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Zelensky Nukes and cocaine, dangerous combination. https://www.bitchute.com/video/YVb1G4Khtf5c/
Kriptovalute-blockchain, bitcoin, delnice, zlato, blagovne dobrine
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Bitcoin pričakovanje za naslednji dve leti:- 131 komentarjev
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Kriptovalute-blockchain, bitcoin, delnice, zlato, blagovne dobrine
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Bitcoin 4 year cycle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6eaD79bFBk- 131 komentarjev
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Ukrainian robot extinguishes a fire at British depleted uranium stockpile in Ternopil Ukraine deployed robot to extinguish a fire at an ammunition depot in Ternopil, western Ukraine, which contained a stockpile of depleted uranium shells provided by Britain. The arrival of Russian missiles destroyed the depot and explosions from depleted uranium shells caused radiation levels to rise, according to former member of Ukrainian parliament, Igor Moseychuk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8D0M7NjfLI Russia bombs UK uranium shells in Ukraine; Moscow claims 'radioactive cloud moving to Europe' Russia has claimed that a "radioactive cloud" is drifting toward Europe. Russian Security Council secretary Nikolay Patrushev said that the destruction of depleted uranium shells in Ukraine provided by the UK has produced a radioactive cloud. He also said that an increase in radiation has been detected in Poland. Watch this video to know more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbqFiY4VLoc
Gregg Braden's IN FOCUS! Series - Origin of Earth’s Magnetic Field Ins and Outs Gregg’s professional background in geology, combined by his true passion for wellbeing of the planet, is a perfect match to honour the series opening episode with the subject of Earth’s Magnetic Field. Learn about the Origin, ins and outs, magnetic fields reversals and its implications… and much more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOmz5-KVMQU
Danes je vrhunec zahodne "demokracije", okronali so si namreč novega kralja.. kraljevina demokracij..
Kriptovalute-blockchain, bitcoin, delnice, zlato, blagovne dobrine
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DXY (Dolar) mesečni pogled za zadnjih 40let: Tako da je dokaj velika možnost v naslednjih letih za tale scenarij:- 131 komentarjev
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Ko sam kršiš pravila, ki si jih napisal sam sebi. To me spomni na prostovoljno nošenje maske na prostem, ampak pod nosom.
Klikni na YT link in potem v podnapisih izberi kak jezik, ki ti je bolj blizu, če nebo slovenščine, potem izberi kako hrvaščino ali kar ti je pač razumljivo brat.. To je eno vzhodno popotovanje na poti v prebujanje / preporod.. Ta tretji del je narejen kot ena Matrica, tako da se tematika malo "začini".. Kljub temu da te lahko ta pridih Matrice delno zmoti, te sočasno medtem ko te "moti", ti daje nek dodatni vpogled v dve poti, ki nista združljivi in se totalno odbijata.. Dobesedno nastane efekt obredne zgodbe.. jaz dalje kot sem gledal, bolj sem bil fasciniran.. prva dva dela sta kot dokumentarec/popotovanje, pa zato mogoče ni tega efekta "obredne zgodbe"..
Shambhala Studios first feature film. Three years ago Shambhala Studio foresaw the current global predicament and embarked on a series of feature films that relate the prophecies of Lotus-Born Master and Shambhala to our current time. Why feature films? To reach a broader audience extending beyond religious affiliation and borders. We are sharing the same planet together. That is why we need to have shared awareness. A summary of the film at a glance follows: A veteran Himalayan explorer is detained by the Agency cross examined and tortured. The Agency seeks information on Shambhala, a parallel dimension of kindness, compassion and environmental protection. The Agency representing the current elite power structure based on the invisible hand of greed, fears the rise of a Shambhala alternative and tortures the Himalayan explorer to find the coordinates. Shambhala is in the mind, he explains. Nowhere else. The film challenges pre-conceived concepts concerning physics, religion, time, space, Internet control, and financial manipulation. It calls for a new era of environmental protection, health care, human respect and dignity. It totally shocks the senses and leaves one questioning not only our current global order but the very question of who we are. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTeA_DCFzUs
Natu zmanjkuje municije.. https://youtu.be/MW5N1KMeuE0?t=402
Kako odkritje in poznavanje četrte faze vode sovpada z realnostjo "nove dobe"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-T7tCMUDXU
