me something to die for

like a sacrifice for days bygone

in my solitude


there's a place where I want to hide

with a view to a shallow moon

there's a star in my cosmic mind

that reminds me of you


a gathering of wolfs

under Luna's light

fear of the unknown

make us worshippers at night


there's a compromise for everyone

but I need something to die for

like a sacrifice for days bygone

in my solitude


there's a place where I want to hide

with a view to a shallow moon

there's a star in my cosmic mind

that reminds me of you


tokens of the afterlife

feeding on the blood of Christ

chasing for an alibi

searching for the holyland

following the masterplan

does it matter in end?


souls unwoken

hearts unbroken

lunar rites

seize tonight


Pa še za poslušat =)

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