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Pejt raje malo na zrak in malo globoko predihaj...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png Najbolj so imeli zabeležene stvari nemci in vzhodnonemški stassi...šele potem ostali...in v določenih primerih se govori le o približkih, ker nihče natančno ne ve koliko je dejansko bilo žrtev iz ene ali druge strani...in kdo točno jih je sploh pobil...Naši ali ruski komunisti so bili daleč od tega da bi vodili kakšno zanesljivo statistiko zlasti med ali takoj po vojni, ko so se začeli poboji iz maščevanja ali kakšnih drugih razlogov.... A si kdaj bil v real combat situation...pa ni važno ali se je streljalo al pa napad s hladnim orožjem...a veš koliko časa se ima približno za razmišljanje in ukrepanje v takih primerih...al pri hudih krvavitvah, težkih nesrečah, ipd...al pa ko ti avto z družino zanese...Skratka ne podcenjuj nekaterih tukajšnjih "pametnjakovičev"... Če pa jih primerjaš s sabo, svojim mišljenjem, s tvojimi navadami in kupovanjem v nizkocenovnih trgovinah potem se ti pa pola odpusti...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png Tisti ki so malo bolj študirali zgodovino tudi malo bolj vejo kako je zgledala "vukojebina" po imenu balkan...in taki tudi lažje razumejo zakaj se je med 2. svetovno vojno dogajalo kar se je in zakaj se je istočasno šlo tudi za državljansko vojno...zlasti obdobje ko se je kraljevina SHS združila s kraljevino srbijo in je iz tega nastala kraljevina YU... In če ne ločiš kdo res obsoja in kdo "trezno" pove dokazana zgodovinska dejstva potem bolje da se ne vmešavaš preveč...Tale citat je lep primer kako vse mečeš v isti koš...vdih, izdih, vdih, izdih, vdih, izdih...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Ceres...naj gre tvoj tamal kao na avdicijo...tud če ne zna juda...važno je sodelovati, ne zmagati...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png
Domy nekatere tvoje izjave včasih prav kontrirajo drugim...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png Kar se pa poboldanega tiče...kdo trdi, da ni bil nobeden drug sposoben izvest upora razen komunistične partije...V bistvu je poboldano samo dokaz, da se sploh ne ve ali noče na glas govoriti dovolj kakšne razmere in trenja so že takrat vladale v kraljevini SHS in posledično tudi SLO....zakaj so nastajale vaške straže in zakaj so šli ljudje med domobrance. Že ime ti pove, da branijo dom, premoženje, kajti takrat se je o KP govorilo marsikaj kako pobijajo, kradejo, nacionalizirajo, itd...nekatere ostale frakcije so pa nastale kot odgovor na ostale... Kar se pa okupatorjev tiče...so pa med narodom hoteli čimprej izbrisati zavest o slovenstvu...različne SLO stranke so imele različne poglede in načrte...v končni fazi bi prišli samo do dveh opcij ali bodo okupatorji slovence "zbrisal" al pa se bodo te uprli...in kot zanimivost tudi NHD je zavzela delček SLO ozemlja in ga priključila k sebi...skratka "tudi "ustaši" so malo harali po našem koncu... V bistvu je vse zelo lepo malo nakazan tukaj...kar se pa cele YU tiče so pa stvari bile še malo bolj kompleksne... https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Druga_svetovna_vojna_na_Slovenskem
Ma nemoj...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/flirt.gif Zgodovinska dejstva...zelo na kratko...V bivši YU je istočasno z bojem proti okupatorjem potekala tudi državljanska vojna med različnimi "frakcijami"...Največje frakcije so bile komunistična partija, ostanki bivše državne vojske, četniki, ustaši...šele potem enkrat sledijo naši beli, črni in ne vem kakšni še...tako po številu kot pomoči iz zaledja... O izrazu "partizan" pa wiki tudi pove bistvo...kot tudi še kaj drugega kar zgodovinska "dejstva" potrjujejo... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partisan_(military) Iz ruskih arhivov je lepo razvidno, da je Stalin med 2. svetovno vojno pobil več "svojih" ljudi, kot pa so jih nemci...Tito je bil na "inštukcijah" pri sovjetih in tudi KPJ je uporabljala podobno taktiko, načine in eksekucije kot KP rusije...Tudi Tito je že med vojno potihem "odstranil" priljubljemne generale ali pa tistega, ki bi mu lahko ogrozil stolček....Razhajanja med KPJ in rusi so se začela šele po koncu vojne, ko so naši levičarji ugotovil, da ruski sistem ni glih za nas, ker smo bili vajeni tudi "dobrin" in določenega lifestylea kot so imeli na zahodu...in so ubrali neko mešanico ala "neuvrščeni"...pa še to po par resnih incidentih z vzhodnim paktom- z drugo besedo povedano države, ki jih je okupirala sovjetska vojska...In tako smo v bivši YU imeli neko blago verzijo komunističnega sistema začinjeno z elementi kapitalizma... Iz arhivov, ki so danes dostopne javnosti se lahko razbere, da tudi KPJ, Tito in njihovi privrženci niso bili tako nedolžni kot so nas učili v šolah po "ukazih" iz CKZKJ. Javnosti se je predstavljala samo temna plat domobrancev, ustašev, četnikov, ne pa tudi vzrokov, ki so pripeljali do tega...kaj šele da bi komunisti omenjali svoja "mutna posla"...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Nisem vedel da so odprti arhivi bivše KGB, UDBE, zahodnih obveščevalnih služb, ipd. domobranski šund...No, sedaj sem malo bolj razsvetljen....http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png E Domy...a lahko poveš kakšen bolj kao zaneslljiv vir kot domobranski šund...po tvojem mnenju...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/flirt.gif
