~ sexualna magija ~ ~magika~ Zapis je objavil/a Guest 29. marec 2006 340 ogledov Deli Več možnosti deljenja... Sledilci 0 http://www.holistica.com.mx/3.jpg Prijavi zapis
Guest 12. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli še nekaj zadev:If you are alone, you may use fantasy and visualization to invoke the energies. Yes, you can raise sexual energy by yourself, through masturbation; in fact, there are many opportunities to use sex magick when the necessity of a partner is removed. Nan Hawthorne writes in Loving the Goddess Within, "The essence of the matter is that you should always feel free to make love to the Goddess. If the Goddess is simply yourself, so be it." I think this applies to the God as well! tole se mi zdi ful pomembno, o centriranju: The very first thing that you should always do when you attempt to do magick is to ground and center! This is very significant, for if your magick is not grounded on the mundane, physical plane, it will float around out in the astral. kaj to pomeni??? Then what good is it to you? It's like a wish; it's always there but you can never attain it. You should find a method of grounding that works well for you and remember to always stay grounded throughout the process. Also, making a heart conection is important in sex magick with a partner; even if the rite in noncoital, and especially if you're not ordinarily partners, you and your partner need to be in a loving space. If you are doing a noncoital Great Rite, you might: gaze into your partner's eyes; breath deeply and rhythmically; use synchronized pelvic thrusting to raise the Kundalini or sexual energy from the first chakra; make sure and curl your tongue up against the roof of your mouth, back toward your throat, to make a pathway for the energy; simultaneously bring the energy up and merge it with that of your partner; then merge the two creative forces of energy into one akin to the great marriage of the Goddess and the God; send the energy out to achieve the greatest potential for creation and for your magick to succeed. As far as an actual sex magick ritual that I might do for magickal purposes (rather than for worship), it might look like this: My partner and I discuss what we want to do with the energy; we voice any specific things we want to focus on and when during the rite we want to send the energy to its destination. Once we decide what, we go away from one another, bathe, make ourselves clean, sweet smelling and attractive. When we come together, we create magickal space, which includes our bed, by casting a circle in our traditional way, a circle we might either let down when we send the energy or some time after the rite. We light candles, burn a special sex incense and play soft sexy music. We ground and center and relax our bodies and minds. Once this is accomplished, we look into one another's eyes, looking for the higher being who is there behind the mundane facade. I search for the priest in him, and he for the priestess in me. We continue to face one another, holding hands and gazing deeply into one another's eyes as we begin to breathe deeply and rhythmically. We stroke one another, kiss softly and linger. We might sway to the music that begins within us and begin to embrace. He says the words that invoke the Goddess into me, and as he calls Her, I feel the energy, and it overtakes me for a moment. I invoke the God into him, and as I say the words, before the final words leave my lips, he is upon me. He is breathing heavily, panting really. He is caressing me, and I feel him insistent against me. I recollect my goal and remember not to get left behind in this wild dance. My lover is like an animal, he is all over me, he is making sounds as if he is a wild thing, and he is. I am holding back, I do not open to him yet, I am building the energy. I kiss him, and he kisses me back hard and deep, and he pushes me down forcibly. I push back a bit, and he retreats a bit, and then I kiss him again and stroke him and scratch at his back. I allow him to get closer to me, I spread my legs slightly, and he dives for me, into me.... we are the Goddess and the God, making love with wild abandon. And still the power builds. We come close to a climax then ease back, building, building, letting the energy surge upward, growing ever larger and stronger. When I finally sense that the time is right, I send the force shooting from me, I have a series of orgasms that rock the consciousness from me; then I am aware again of my goal and I see the result coming back to me in waves, as if from the shock of the energy I sent out of us. My mate is breathing slower now and coming back to the here and now. He kisses me tenderly and says, "Thou art Goddess." I reply, "Thou art God." We blow out the candles and close eyes as we embrace in slumber. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Citiraj Link to comment
Weezard 1 12. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli This is very significant, for if your magick is not grounded on the mundane, physical plane, it will float around out in the astral. kaj to pomeni???Ground in centering sta Wicca-nska pojma, kolikor je meni znano, kratka razlaga: Grounding * Grounding connects your energy to the earth in a stable way, letting go of bad and providing a connection for good. * Letting go: Let go of physical tension, relax, and focus on this moment and place. * Anchoring: Send roots deep into the earth as an anchor. Imagine them wide, strong, stable, and deep. * Releasing negativity: Drain negative energy and tension downward. Stay calm and avoid getting lightheaded. Relax. * Give everyone time to practice. Then discuss and address problems. * Summarize: letting go, anchoring, releasing negativity. Centering * Centering means finding your own identity, energy, and essence, separate from other people's expectations. * Finding center is easiest when alone, but any quiet place will do. * Sit quietly, breathe, and notice yourself. Notice your feelings and accept them without judgement. Do not try to change anything, just notice yourself. * Notice your thoughts, your body, your daydreams, and everything that is a part of you. * Notice anything that seems to be imposed upon you by others; tension, expectations, anger, and how you have reacted. * Give everyone time to practice. Then discuss and address problems. * As you practice this over many weeks, you'll become more clear about what feelings are yours and what belong to other people. This will help you stay clear of other's pressures, and increase your focus for energy work. * Staying centered in crowds is more difficult, but with practice, it can be very helpful. * Summarize: Ground. Recognize yourself. Recognize others' imposed energies. Focus on yourself. nekaj več pa tukaj LINK1LINK2 Citiraj Link to comment
