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Mene so učili...ko se spermij in jajčece združita...tralala...Torej otroku dasta življenje ženska in moški. Tudi pri umetnih oploditvah mora biti semenčece od moškega...V partnerskih odnosih je vse 50: 50...torej naj bi tudi pri vzgoji bilo tako...Pa recimo da od oka gledano je lahko tudi +/- v procentih; malo gore- dole...energijsko gledano pa ta številka ostaja...Iz tega sledi, da z neko teorijo ne bo vse štimal...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png Pa prosim ne mi omenjat indijančkov, če ne poznate njihove miselnosti, navad in ne vem kaj še vse v celoti oz. v večjem delu...Se mi zdi, da se tukaj malo preveč poudarja žensko plat in zaničuje moško. In spet smo pri vzorcih...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png In ja, ženska ima v nekaterih vlogah večjo odgovornost (nosečnost), prav tako kot moški pri drugih...zato pa obstajata dva spola...Ko bo pa moški lahko postal noseč, rodil otroka, itd., bo pa mogoče kaj drugače...Ampak do takrat se bo moral malo fiziološko spremeniti, tudi notranje organe, ker današnja anatomija tega pač ne omogoča....http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Al ne znajo štet al pa se malo preveč hvalijo...Mogoče pa celo res furajo hitrejši delavni tempo kot vsi kitajčki...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png Koliko nul ima ziljon oz. 10 na koliko je to...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif Zgleda da še nisem v razredu kjer se učijo matematiko o tej številki...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Ja, gospodična Lili kako kaj vaš engleski...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png A nisem zgoraj lepo omenil, da je vse odvisno koliko se misli kdo spuščat v globino pri razumevanju vzrokov...Zgoraj so omenjeni glavni vzroki...kdor seveda razume o čem se gre...omenjeni so tudi kolektivni možni dejavniki...tako kot ima človek družinsko, skupinsko in ne vem še kakšno karmo, tako te stvari vplivajo na vsa področja njegovega življenja...Gre se za zapise v auri in njegove reakcije na določene dražljaje...Ali na kratko povedano podzavest...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png Skratka priporočam, da se držimo "zemeljskih" razlag in uradne medicine in pustimo ezoterične bajke na miru...ker ne bo nobenemu nič jasno, če se še osnovnih stvari ne razume...te stvari so tudi za moje pojme malo too much...pač višji razredi nad mojim...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png Misel... To act wisely when the time for action comes, to wait patiently when it is time for repose, put man in accord with the tides. Ignorance of this law results in periods of unreasoning enthusiasm on the one hand, and depression on the other.... http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Sem celo malo pogooglal kaj pravijo ezoterične bajke...pa ker me engleski malo matra, upam da sem pripopal prave delčke...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png II. Depression or its polar opposite, hilarity. When we touch on the subject of depression we are dealing with something so widespread that few escape its attacks. It is like a miasma, a fog which environs the man and makes it impossible for him to see clearly, walk surely, and cognize Reality. It is part of the great astral illusion and, if this is grasped, it will become apparent why depression exists, for the cause of it is either astral or physical and incident to a world situation or a personal situation. We might therefore study depression in individuals and look at its causes. It is caused by: [307] 1. The world glamor. This sweeps an isolated unit, otherwise free from individual conditions producing depression, into the depths of a world reaction. This world glamor with its devitalizing and depressing results has its roots in various factors which we have only the time to briefly indicate: Astrological factors, either affecting the planetary chart and hence individuals, or primarily racial. These two factors are oft overlooked. The path of the sun in the heavens. The southern path tends to a lowered vibratory influence and aspirants should bear this in mind in autumn and the early winter months. The dark half of the moon, the period towards the end of the waning moon, and the early new moon. This, as you well know, affects the meditation work. Psychological factors and mass inhibitions due undoubtedly to forces external to the planet and to plans, obscure in their intent to ordinary humanity. These forces, playing upon the human race, affect the most sensitive; they in their turn affect their environment and gradually a momentum is established which sweeps through a race or a nation, through a period or a cycle of years, and produces conditions of profound depression and of mutual distrust. It causes a sad self-absorption and this we term a panic or a wave of unrest. The fact that the working out may be military, economic, social or political, that it may take the form of a war, of a religious inquisition, of financial stringency or international distrust is incidental. The causes lie back in the blue prints of the evolutionary process and are governed - even if unrealized - by the good Law. [308]2. Astral polarization. Just as long as a man identifies himself with his emotional body, just as long as he interprets life in terms of his moods and feelings, just as long as