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A že obvladaš paschimottanasana, shalabhasana, vajrasana, supta vajrasana, siddhasana, sirshasana, shambhavi mudro, bhrumadhyji, vajroli mudro, moola bandho IN kumbhako ? x:Dx
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nee.. x:o)x ti se hecaš, ampak meni se ne zdi trapasto ,čeprav je z vzhoda... tiste vaje za kundalini bom ziher delala, pa tisto knjigo si moram nabavit... jaz zelo resno hočem doseči popolno pretočnost in ful energije. x:Ix
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Men se ne zdijo vzhodnjaške tehnike prov nič napačne, sam ni mi všeč njihovo poimenovanje - nikol si ne morem zapomnit vseh teh indijskih imen in pol težko prebiram tako literaturo.

Sam študiram "zahodnjaško" tehniko, ki se ji reče NEW in se ravno tako ukvarja z gradnjo energijskega sistema, sam, da se to počne brez vseh teh mistificiranih pojmov in izrazov.

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Prvi link je točno to, kar ne maram brat x:)x

Drugi link pelje na lušno stran, sam bolj malo o kundalini yogi.

Tretji link mi je pa všeč, so gor vaje k se jih bom po moje kr lotu.

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Weezardu x:)x :


Napisal si:

Ma ko pa preberem tole me pa vse mine ej...

Na splošno mam zelo velik odpor to te vzhodnjaške literature in to iz enga samga razloga, k morjo za vsako stvar uporablat svoj ku...v pojem. Shakti, Shiva, paschimottanasana, shalabhasana, žbljsana, grnkqwesana, ............. ma kr neki ej, kako si bo člowk vse to zapomnu. Kukr, da ne morjo razložit na enostaven način. Sej pametne stvari pišejo, sam me pa vse mine, k je vsaka druga beseda en žblj.


Men se ne zdijo vzhodnjaške tehnike prov nič napačne, sam ni mi všeč njihovo poimenovanje - nikol si ne morem zapomnit vseh teh indijskih imen in pol težko prebiram tako literaturo.

Sam študiram "zahodnjaško" tehniko, ki se ji reče NEW in se ravno tako ukvarja z gradnjo energijskega sistema, sam, da se to počne brez vseh teh mistificiranih pojmov in izrazov.


Vse asane so poimenovane v sanskrtskem jeziku. Imena teh asan se vsekakor ni potrebno učiti. Bolje je, da se v eno asano poglobiš (na primer supta vajrasana) in vsakič ko se je lotiš si v mislih rečeš: Zdaj bom šel delati supta vajrasano! Prav tako lahko to ime uporabiš v svojem iniciacijskem dnevniku, na primer:


Ko sem končal z supta vajrasano sem se lotil nadi shodhana pranayame. Po končanju tega sem nekako začutil povečano kreativnost in preusmeritev spolne energije v možgane. To bo koristilo v moje spiritualne namene,.....


Prav tako obstajajo tudi nekakšen prevodi v slovenski jezik in lahko prav tako uporabljaš te:


Supta vajrasana: položaj speče strele

Paschimottanasana: položaj za raztezanje hrbta

Shalabhasana: položaj kobilice

Vajrasana: Položaj strele

Siddhasana: izpopolnjeni položaj za moške

Sirshasana: levji položaj

Shambhavi mudra: strmenje v center med obrvema

Vajroli mudra: drža strele

Moola bandha: krčenje presredka

Kumbhaka: zadrževanje diha


in tako naprej.........


Ta imena je dobro poznati saj lahko tako veš kaj iskati oz. se na internetu in tudi v knjigah uporabljajo ta imena o teh asanah, mudrah, bandhah in drugih. Sanskrt je "jezik bogov" v katerem je zapisana večina jogijskih tekstov.

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• Establishment of a Daily Meditative Discipline as the Foundation of Initiation


• Proper Posture and Freeing the Body of Inhibiting Blockades


• Establishment of an Appropriate Bodily Training Regimen


• Proper Breath Control


• Mental Training to Enhance Wakefulness, Attention, and Concentration, Strengthening of the Will and Emotional Stability