Weezard 1 12. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Bi pa na temu mestu citiral še zelo znanega maga: All effective magick stands on three legs: imagination , emotion , and feeling; everything else - all the words and gestures, the implements and costumes, the elaborate circles and furniture - serve only to reinforce and focus these three capacities. If any of these three is lacking, then the work is likely to fail; once you are skilled in using all three, you can dispense with practically all the other things people sometimes insist are essential to the practice. - Benjamin Rowe Pri ritualih ne smeš nikol bit preveč dobeseden, ko jih upoštevatš - to kar velja za nekoga ni nujno da velja zate. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 12. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli iz prvega linka, ki si ga podal: Tree of Life Begin by sitting or standing erect, in a comfortable position, and breathing deeply and rhythmically. Now imagine that your spine is the trunk of a tree...and from its base, roots extend deep into the Earth...into the center of the Earth Herself. And you can draw up power from the Earth with each breath... feel the energy rising...like sap rising through a tree trunk... Feel the power rise up your spine... feel yourself becoming more alive... with each breath... And from the crown of your head, you have branches, that sweep up and back down to touch the Earth... and feel the power burst from the crown of your head... and feel it sweep through the branches until it touches the Earth again... making a circle... making a circuit... returning to its source... (in a group) And, breathing deeply, feel how all our branches intertwine... and the power weaves through them... and dances among the, like the wind... feel it moving... (to end the exercise) Now take a deep breath, and suck in the power, as if you were sucking through a straw. Feel it travel down your spine, and flow into the Earth. Feel all of it flowing back into the Earth, where it came from. Now relax. jaz bom vse skupaj centrirala v plexusu ali hari. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 12. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Mirror, Mirror Ground and Center. In a mirror, gaze into your own eyes. Focus your attention on the space between them. Repeat your own name to yourself, over and over. Again, as thoughts surface, experience them as if they were outside you. After five or ten minutes, relax. Citiraj Link to comment
Weezard 1 13. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli tole ni slabo vedet: "The main requirement for doing any kind of sex magick (one could almost say any kind of magick whatsoever) is the ability to concentrate single-mindedly, ie with no other thoughts at all intruding." bom poiskal še kak vir kako to dosečt oz. ga že imam sam še oblikovat moram Citiraj Link to comment
Weezard 1 13. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Thought Control: discipline of thoughts, & subordination of thoughts 1. vaja: Take a seat in a comfortable chair or lie down on a settee. Relax the whole body, close your eyes and observe the train of your thoughts for five minutes, trying to retain it. At first, you will find that there are rushing up to you thoughts concerning everyday affairs, professional worries, and the like. Take the behavior of a silent observer toward these trains of thoughts, freely and independently. According to the mentality and the mental situation you happen to be in at the moment, this exercise will be more or less easy for you. The main point is not to forget yourself, not to lose the train of thoughts, but to pursue it attentively. Beware of falling asleep while doing this exercise. If you begin to feel tired, stop instantly and postpone the exercise to another time, when you intend not to give in to tiredness. The Indians sprinkle cold water on their faces or rub down the face and upper part of their bodies to remain brisk and not waste precious time. Some deep breathing before you begin will also prevent tiredness and sleepiness. As time goes on, each disciple will find out such little tricks by himself. This exercise of controlling thoughts has to be undertaken in the morning and at night. It is to be extended each day by one minute to allow the train of thoughts to be pursued and controlled without the slightest digression for a time of 10 minutes at least after a week's training. The attentive disciple will realize how, at the beginning, thoughts rush on to him, how rapidly they pass before him so that he will have difficulty to recollect the lot of manifold thoughts. But from one exercise to the next, he will state that thoughts come up less chaotic, moderating little by little, until at last only a few thoughts emerge in his consciousness, arriving, as it were, from a far distance. to je uvod v trening, dost lahko dosečt ampak zelo uporabno pri nadaljnem treningu Citiraj Link to comment
Weezard 1 13. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli 2. vajaHaving obtained a certain skill in this exercise, you may turn to the following one. The purpose will now be to hold onto a single thought or idea for a longer while, and to suppress any other thoughts associating and obtruding with force on the mind. Choose for this purpose any train of thoughts or ideation or a suitable presentation according to your personal taste. Hold onto his presentation with all your strength. Vigorously refuse all the other thoughts that have nothing to do with the thoughts being exercised. At first you probably will succeed only for a few seconds, later on for minutes. You must manage to concentrate on one single thought and follow it for 10 minutes at least. 3. vajaIf you succeed in doing to, you will be fit for a new exercise. Let us then learn how to produce an absolute vacancy of mind. Lie down comfortably on a bed or sofa or sit in an armchair and relax your whole body. Close your eyes. Energetically dismiss any thought coming upon you. Nothing at all is allowed to happen in your mind; an absolute vacancy of mind must reign. Now hold on to this stage of vacancy without digressing or forgetting. At first, you will manage to do so for only a few seconds, but by practicing it more often, you will surely succeed better at it. The purpose of the exercise will be attained if you succeed in remaining in this state for a full 10 minutes without losing your self-control or even falling asleep. Navodila so zelo preprosta. Cilj treninga je doseči visoko stopnjo koncentracije misli, kar je pri magiji zelo pomembna lastnost. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 13. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Prva vaja je podobna zazenu. Sediš z zadnjico na gležnjih in samo "si".. misli ne nadziraš, samo sediš... bistvo zen vadbe: "samo sedi". Citiraj Link to comment
