insights~2 ~magika~ Zapis je objavil/a Guest 28. februar 2006 224 ogledov Deli Več možnosti deljenja... Sledilci 0 celtic cross- 3 karte Prijavi zapis
Guest 28. februar 2006 Prijavi Deli Traditionally, the Magus is one who can demonstrate hands-on magic -- as in healing, transformative rituals, alchemical transmutations, charging of talismans and the like. A modern Magus is any person who completes the circuit between heaven and Earth, one who seeks to bring forth the divine 'gold' within her or himself. At the birth of Tarot, even a gifted healer who was not an ordained clergyman was considered to be in league with the Devil! For obvious reasons, the line between fooling the eye with sleight of hand, and charging the world with magical will was not clearly differentiated in the early Tarot cards. Waite's image of the Magus as the solitary ritualist communing with the spirits of the elements -- with its formal arrangement of symbols and postures -- is a token of the freedom we have in modern times to declare our spiritual politics without fear of reprisal. The older cards were never so explicit about what the Magus was doing. It's best to keep your imagination open with this card. Visualize yourself manifesting something unique, guided by evolutionary forces that emerge spontaneously from within your soul. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 28. februar 2006 Prijavi Deli What has traditionally been known as the Moon card refers to a deep state of sensitivity and imaginative impressionability, developed within a womb of deep relaxation. Here we dream and go into trance, have visions and receive insights, wash in and out with the psychic tides, and experience deep mystical and/or terrifying realities beyond our ordinary senses. The full moon and/or eclipse cycle charted by the Magi (as in some of the earliest Moon card images) exemplify this as a mechanism that Nature uses to expand consciousness. The variants of the courtly lovers (representing skillful use of the sex force) or the man sleeping it off under the tree (use of drugs to alter consciousness) are also traditional avenues for tapping this primal force. Human interest in higher states propels us to the frontiers of consciousness, where we cannot always control what happens. The Moon card represents the ultimate test of a soul's integrity, where the membrane between self and the Unknown is removed, and the drop of individuality reenters the Ocean of Being. What transpires next is between a soul and its Maker. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 28. februar 2006 Prijavi Deli The Three of this suit is often entitled Consent, or simply Yes. This card resonates with a spirit of agreement, mutual support, encouragement and teamwork. Often pictured as three women celebrating their connectedness in a dance with lifted cups, it could also be called "sisterhood," a real mutual admiration society. It points to all the benefits of harmonious relationship. With the Three of Cups in this position, you have an opportunity to support the best of what is happening around you, so leave the rest alone. Shine a warm and loving light on what is positive in this situation. Don't waste time and energy -- emotionally or mentally -- on the negative. Appreciate that there is so much to be glad for, to capitalize upon, and to build on from the shared talents, interests and abilities of this group. Your job is to become an effective cheerleader so that the morale supports the potential. You will then see some wonderful results. Citiraj Link to comment
Weezard 1 2. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli So to tarot karte? Ful so lepe, ta prva pa najbolj Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 2. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli meni pa danes pride tole: Love and Me: A gathering of lost fragments in your romantic relationship allows you to connect to your Higher Self. The card in the Love & Me position touches on an aspect of how you perceive yourself right now. The Judgment card symbolizes redemption -- a wake-up call combined with the re-integration of hidden or missing parts of your psyche. The common Tarot card image of people rising out of the grave symbolizes the various aspects of the self returning to consciousness: subconscious contents, dream time visions, the emotional body, the soul itself. These are aspects of yourself, or possibly of your relationship, that had been neglected, sacrificed, sublimated, destroyed, lost or simply undiscovered. A process of transformation allows you to access them more consciously. The experience of subtle dimensions is a mystery that words cannot explain. One can only be receptive to such profound moments of insight when they come. Situation: A tremendous surge of energy is seeking release and the love of your life (or the one you desire) may need your help. The card that lands in the Love Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your relationship at this time. When the Tower is in this position, an overflow of energy seeks release. The manner of its appearance may come as a shock and until the tension breaks, neither you nor your loved one feels totally secure. This is not just something between the two of you. Rather, the event may be happening all around you. The apparent cause could be a sudden event or a product of accumulation over time. At any rate, the highly charged situation may be currently at critical mass. If there's the slightest shift in the energy, then conditions could become unrestrained. Stay alert and vigilant. The person who you are involved with may be in need of your assistance at this crucial moment. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 2. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Love Challenge: You have mastered the elements of your relationship to the degree that success is a regular occurrence. The card that lands in the Love Challenges position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones. The World in this position challenges you to maintain a dynamic balance between inner pressures and outer circumstances of your relationship. This may be viewed as the push and pull that exists between polar energies such as your male and female sides, innocence and wisdom, and action and response. You and the one you care about may have grown into your potential. It may be wonderful to find yourself at the center of the universe, in the right place at the right time. Still, this requires effort and attention. How you respond to maintaining this balance will determine how constant the fulfillment and success gained in your relationship situation will be. Citiraj Link to comment