Tisti ki ste preveč navezani na materialne stvari zlasti na hrano...sedaj imate priliko...mogoče vam bo pa Krišna podelil kakšne blagoslove in vas odrešil "požrešnih" navad kao gratis kosila...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png Napočil je trenutek, ko Vas končno lahko povabimo na otvoritev naše nove podružnice Radha Govinda v BTC-ju Vabimo Vas v ponedeljek 9. maja 2016, ob 12 uri ( južni del tržnice) Na dan otvoritve bo za vse brezplačna pogostitev...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png https://www.facebook.com/Govindas.Ljubljana/
Podobni scenariji so mogoči tudi pri nas in še v marsikateri državi...o temu že malo bolj pametni ptički čivkajo ne vem koliko časa...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png http://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/mirovinski-sustav-pred-raspadom-ako-se-ne-promijeni-ceka-nas-siromastvo/890973.aspx
Če bi se vrgla ena huge A- bomba potem bi večina problemov, ki jih imajo trenutno posamezniki ali človeštvo, "izpuhtelo"...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Domy tebe so mediji čist zmešal...priporočam totalni odklop od hudičevih tehnoloških iznajdb, ki zasužnjuje in poneumlja človeški um...in takoj živet podobno kot amiši...in mogoče se bo Vsevišnji gospod Krišna celo usmilil tvoje duše...in namesto 10 lifeov ponovno na tej zemljici znižal kazen na en life... Drugače pa ima lahko NOB tudi drugačen pomen...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png British slang term for the penis. Typically used as an excellent cheap insult. Used in jest (above "moron", just below "twat", and well below "cunt"), or used to describe someone who is doing something you think is annoying or a bit crap. In še malo o JJ in rtv prispevku...Domy prosim da ne bereš...lahko škodi tvojim možgančkom in jetrom...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png http://nova24tv.si/slovenija/ljudje/zacelo-se-je-po-jansi-se-rtv-ju-upirajo-se-drzavljani-boste-tudi-vi-nehali-placevati/
Mene prav boli đoko, če ljudje hočejo mešat...samo potem stvari postanejo malo nelogične...Povedano drugače informacije oz. stvari postanejo popačene...in potem dobimo čorbo fizičnih bitjec, astralnih in nefizičnih...ki so lahko vsa na podobnem nivoju zavesti kot povprečni človeček...in vsa taka bitjeca lahko obstajajo tudi na zemlji...Torej se pojavi vprašanje ali so zemljančki ali vesoljčki, kako jih sploh ločiti oz kdo preverja kje je njihovo stalno ali začasno prebivališče...Mogoče men in black...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Kot da bi vprašal ali so človečki organski ali energetski...seveda bi bil odgovor oboje...Vse kar je organsko ima v svoji strukturi tudi energijo...Torej bi bilo logično da se vprašanje drugače zastavi, bolj natančno ali doda zraven še kaj besed, da malo drugače zvuči...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png Če misliš razvite vesoljčke na nivoju zavesti podobno ali višje kot človek potem je to s številkami malo pretiravanje...če pa misliš vesoljčke na nivoju kakšne amebe ali žužka potem bi pa mogoče res prišli do take cifre...ampak to še ne pomeni da nas zemljančke res opazuje na deset tisoče vesoljčkov...Večinoma nas opazuje samo "okolica"- bitjeca iz našega sončnega sistema. Kot da bi rekel, da vsakodnevno dogajanje v somaliji ali siriji opazuje cel svet....Še v star wars filmu ni bilo toliko predstavnikov v njihovem kao parlamentu... Skoraj vsi vesoljčki v našem osončju pa še iz marsikje drugje so v eterični obliki...kar je iz stališča ezoterike materija...mi zemljančki bi pa to že lahko šteli kao med "polduhce" ali "duhce"... In ne mešajte "Buda. vesoljčkov" z običnimi vesoljčki...kot da bi primerjali Buda- zemljančke s povprečnim človekom...in vse strpali v isti koš... Drugače so pa na zemlji že od nekdaj bili vesoljčki nekaterih ras in to še preden se je človek kao razvil iz opice...ampak ponavadi jih je bilo samo "par" primerkov neke vrste...kot neke vrste izvidnica, explorerji, ipd...in niso glih vsi prijazni človeku...skratka obstaja kar nekaj podzemnih baz v notranjosti zemlje in pod morjem kjer imajo taki primerki kao svoje začasno domovanje...Ampak pustimo te sci- fi bajke na miru, da vas ne bojo kakšne vohunske službe zlasti ameriške začele loviti in vas hoteli strpati v ludnico ali skinuti, ker preveč veste...Raje se držte uradne znanstvene teorije, vesoljčkov v našem osončju ni. In UFO-ti so le meteorološki baloni, ipd...