Weezard 1 13. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Pri prvi vaji je najbolj pomembno to, da "razdeliš" misli na dva dela - na opazovalca in misleca, pri čemer mora biti opazovalec vedno buden in prisoten. Cilj vaje je da se ne prepustiš toku misli, da te odnese, ampak misli opazuješ le od daleč. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 14. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Aha, saj to je približno to, samo malo bolj zahtevno. Je to vaja za lažjo kontrolo misli za usmerjanje v določen cilj? ... Zdaj pa bom predelala 3. link ki sem ga podala na prejšnji strani. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 14. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Sex Magic 1) From the beginning there have been certain rare women and men who, following their hearts great yearning, have answered the question of birth and death with realization of who they truly are - who we all are.Sexual energy is the most powerful force within the human body and can lead to profound spiritual experiences accompanied by intense physical pleasure and bliss. ¤¤¤2) Harmony and peace are the result of energies being in balance -- life flows without restriction. Often, due to various reasons, the energies that make up the human body become unbalanced. This results in ill health, sleeplessness, sluggishness, pain, distraction, and many other unwanted conditions including unsatisfactory sexual performance. The goal of the Sacred Sex Process is to bring the body into a balanced state before engaging in sexual activity. The benefits are many, including deep relaxation (important for High-Sex), heightened sexual response and better health. ¤¤¤ 3) From the Sacred Sex perspective there are many energy centers in the body. ČAKREThe seven primary psychoenergetic vortices are referred to as Psychic Power Centers or Wheels of Light, each having a specific function in the body. The most important one is the Heart Power Center. There are three Psychic Power Centers above and three Psychic Power Centers below the Heart Center. The upper three have to do with intellect and spirituality. The three lower Psychic Power Centers deal with base human needs and emotions. The Heart Center balances the Spirit with the flesh. This Center is the seat of unconditional love and divine presence. ¤¤¤ 4) Sacred Sex smashes the taboo against unreasonable happiness; a thunderbolt path, swift, joyful, and fierce. There are many different types of paths. Some touch you like a gentle spring rain, but Sacred Sex is the wild summer thunder storm churning with creation, destruction, bliss and emptiness. Sacred Sex is a wild tiger - if you approach her with right motivation, right intention, and integrity , she'll suckle you at her breast; but if you come to her in a sloppy way, she'll rip apart your body-mind and eat you for dinner. The Sacred Sex path is complex and can be dangerous. It requires a strong, well integrated sense of self. Otherwise it is possible for the practitioner to make gross errors in judgment. On the Sacred Sex path, it is easier to become the ultimate form of egohood and delusion than it is to become free. !!? There is no authentic Sacred Sex without profound commitment, discipline, intelligence, courage, and a sense of wild, foolhardy, fearless abandon. Foolhardy because the path is for gamblers. There is a beautiful poem which speaks to this from the Sufi tradition: "Love is reckless; not reason. Reason seeks a profit. Love comes on strong, consuming herself unabashed. Yet in the midst of suffering love proceeds like a millstone, hard surfaced and straight forward. Having died to self interest, she risks everything and asks for nothing. Love gambles away every gift God bestows. Without cause God gave us Being; without cause give it back again. Gambling yourself away is beyond any religion. Religion seeks grace and favor, but those who gamble these away are Gods favorites, for they neither put God to the test nor knock at the door of gain and loss" With Sacred Sex we are taking the mind and body as cauldron, feeling, ego, elements and world as alchemical ingredients, and imagination informed by divine power as catalyst; and we are accomplishing the great magical task of alchemical transformation. The base metal of dualistic view becomes the infinitely valuable gold of pure and luminous awareness. Sacred Sex is a path of tremendous power. This power is not easy to use without getting burned by it. Yet, at the same time, it is a path of great joy. If you're going to use pleasure and personality as the path, you have to be careful not to self-destruct. In working with an advanced practice such as Sacred Sex, powerful energies of psyche, nature, and the subtle realms are harnessed. When such a powerful practice is introduced into one's system through authentic empowerment, it is not something to be taken lightly. Let's say you re going to bring anger into the path. It's a razor's edge between liberating anger into the wrathful compassion of mirror like wisdom and just becoming an arrogant, self-righteous prig. With Sacred Sex, either you are actually transforming your mind stream into this wisdom-being of great wrath and power, or you are just dressing up your egoistic anger in the deities's clothes. If Sacred Sex is misused, the divine becomes a demon. You use illusion to cut through illusion. Some groups teach that delusion is only an illusion and all that you need to do is