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Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. ~ Albert Einsten

Ne glede na to, kam gres, vedno si tukaj.~ Konfucij

† There is no end to the journey. You must always remember that you are traveling forward, and be attached to nothing." ~ Mother Meera

Everything comes out in silence. In silence more work can be done. The true experience of bliss is without words." ~ Mother Meera

† "Kdor sodi ne razume; ce bi razumel, ne bi sodil, temvec ljubil"

Izziv je v tem, da ostaneš to kar si, v svetu, ki te poskuša narediti takšnega kakršni so vsi drugi.

You see beauty where you desire to see it. You see ugliness where your are afraid to see beauty.

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