• Learning to Silence the Mind's Verbal Thought Patterns and Mental Clutter


• Developing a Daily Practice of Self-Observation and Motivational Analysis


• Study of Karmic Patterns in the Student's Life: Discovering Who You Really Are


• Creating a Sacred Space or Temple


• Keeping an Initiatory Journal as a Means of Self-Observation and

Charting Personal Progress


• Deprogramming and Deconditioning from Unconscious Influences


• Learning to Abandon Habitual Behaviors Destructive to Initiatory Development


• Removing Superfluous Baggage and Extraneous Entanglements in Your Life


• Making Your Entire Life an Initiatory Experience


• Deepening and Expansion of Meditative Practice


• Cultivation of Non-Verbal and Transrational Thought Processes and Communication


• Cultivation of Nondualist Thought and Understanding


• Practices Leading to Conscious Dissolution of the Ego

• Detecting and Combating Delusion and Self-Inflation


• Dying While Alive: Coming to Terms with Death and Impermanence


• Preparing for the Persistence of Consciousness at the Moment of Death


• Shakti: Understanding and Awakening the Feminine Power


• Transgression: Breaking of Taboo, Personal Boundaries, Fears, and Phobias


• Developing a Heroic Disposition


• Lila : Divine Play as Liberator (How to Stop Taking Your “Self” too Seriously)


• The Deliberate Courting of Disrepute, Stigma and Anathema as Tools of Liberation


• The Practice of Sorcery and Magic as Manifestations of the Siddhis and Manipulation of Maya


• Yantra and Sigil as Tools of Consciousness Alteration


• Skrying and Other Oracular and Divinatory Skills


• Bharaivi : Confronting Divine Fear and Terror as Initiatory Tools of Self-Overcoming


• Spiritual Retreats and Pilgrimages


• Exploration of the Subtle Body and Working with Subtle Energies


• Self-Healing


• Opposite-Doing: Overcoming Personal Likes and Dislikes• Exploring Out of Body Experiences


• Mantra and Sonic Magic


• Arousal of Kundalini


• Handling the Tensions Caused by Awakening in a Sleepwalking World


• Autoerotic Consciousness Altering Exercises


• Using Orgasm as a Consciousness-Altering Tool


• Cultivating Bodily Control in Left-Hand Path Rites


Unlike other methods of esoteric training which continue indefinitely with no clear conclusion, the Liberation in This Lifetime process is aimed at the accomplishment of a realizable goal.



a high degree of


• Discipline

• Dedication

• Hard work

• Concentration

• Consistent Application

• Life's Experience

• Karmic Responsibility

• Honesty



over the age of 21 (at the very minimum) . Since activation of the sinister current is a psycho-physiological phenomenon requiring full development of the brain, nervous system, and body, physical maturation of the physical vessel is necessary. Younger people should usually first develop the emotional stability and clarity of thought gained through meditative practice, yoga, study, and devotional exercises (the right-hand path) before proceeding to the sinister way. As a point of fact, although this form of initiation is recommended to those over the age of 21, the teachers have noted that profound and rapid progress usually doesn't occur until one is in his or her late 20s or early 30s and after several years of the aforementioned practices. The practices of the left-hand path, including transgressive and heroic action, cultivation of the universal feminine energy (Shakti), and initiation performed with a sexual consort, can only be effectively realized in a fully developed, experienced, and stable adult body and mind. Paradoxically, before the ego can be transcended, a solid sense of self must be formed in the first place, which does not fully occur until well after adolescence.


• of sound mental and physical health . Since awakening the sinister current requires the cultivation of potentially disturbing altered states of consciousness, mental training, and physical stamina, prospective initiates must begin with a solid foundation of mental and physical fitness. Although mental and bodily ailments are often caused by spiritual imbalances and karmic debts, and can often be corrected though spiritual advancement, chronic and consistent maladies are best tended to before engaging in sinister current practice. Without sound nutrition, sufficient sleep, regular exercise and psychological stability, left-hand path practice can easily degenerate into neurotic escapism rather than a realization of core reality. It is not inappropriate to compare preparation for the left-hand path to the groundwork needed before engaging in athletic training. Left-hand path initiates recognize their bodies as a Temple of Nine Gates. A sacred respect for maintaining the body's physical condition is required before the Divine can be summoned to the Temple.

• enjoying healthy relations with the opposite sex. Since the practice of left-hand path initiation requires that a state of nondual awakening is realized through consistent sex-yogic union with a consort of the opposite sex, it is necessary that your relations with the opposite gender are sound, healthy, and free of neurosis or the egotistically motivated jealous desire to possess. Individuals whose opposite gender relations are tainted by sexism, misogyny, or rigid codes of what constitutes “correct” male and female behavior are not suited to the sinister current. Liberation requires transcendence of all opposites, including dissolving the illusory dualism of gender through ecstatic sexual union. Reverence of your sexual consort as a physical expression of the divine is the key to the sinister current. The left-hand path is ultimately an expression of cosmic Love in its highest mode, the realization of an underlying blissful unity. The shallow social traps of projection, insecurity, grasping, and destructive desire which often pass for “love” in secular society are not comparable. Put simply, narcissistic individuals incapable of truly loving others are incapable of liberation.






