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ananta - Dosežki

LN Veteran

LN Veteran (15/15)


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  2. ananta

    Venerin Znak
  3. Leto ||| zmajcheka /*/ 2022 marks the re-ascension of China with Venus in Scutum. #WW3update #LookUp #Apocalypse #Armageddon #1008planets * 2022 Venus in Scutum marks the re-ascension of China even after 2014 Huawei. * 2025 Venus in Pegasus 2017 | Mesopotamian Yersina Pestis comet approach. * Doomsday comet unleashes |::||| plague after its last visit 6000 years ago. * At the epoch: Jericho withstood plague but not Anadolians; Mesopotamia was plagued. * 2010 BoE corvine moons (Moon in Corvus) mark preemptive investments into WW3. * WW3 happened with Saturn Pluto (Jupiter) conjunction - as duly anticipated. * Neo-Fascism on the rise in Italy with Niku Apocalypse in Serpens Caput. * USA ascendant Serpens Cauda to follow suit as per (historically) usual. * UK government as asininely adamant in launching endless detrimental directives w/ Moon in Cetus ||| * Niku is a forever retrograding planet stirring awake the Star of the Devil. * The Devil's own Star is Unuk-al-Hai Alpha Serpentis in Serpens Caput. * Serpens Caput hosts Alpha Serpentis and Italian serpentine fascist ascendant. * America has been discovered in perusing Venetian geographical maps. * The reptilian ascendant of the USA is Serpens Cauda; giving place to ornithological Aquila. * Serpens Cauda is the tail of the snake - thus rattlesnake - Don't Tread on Me: Tread-stone. In the “Huawei” year 2014, Venus gallantly entered Scutum: this year it brushes by in reinforcing China's dominion: planet Earth. /*/ :|| kalkulirajo narobe - Mao in te zadeve...
  4. ananta

    Thelema 2025

    Magijskastrologija v Eri Pegaza 2017-2026
  5. ananta


    2022 Dark Planets | KBO In my |:|::: hour of Darkness NOX 156 MAPIH Mother Mary :::|:| comes to me. Bloody Moon in Ophiuchus |:::|: People past police. Obama divorce planet splitsUSA Democratic party. For within a global Plandemic peruse fine words only.
  6. s$ cat ~/Desktop/signature Academic 1008 Zodiax & Future-Changing O5 NE FRVSTRA VIXISSE VIDEAR ~ #PCS #O5 #RTRRT
  7. ananta


    "Nova Slovenija"...
  8. Merry full Moon in Cetus I
  10. ananta

    $ETH 2020 XL5

    Quaoar acting as distant stabilizer on 2020 XL5 with Pholus adding to volatility. 2020 XL5 pathways with ephemeris inside (!) as new Earth trojan moon synchs with CME Ether futures launch!
  11. ananta


    Svetovna valuta pravCzaprav future: CME. Chicago. Ascendent je Hydra.
  12. #CoronaVirus portents for 67 #horoscope and 16 #ascendant signs. OPHIUCHUS - Travel is fairly safe early in the morning but stay away from people as remote as possible. LIBRA – You get rich over the misfortune of others, especially over high family death tolls. SERPENS CAPVT – Envision LVX – welcome white light in your life - walk natural parks – avoid car traffic. SCVTVM – Stay safe in September, avoid toxic people with corona hoax and delay marriage. SERPENS CAVDA – Stay away from “gay” people and queers of all kinds as they are mentally viral already. AQVILA – Love is safe but don’t wait too far. Fly like an eagle. Keep aloof like one. Take no shit. SAGITTARIUS – Do not fall for general pessimism and viral hoax – get up and make progress. CAPRICORNVS – Cry her a rivulet: ocular (eye) hygiene comes first as silence is golden. PEGASVS – Dispose of all rumors along with unnecessary stuff, especially old cell phones. AQVARIVS – Disinfect your aura by avoiding bad people while keeping childish innocence. CETUS – Nevertheless fasting on travel, midnight and noon seem critically contagious. PISCES – Do not travel: not on the spur of the moment: however tempted and safe. Shout (even and particularly when scared to death): scare the living daylights out of any viral situation: let it all out. Travel is highly unfavorable (not necessarily because any viral hoax at all), especially ad-libbed; but you recover without any medicine at all. Disinfect all: mind, soul, body, spirit and surrounding. Exorcise care. ARIES – Work normally – if (three days) ill – heal in (three) days. Enjoy prana-yama air as said virus is not airborne. ERIDANVS – Being well above or below average people’s height: you are technically out of danger: keep your distance as ever. TAVRVS – Safe in Venice. This as dynamic as complex analysis would take folio volumes1. ORION – A friend may transmit it to you – probably late at night so take precautions. AVRIGA – Stay away from anxious people, fake refugees, illegals: you have no problems in spring. MONOCEROS – Your connections enrich you and with due care you may have a lover as well. GEMINI – Mortal twin it is. This constellation features immortal twin as well. Do not marry. FOX – Take extra care of your skin in noticing any spots or wrinkles as good health indications. CANCER – Stay at home, repair furniture; avoid draining terrain, slippery slopes: avalanches. SEXTANS – Stay at home with your whole family or refurbish your prep shack. HYDRA – You are positively religiously safe in your own temple, cruise ship and Venice. LEO – You don’t need to work (this one out) at all: you decided to sit this one out: you don’t join hoax. CORVUS – Stay away from riotous people, mob paranoia as wanted by #BigPharma #MSWin CRATER – Your HGA Holy Guardian Angel is always with you beyond time forever in love. VIRGO – Disinfect all. Impeccability of Ariadne and Pan: innocence with brahmacarya chastity. SCORPIVS – May be too late already but please do perform before dusk. Heart and health problems. The resent situation seems unfavorable for health, especially of musicians and commuters. Wooing nevertheless seems favorable after a period of flu. Close all doors while installing double doors where necessary. Airplane flights seem viable with precaution. large gatherings are unfavorable; gatherings of any kind: even Facebook.
  13. ananta

    From: Coronavirus

    Source: Coronavirus
  14. ananta


    #Nostradamus predicted #coronavirus kidding: we did . RU infected? Will you be? When precisely? Niku+Unukalhai LAhko si sam izrachuna$ che si ali bo$.
  15. Directed relationship chart(s). tudi sloven$china:) koper$china muahahaha saj je enostavno na minutu ma$ fantka...
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