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Med napadom nemčije na poljsko in napadom na rusijo je po uradni zgodovini dve leti razlike...Baltske države je nemčija zamenjala za drugo ozemlje, surovine in kao backup iz strani rusije. Povedano po domače nemci so zaradi drugih (večjih) interesov pač žrtvovali baltske države, ki so takrat bile pod njeno oblastjo, čeprav s težkim srcem...Mogoče so jih pa načrtovali dobiti kasneje nazaj... Drugače so pa rusijo decembra 1939 (isto leto se je začela tudi zimska vojna med finsko in rusijo) izločili iz društva narodov...In rusija je imela s finci veliko težav in žrtev, čeprav so mislili, da jih bodo zgazili v enem mesecu... Skratka že od stalinovih čistk pred začetkom 2 SV se je videlo da sovjetski model za določene socialiste in partijce po evropi ni glih sprejemljiv...in bila so trenja, pobijanja, fighti tudi med levičarji in komunisti samimi...in kasneje se je vse to v vojni samo še stopnjevalo...Na koncu poa kdor je preživel je, kdor pa ni pa pač ni...Slkratka lahko so te skinuli levičarji, desničarji, paravojaške trupe, nemci, rusi al pa kdorkoli drug...To so pač dejstva, ki so jih nekateri vzhodni in zahodni zgodovinarji že dokazal. K vsemu temu so pripomogli tudi določeni arhivi od KGB in vzhodno nemške stasi, ki so postala dostopna javnosti... Belo črno propagiranje enih in drugih je po domače povedano pranje možganov...in tako kot ponavadi resnica je vmes nekje...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Samo za Domy...samo ne mi rečt da so tudi za tako stanjeo krivi desničarji in cerkev...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png http://www.delo.si/mnenja/blogi/s-pikettyjem-ob-kresu-na-rozniku.html
Moja prfoksa za zgodovino je omenila tudi te stvari kot jih je opisal manuel...da so poljsko razdelil in da se je KPJ šele po napadu na rusijo začela kao boriti proti nemcem...pa da je že takrat načrtovala čistke tistih, ki niso bili preveč rdeče barve al pa tistih, ki so bili preveč priljubljeni med običnim folkom in bi po vojnii predstavljali "tekmece" za oblast. Pa čeprav iz lastnih vrst... Dajmo raje malo pogledat iz svetle strani...ni samo SLO v k.... ampak cel svet... http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Pa naj še kdo reče, da ta polna luna ni bila čudna...toliko kot je nekaterim "butnilo" ven pa že dolgo ni bilo opaziti...bolezen, smrt, ipd. so samo nekateri vzorci...Za zadeve s smrtjo lahko povem da so kar dosti jeba in da segajo korenine kar dosti v globino do prvih lifeov v podobni obliki kot je človek. V bistvu gredo zraven smrti še drugi, ki so nekako na isti stopnji (močni vzorci)...Tako da se ne čudit, če se bodo taki "feelingi" še ponavljali zlasti ob kakšnih lunah...In če pogledamo malo iz svetle plati kar se janezek nauči, to janezek zna... Mi je pa zanimivo kako nekateri paničarijo zaradi snega, žleda, ipd...meni se pa prav malo "fučka" za vse...V bistvu je kot neka "praznina" (nenavezanost), ki človeka ne vrže iz tira..Ko je snežilo sem se prav lepo "zabubil" doma in se še do danes nisem spravil nič ven. Kot da bi nezavedno vedel kdaj moram planirati kao "dopust" za odmaranje in zabušavanje.. Sem si celo privoščil malo zombi and apocalypse time- gledanje filmov... Sem se pa vseeno danes malo spomnil na rastlince in celo vzel par minut za njih v meditaciji...In tako kot ponavadi se je spet dogajalo marsikaj kar se lahko uvrsti v sci- fi, ker so se pridružili še "drugi"...celo dobil malo namiga o smislu (vzrokih) tega. Kaj naj rečem kot lekcije, ki jih bo slej kot prej izkušal vsak zlasti pa proti koncu te zemeljske šole, če jih še ni do sedaj... Pa naj še kdo reče da življenje ni lepo...pa čeprav "posmrtno"...za naše pojme...skratka dont panic on titanic...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Mogoče bi pa moral malo svoj chart pogledat...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png Kot da bi jaz vprašal a to govori oseba xxx al Omar, ko je govora o horoskopu, planetkih, ipd...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png Podobno "glupo" vprašanje kot koliko ljudi v svoji komunikaciji uporablja procente, stopinje ali kakšne druge merske enote...Sigurno je v igri kakšen čuden vpliv te zadnje polne lune...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Samo z drugimi besedami povedano kar sem že nakazal v preteklosti...pa mislim da ne samo jaz...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png 02. A UNIFICATION OF ASTROLOGY WITH ASTRONOMY AND PHYSICS In this book you will not find multipage describes of the astrological signs. Its purpose is somewhat different. Namely – to subsume under astrology the scientific basis - the physical and astronomical. Scientists do not accidentally fall into this occult science with skepticism and distrust. And how could it be otherwise, when modern Western astrology offers as an explanation of the essence of the zodiacal influence completely illogical facts and conditions. This does not mean that it is not accurate the descriptions of zodiacal signs themselves. No, then they just close enough to the truth. But an interpretation of the reasons why the "stars" can influence a person looks completely unconvincing, and very naive.Astrologers say that certain emanations coming from stars can influence on a person. Moreover, this effect is so significant that causes differences in the characters and the psycho-physiological characteristics of organisms of