insights~2 ~magika~ Zapis je objavil/a Guest 28. februar 2006 223 ogledov Deli Več možnosti deljenja... Sledilci 0 celtic cross- 3 karte Prijavi zapis
Guest 4. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Weezard: 2 vprašanje/odgovor :P finance: hmmm mogoče imaš nek biznis, kjer vas je več skupaj, mislim... sestavljate bussines team. Skupinsko ustvarjate- neko podjetje imate in to je kul. naj se zadeva širi...trenutna situacija ni ravno bleščeča, mogoče imaš kakšne dolgove od prej, nekaj za poravnati? nekaj je bilo izgubljeno, nekaj pa še imaš in na tem je treba graditi za naprej. ni treba jokati zaradi politega mleka, ampak...pomolzti kravo še enkrat... (hehe..) časovno pa ne bi vedela kako se bo kaj razvijalo, ker tarot ne pokaže natančnega časa, bolj simbolično je treba razumeti vse skupaj.... lahko pa povem, kaj naj bi te čakalo oz. priložnosti, katere bi lahko izkoristil, da bo finančno stanje boljše. predvsem sodelovanje namesto tekmovalnosti. torej širiti svojo zavest od self-centered zavesti, do želje, da se združijo moči za skupno-širše dobro.podpora drugih, ki sami še niso prišli do tega spoznanja.torej spet :initiative, ambition, drive and desire,enterprise and risk-taking, ampak brez manipuliranja na račun drugih. bo vredi? Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 4. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Cool,če pa boš kdaj pri volji,bi tudi jaz z veseljem pogledala za moje ljubezensko prihodnost,kajti miruje že nekaj let! ljubezen pa kaže, da si trenutno malo razočarana zaradi vsega skupaj, pazi koga ali kaj si boš izbrala , saj boš morala ti živeti s posledicami svojih odločitev, torej naj bodo pametne, ... bolj natančno: love and you: A sacrifice mediates the situation with your love interest and returns it to normal. The card in the Love & Me position touches on an aspect of how you perceive yourself right now. The Hanged Man represents the taking of a loss. He's the sacrificial lamb, whether it's accepted with grace or only because it's been forced upon him. In either case, his ordeal serves to clear the air of general tension, denial and game playing. The Hanged Man's predicament brings issues to a head, making it possible to clear the slate and allow everyone to start over. Whether it's purely symbolic or has to do with real events between you and your partner, it clears the collective conscience and helps to break old patterns. It's a good thing that you are the one playing this vulnerable role, and not someone else who might be broken by the experience. You are resilient and regenerative, someone who can view this experience as educational and not be totally victimized by it. This is the enlightened attitude. Your sacrifice will make a difference in the larger flow of events, even if it's not fair and you don't deserve it. trenutna situacija: Although we may inherit relationship challenges as part of our legacy, signs are hopeful that the one you are thinking about now can outgrow the challenging aspects. The card that lands in the Love Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your relationship at this time. The Five of Cups in this position points to family patterns and traits that have been passed down through generations. The sins of the fathers may be visited upon the children but, fortunately, so are the blessings. A current relationship situation gives an example of this. No one can entirely escape inherited themes and traits. To some extent, such things may be coded into the synapses of our nervous systems. Such sober realization produces the poignancy associated with this card. Still, you can learn new ways to deal with old feelings. No matter what may have temporarily upset the balance, all is not lost. You can benefit from even difficult relationships, changing reactive patterns and trying new approaches. Make an effort to retrieve what can be saved and built upon as a resource for a shared future. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 4. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli angeo, v ljubezni te čaka izziv in sicer naslednji: Make your relationship decisions wisely because you will have to live with the consequences. The card that lands in the Love Challenges position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones. The Ace of Wands in this position encourages you to keep your focus through the inevitable changes that will emerge from the choice or decision you may be currently making about a relationship. Have the courage of your convictions. As a leader, you are in a position to do things your own way. So take responsibility for all the consequences of your choice. Be sure you are willing to live with the outcome. This may be the moment to adjust your thinking, because once things are further set in motion, it may be too late. A sem kaj zadela? Citiraj Link to comment
angeo 0 4. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli A veš,da kar vse!Res se razočarana nad trenutno situacijo,ter,da(sem bila opozorjena pred leti)se ne zapletem z oženjenim oz. zasedenim moškim! Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 4. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Kul. današnje karte zame: Maintain high standards of personal conduct, characterized by self-restraint and inner composure. The Strength card in this position complements your ability to sublimate emotionality, impulsiveness and instinctive urges. This is a taming force, which raises standards of behavior and models higher levels of composure, grounding and centering.In this card's traditional image, a female figure with a lion shows the power of intuition at work -- a subtle sensual, telepathic ability that can transmit nonverbal signals and evoke an appropriate response. Strength signifies a superior energy that neutralizes conflict and ushers in harmony and cooperation. Self-knowledge gives you personal power and wise Judgement. The Star in this position challenges you to lend credence to the inner voices of wisdom. They deserve your attention. In the intuitive arts, one walks a fine line between self-delusion and inspiration. This card, however, may signify a positive affirmation of the trustworthiness of your intuition and the guidance you have received. You may be growing into your original nature and expressing it in the world. Trust Spirit, as Spirit entrusts you with an expanded view of your assignment. Accept this as an honor, then proceed wisely and compassionately. Citiraj Link to comment