he reacts to desire, just so long will he have his moments of despair, of darkness, of doubt, of dire distress, and of depression. They are due to delusion, to the glamor of the astral plane, which distorts, reverses and deceives. There is no need to dwell on this. If there is one factor aspirants recognize it is the need of freeing themselves from the Great Illusion. Arjuna knew this, yet succumbed to despair. Yet in his hour of need, Krishna failed him not, but laid down in the Gita the simple rules whereby depression and doubt can be overcome. They may be briefly summarized as follows: Know thyself to be the undying One. Control thy mind, for through that mind the undying One can be known. Learn that the form is but the veil which hides the splendor of Divinity. Realize that the One Life pervades all forms so that there is no death, no distress, no separation. Detach thyself therefore from the form side and come to Me, so dwelling in the place where Light and Life are found. Thus illusion ends.It is his astral polarization which lays a man open to his many emotional reactions and to waves of mass feeling of any kind. This is the cause of his being swept into that vortex of uncontrolled energy and misdirected emotional force which eventuates in a world war, a financial panic, a religious revival, or a lynching. It is this also that raises him to the heights of hilarity and of spurious happiness in which the "light deceptive" of the astral plane uncovers to him false sources of amusement, or the mass hilarity - owing to his sensitivity - sweeps him into that hysterical condition which finds its vent [309] in unrestrained merriment and which is the opposite pole of unrestrained weeping. I refer not here to true merriment nor the proper sense of humor, but to those hysterical outbreaks of hilarity which are so common among the rank and file of humanity and lead to reactions of fatigue. 3. A devitalized condition of the physical body. This is due to various causes, such as: A depleted etheric or vital body. Physical disease, either inherent or brought over from another life, accidental, or due to wrong emotional reactions, or produced as the result of group karma, such as an epidemic. Atmospheric. This is sometimes overlooked, but the condition of the atmosphere, the nature of the climate, the density, humidity or dryness, the heat or cold have a definite effect upon the psychological outlook.You will find, if you study, that all subsidiary and temporary causes of depression and its opposite can be grouped under one of these three heads, and when one has ascertained the cause, the cures will become apparent. I have dealt somewhat at length with the two first manifestations of astral force - Fear - fear of death, of the future, of suffering, of failure, and the many lesser fears to which humanity is subject - and Depression - because these two fears constitute for man the Dweller on the Threshold in this age and cycle. Both of them indicate sentient reaction to psychological factors and cannot be dealt with by the use of another factor such as courage. They must be met by the omniscience of the soul working through the mind, - not by its omnipotence. In this is to be found an occult hint. I shall not deal with the other factors listed, such as desire for happiness, for the satisfaction of the animal appetites, and [310] for liberation, for these do not constitute for the majority such a problem as the first two. One could write at length on the manifestation and the cause of all these, but when fear and depression are overcome, the race will enter into its heritage of happiness, of true satisfaction (of which the cravings above indicated are but the symbols) and of liberation. Let us deal with the basic evils first. Once they have been dominated all that remains is right orientation and polarization in the soul. We will next consider the overcoming of wrong vibration in the astral body and the use of astral energy in the right direction. We have been dealing at length with the subject of the astral or sentient body, and have considered the various wrong ways in which it makes its presence felt. Humanity vibrates primarily in one or other of these ways, and the sentient body of the average human being is scarcely ever free from some mood, some fear, some excitement. This has provided a condition whereby the solar plexus center is abnormally developed. In the bulk of humanity the sacral center and the solar plexus govern the life, and that is why desire for material living and for the sex life are so closely blended. The solar plexus in the animal is the brain and governs all the instinctual reactions, but is not so closely allied with the purely sex expression as it is in the human being. When the brain is becoming sensitive to the awakening mind and is not so entirely occupied with the mechanism which registers sensory impression, we shall have the orientation which will eventually raise the consciousness into those centers which lie above the diaphragm. The solar plexus will then again be relegated to its old function as a directing agent of the purely instinctual animal life. For the advanced pupil in the world, the solar plexus is largely the organ of psychic sensitivity and will remain so until the higher psychic powers supersede the lower [311] and man functions as a soul. Then the sensory life will drop below the threshold of consciousness.
