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Turisas - The land of hope and glory


373 ogledov

Far away, where the sunshine never fades

There lies this land, the greatest of tales


A strong golden gate now slowly moves aside

In walks a man, exhausted by the tide


Finally, I've reached my destiny

I've crossed the western sea for the land of hope an glory

In front of me stands the glorious grand city

A feeling that I can breathe, and be free


Surrounding golden walls, finest marble covers the halls

Silver-plated streets that glimmer and shine

Statues, monuments and fountains filled with wine

And trees nearly touching the sky


In the land of hope and glory


I head to the greatest hall,

take a deep breath and open the door

Is this the land of hope and glory?

Sitting on a golden throne,

an ape holding a scepter of bone

It utters: "The die is cast."


Surrounding golden walls...



Echoes from the homeland


Kaikuen laulu raikaa takaa ulapan

Kotimaan rannat kutsuu poikaa Pohjolan


Hoist the sails, it's time to leave these lands behind

Rain or hail won't stop me, I have made up my mind


Surrounded by dark emptiness

The sea is cold and merciless

All alone, I'm heading home


Over the vast sea, wide and so deep

Ahti I greet thee, I'm heading home!

The wind is rising, cold and biting

Ilmarinen I greet thee

Northern shores - I'm home


No surrounding golden walls, no marble covered halls

No silver-plated streets that glimmer and shine

No statues, monuments nor fountains filled with wine

Only trees touching the sky


Far away, where sunshine never fades

There lies this land, the greatest of tales



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