understand the illusion to be free of it. Because all you need to do is understand, then all the master has to do is explain the truth to you, and all you need to do is listen and you will "get it". In truth understanding is a whole body act. You must understand with the cells of your body, your mind and your feelings. Listening involves a profound action of the entire self. This action is what Sacred Sex is. ¤¤¤ 5) The Sacred Sex Spiritual practice is the act of listening to the teaching with the whole body. Sacred Sex is a spiritual path whose goal is union with the divine through ecstatic sex. This path is based on the philosophy of sensualism: the idea that in order to transcend our physical existence, we must first fully experience it. Sensualism teaches that the experience of the physical world with complete awareness leads to communion with Divinity. This is different from hedonism, which is mere indulgence in physical sensation and which encourages blind attachment to the physical world rather than conscious understanding of it. Sacred Sex also describes the human body as a microcosm which reflects the larger whole of the universe, and suggests that self-knowledge leads to an understanding of the workings of the cosmos. As above, so below. Sex magick as a practice, is one of the most misunderstood aspects of witchcraft. There are legions of people out there who believe that it is all that we (witches) do. There are further legions who deny it exists and try with desperation to promote a great cover up, or put a shameful face on it and practice in secret or not at all. Sex magick, like other forms of magick, is something that is a part of what Witches do. While you do not have to participate in it if you elect not to, to deny it's existence and validity is to deny part of the tradition of Witchcraft. Within the realm of sexual magick there are many philosophies and ideas. We are going to explore a few here. Sex magick is highly personal, and private. It is done with one other person or perhaps you alone. It is not a group orgy, or is it for public display. If someone wants you to do sex magick against your will, or if you feel you are an unwitting partner in sex magick then get away from them right away. Little is written of sex magick before Gerald Gardner in the 1940's. While the Courtly Love was practice in the 1000-1300's and can be viewed as akin to sexual magick (the process of wooing and winning a lady, with almost religious zeal), this was not sex magick in the modern sense of the word. Further there is a history of flagellation, both by self and others as part of religious practice, but again this is not modern sex magick. Modern sex magick involves, many times, a reenactment of a joining between the God and Goddess. It is not limited to Beltaine and can be done at any time of the year. While there has been much argument about whether same sex magick is sex magick. I purport that with each partner taking on the aspects of the deities that the sex of the participants is not important. Therefore same sex partners can perform ritual sexual magick without debating the authenticity issue. The joining of the God and Goddess is more the joining of polar opposites rather than sexual opposites. I want to state that if you are going to participate in sex magick and use a partner, that it is vital to get the consent of that partner. To involve someone in a ritual or spell that they have not consented to is the moral equivalent of rape of their souls. It is more than cruel and will leave a nasty taste not only in your mouth, but that of the person you are performing the magick with. Citiraj Link to comment
Weezard 1 14. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Aha, saj to je približno to, samo malo bolj zahtevno. Je to vaja za lažjo kontrolo misli za usmerjanje v določen cilj?Ja, točno to - je trening s katerim dobiš moč nad svojimi mislimi, kar je nujno potrebno za kakršnokoli magijsko delovanje. You must become master of your thoughts, not their slave Zanimiv članek tale ki si ga analizirala. Zdej je treba dobit še več virov na to temo, ker en vir ni nikoli dovolj. Zanimivo je, da ko bereš o isti stvari z različnih perspektiv (beri: avtorjev) ima vsak nekaj svojega za povedat na temo, hkrati pa obstaja nek presek med njimi - nekaj kar vedno velja.Moja filozofija študije je ta, da poskušam o določeni temi izvedeti čimveč podatkov in pridobiti čimveč informacij iz čimbolj različnih virov, ker edino tako si na koncu ustvarim dobro "vseobsegajočo" sliko. Drgač pa ja, pr prakticiranju magije moraš bit tud pazljiv na določene stvari, z večjimi energijami kot delaš, bolj pazljiv moraš bit, ampak to je že druga lekcija Citiraj Link to comment
Weezard 1 14. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Še nekaj linkov:Preparations for Sex MagickPracticing Sex MagickSolo, Duo or Group Sex Magick Rituals. pol pa še dva mal težja članka (filozofiranje)An Essay on Sex and Sex MagickTrance-formation (The Cosmic Tao of the Sexes) tole je kr dost materiala za predelat Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 14. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli ampak to je že druga lekcija Mhm...! Fantastični linki, še posebej tisto o sprejemanju lastnega telesa... se bom takoj lotila "analize" Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 14. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Preparations for Sex Magick 1) Human bodies are beautifully shaped and wondrously working temples of the soul; in sex magick the body literally is the temple in which the divine is worshipped, and the genital area is the altar. Mother Nature does not agree with the 'ideal' image of nowadays - beneath a certain amount of body-fat women simply won't get pregnant. Many low-weighted ballet dancers and sufferers of anorexia / bulimia don't menstruate! In earlier days the idea of beauty was much heavier - if you look at the beautiful Greek goddesses or the women depicted on 17th till 19th century paintings we would nowadays consider them to be rubinesque. The moral behind this story is that the idea of what is beautiful or not depends very much on the standards of a certain time. So please throw all this social nonsense overboard. Accept your body as a miraculous instrument that does anything you want it to do; secondly accept its unique shapes. Working out regularly not only improves your physical health and appearance, but it also increases your sex-drive and heightens your self-esteem. Once you start it will become a 'healthy addiction' and it will help you with the prolonged sexual activity of sex magick. 