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Kamelot - Glory


540 ogledov

sworn by the crown

I lead a crusade

fight for belief to be one


out in the field

fearless and cold

building the road to my Calvary


strong is my steel

dark is my mind

carmine the ground that I tread


faith in my god

keeps me alive

but when does my faith turn to doubt


silently watching the rain

carving the earth on my grave

lord you know that I prayed

one for the glory

and one for the souls that I've slain


how will I know

how could I tell

where would I find some serenity


sowing the seed

unwounded I bleed

lord won't you show me the way


Christ is the cross that I bear

god is the will of my war

faint are the voices I hear

whispers of glory...


Christ is the cry of despair

cursing the day I was born

this is the faith that we share

left with the glory

and suffering of souls that we've torn


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