Jaz nisem razsvetljen...uradna medicina bi vas vse linčala, ker učite krivo vero...za njih valjda...kar preberite si kaj je duševnost...bipolarna motnja...bla bla bla...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png
Zdaj vsaj vemo, da vse izvira iz otroštva in ne stika s samim s sabo...To se pravi, da so za naše depresivno stanje v državi in državljanov krivci njihovo otroštvo in vzgoja...Uf, pa sem že mislil, da imata svoj delež tudi recesija, brezposelnost, pomanjkanje denarja, izkoriščanje delavcev in ne vem kaj še vse...hvala, da ste me razsvetlili...sedaj dajte pa še malo razsvetlit "depresivno" družbo...da ne bodo več tako črnogledi...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Gospa Iknee razloži to tistim, ki učijo psihologijo, psihoterapevtom in ne vem še komu...to je uradna verzija, ki smo se jo tudi mi učili...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png http://lifestyle.enaa.com/Zdravje/Zdravo-zivljenje/Najpogostejsi-vzroki-za-depresijo-in-kako-si-pomagati.html Drugače je bilo pa že med posti omenjeno, da poznamo različne vrste depresije- lažjo, srednjo, težko...šele težke se ponavadi zdravi...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png Ne bi glih rekel, da depresivci odklopijo stik s čustvi, ker če bi se odklopli od žalosti potem ne bi bili depresivni...torej bi bilo bolj smotrno reči, da podležejo čustvu ala žalost, črnogledost, negativnost, ipd...Obstajajo namreč tudi ljudje, ki ne izražajo čustev pa zaradi tega še niso depresivci...No ja, razen če ni bilo mišljeno, da odklopijo samo nekatera boleča čustva (potlačijo), ampak zaradi tega se še ne postane depresivc...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png
Burek? Znanost, umetnost in mojstrovina!http://www.delo.si/zgodbe/nedeljskobranje/burek-znanost-umetnost-in-mojstrovina.html
Razloži...definiraj...pojasni...Zakaj lahko zelo stabilno, odprto, radostno osebo smrt partnerja, starša al pa otroka čisto sesuje...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png
Tudi ko smo v stiku s samim s sabo, smo vsi lahko na dobri poti k depresiji iz kakršnega koli razloga/ vzroka...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png Vprašanje je v kolikšni meri je človek v "stiku sam s seboj" in ali je to dovolj...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png Najpogostejši vzroki za depresijo v zadnjem času: -izguba službe -smrt partnerja, otroka, v družini -spolne težave -neplodnost -osamljenost zaradi različnihv zrokov, lahko tudi zaradi odselitve otrok... -drugo
A jesen v praksi tudi obstaja, sem mislil, da je to samo teorija...Meni praksa zadnje čase kaže samo poletje in zimo...sem že par dni nazaj študiral kapca ja ali ne...In kot pravijo nekateri new agerji, pihanje vetriča (burje), je samo božanje angelčkov...zdaj naj pa to omenijo še zdravniku, ko se bodo prehladili in bodo lahko šli še na kakšen remont ala psihiatrija...Sicer pa ne vem kaj se nekateri pritožujejo, saj so že pričel ogrevat...zdaj pa šparat dinarčke za ogrevanje...in spet bo manj kavic, krofkov, cigaret, itd...veseli december je seveda izjema...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Mene so kao sveti človečki v cerkvici učili, da Bog upravlja z vremenom...torej je treba veliko molit, če se hoče lepo vreme, ampak če Bog pravi rastlince rabijo dežek, potem lahko tudi ščije cel teden...poplave, plazovi ipd. so pa kao stranski učinek...ali kot bi rekli američani "collateral damage"...Jap, čudna so pota Gospodova, tudi pri vremenu...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Ovi lijekovi uništavaju vaše zdravlje i mogu dovesti do smrti!http://www.dnevno.hr/zdravlje/97814-ovi-lijekovi-unistavaju-vase-zdravlje-i-mogu-dovesti-do-smrti.html