2) The second thing is having an open and respectful approach of sexuality. Lovingly. Openly. Playfully. Joyfully. Outrageous. Passionately. Sacred. Creative. Sensual. Positive sexual experiences are very healing on psychological and physical level (yes, physical ailments and diseases have been cured by having sex) and they repair lesions in the auric shield. Accepting and enjoying the pure you provides a strong connection with the forces of ever-creative Great Mother Nature, and it reminds us of being gods ourselves. Sex makes room to experience both our male and female side, and to alternatively be active and passive, electric and magnetic; thus it enhances inner balance and we cherish the inner lover. Sexuality and spirituality are two sides of the same coin; they both aim at feeling fantastic, being in the present moment (the never-ending now), dissolving barriers with other realms, connecting with the divine, experiencing oneness, timelessness, void and ecstasy. Only their starting point differs: sex starts in the lowest chakras while spirituality is seated in the higher chakras. http://realmagick.com/images/articles/1972/sculpture.jpg Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 15. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Practicing Sex Magick 1) First set a goal What exactly do you want to achieve with your magick? Your goal can be any material attainment, like a new job, prosperity in business affairs, a pleasant house, whatever. Your goal can be the healing of yourself, another person, mother earth... Your intent can be improvement of an existing relationship or attraction of a new one. You may wish to (further) develop several qualities in yourself, or create an excellent artistic piece. You may wish to embrace the inner lover, and establish a stronger connection with your higher self. Deeply desired wishes create the strongest magick! 2)Then create something that makes it possible to laser-like concentrate on your goal/intent during the ritual. This can be a short affirmation. During the ritual you can repeat the whole affirmation. Another possibility is to reduce this affirmation to a word that covers its central idea; this will be your magical word. Examples: the affirmation "I am a successful business(wo)man" becomes "Success". "I request the universe to send me the best possible lover, or partner" becomes "Lover" or "Partner". The idea behind it is that your subconsciousness now knows your full intent, therefore it is sufficient to only repeat your magical word during the ritual. - This can be a visualization of the new created reality. - It can be a drawing of what you want. - It can be a symbolic representation of your desire, like a suitable tarot card, rune, sigil, astrological or other symbol. - In case you do the ritual for someone else it can be helpful to also have a photograph of the person. - You can use a combination of the above. 3) Prepare your working space. Clean the space where the ritual will take place. Decorate it with candles, incense, flowers, gemstones or anything else you find appropriate. If you use symbols or other pictures make sure you can see them during the ritual. If you wish to play music, don't forget to put it on the repeat-button. Close the door and lay the phone off the hook. Clean your body.While bathing or showering you can visualize the water washing off all mental, emotional and physical dirt. Relax for a while.Take some deep breaths or meditate a little. If you do magick with a partner you may want to sit opposite each other, hold hands and synchronize breathing or inhale while your partner exhales. Do a banishment. It is very important to visualize a strong circle/globe of protection that keeps all unwanted spirits out, or do any other banishment you prefer, before you actually start the ritual. Perform the ritual I know two 'main routes': one with emphasis on the affirmation/mantra/Word of Power, and one with emphasis on visualization. If you choose to work with an affirmation: Arouse yourself and/or your partner by any sexual activity you wish to use until you almost reach orgasm. Meanwhile keep on repeating the affirmation or mantra; you can say it out loud or repeat it silently. When you are at the brink of orgasm back off by stopping all genital stimulation, stopping all pelvic movements and relax the muscles in the pelvic floor. Breathe deeply and concentrate even more on your mantra. After a while build up more excitement, backing off again just before the point-of-no-return. This way you build up a great amount of sexual magical energy and deep erotic sensations; you may reach a state of sexual trance. After several times coming close you wish to sweep all of your intent into the universe; let orgasm happen and - here comes the most important part - keep on affirming during orgasm with full mental concentration, call out loud your magical word(s) and don't mind the neighbors! Take care: if you lose focus during orgasm, you will have had great sex but no magical ritual! Continue the ritual until both (or all) partners have reached orgasm. If you prefer working with a visualization: Start with visualizing very vividly the new reality; see yourself in the desired situation, feel your happiness about it, visualize it as bright and detailed as you can. If you work for somebody else, for instance in case of a healing, visualize their joy and enthusiasm in the new situation. When your visualization is complete to your idea, tell your mind that this is your focus, then mentally store it in your subconsciousness. Start making love with your partner or masturbating, no longer thinking about the visualization. At the brink of orgasm back off, recall your visualization and breathe your orgasmic energy in it. Continue the rhythm of arousal and backing off several times. Just before orgasm recall the visualization from your mind and breathe/channel your orgasm into it. Some words about orgasm: If you are a woman capable of having multiple orgasms (a series of orgasms quickly after one another), just enjoy, have them during the ritual and end with the final orgasm. If you are a man, here's the