angeo 0 4. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli cool,ta grace karta mi je všeč! če bom kdaj v bedu se lahko spet na tvoje karte obrnem? Citiraj Link to comment
Weezard 1 5. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Diana, hvala za divinacije, glede prvega vprašanja - so kr zahtevni odgovori, bolj od samega vprašanja, tko da bom še malo razmišljal o napisanem. Biznis stanje si kar dobr zadela, edin izgube ni blo nobene (še pride). Drgač pa hvala za nasvet za naprej, se ga bom skušal držat. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 6. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Inner and outer harmony is cause for celebration. With the Ten of Cups in this position, you have achieved a level of harmony -- both within yourself and with those around you. Your cause for rejoicing outweighs normal tendencies to bicker or compete. Your life is like one big happy family -- all the players enjoy a sense of fulfillment. Your psychic life is in order. Likewise, your inner family -- the inner child, parent self, confused adolescent, sharp and capable professional -- are working together. A major effort has been brought to fruition, satisfying you on all levels. Take note of what this feels like and keep it conscious, even as circumstances change and your sub-personalities try to reassert themselves. This is the optimal state for mental, physical and spiritual Don't hesitate to support a team effort that could be very effective and productive. When the Four of Wands is in this position, you are being drawn into a circle of creative, stimulating, high-energy people. Collectively you may give birth to an idea, business, product or endeavor. The combination of energies confirms that the process will be fertile and productive. If you have an opportunity to support, invest in or lend your energy to a team like this, don't hesitate. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 6. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli You are not adrift; you can navigate this extraordinary experience with skill. The Moon in this position is a challenge to retain a modicum of self-consciousness while you sink deeply into your primal nature. As happens at full moon, something has loosened the flood gates of the collective unconscious and you are aware of the high tide as much as anyone. It helps if you have trained your instincts and impulses not to override your self-discipline. When reason is eclipsed by feelings, your natural and psychic intelligence can provide a safety net. Once the floodgates of the unconscious are opened, you will be self-preserving and sensitive, leaving behind old patterns. Trust that your good reflexes will respond appropriately to what your sensors tell you is going on around you. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 7. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Don't allow the judgments of others to inhibit your possibilities. The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones. When the Fool is in this position, you are challenged to remain balanced and optimistic during a period of uncertainty. Because you are momentarily free of preordained roles or titles, purposely detach yourself from the desire for them. Appreciate a point of view in which all your options are open and you are not limited by predetermined courses of action. Just as everything that exists was once a seed in someone's imagination, your future is a seed in your own. What visions would you use to germinate your future? The Fool's bag of tricks contains many powerful dreams. Open the bag and look at what you might be carrying in the way of seed ideas. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 8. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Keep your attention focused as you run this gauntlet and work your way through this obstacle course. The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones. With the Eight of Swords in this position, recognize that the law of cyclical returns presently dominates the flow of events. What goes around comes around -- eventually. The wheel of time eliminates old circumstances and initiates new ones, and our best response is to adapt. When you take a close look at the timing controlling events in this situation, you will know when to take action. Adopt the attitude of an athlete in a demanding sport. All your attention must be focused in the moment, and you must stay flexible in case of surprises. Be quick to remove yourself from harm's way and into a situation more harmonious with your true nature. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 9. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli You are an agent of innovation and change. This card, traditionally entitled a Page (in some modern decks portrayed as a Princess), in this position, suggests that you play the part of a messenger who represents forward-moving change. Others around you may seem unnerved by your influence because you may be disturbing their set, stable patterns. Don't take their discomfort personally. Those who are familiar with you know you to be a catalyst who is involved to instigate change; this is the important role you are called upon by circumstances to play. What brings sorrow may also give rise to feelings of liberation. The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones. With the Nine of Swords in this position, you are facing the paradox that what is cause for grief and sorrow can also produce a great release. Sometimes the catastrophe you fear the worst is actually the end of an impossible situation; this may be one of those times. Consider the possibility that binding obligations to an old situation are now ended. You are now free to choose your own direction, to explore and grow beyond circumstances that used to hold you in. The very fact that this is happening indicates your readiness to make this transition. Somewhere beneath the distress and loss is areserve of strength that has been building for this kind of opportunity. Point yourself toward healing, release from bondage, and freedom from suffering. Focus on the positive. Collect visions and ideas that will help you rise above feelings of hopelessness. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 13. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Open yourself to others only if they are committed to their principles. The Two of Cups in this position presents an opportunity for you to reveal your deepest truths to those who have earned your trust and proven their loyalty. This is definitely not a time to forsake your boundaries in the interest of a partnership, even if your instincts and desires are pulling you in that direction. You may feel completely captivated by this situation, but don't give your power away! No healthy partnership requires one hundred percent surrender. It's not necessary to rescue anyone, risk everything for another, or to be saved. Give up dramatic agendas. It's most important that you meet half way, with hearts open, and get to know each other better. .............. hold your center, feel... howwbe: Everything in the world, including your love interest, is in balance and you participate fully in that. The World in this position symbolizes the energy of the Great Goddess Sofia -- the universal womb from which all manifestation comes forth. This state of consciousness is characterized by a balance between inner life and outer life, where you are no longer alienated from other life forms, great and small. You worked hard through many cycles to achieve such a mystical experience. Your ego can no longer block the light of awareness that moves through you. According to the Tarot, the spiritual mission of human beings is to mediate the three worlds of universal consciousness, self-consciousness and the collective unconscious. When such epiphanies happen, we experience ourselves in a timeless state of grace where there is no doubt, shame or grief. Such a moment is priceless and worth all the work and waiting. It's the culmination of all your efforts and a harbinger of remarkable potentials, romantically and otherwise. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 20. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Give attention to what is clearly positive. With the Three of Cups in this position, you have an opportunity to support the best of what is happening around you, so leave the rest alone. Shine a warm and loving light on what is positive in this situation. Don't waste time and energy -- emotionally or mentally -- on the negative. Appreciate that there is so much to be glad for, to capitalize upon, and to build on from the shared talents, interests and abilities of this group. Your job is to become an effective cheerleader so that the morale supports the potential. You will then see some wonderful results. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 30. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Knight of Staves Muster courage for a journey that will test your confidence and optimism as you are faced down by challenges. The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones. The Knight of Wands (in some decks, a Prince) in this position is a call to muster courage and embark upon a sacred journey filled with faith, but don't expect that all will proceed as planned. Pay attention to your feelings. Strengthen yourself as you recognize how extraordinary it is to deeply feel a sense of mission, purpose and destiny. Keep a balanced outlook and recognize that whatever confidence and optimism you summon will be tested in the course of reaching your goal. No matter how it works out, you have the potential to serve a higher cause that is both exciting and worth the effort. Citiraj Link to comment
angeo 0 31. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Čao Diana,eno prošnjo imam,a lahko tvoje karte vprašam za ljubezen moje prijateljice,od kar sem ji povedala za te zanimive karte me prosi,če lahko še ona izve zase? Upam,da ti ni odveč,hvala!lp Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 31. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli angeo, takole je izpadlo: Position: Love Situation Learn to regard each other as best friends and reliable confidants, so that your personal affairs do not get spread all around. When the Page of Swords (in some decks, a Princess) is in this position, you and a loved one are contending with a somewhat suspicious and untrustworthy situation. You may be surrounded by gossips or blabbermouths -- or even worse, saboteurs. You certainly don't want to open up or share sensitive information to people who might abuse it. This card indicates a paranoid environment in which everyone is a self-centered spy and no one is quite sure whom to trust. Before you share too much, examine the motives of those who want to know. In this situation, what people do not tell you is just as important as what they do. Keep your antennae turned on and you will be more aware of nonverbal clues. Work a little harder to understand where others are coming from so that their behavior doesn't confuse you. You and your partner need to be best friends right now. With regard to the outer world, be like flies on a wall -- just watch and listen without drawing attention to yourselves Position: Love & Me You are becoming increasingly aware of how much value you have to contribute to your most special relationships. The Ace of Coins in this position indicates you are in a position to discover that your life force, your consciousness, your intimate relationships, and your growing value to the world are all the same thing. This card represents an increasing awareness of your contribution, and the path of your fulfillment in this life. Everything we achieve is a reflection of our character and personality. This first coin can form the foundation of your expanding worth, attracting more, until you generate all the love you could ever dream of. But first you have to become magnetic. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 31. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Position: Love Challenges Be prepared to change your point of view about a relationship situation. Use analytical thinking to recognize that which you have been overlooking. The Six of Swords in this position challenges you to examine the technical aspects of your current relationship situation. Logical and rigorous analysis may empower to substantially clarify important issues. When unseen patterns become visible, you may realize with surprise that they were active all along. First, it may be useful to reorganize your mind as a way to clearly see those factors you usually take for granted. Don't expect your love interest's solution or someone else's logic to work. Reach deep into yourself and confirm that you have what it takes to figure this out. If you study the relationship situation and patterns in depth, you may know just what to do. želim ji vse dobro, tebi pa en lep pozdravček in objemček Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 3. april 2006 Prijavi Deli Although you have been seeking some satisfaction in the external world, the process has been leading you to reconciliation with your inner self. The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now. When the Ten of Wands is in this position, it's clear that the path of action you have taken is ultimately not as important as the state of being it can produce. You are beginning to realize that what you have been pursuing is actually internal, something which when kindled and awakened replaces your need to seek satisfaction in the external world. This is not to invalidate all that you have been engaged in, because it has ultimately led you to this valuable realization. But when you assimilate what you are learning about Being, action will no longer seem as imperative. Take this opportunity to learn to meditate and find within what you previously looked for outside yourself. Main (positional) Meaning:Although we may inherit burdens as part of our legacy, signs are hopeful that liberation is possible. The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time. The Five of Cups in this position points to family patterns and traits passing on through new generations. The sins of the fathers are visited upon the children. Fortunately, so are the blessings. Your current situation illustrates that the best and worst things that happen to you may be conditioned by the lineage you spring from. You cannot easily escape inherited themes and characteristics. They are coded into the synapses of your nervous system. Such is the poignancy associated with this card. In the image on the card, three cups have spilled. Two cups are still full. No matter what may have been lost between generations, some qualities are carried forward. We can benefit from inherited learning, change our reactions and bring in new behaviors. Make an effort to retrieve what can be saved and built upon as a resource for the next generation. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 3. april 2006 Prijavi Deli This suit, most often named "Coins" or "Pentacles", is a symbol for a magical talisman that represented wealth or potential. This suit represents something supportive that is available to you -- whether it be health, some kind of talent, a material or financial resource. The Ace of this suit is usually pictured with a garden or agricultural backdrop, and symbolizes a seed. If this "talent" is planted and tended carefully, it will sprout and reward you with a good harvest. Think of it as a seed of your future fulfillment. An ace represents the first step to a goal, and if that step is repeated, it will cover great distances. Generally, the suit of Coins are referring to the tangible realities in daily life, but in the case of the Ace, it could be symbolizing a winning idea, game plan or blueprint for eventual materialization. Occult tradition sometimes interpreted this Ace as representing the alchemist's gold -- the light within Matter, the 3rd Eye of the energy-body. This recommends meditating upon the Light Within, and pointing oneself toward the archetype of Humanity Enlightened. By practicing such a meditation, the Masters taught that one eventually gains enough control of the Celestial Radiance to heal the body, untangle the emotions and complete the growth of the soul. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 3. april 2006 Prijavi Deli ZA DANES NASVET, PREDIKŠN: You are an agent of innovation and change. The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now. This card, traditionally entitled a Page (in some modern decks portrayed as a Princess), in this position, suggests that you play the part of a messenger who represents forward-moving change. Others around you may seem unnerved by your influence because you may be disturbing their set, stable patterns. Don't take their discomfort personally. Those who are familiar with you know you to be a catalyst who is involved to instigate change; this is the important role you are called upon by circumstances to play. Your enterprise or plan is at the seedling stage. The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time. When the Ace of Coins is in this position, it is as if you had walked into a rich gold mine, even though right now you just see a few nuggets. Your enterprise is at the seedling stage. Attend to this venture carefully. See that it receives sufficient water and protection so that it can develop strong roots. There may be tremendous potential here. However, it will take an investment of time, energy, ideas and willpower, plus attention to detail and follow-through, to take it from its infancy to a full-fledged state of achievement and reward. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 3. april 2006 Prijavi Deli Resist the temptation to rest on your laurels; there is still work to be done before you reach your goal. The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones. The Seven of Coins in this position points toward a time of apparent peace and abundance. Your hard work is yielding consistent, strong results. But do not become complacent and think a good result is guaranteed, because there are still more steps to go before completion. Do not rest until you have covered more ground. Stay with the steady approach you have cultivated up to this point, and don't let any events distract you from the regular care of your business. Citiraj Link to comment
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