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10. marec 2006 ob 15:43 |


Weezard pravi...


Kot obljubljeno (kratek povzetek)



Introduction to Sex Magick


Sex magick means using your sexuality in order to work magick. This technique is not new nor outrageous; although usually kept secret many esoteric systems use sexuality for spiritual and magical aims. Nowadays sex magick is a beautiful way of giving sex back its rightful place of sacred sexuality. Within an open and respectful sexual relationship we can experience ourselves in all our aspects: the animal part, the human part and the divine flame within. Thus the beast-man-God is connected, as well as the beast-woman-Goddess. During sexual arousal an enormous amount of energy can be channeled upwards from the genitals along the spine to the top of the head. On its way up this energy fills and cleans blockages in the chakras, caused by emotional and psychological wounds. This explains why several spiritual paths view sexual yoga as a shortcut to enlightenment.


What is the theory behind sex magick?


In magick we manipulate a certain amount of energy into a desired direction; for that we specify a goal, raise energy and point it into the wished direction (release the energy) to achieve a manifestation in our physical reality. In sex magick we basically focus on a goal by affirmation, visualization etc.; we raise much energy through prolonged sexual arousal and we release the energy at the moment of orgasm.


This controlled form of love-making for higher purposes is often mentioned as the ultimate explanation of Crowley's famous statement "Love is the Law, Love under Will." By love Crowley meant the uniting of the opposites masculine and feminine, active and receptive, and not so much romantic love. Orgasm is considered to be the moment when 'the gates of heaven open up'; for a while the barriers between the restricted physical world and the limitless heavens dissolve. During the precious orgasmic moments we swing away our magical desire into the universe with enormous power and a ' magickal child ' is born. This magickal child is the astral effect of our magical action that will result in manifestation. The sexual fluids of man and woman are charged with powerful qualities because of their magick and they can be used for several purposes.

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če pripraviš kak prispevek v zvezi z sex magijo.. izbereš nekaj po filingu, kar je naredilo nate dober vtis x;)x
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seksualna magika je samo tematsko usmerjena rajši aktivno ali pasivno sodelovala v moji raziskavi...da vem, na kakšen način te začarati x:Dx
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ne vem... nekam lena sem trenutno...vlečem se kot mmmmegla.............kako pa sploh misliš, da bi sodelovala??

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sve je isto sranje, samo drugo pakovanje....ko se nehaš poglabljati v besede in se začneš v občutke
kako globoka misel xrolleyesx xDDx

zakaj potem tok pišeš oz. komentiraš stvari?


ni mi namreč jasno kje si tle telepatijo našu?

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kako globoka misel

zakaj potem tok pišeš oz. komentiraš stvari?


ni mi namreč jasno kje si tle telepatijo našu?


o, hvala, čeprav težko sprejemam komplimente...meni pa ni jasno, kako si ti predstavljaš seksualno magijo brez vzpostavitve telepatskega stika...goli telesni stik al kaj x:)x

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kaj pa je narobe z golim telesnim stikom??? :inocent: sem zgrešila bistvo? x:Dx x:o)x


vedno gre za izmenjavo energije.. to je bistvo, vse ostalo je posledica..............

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Tako kot je Diana rekla, gre za izmenjavo energij, a ne samo to, pri seksualni magiji gre tud za usmerjanje spolne energije (a si sploh prebral članek). Tebi ni treba biti telepatsko (pa zakaj ravno telepatsko??) povezan da usmerjaš te energije. Pri telepatiji gre za izmenjavo informacij brez uporabe fizičnih sredstev (jezik, telo,...), samo z močjo misli.

Seksualna magija niti ne zahteva dveh oseb za izvajanje, dovolj je ena oseba, se pa v dvoje razvijejo veliko močnejše energije. To energijo lahko usmerjaš vase, jo uživaš, se čistiš, gradiš energetsko telo, lahko pa jo usmeriš tudi navzven v nek cilj, ki je zunaj tebe (oz. para).

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OK, gremo počasi in postopoma v teorijo sex magije: :vio: x:Dx


The following are techniques to build sexual energy:


Focused eye contact


Synchronized deep breathing


The "bliss" breath (described later)


Touch, stroking


Stalking one another (kaj to pomeni? zalezovanje??)


Circling around holding hands (kaj to ppomeni??)


Anointing one another with scented oils


Teasing, retreat


Dancing, pelvic thrusting


Flagellation (bičanje, šibanje... šeškanje''')


Simulated sex


Fantasy visualization

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Crowley pravi:


that the woman should be the receptacle for the male, submissive to him.


kaj mislite o tem? igra nasprotij...?




You must be able to hold the thought, while having sex; that's the hard part.


Brandy Williams says in Ecstatic Ritual:


"Climax releases the blood built up in the genitals during sexual excitement, and tends to release the energy built up in a working as well.

Postponing climax and experiencing more than one climax help us retain and add to the energy we are generating."


It's not important that you and your partner (if any) have a climax simultaneously, or at all.


The idea is to build the power to the highest degree and then send it out.


It's also less important that you employ actual physical fucking than that you raise sexual energy.


If you are actually fucking, however, do practice safe sex, and take special care to prevent pregnancy if that's one of your concerns. When the God and Goddess manifest, they generally want to procreate.


"bliss" breath synchronized breathing that includes sipping in air through the mouth, then a sharp vocal exhalation by mouth. This technique can be extremely powerful, especially done outdoors, if you can find a private spot

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