good news that men can learn to have multiples too; by coming close then backing off just before the point-of-no-return several times men can experience all the feelings of an orgasm without having an ejaculation. Some men have a series of small orgasms, some men experience them as bigger orgasms. If you can do this, end the ritual with final orgasm/ejaculation. Not all men know that most women need clitoral stimulation to reach orgasm; although there are erotic areas in the vagina most women need the pressure of the pubic bone of their partner against the clitoris or stimulation by hand during intercourse to have orgasm. It is important to stay close the first minutes after intercourse with your genitals close together. There are two reasons for this: When having sex your chakras open up and after orgasm you're completely open with part of your energy swirling around you. You need some time to recollect it and get energized again. If one partner rushes away after orgasm you can feel very disappointed, lonely and exhausted because of this reason. (ups...) After sex magick the sexual fluids of man and woman are charged with their magical intent; they can etherically absorb this power for their well being and health through the vaginal walls and the head of the penis. It may be clear that when you use a condom it is very unwise to stay close together with your genitals. The charged sexual fluids can be used to charge an amulet or talisman by smearing some of it on them; in case your ritual was for gaining money you can smear it on a coin or paper money you had put on your altar; you can redraw the lines of a sigil for this ritual with it, mix the fluid with wine and drink it with your partner, etc. End the ritual with a banishment. The heightened energy of your ritual may have attracted astral beings. Make sure to keep them at a distance by reconfirming your banishment, like for instance a visualized circle of protection. The woman and her Moon The days before the menstruation a larger amount of hormones circulates in the female body, not only increasing her emotions but also her magical power. During menstruation this extra power leaves her body; this can give an extra dimension to the elixir, but please be very careful to only use this when the woman is in good health. After all menstruation is also a natural monthly cleaning period for her body. Not all women feel like having sex in this period. But those who do can feel strongly accepted in all their feminine aspects by having intercourse these days. Sexual union during the (pre)menstruation days can often relief the cramps many women experience during their period. Citiraj Link to comment
mako106 640 17. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli v magiji je dobro vedeti, da brez vzroka ni posledice.....kar delaš dobro drugemu, delaš sebi...samo včasih se je težje sočiti z dobrim v sebi, kot s slabim Citiraj Link to comment
Weezard 1 19. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli To kar si povedal ni vezano na magijo, magija je le orodje, je metodologija, je znanje, magija ni sistem. Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 25. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli http://www.houseofsutekh.org/vama_marga-kundalini.htm textič za analizo... Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 25. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli http://www.satyanandayoga.tara.si/knjigesistema.php knjigice za preštudirat.... Citiraj Link to comment
Guest 26. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Any path is only a pathThey all lead nowhereThe question is:Does this path have a heart? http://60sfurther.com/FantasyArt1/passionful.jpg Vama Marga in prebujanje kundalini(odlomek iz knjige Kundalini tantra)- Swami Satyananda Saraswati Spolno življenje je za človeštvo vedno predstavljalo težavo. Že od začetka zgodovine so prvinsko energijo razumeli napačno. Religiozni učitelji in moralisti so jo ožigosali. Pa vendar se je spolno življenje nadaljevalo, ne zato, ker ga človek spoštuje, ampak zato, ker ga potrebuje. Morda se mu hoče odreči, ne more pa ga odstraniti iz uma, kajti to je eden najmočnejših nagonov. V smislu joge in tantre splošna opredelitev spolnega življenja ni bistvena. Opredelitev je povsem neznanstvena in nepravilna. Obstajajočo definicijo so ustvarili hinavci in družba. Tisoče mladih ljudi je spravila v umobolnice. Kadar si želite nekaj, za kar mislite, da je slabo, se pojavijo razni kompleksi krivde. To je začetek shizofrenije in vsi smo do neke mere shizofreniki. Zato so jogiji poizkušali pravilno usmeriti spolni nagon. Joga se ne vmešava v spolno življenje. Normalno spolno življenje niti ni spiritualno niti nespiritualno. Če pa vadite jogo in obvladate določene tehnike, postane spolno življenje spiritualno. Seveda je spiritualno tudi življenje v celibatu. Leva tantra Znanost o tantri ima dve glavni veji, ki ju poznamo kot vama margo in dakshina margo. Vama marga je leva pot, ki združuje spolno življenje z jogijskimi praksami, njen namen pa je eksplozivno prebujanje spečih energijskih centrov. Dakshina marga je desna pot jogijskih praks brez uprizarjanja spolnosti. Prej so zaradi ovir v spolnem življenju najbolj široko sledili poti dakshina marge. Danes pa se te ovire hitro rušijo. Pot, ki jo ljudje povsod najbolj iščejo, je vama marga, ki za spiritualni razvoj uporablja spolno življenje. Po tantri ima spolno življenje trojni namen. Nekateri ga prakticirajo zaradi oplajanja, drugi zaradi zadovoljstva, tantrični jogi pa ga prakticira zaradi samadhija. Nanj nima nikakršnega negativnega pogleda. Izvaja ga kot del svoje sadhane. Istočasno pa se zaveda, da je treba za spiritualne namene izkušnjo vzdrževati. Običajno je ta izkušnja izgubljena, še preden jo lahko človek poglobi. Z obvladanjem določenih tehnik pa lahko neprekinjeno traja celo vse vsakodnevno življenje. Takrat se tihi centri možganov prebudijo in začnejo delovati ves čas. E, TO TO! Energijski princip Za vama margo velja, da je prebujenje kundalini možno s spolnim aktom med moškim in žensko. Koncept te trditve sledi istim zakonitostim kot proces fizije in fuzije, opisan v sodobni fiziki. Moški in ženska predstavljata pozitivno in negativno energijo. Na mentalni ravni predstavljata čas in prostor. Ti dve sili običajno stojita na nasprotnih polih. Med spolnim aktom pa se pomakneta iz svojih položajev