people born at different times of the year. But astrologers themselves realize that stars as sources of electromagnetic radiation (photons) are too weak and very far from us, that this radiation can not be taken into account. So this question it is accepted to neatly hush up and sidestep as an acceptable scientific explanation has not yet been proposed.Here and there - astronomy and physics are separately, and astrology is separately from them. Scientists laugh and do not recognize it for science. Astrologers stoically withstand criticism often not paying attention to it and continue to believe the tenets of their teaching.But it can not continue further. Both sides lose more due to the lack of association of both areas of human knowledge. The truth, as always lies in the middle. Astronomy and physics can learn a lot of valuable information from the analysis of the astrological postulates. Astrology, in turn, is in dire need of a scientific basis, which will turn it from a mythological discipline into the academic.Astrology, without scientific evidence is recognized and used by most people in the world. If we rationalize the meaning of its effects, then it'll get a powerful reinforcement in the face of figures of official science.Synthesis of science and occultism is needed, and for that we are here and write this book.Let’s get down. 03. COMPARISION OF ASTRONOMY AND ASTROLOGY. WHY DO ASTROLOGERS NEED THE ZODIAC CONSTELLATIONS? Let we make a brief comparison between astrology and astronomy.Astrology like astronomy is interested by the position "in the sky" (on the firmament) of the Sun, planets and other celestial bodies. Astrologers say about some "stellar influences" to explain existence of psycho-physiological types of people and argue that these influences determine the features of human behavior. But astronomers (and primarily astrobiologists) if and bind a functioning of human organisms with the influence of the heavenly bodies it is only with the influence of one of them - the Sun. And under the "influence of the Sun" they mean an impact of solar radiation on the processes occurring in the world including the processes that occur in human bodies. Astrologers are not interested in any constellations apart of the zodiacal, while astronomers pay attention to all constellations. Also astrology uses a classification system of 4 elements that ancient Greeks used to describe and enumerate the basic elements of the universe. In astronomy of course such classification does not exist. And we’ll try to explain why not.It is surprising but that astrology gives us very valuable information about the structure of the universe.Initially it directs at reflexions the attention that is paid in astrology the zodiacal circle as well as a three-fold repetition in the zodiacal circle of each of the four elements. And this repetition does not occur in random order. Between each of two identical elements all other three elements are arranged and their order strictly repeated. For example, in the zodiacal circle there are three constellations related to the element "Earth". Between each two constellations of element "Earth" the constellation of three other elements are located. At the same time they are always placed in the same order: after "Earth" should be "Fire", then "Water", then "Air" and nothing else. Thus, in the zodiacal circle we can observe a strict sequence of location of the elements:Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Air.Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra.If you follow it clockwise (but it is the way it should follow in the future, we will explain why).Astrology originated in ancient times. And in the case of any other science the Teachers of the Ageless Wisdom help people to create it. Or rather it was created by the Teachers and then telepathically transmitted in the form of mental images to the people who were most susceptible to their spiritual touch.In ancient times there were neither telescopes nor metric systems. Therefore, to estimate distances on a cosmic scale ancient astrologers used not meters, kilometers or light years like it is now. This purpose it served the classification of 4 elements. The zodiacal constellations themselves on Earth and on any other celestial body of our solar system have virtually no influence. The distance between us and the constellations are too large to celestial bodies of the constellations or the celestial bodies of our solar system could "feel" an impact of Attraction Fields each other. And streams of elementary particles emitted by the stars are too quickly absorbed by the space environment to somehow affect (to heat) celestial bodies that are part of another solar system. Therefore, in reality the zodiacal constellations - it is nothing like a milestone indicating the position of the Earth and other planets on the solar orbit. Projection on the zodiacal constellations gives accurate information about where on the solar orbits is one or another planet. 