The Sinister Current: Everything You Know is Wrong!


The Sinister Current: An Universal Ur-Religion


On the contrary, the archaic feminine sinister current appears to have been the Ur-religion of humanity, perhaps the original impetus of all spiritual development. The sinister current is a specific universal spiritual and physiological phenomenon manifesting in almost all human cultures and religious traditions. An informed study of comparative religion and world mythology reveals that the sinister current can be discovered as a powerful subterranean stream flowing through most spiritual systems of initiation, sometimes in a subtle and hidden form, sometimes quite blatantly.


Therefore the Liberation in This Lifetime course does not restrict itself to only one cultural expression of the sinister current, but draws useful techniques and practices from a wide spectrum of spiritual technologies.



The Sinister Current: Not Only Eastern Tantra


The Sinister Current: Not Satanism or Black Magic



The worship of the feminine principle, the anti-materialistic and transcendental nature of the practice, nondualism, the practice of meditation, physical, mental, and spiritual fitness, the development of compassion and transpersonal love that comes with enlightenment, communication with divine forces, the radical measures taken to eradicate the individual ego so that one's innate union with the divine may be realized –


A Sinister Current Without Sex?


One of the primary reasons why liberation in this lifetime can be realized more rapidly for those who have aligned themselves with the sinister current is that a specific physiological and spiritual exchange occurs through the union of sacred sexuality that can only be transmitted through intercourse.

Left-hand path sexual rites performed when both partners are in an awakened state of consciousness are celebrations of self-deification, in which human beings bring the ecstatic sexual couplings of the divine realm into the mortal world.

Through the rite of maithuna, left-hand path couples can carnally and spiritually embody the union of such divine consorts as Shiva and Shakti, Seth and Astarte, Woden and Freya, etc., thus elevating their consciousness to a nondual level of transformative ecstasy that occurs outside the boundaries of time and space. Mortal flesh, condemned by the majority of contemporary religions as an obstacle to spiritual development, or a necessary evil needed for procreation purposes, is experienced in the left-hand path as the living gateway to the divine.


The universal sinister tradition of the initiated human couple transcending duality through sexual union and thus becoming a third sacred presence is exemplified in the West by such semi-mythical pairs of consorts as Helen and Faust, Simon Magus and Helene, the magician Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and many others.


An important clarification for the prurient: Although the Liberation in This Lifetime course provides detailed guidance in the practice of left-hand path sexual rites, the training does not include sexual contact between teachers and student.



The experience of enlightened sexual union is one of the central mysteries of the left-hand path, a numen that no words can possibly do justice. Which provides us with a convenient point of departure to exit the logical limitations of verbal thought and invoke the far more illuminating power of silence ...








Utter the phrase "sex magic" and the response of most will be a titillated smirk and a vision of wild orgies. A few who have managed to plow through any of the handful of obscurantist texts on the subject might get a visual of some joyless ascetic sweating bullets as he strives to avoid having an orgasm.

Until this year, the only truly lucid book on the subject was Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger's Sexual Secrets, first published in 1979 and rereleased with additional color plates in a 20th-anniversary edition. That book has sold more than a million copies and it's a fine introduction to the subject, but it's also hopelessly vanilla, mired as it is in a white-light Weltanschauung.


Now two authentic enfants terribles of the Satan Circuit have published the definitive guide to sexual alchemy, Demons of the Flesh: The Complete Guide to Left Hand Path Sex Magic (Creation Books, 398 pages, $19.95). Authors Nikolas and Zeena Schreck have been major players on the Dark Side of the Street for decades. Zeena was born into it: as the daughter of misanthropic con artist Anton LaVey, she was the first child baptized into his cash-cow Church of Satan. She parted company with her father and his enterprise (which she now refers to as the "Crutch of Satan") sometime before her mother, Diane Hegarty, finally got sick of the bitter old coot's abuses and sued for divorce, driving the Church of Satan into bankruptcy.