Gospa Ceres spet govorite "budalavštine"...to bi pa ja morali vedeti, če ste brali take ezoteričlne bukvice kot ste se hvalili...Kot prvo človek sploh ne more opisovati nivojev, ki so nad "razsvetljencem" dokler sam v zavestnem stanju ne postane tak...Kot drugo pojem srce ima na višjih nivojih omejitve in ni primeren, take metafore uporabljamo v zemeljski šoli, ker boljših ne poznamo...itd...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png Sedaj pa nazaj k depresiji...pojem alternativa je zelo širok...povečini se tudi v alternativi uporablja definicija uradne medicine...Prav rako je tudi pojem "ezoterika" zelo širok pojem...načeloma ne spada glih pod alternativo čeprav se uporabljajo določene zadevce iz tega, tudi določeni pristopi...Ravno zaradi tega je treba točno (bolj natančno) definirat kaj se misli pod alternativo in v kateri smeri koga kaj zanima...Drugače lahko vzame kar enciklopedije in začne pri črki A...Nekaj podobnega je celo Iknee nakazala...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Einstein je enkrat izjavil "Samo dve stvari sta brezmejni- vesolje in človeška neumnost, ampak za vesolje nisem 100% prepričan"....http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Tehnično gledano...če se gleda (večina ljudi nima teh sposobnosti oz. se take informacije ne razotkrivajo kar tako, zato ta možnost odpade) svoje prejšnje life, to v bistvu ni iskanje zunaj sebe, ampak znotraj sebe...kopanje in brskanje po lastni podzavesti...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png Vse zunanje oblike iskanja slej kot prej pripeljejo do notranjih iskanj...tako da na nek način so koristne, na neki določeni stopnji...in spet smo pri višji- nižji, kakšen način pri komu ubrat glede na njegovo miselnost, itd...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Odvisno kako globoko se hoče nekdo spuščat...ali verjame v prejšnje life ali ne...sprožilci so lahko tudi polna luna, mrki, planetki...a ni logično...a se niste nič naučil iz astro bajk...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png Danes je med največjimi kao vzroki za depresijo osamljenost, pomanjkanje denarja, nizka samopodoba...Zgornja vprašanja so zastavljena preveč široko, treba jih je malo bolj omejiti oz. postaviti bolj specifično...bolj za zemeljske človečke (večina ljudi)...Kdor pa hoče sci- fi bajke pa lahko začne pri karmi in prejšnjih lifeih...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Take zgodbice imam najraje, da so za depresijo krivci drugi ljudje...al pa mačke, pasi, koze, magične kugle, ćupakabrije in ne vem kaj še vse...tudi jaz ne vem več kaj naj si mislim o tem kar Iknee piše...polušamanske bajke... http://www.sherv.net/cm/emo/laughing/giggling.gif
Kakšna žalitev...nekateri žabarji so tudi zmije, konji, osli, volkovi, raki, škorpijoni, ćupakabrije in ne vem kaj še vse...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/vitez.gif
Če je na pici koruza potem so krivci za to poitaljančeni azteki, maji al pa kakšni drugi indijančki...torej se pomenite z njimi al pa z njihovim šefetom Manitujem... Ampak jaz še zmeraj pravim, da ima pica iz krušne peči boljši okus kar se testa tiče kot pa pečena v električni pečici...dodatki v obliki sirčka, paradajza, čebule, paprike in ne vem kaj še vse so pa druga štorija...Že okus sira je odvisen od tega ali je mleko od bele, črne, vijolične krave...kaj šele pri pelatih in ostalih stvareh, ki variirajo od vsebnosti GSO...Najbolj priporočam radioaktivne obsevane dodatke made in china, ni nobene plesni...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png