04. FUNDAMENTALS OF EASTERN TEACHING ABOUT THE CHAKRAS The human body is not just a physical body. This is an amazing synthesis of different plans of the universe. Only a dense body we can see by usual vision. However, it is surrounded and saturated by particles of fine, sparse shells. We do not see them when we are in the "normal" state. And only a transition into an altered state sometimes gives such opportunity.There are 7 Plans, six simple and one complex. And all they can be presented within a human body. Usually only bodies of Mahatmas (Great Souls in Sanskrit) combine the maximum number of plans. In the body of ordinary human no more than four coexist - Physical, Astral, Mental and Buddhic.Each plan has levels - lower, middle, upper.Particles of the Physical Plan are grouped into the smallest conglomerates - chemical elements. The closer to the core of a chemical element, the lower is sublevel of the Plan, the farther - the higher. As part of each sub-level there are particles as Yin and Yang.Any chemical element can be destroyed and cease to exist as a whole entity. Externally such destruction manifests as radioactivity.But usually the particles from the nucleus do not leave the chemical element. However, this occurs with peripheral constantly. They are released emitting as heat and light, passing from one element to another. This process takes place continuously and at this very moment too in all the bodies around you, and in yours too. Particles of upper sublevels of the Physical Plan easily circulate in the universe. Thus, each chemical element - is that on the East is called chakra. The faster the chakra gives and receives particles, the more is the speed of such transmission of energy, the higher the level of its "openness" - the more it is opened, speaking the language of occultism.A chemical element - this is the simplest version of the chakras. There are many variations of them. In the human body there are many. The higher the plan is the bigger and lager scale they become.Another name for them is energy centers.Astral Plane particles are concentrated in the nucleus of every cell and around it – they surround DNA. Totally they form the astral body of the organism.The particles of the Astral Plan are in constant motion and an interchange with the outside world. They take in their community the particles from outside. And also, in their turn, they leave this conglomerate of particles going outside, somewhere else.We can assume that the core of each cell on the subtle levels represents an energy power center - a whirlwind of moving particles surrounding the nucleus. In other words, it is the same chakra, but of a different scale. The next step on the evolutionary ladder of development. A vessel of life that contains information about the cell and communicating with the outside world.Starting from the Mental Plan, the chakras are located is relatively nerve plexus and endocrine glands of the body - are saturated, envelop it and nourish them. Each chakra - it can be said, a "place of attaching" of the Mental body of a certain level, one of the mental shell. Particles of this Plan form cycles in the body in thin areas. Mental chakra like astral provide a communication of the mental body in the composition of this organism with the environment. In this they resemble the astral chakras, and not only - the chakra of any other plan.Do not forget that each particle is a source of information, its carrier.A mental human body is a self-conscious entity that purposefully absorbs particles from the outside world of the same plan in general, and gives the same from itself into external environment. We say "in general" because the chakra absorbs the particles and other plans. The decisive factor here is features of information recorded on these particles. Just generally, on the Earth there is still a specialty of Plans – i.e. each of them is a bearer of a certain type of information. There is the mineral kingdom, the vegetable, animal, human and superhuman. Chakras communicate with the body through the nervous system, through the transmission of nerve impulses. It is a faster, but also a more fleeting way. There is still a humoral - impact on the body's metabolism by synthesizing special chemicals - hormones, which carry information about this subtle body - this chakra.The closer such energy center is to the head, the higher is the level of the Mental Plane of its constituent particles.Do you remember that all plans are divided into levels? This is natural. So there was a process of evolution. Initially the lower joined, then the upper. It's always in the universe.Exactly the same separate, independent entity is the body of the Buddhic Plan. What we call our soul, our "I". It saturates, envelops and nourishes the upper parts of the brain corresponding to the cortex. The chakra of the Buddhi-shell is situated about the place where there is the pineal gland. Thanks to epiphysis the human soul can affect the body by the humoral way, with the help of hormones. This method is the most durable and stable compared with the sending of nerve impulses.As it is amazing! Nothing is constant. Our physical