Nik has authored a fine book on Satan and Satanism in the movies and edited a nifty collection of Satanic essays, poems and stories and a great collection of the wit and wisdom of Charles Manson. He also directed a documentary film, Charles Manson Superstar (currently available on DVD), which contains the best interview with Charlie I've ever seen. It's unique in the fact that Nikolas knows enough about his subject to ask the right questions.


Most recently, the couple parted company with the Temple of Set just six weeks after Zeena was appointed the organization's High Priestess. It seems to have been a case of an irresistible force meeting an immovable object. They currently reside in Berlin .


The nature of magic is clearly stated by the authors in the very first chapter, as they introduce the reader to the Vama Marga Tantra of India :

"It is a keystone of our understanding of magic's underlying identity with maya that magic is not a comfortable niche to be settled into forever. Instead, it is a transitional vehicle, a means to an end. Magic can be the awakening agent that frees its practitioner from certain illusions, allowing the flash of insight that transcends all philosophical inquiry. Through magic, the mind can learn that there is not one indisputable reality. There is an endless multiplicity of realities... The direct confrontation with maya that sorcery allows might be said to be magic's primary objective. It is this confrontation that permits the sorcerer to viscerally understand how deeply his or her shifting subjective overlays influence that which he or she perceives–an understanding that may hasten the transformation of human sentience to divine consciousness."



The Schrecks have been around the block a few times, and have more than a few pithy things to say about the Western tendency to exploit this phenomenon for petty personal gain.

They offer an excellent critique of Aleister Crowley and the various museum-piece fraternities dedicated to preserving his legacy.

Crowley is probably the best-known Western practitioner of sex magic, but his various personal pathologies and his inability to control them did a great disservice to the technology.

There are numerous admonitions and warnings scattered throughout Demons of the Flesh, especially as regards the kind of parasitic exploitation that was Crowley 's specialty.


This is the Schrecks' most refined and accomplished work. Meticulous research, extensive citations of original source documents and a witty, modern approach including the latest clinical research on the physiological effects of these practices enliven this book and place it at the top of the reading list for anyone interested in the subject. It presents not merely history and technique, but a worldview and a way of life, a path to personal liberation much needed in a world that increasingly resembles the "Black Iron Prison" of Philip K. Dick's less pleasant revelations. Extreme conditions require extreme responses.




An excerpt from Demons of the Flesh may be read on peter r-koenigs website at:

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Neverjetno, kako so si magijske šole med seboj podobne... po tem, kar vidim napisanega o "Liberation in this Lifetime" lahko rečm - nič novega, ampak ne v slabem smislu. Zanimivo bi bilo prebrati to knjigo, čeprav mam filing, da sem o 80% stvareh že bral.


Advaita, si ti že prebral to knjigo? Mislm, da je materiala v tej knjigi dovolj za life-long prakso x;)x

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meni se zdijo zgornji napotki fenomenalno jasni in praktični, to pa je edino kar rabim, teorije imam pouhen kuuufer. x:Dx


ma the best x:px

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ej, W.. x:Dx material v tej knjigi je za lajf-long prakso? hočeš rečt, da je knjiga dovolj obsežna da bi jo bral celo življenje, ali kako? :inocent:
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Knjiga ima 486 strani in je res knjiga, katero bi jo moral prebrati vsak preden bi začel stopati po levi poti. Knjiga je napisana v težki angleščini in zato ni dovolj znanje srednje šolske angleščine. Avtorja sta se zelo potrudila pri pisanju te knjige in jo mnogi hvalijo.


Da bi jo bral celo življenje? x:Dx Tako kot si rekla Diana lahko knjigo bereš celo življenje, če si dovolj počasen, kakor velja tudi za druge knjige.

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ampak zakaj bi šele v naslednjem lajfu? po moje si me mal narobe razumela... hotu sm sam povedat, da je prakse tok velik oz. cilj prakse tak, da bi rabu cel life, da bi vse te cilje dosegu, pač odvisn od posameznika, eni bi/bojo/bomo mogoče rabl tud več lajfov...


treba je najt ta prav balans med prakticiranjem in razširjnanjem obzorja - morta it skupaj z roko v roki x:px x:)x

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ahaaaaaaaa... imaš prav spet, ah. x:Ix mislim da sem odpuljena, jutri grem na post za pretok energij, ker tole je šlo že čez vse meje v dveh-treh dneh sem se zredila za en kg , počutje temu primerno. :inocent: :inocent: vrh vsega tega pa je, da se počutim prav neverjetno stabilna psihično in fizično (strahovi grejo v kurac)





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