polarnosti proti centru. Ko se v jedru ali centralni točki združita, pride do eksplozije. Začne se manifestirati materija. To je osnovna tema tantrične posvetitve. Naravni dogodek, ki se dogaja med moškim in žensko, velja za eksplozijo energijskih centrov. V vsakem delcu življenja je za stvaritev odgovorna združitev pozitivnega in negativnega pola. Istočasno je združitev pozitivnega in negativnega pola odgovorna tudi za razsvetljenje. Izkušnja do katere pride v času združitve, je višje izkušnje. Ta predmet so temeljito obravnavali v vseh starih tantričnih spisih. V resnici je proces usmerjanja te energije v višje centre pomembnejši od energijskih valov, ustvarjenih med vzajemnim združevanjem. Vsakdo ve kako se to energijo ustvari, nihče pa ne ve, kako jo usmeriti v višje centre. Resnično zelo malo ljudi polno in pozitivno razume ta naravni dogodek, ki ga doživlja skoraj vsakdo v svetu. Če bi lahko izkušnjo v zakonu, ki je v glavnem zelo prehodna, raztegnili na daljši čas, bi prišlo do izkušnje razsvetljenja. Elementa, ki ju v tem procesu združitve spravimo skupaj, poznamo kot . Shiva predstavlja prusho ali zavest, Shakti pa prakriti ali energijo. Shakti je v različnih oblikah prisotna v vseh stvaritvah. Kot Shakti poznamo tako snovno kot spiritualno energijo. Kadar se energija giblje navzven, je to snovna energija. Kadar je usmerjena navzgor, je spiritualna energija. Kadar se torej združitev med moškim in žensko izvaja na pravilen način, ima zelo pozitiven vpliv na razvoj spiritualnega zavedanja. http://www.greatdreams.com/shivat~1.gif Združevanje bindu Bindu pomeni točko ali kapljico. V tantri velja bindu za delček ali bivališče materije, za točko, iz katere postane vsa kreacija manifestna. V resnici je izvor bindu v višjih možganskih centrih, vendar zaradi razvoja čustev in strasti bindu pade v nižje področje, kjer se spremeni v spermo in jajčeca. Na višji ravni je bindu točka. Na nižji ravni je kaplja tekočine, ki kaplja in moškega in ženskega orgazma. Po tantri je ohranitev bindu absolutno nujna iz dveh razlogov. Prvič, proces obnovitve je mogoče izvesti le s pomočjo bindu. Drugi, vse spiritualne izkušnje se zgodijo, ko pride do eksplozije bindu. Rezultat te eksplozije je lahko kreacija misli ali česarkoli. Tantra zato priporoča določene prakse, s katerimi lahko moški partner ustavi ejakulacijo in zadrži bindu. Po tantri do ejakulacije ne sme priti. Moški se mora naučiti, kako jo lahko ustavi. Za ta namen mora moški partner izpopolniti vajroli mudre, prav tako tudi mooola bandhe in uddiyana bandhe. Ko izpopolni te tri kriye, je sposoben povsem zaustaviti ejakulacijo na katerikoli točki izkušnje. Spolni akt doseže vrhunec v določeni izkušnji, ki jo dosežete le v točki eksplozije energije. Če energija ne eksplodira, ne morete priti do izkušnje. Vendar pa je treba to izkušnjo vzdrževati tako da ostane raven energije visoka. Ko raven energije pade, pride do ejakulacije. Ejakulacije se torej izogibajte, ne toliko zaradi ohranitve semena, pač pa zato, ker povzroči upadanje ravni energije.Da bi to energijo prisilili k potovanju skozi hrbtenico navzgor, morate obvladati določene hatha yoga kriye. Izkušnjo, ki je spremljajoča okoliščina energije, morate dvigniti v višje centre. To lahko storite samo, če ste sposobni podaljšati in vzdrževati to izkušnjo. Vse dokler se izkušnja nadaljuje, jo lahko usmerjate v višje centre. Vendar pa, brž ko raven energije pade, neizogibno pride do ejakulacije. Ejakulacija zniža telesno temperaturo. Istočasno živčni sistem zastane. Zastoj simpatičnega in parasimpatičnega živčnega sistema vpliva na možgane. Prav zaradi tega ima veliko ljudi mentalne težave. Ko ste sposobni zadržati seme brez ejakulacije, se vzdržujeta energija v živčnem sistemu in temperatura v vsem telesu. Istočasno se osvobodite vseh občutkov izgube, depresivnosti, razočaranja in krivde. Zadrževanje vam tudi pomaga povečati spolno pogostost, kar je boljše za oba partnerja. Ni treba, da spolni akt ustvarja slabost ali razsipa energijo; nasprotno, postane lahko način eksplozije energije. Vrednosti zadrževanja bindu torej ne smemo podcenjevati. Zato v hatha yogi obstajajo določene prakse, ki jih morate izpopolniti. Začeti morate z asanami, kot so paschimottanasana, shalabhasana, vajrasana, supta vajrasana in siddhasana. Te asane so koristne ker povzročijo avtomatično krčenje nižjih centrov. Pomembna je tudi sirshasana, ker zrači možgane tako da so vse človekove izkušnje zdrave. Ko obvladate te položaje, izpopolnite tudi shambhavi mudro, da lahko mirno obdržite koncentracijo v bhrumadhyji. Nato morate prakticirati vajroli mudro, skupaj z moola bandho v kumbhaki. Med zadrževanjem ejakulacije je praksa kumbhake nujna. Zadrževanje diha in bindu gresta z roko v roki. Izguba kumbhake je izguba bindu in izguba bindu je izguba kumbhake. Ko vzdržujete izkušnjo, jo morate med kumbhako usmeriti v višje centre. Če ste sposobni ustvariti arhetip te izkušnje, morda v obliki kače ali bleščeče nepretrganosti, bo rezultat fantastičen. V spiritualnem življenju morate za vsako ceno ohraniti bindu. Ženska izkušnja V ženskem telesu je točka koncentracije v mooladhara čakri, ki leži v vratu maternice, tik za odprtino maternice. To je točka, v kateri se prostor in čas združita in eksplodirata v obliki izkušnje. To izkušnjo poznamo v navadnem jeziku kot orgazem, v jeziku tantre pa se imenuje prebuditev. Za vzdrževanje nepretrganosti te izkušnje je nujno, da pride v tej posebni bindu ali točki do izgradnje energije. Običajno se to ne zgodi, ker se eksplozija energije skozi spolni medij razsipa po vsem telesu. Da bi se temu izognila, mora biti ženska sposobna absolutne koncentracije uma na to posebno točko. To prakso poznamo kot sahajoli. Sahajoli je v resnici koncentracija na bindu, vendar je to zelo težko. Prakso sahajoli, kršenje vaginalnih in tudi materničnih mišic, je torej treba prakticirati dalj časa. Če se dekleta že zelo zgodaj naučijo uddiyana bandhe, bodo sčasoma čisto naravno izpolnila sahajoli. Uddiyana bandho vedno izvajamo z zunanjim zadrževanjem. Pomembno je, da ste jo sposobni narediti v kateremkoli položaju. Običajno se jo dela v siddha yoni asani, vendar jo morate biti sposobni narediti tudi v vajrasani ali vranjem položaju. Ko prakticirate uddiyana bandho, spontano pride do drugih dveh bandh - jalandhara in mooola bandhe. Po letih te prakse se bo izostril občutek koncentracije na pravo točko v telesu. Ta