body is all the time updating its consist. Food enters through the mouth, is digested, and then molecules are destroyed in the course of respiration and are output through the lungs in the form of carbon dioxide and water.And other shells that are the part of our body - thin - also represent channels, absorbing and emitting particles.Although everything is not so easy. Chakras can be open or closed. The opened even as represent the channels - they exchange the particles with the environment. But closed chakras "stew in their own juice". They have little communication with the outside world and they have a constant composition of the particles. However, there are not absolutely closed centers. Any of us represents an "energy pipe" - even if it has a very low rate of flow.As already mentioned, thin bodies absorb and emit the particles selectively – i.e. able to control the quality and quantity of energy passing through them.Now, we hope you at least have a little idea how multifaceted, complex and complex creature is a man.So many kinds of shells - ethereal, astral, mental, buddhic are combined in us. And superhumans also have atmic and monadic. How many different types of energy any individual can radiate – different and qualitatively and quantitatively. Let you not confuse by the word "energy". An individual radiates desires, emotions, thoughts, ideas and images. Each plan has its own specifics of emitted and absorbed energy.There are thought-flows of different quality and information content. And you can feel them - as they pass through you. Thoughts pass through the head (for the higher levels of the mental) or ideas (for saturating of the Soul). Primitive feelings and emotions (for the lower levels of the mental and higher astral plan) go through the nerve centers and plexus below the head. So there is a saturation of thin shells.Chakras are the sense organs. With their help we get information from the outside world, from the subtle plans. The known for us sense organs tell us information about the Physical Plan - vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch. A chakras carry information from the astral, mental and buddhic Plans.The Universe, our God wants the particles everywhere interacted with each other, freely penetrated into every corner of the space. In order to there were no obstacles to the free flow of energy. In order to there were no congestion and blocks. This is love in action. All is combined, all is one, and there are no separate locations. The main purpose of the Creator for this Mahamanvantara - to make so that energy (spirit) from the sixth of the bottom and to the second of the top, of the monadic, Higher Plan, reaches without distortion to the lowest, physical. And moreover it should happen everywhere in the universe. Currently this is not yet observed. Plans are still very segmental. It is necessary that the energy – information of the Higher Plan will became the guiding principle for ABSOLUTELY all Plans. Then there will be peace in the universe, harmony, beauty, love. It is necessary that the God, the Silent Witness, as it is called, felt that information of the highest Plan is dissolved in the lowest, and not distorted by any "impurities". It is need that the highest Plan, the Spirit, has teamed up with the lower, with the Matter. The Highest Plan does not carry the seeds of evil – it is deprived of all that murderous and heinous that we can see here, in the realm of dense matter. This means that this Plan's the most clean and bright. Energy emitted by its particles bears only love and light.We hope now do you start catching intention of the Creator? It’s to combine all the plans, and to make everything as a single organism. Everywhere there is only light, love and beauty. 05. ASTROLOGICAL INFLUENCE IS SECONDARY – THE STARS SUPPOSE, BUT DO NOT FORCE Our bodies are under constant influence from the particles emitted by celestial bodies. Changing the location of our planet on orbit around the Sun, as well as projections of the planets of the solar system on the Nuclei (we speak about three giant celestial bodies, read further) and passing by the planets through them streams of particles emitted by these Nuclei, and thus having an impact on the quality of the radiation, all of this together creates in the atmosphere of our Earth a certain energy background. In different seasons, at different position of the sun and planets in the sky the quality of energy (electromagnetic, electric) field of the planet changes. And we all feel it by ourselves. And our bodies adapt. Hence differences in psycho physiological characteristics of people. Nuclei of the galaxy, Super galaxy and the Central Body affect us. Anyhow - because our star is generated by them, and their own part.However astrological influences are still secondary. They create the preconditions for the development of the energy centers of our bodies. But we can not fully explain human nature and all that happens to it only by this impact. Professional astronomers have understood it long ago and do not risk to give hundred percent