Kriptovalute-blockchain, bitcoin, delnice, zlato, blagovne dobrine
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Bitcoin The NEW 4 year Cyclehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ou9i-zfZVvk- 131 komentarjev
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CNN director secretly recorded - climate agenda "the next pandemic-like story" https://www.bitchute.com/video/WhGAK3nz3D6i/
Kriptovalute-blockchain, bitcoin, delnice, zlato, blagovne dobrine
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Climate Change Wars?! 2023-2031 World Predictions, Universal Basic Income? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l54IWJIsiEo Doba "digitalne socialistične ureditve" ("pametna mesta") in desetletje vojn: Države v "World Economic Forum-u" proti državam, ki to zavračajo; Rusija, Kitajska, itd.- dolar se še nebo sesul do 2024, kljub inflaciji, bodo pa dokaj močno padale ostale valute- zlato, kovine in ostale commodities bodo rasle do Q2 2024, nato pa začnejo padati in padajo do 2028- po ZDA volitvah 2024 se tam začnejo resni protesti ali celo državljanska vojna- 2026-2028 pride do dna bear marketa (tukaj se splača kupiti kovine (predvsem BAKER), ali elektronske komponente- 2029-2033 popolna hiperinflacija- 2032 konec te dobe "digitalne socialistične ureditve" sveta, konec "pametnih mest" in nastajanje drugačnega sistema..- 131 komentarjev
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Rusija se bo očitno maščevala Ukrajini za njena dejanja, na način oko za oko. Ukrajina je 2014 sredi zime odklopila elektriko Donecku, ki se je želel odcepiti.. kasneje pa je enako naredila polotoku Krim-u, ko mu je sredi zime odklopila elektriko in vodo.. https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-donetsk-electricity-cut/28641462.html https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-ukraine-crisis-crimea-electricity-idUKKCN0TB04C20151122 Tako pa se je opica Zelenski norčeval izza tega, ko so Krimu odklopili elektriko in vodo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4FY_u83XQA
The alleged hacking of ex-UK PM Liz Truss’s phone has lent a new twist to the explosions in Nord Stream gas pipelines. Russian Foreign Ministry demanded answers from the UK on whether Truss had sent a "it's done" text message to the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken after blasts ruptured the pipelines in September. However, the claims were inconsistent with a Daily Mail report which said the alleged hack was discovered while Truss was still foreign secretary. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqZylkQH86E
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has claimed that Saudi Arabia wants to join BRICS. He says Crown Prince MBS showed interest in joining the bloc during his recent meeting with him. Is Riyadh trying to disassociate itself from the West? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WU2oh6u_Ak
Naravna Imunost - ko se ne borimo proti virusom, bakterijam...
*glas* je komentiral/a topic od *glas* v Zdravje in alternativna medicina
Delim od: "Naravna imunost: https://www.facebook.com/naravnaimunost https://www.naravnaimunost.si/?fbclid=IwAR30VLxWd9yMTSjfhYKFVL59eGXzHefNPOreO-1a4LX8ZfW4XW4J2J5dje8 Še se spomnite časov, ko nas je skrbela 6-odstotna presežna umrljivost? Julija 2020 smo jo zabeležili v EU in vzrok zanjo pripisali kovidu 19. Nas danes kaj skrbi 16-odstotna presežna umrljivost, ki smo jo zabeležili julija 2022? Niti malo. Mediji je ne poudarjajo, ker zdaj pa je res ne moremo pripisati kovidu. - Ali jo lahko pripišemo čemu drugemu? - Ne, to bi bila zloraba znanosti - brez dolgoletnih analiz ne moremo reči nič. - Nasvidenje v naslednji vojni." Cel članek na: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/ddn-20220916-1?fbclid=IwAR1psuLgSq4mpa-wE1-3bcprOs5NAqHceB4U5TrAhSEvPezzsENaSZ2FpVQ -
Dalje urušavanje Duboke Države. Njegosava Grabovac, 15.10.2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-ElibhoeFE
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/895579531153408010/1030848480803041350/20221015_161943.jpg https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/895579531153408010/1030848509051666442/20221015_162015.jpg https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/895579531153408010/1030848524692234340/20221015_162107.jpg https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/895579531153408010/1030848537799430274/20221015_162134.jpg
Amerika si je letos kupila vojno proti Rusiji, za borih 66miljard in brez smrti enega američana.. To je eden najboljši poslov tega stoletja za njih! https://insajder.com/svet/ameriski-general-je-donosna-nalozba-za-samo-66-milijard-smo-dobili-ukrajino-ki-se-namesto-nas?fbclid=IwAR28NjUd0zQTsH2XN6V0tSio5aeZDyEc0gqfHDT2hddc5pl8_Np7vwhTx38
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