koncentracija je po naravi bolj mentalna, vendar pa jo je treba začeti iz neke fizične točke, ker je ni mogoče delati mentalno. Če se je ženska sposobna koncentrirati in vzdrževati nepretrganost izkušnje, lahko prebudi svojo energijo na višjo raven. Po tantri obstajata dve različni področji orgazma. Eden je v živčnem področju, ki je pri večini žensk običajna izkušnja, druga pa je v mooladhara čakri. Kadar med maithuno (aktom spolne združitve) izvajate sahajoli, se prebudi mooladhara čakra in pride do spiritualnega ali tantričnega orgazma. Ko je jogistka sposobna izvajati sahajoli na primer 5 do 15 minut, lahko za enak čas zadrži tantrični orgazem. Z zadrževanjem te izkušnje se tok energije obrne. Cirkulacija krvi in simpatične/parasimpatične sile se gibljejo navzgor. Na tej točki jogistka transcedentira normalno zavest in vidi svetlobo. Na ta način stopi v globoko stanje dhyane (meditacijske koncentracije). Če ženska ni sposobna izvajati sahajoli, ne more zadržati impulzov, ki so za tantrični orgazem nujni, in zato doživi živčni orgazem, ki je kratkotrajen, sledita pa mu nezadovoljstvo in izčrpanost. To je pogosto vzrok ženske histeričnosti in depresivnosti. Sahajoli je torej za ženske izjemno pomembna praksa. V uddiyani, nauliju, nauksani, vajrasani in siddha yoni asani se sahajoli pojavi na naraven način. Za poročene ženske je zelo pomembna praksa amarolija. Beseda amaroli pomeni "nesmrten". S to prakso se rešite mnogih bolezni. Če prakticirate amaroli dalj časa, proizvajate tudi pomemben hormon, ki ga poznamo kot prostaglandin, ki uniči jajčeca in prepreči zanositev. Tantrični guru Enako kot je v shemi kreacije Shakti ustvarjalka, Shiva pa priča vse igre, ima v tantri ženska položaj guruja in moški položaj učenca. Tantrično tradicijo dejansko prenaša ženska moškemu. V tantrični praksi je ženska tisti, ki inicira. Do akta maithune pride samo zaradi njene moči. Vse predpriprave opravi ona. Da znak na moževo čelo in mu pove, kje naj meditira. V običajnem aktu vodi agresivno vlogo moški, ženska pa sodeluje. V tantri pa se vlogi zamenjata. Ženska postane izvajalec, moški pa njen medij. Ona ga mora biti sposobna razvneti. Nato mora v pravem trenutku ustvariti bindu, da on lahko izvaja vajroli. Če moški izgubi svoj bindu, pomeni, da je ženska zatajila pri pravilni izvedbi svojih funkcij. V tantri velja, da je Shiva brez Shakti nesposoben. Shakti je duhovnica. Pri prakksi vama marge mora torej moški imeti absolutno tantričen odnos do ženske. Do nje se ne more obnašati, kot se običajno obnašajo moški do žensk. Kadar moški pogleda žensko, navadno postane strasten, med maithuno pa tega ne sme. Videti jo mora kot božansko mati, Devi, in se ji približati z odnosom predanosti in vdaje, ne pa s strastjo. Po tantričnem konceptu so ženske bolj obdarjene s spiritualnimi kvalitetami, zato bi bilo pametno, da bi jim dovolili zavzeti višji položaj v družbenih zadevah. Takrat bi bilo na vseh področjih življenja več lepote, usmiljenja, ljubezni in razumevanja. Kar tukaj obravnavamo, ni patriarhalna družba proti matriarhalni, temveč tantra, še posebej leva tantra.Pot jogijev in ne bhogijev V tantri je praksa maithune najlažji način prebujanja sushumne, ker vključuje dejanje, ki ga je večina ljudi že vajena. Vendar pa je, odkrito rečeno, zelo malo ljudi pripravljenih za to pot. Običajni spolni akt ni maithuna. Fizični akt je morda isti, ozadje pa je povsem različno. V aktu med možem in ženo je na primer odvisnost in posesivnost, v tantri pa sta oba partnerja neodvisna. Naslednja težka stvar v tantrični sadhani je negovanje odnosa brezstrastnosti. Človek mora resnično postati brahmacharya, da osvobodi um in čustva spolnih misli in strasti, ki se normalno dvignejo. Preden izvaja maithuno, morata biti oba partnerja absolutno prečiščena ter pod notranjim in zunanjim nadzorom. To navaden človek težko dojame, ker je za večino ljudi spolni akkt poslledica strasti ter fizične ali čustvene privlačnosti, za zagotavljanje potomstva in zadovoljstva. Teh instinktivnih nagonov ni samo takrat, ko ste prečiščeni. Prav zato morate, glede na tradicijo, veliko let slediti poti dakshina marge, preden lahko stopite na pot vama marge. Takrat do akta maithune ne pride zaradi fizičnega užitka. Namen je zelo jasen - prebujanje sushumne, dviganje energije kundalini iz mooladhara čakre in eksplodiranje nezavednih področij možganov. Če vam to ni jasno, ko delate kriye in se aktivira sushumna, se ne boste mogli soočiti s prebuditvijo. Ne boste mogli nadzirati strasti in vznemirjenja, ker niste umirili svojih možganov. Zato so po mojem mišljenju za vama margo usposobljeni samo strokovnjaki v jogi. Te poti ne smete uporabiti tja v tri dni kot pretvezo za popuščanje samim sebi. Namenjena je zrelim in resno mislečim sadhakam, ki so družinski poglavarji, so razviti, ter so prakticirali sadhano, da prebudijo energijski potencial in dosežejo samadhi. To pot morajo uporabiti kot prevozno sredstvo prebujenja, sicer postane pot propada. 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Weezard 1 27. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Zato v hatha yogi obstajajo določene prakse, ki jih morate izpopolniti. Začeti morate z asanami, kot so paschimottanasana, shalabhasana, vajrasana, supta vajrasana in siddhasana. Te asane so koristne ker povzročijo avtomatično krčenje nižjih centrov. Pomembna je tudi sirshasana, ker zrači možgane tako da so vse človekove izkušnje zdrave. Ko obvladate te položaje, izpopolnite tudi shambhavi mudro, da lahko mirno obdržite koncentracijo v bhrumadhyji. Nato morate prakticirati vajroli mudro, skupaj z moola bandho v kumbhaki. Med zadrževanjem ejakulacije je praksa kumbhake nujna. Zadrževanje diha in bindu gresta z roko v roki. Izguba kumbhake je izguba bindu in izguba bindu je izguba kumbhake.Ma ko pa preberem tole me pa vse mine ej...Na splošno mam zelo velik odpor to te vzhodnjaške literature in to iz enga samga razloga, k morjo za vsako stvar uporablat svoj ku...v pojem. Shakti, Shiva, paschimottanasana, shalabhasana, žbljsana, grnkqwesana, ............. ma kr neki ej, kako si bo člowk vse to zapomnu. Kukr, da ne morjo razložit na enostaven način. Sej pametne stvari pišejo, sam me pa vse mine, k je vsaka druga beseda en žblj. Citiraj Link to comment
Weezard 1 27. marec 2006 Prijavi Deli Slikca (uno stopnišče) je pa fuuuuuuuuuuul huda Citiraj Link to comment
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