forecasts, using the well-known phrase - "Stars suppose, but do not force". Physiological characteristics of a person are subject to the individual himself. And it’s necessary to start, first, on the hereditary information, that influences on the structure and development of the physical and astral bodies. A child grows and it occurs in a particular environment. Every moment hundreds and thousands of all kinds of external influences leave their marks on his (her) thin bodies, making changes. And the mental shell and the body of the soul are continually transformed. External visible and invisible effects can so cardinally affect a person in the course of his life, that he would be totally different from his parents. Not only internally, but even externally.So when in the future you will read with delight the horoscope, and will be based on these projections your life, remember that you are primarily the owners and masters of your destiny. And it's not an allegation. "Stars" affect. But do not govern. They create the background, mood. But the main tuner of your life is you.Currently astrology has become for many something like religion. The tool for studying the lives and characters. Many people, after reading a lot (or not) books on astrology, look at others and think that knowing their zodiac signs, can fully explain all their properties and features.Believe us, it is not.Percentage of accuracy of astrological predictions depends on many factors. We can trace it to the following regularities.The more spiritually a person is developed, the less suitable for him descriptions of astrologers become, quite accurate for other people with the less open upper chakras. More can be said that in general, the younger is the person, the better fit for him horoscopes and forecasts compiled for some zodiacal sign to the total mass of the people. With age most often there are observed deviations from prescribed standards. Although during the aging of the organism one or another rollback to a previous state may occur, as the wear of the body reduces the openness of chakras. But this is not an absolute rule. Likewise, you can develop and lower chakras. You can make healthy the weak body, strengthen by hardening.The person can cardinally metamorphose the character and the body during the life, completely change the astrological prerequisites obtained at birth. Fully disclose all chakras. And no one can say with certainty what is his (her) zodiacal sign.Astrology is intended not to enslave the human with the help of imposed standards of behavior supposedly relevant the zodiacal constellation. Its mission is to help you to understand the basics, received at birth. In order that the person will know in which direction he should develop, and what gaps eliminate. Do not forget that the goal of any is the harmonious development of all the chakras. But in this case, the development of higher is a special value. Because without them man is not a man – i.e. not a highly moral, intellectual and spiritual being. http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/icon_smesko.gif
Sem glih v torek (včeraj) študiral ali naj kao operem avto in zamenjam gume z letnimi...sem študiral celo minuto...a bi al ne bi...nekaj mi je pravilo naj počakam še kakšna dva tedna...In še enkrat se je pokazalo, da imam včasih več sreče kot pameti, če samo malo bolj prisluhnem kao "intuiciji"...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Svega i svačega...Samo z drugimi besedami mišljeno in povedano podobno kot v zgornjem citatu...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png
Kdor razume vsaj osnove karme in astrologije, bi mu morale biti nekatere stvari že zdavnaj jasne...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png Točka sreče je skupek svega i svačega...raznorazni planetki to lahko samo potencirajo ali zavirajo...od človekove razvojne stopnje je pa odvisno v kolikšni meri... Nikoli se ne predeluje karma samo za en life nazaj, ampak za vse...večina karme v posameznikovem življenju je v latentnem stanju, aktiviran je samo en majhen delček, ki se lahko šteje v tisočinkah ali milijoninkah....Po drugi strani se pa lahko tudi aktivna karma iz sedanjosti lahko da za par let ali celo več desetletij na "stand by" in se ponovno aktivira šele kasneje... Iz charta, tako kot astrologi danes to povečini razumejo, se povečini lahko prebere samo s kakšno pozicijo se človeček rodi v tem lifeu...in pod kakšne vplive lahko pride...Povedano po domače lahko se ugotovi približno kao plan duše za ta life, lekcije ali vplive, ki bodo najprej prišli na vrsto...Kaj bo pa dejansko kasneje v življenju res v igri in za vse ostalo smo pa spet pri točki razvojne stopnje in pri tistemu kar klasična astrologija glih ne obravnava...Ampak če duša ta plan izpolne "predčasno" in je osebek še "mlad" potem lahko nadaljuje s planom za naslednji life in še naslednji...In če je oseba "pridna" mu ni treba čakati recimo 5 lifeov da dela kao po planu, ker lahko v enem naredi vse to. In namesto da bi v 5-ih lifeih oseba postala Buda lahko v enem. Seveda če ima vsaj malo