Weezard 1 2. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli želiš, da ti kaj našlogam?A pa res znaš? Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 2. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli dobro vprašanje:-) lahko se potrudim, ...s srčkom, pa to...... Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 3. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli A fountain of abundance nourishes your life and your relationship with your love interest). The card in the Love & Me position touches on an aspect of how you perceive yourself right now. When the Ace of Cups is in this position, you are realizing abundance, emotional security, bonding, comfort, self-love, romantic love, and love for the world. This card signifies a fountain of nurturing and support that we have inside our hearts. Those who are mystically inclined may think of it as coming from God or a Higher Self; others may see it as springing forth from those around us. In any case, it's an unfailing source of comfort, support and optimism that portrays the world as good and beautiful, providing plenty for you and your relationship environment. This fountain of love pours over everything in your life. You are provided with a relationship that encourages you to cultivate your individual genius and, at the same time, makes it possible for you to give to each other the necessary support to work as a team and manifest a greater vision. The card that lands in the Love Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your relationship at this time. When the Three of Coins is in this position, you and the person you are involved with are willing to support each other's genius with materials, security and recognition. Listen carefully to your loved one's needs. It matters not whether you are playing the leadership or a support role. The card indicates that whenever you are ready, the support you need for success and unique talents will be forthcoming. The level of compatibility you share with your loved one will transcend the gender roles and romantic attachments that underlie most relationships, suggesting a meeting of souls who are working as a team to realize a shared ideal. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 3. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli When forced into a relationship situation where you can only observe events unfold, how can you be held responsible for the results? The card that lands in the Love Challenges position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones. The Hanged Man card in this position challenges you to use periods of censure and helplessness to study a relationship situation in detail. These kinds of predicaments release you from the obligations and responsibility of being in control. Instead, you may serve as witness to what happens when vindictive types get their hands on the wheel. The best and most prudent course may be for you to stay neutral and learn from the temporary periods of chaos that follow mob psychology. When one is caught short and strung up, he or she can't be blamed for what comes next. Forgiveness may be a wise and useful companion in such a situation. Citiraj Link to comment
Weezard 1 3. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli dobro vprašanje:-) lahko se potrudim, ...s srčkom, pa to...... ja no dej mi našlogi, v življenju še nikol nism pogledu v prihodnost Citiraj Link to comment
angeo 0 3. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Vauuuuuuu,sem brez besed!Zelo,zelo zanimive karte!! Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 3. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli ja no dej mi našlogi, v življenju še nikol nism pogledu v prihodnost lahko malo bolj natančno? da bom fajn, direkt, jasno vprašala? npr te zanima ljubezen, kariera, zdravje... ali kaj drugega? Vauuuuuuu,sem brez besed!Zelo,zelo zanimive karte!! ti si nova na forumu, ne? Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 3. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli aha. sej to naj bi bilo značilno za astro rake , da so en pikič bolj zadržani. jaz pa imam asc v rakcu. Citiraj Link to comment
angeo 0 3. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli ker pa imam v asc. devico,ko enkrat zalaufam me je težko vstavit! moram pa zelo pohvalit tvoj blog ,mi je všeč Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 4. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli thx ko enkrat zalaufaš te je težko ustavit???.... :palec:to se res fajn sliši! Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 4. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli A legacy of some kind provides a stable foundation upon which to build. The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now. The Four of Coins in this position suggests that you have been blessed with some kind of inheritance assets, which you are still learning how to put to good use. This endowment may be monetary or it may be some other form of generous support. It gives you a relatively stable base upon which you can build. When you are fully aware of what a blessing it is, you can cultivate a feeling of gratitude and make the best use of your advantage. On the other hand, there is a chance you will squander its value. It's OK to be playful, but beware of irresponsible pleasure-seeking. Your unique comprehension of the situation can help clear up confusion, which may jeopardize progress. With the Ace of Swords in this position, circumstances indicate that the path to your destination twists and turns in a bewildering way. Your insight, however, can penetrate and make sense of the confusion. You possess an outlook or vision that can harmonize whatever competing interests and needs present themselves. Ultimately, it is up to you to reveal the big picture, point out the middle path, and reconcile the polarities. You are aware of what the next step is. Continue to focus solely upon it without letting yourself or others be distracted. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 4. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Define your mission and get organized so that tremendous energy is not wasted. The Six of Wands in this position says to rally the attention of others around the next essential steps, before the energy that is available to you becomes scattered. As enthusiasm builds, you may have to deal with some confusion or contention, but a team leader needs to assess the situation and take charge before too much energy is wasted. You may or may not choose to be that leader, but it's advisable to evaluate your role in the project or situation -- it is gathering momentum and building up a tremendous amount of energy that may prove to be valuable to you. Citiraj Link to comment
angeo 0 4. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli vauuuuuuu,res,kako pa se imenujejo te karte? Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 4. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli to je Lovers path s zdaj bom pa za Weezarda malo pošlogala, sva se zmenila na OS... Citiraj Link to comment
angeo 0 4. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Cool,če pa boš kdaj pri volji,bi tudi jaz z veseljem pogledala za moje ljubezensko prihodnost,kajti miruje že nekaj let! Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 4. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Weezard: 1. vprašanje/ odgovor kaj narediti, da dosežeš cilj: self: Your enthusiastic stewardship is producing dramatic results. The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now. The Six of Wands in this position provides an opportunity for you to be on the receiving end of strong support. An opinion you had been keeping to yourself spoke to a universal need. As you share your views others can unite with you, volunteer to help and offer to provide a framework for your team. Your inspiration, enthusiasm and leadership are bearing fruit. It is imperative, however, that you design a plan of action -- don't allow a team effort to plunge ahead without direction. This suit, most often called "Wands" and sometimes called "Rods" or "Staves," represents initiative, ambition, drive and desire. This is the suit of enterprise and risk-taking. The Six of this suit points to the respect and acknowledgment due to you for your efforts to solve the problems of your community. The image is usually that of a victory parade, after the celebrated leader has helped the troops win a pivotal battle. It took the whole tribe to win the victory, of course, but it was the leader's heroism and clarity under pressure that inspired them to overcome. The team is thrilled that the leader led them to victory. This card points to a time to let everyone relax and celebrate -- if you are the leader, even let them lionize you for awhile. They are seeing reflected in you their own better selves -- a victory indeed! situation: The suit often named Cups is also referred to as Chalices or Hearts. It represents the emotional and psychic aspects of life -- fantasy, imagination, feelings, love. A Four in this suit refers to a restless time, where a person may have become dissatisfied with life, and emotionally uncomfortable. Feeling stagnated, longing for change, the heart ponders its options ... as it should. The situation contains potential. You will need a strong, clear sense of direction in order to fulfill it. When the Four of Cups is in this position, your situation is filled with possibilities not yet activated. Vast potential is languishing, taking a nap in the sun as it were. Something exciting, focusing or catalytic is required to get things moving in the direction of fulfillment. The situation is begging for direction or a new statement of purpose. This is both good and bad. On the upside, anything is possible; all the raw ingredients for success are in place. On the other side, without leadership and a clear goal, the results are likely to be unfocused and chaotic. Look inside yourself to get a sense of whether you are the hand bringing in the fiery cup or whether you are the one witnessing an opportunity that is waiting to happen. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 4. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Challenges/ Opportunities Self-scrutiny gives you an opportunity to review and reset your standards. The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones. With Justice in this position, turn what could be a potential embarrassment into an opportunity to be honest, learn and grow. Let correction take place. This card is a reminder to steer your ship back to the center channel where you can move with the current, the natural flow. Chastisement is meted out only if you are greedy or, conversely, self-negating. Justice demands an appropriate investment by all participants. This is an excellent opportunity to raise your standards as well as your self-esteem. The law of Karma is represented here -- what goes around comes around. OK- upam, da boš razbral odgovor na tvoje vprašanje, če ne, povej...bomo malo podebatirali... Citiraj Link to comment
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