bolj ugodno štartno pozicijo kot ostali, da se to lahko doseže. Kar pomeni da ima osebek lahko napisan tak in tak chart za 50 let naprej, v praksi bo pa lahko ta chart že zdavnaj presegel in potem pridejo na vrsto bolj stvari, ki so največ omenjene v ezoterični astrologiji in katere malo nakazuje tudi djotiš. Drugače pa če hočete malo bolje razumeti "točko sreče", se najprej vprašajte po izvoru "planetarnega" in "kozmičnega" zla, ker od tega je odvisna vsa pretekla karma posameznika kot še marsičesa drugega. Nima kaj dosti veze z današnjim religijskim tolmačenjem. Potem se je pa treba vprašati kakšne veze ima Zemlja v odnosu z drugimi planetki. Ker sile zemlje imajo zelo velik vpliv na povprečnega posameznika in od tam ponavadi duhovnjaki z raznoraznimi duhovnimi tehnikami črpajo kao energijo (prano) Šele ko delujejo sile zemlje in še dveh planetkov nekako "sinhronizirano" kot enakostranični trikotniki, je možna tista prava sreča...V prevodu to lahko pomeni, da se morajo te sile tako izražati skozi človeka (mikrokozmos) ali pa skozi narod, človeštvo in posledično skozi cel planet, ki je konec koncev samo del še neke večje celote (makrokozmos). Kako to obravnava klasična astrologija presodite sami, ezoterična pa sloni ravno na temu... Kdor hoče razumeti egipčansko astrologijo, se mora najprej malo seznaniti z miselnostjo tistega časa in kaj je za egipčane predstavljal Sirius in v kakšnem odnosu je ta planetek z našo "kuglo"...Na kratko povedano vsaj za silo je treba razumeti sile, ki pritekajo v naš sončni sistem iz drugih ozvezdij in kako se to izraža skozi planetke v našem sončnem sistemu...Egipčanska astrologija je v svojem bistvu zelo blizu ezoterični astrologiji... Skratka za nekatere stvari boste morali še veliko naštudirati...ali pa poiskati odgovore na drugih področjih...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Pri meni ni važno al grem spat ob 23.00, 0.00, 1.00...skoraj vedno se zbudim tam okol treh...in prosim da ne krivite jeter, dokler se krivde ne dokaže na sodišču kjer je krišna glavni sudija...Skratka jetra in vse kar je povezano z njimi imajo samo en "manjšinski" delež pri temu...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Kratko in jedrnato obvestilo...za raznorazne lopove, migrante, ilegalce, kriminalce, politike...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Ponavadi je bolj logično vprašati človečka, ki je to izjavil ali napisal kot pa nekoga, ki je samo podal link...oseba A ni nujno da se strinja z osebo B pa čeprav podaja linke od te osebe...a ni logično...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png Sem pa slišal neke zgodbice o turčiji...tam dobesedno obstajajo bogataši in večina "revežev", ki delajo za male pare...podobno sužnjelastniškemu oz kapitalističnemu izkoriščevalskemu sistemu kot ga poznamo v indiji, kitajski, pakistanu, itd...skratka dela se cel dan za male pare...Primer- en človeček nosil pohištvo cel dan ala dvometrsko omaro na hrbtu, čisto sklonjen, gazda pa govoril dajmo dajmo hitreje. Obstaja pa nekak drugačen odnos med delavcem in gospodarjem kot v evropi. Nekako ga spoštujejo, ker vejo da so odvisni od njega. Tam delajo nekateri samo za hrano in streho nad glavo. In ko se razume razmere tam potem je logično zakaj je toliko turkov v nemčiji in zakaj večina ljudi hoče v evropo. Ker so tukaj nekako "neodvisni", se bolje živi, itd... In če ne veste...v SLO je bila že pred 100 leti zgrajena džamija...in šli smo tudi čez fazo multikulturnosti...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png http://www.rtvslo.si/prva-svetovna-vojna/zgodbe-in-pricevanja/ko-je-bil-log-pod-mangartom-multikulturna-vas-z-dzamijo-v-srediscu/372602
Če si kao dr Dolittle, da jih razumeš kaj govorijo...če pa nisi moraš pa študirat kaj hočejo z mimiko in "čivkanjem za gluhoneme" povedat...in v večini primerov nastane "šum" v komunikaciji...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png Nekatere živalce se vrnejo z novim živalskim telesom, nekatere pa zaradi različnih vzrokov lahko dosežejo "promotion" in se vrnejo v človeškem ogrinjalu...in potem ko odrastejo lahko začnejo pričati bajke kot recimo kad sam bio čovjek- mačka... Glede narave pa...tudi njej se včasih malo zmeša...in takrat na zemljici postane dobesedno luda kuča...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png
Se vidi da je ta polna luna spet ena izmed tistih "čudnih"...da bi jaz povedal kaj vse se mi je dogajal v zadnjih dneh bi napisal skoraj polovico sci-fi romana. In to kljub temu da sem skoraj totalno na off. Tukaj pa neke bajke o evtanazijo, ipd. Dejstvo je, tudi če se evtanazija uzakoni ali ne, se ne more ugoditi vsem ljudem...Kar se pa mačkov tiče. Tako kot pri igricah, potrošili so vseh 9x življenj in potem je čas za "pet semetary" ali mačja večna lovišča. Kar med vrsticami pomeni, da lahko kasneje še zmeraj pridejo na obisk v podobi duhca na kakšno mačjo kafu ali whiskas. Kao za dobra stara vremena, ki so ga preživeli na tej zemeljski kugli...http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.png http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.png