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Pika Pikica

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  1. Pika Pikica


    Da ne bo slučajno 48 ur, sem hitro vskočila.
  2. Daniel Bedingfield - If you're not the one Rednex - Wish you were here
  3. GEORGE MICHAEL "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face I thought the sun rose in your eyes And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave To the dark and endless skies, my love To the dark and empty skies The first time ever I kissed your mouth I felt the earth move in my hands Like the trembling heart of a captive bird That was there at my command, my love That was there at my command The first time I ever lay with you And felt you heart so close to mine And I knew our joy would fill the world And would last till the and of time, my love It would last till the end of time The first time ever I saw your face Your face, your face
  4. Pika Pikica

    *Modre misli*

    Ajde, rečmo, da se bom jst ne sitnart, če ne bo čist do pikice točno... Love and serve all humanity. Ljubi in služi celemu človeštvu. Assist everyone. Pomagaj vsakomur. Be happy, be courteous. Bodi srečen in vljuden/spoštljiv. Be a dynamo of irrepressible joy. Bodi dinamo/pogon neukrotljivemu veselju. Recognize God and goodness in every face. Prepoznaj Boga in Boginjo v vsakem obrazu. There is no saint without a past and no sinner without a future. Ni svetnika brez preteklosti in grešnika brez prihodnosti. Praise everyone. If you cannot praise someone, let them out of your life. Poveličuj vsakogar. Če koga ne moreš poveličevati, ga izpusti iz svojega življenja. Be original, be inventive. Bodi izviren in iznajdljiv/domiseln. Be courageous. Take courage again and again. Bodi pogumen. Izkazuj pogum vedno znova in znova. Do not imitate; be strong, be upright. Ne posnemaj, bodi močen in pokončen/korekten. Do not lean on the crutches of others. Ne naslanjaj/zanašaj se na bergle/podporo drugih. Think with your own head. Be yourself. Misli s svojo glavo. Bodi TI. All perfection and every divine virtue are hidden within you. Reveal them to the world. Vsa popolnost in vsa božanska krepost sta skriti/ležita v tebi. Razkrij ju svetu. Wisdom, too, is already within you. Let it shine forth. Tudi modrost je že v tebi. Naj zasije. Let the Lord's grace set you free. Naj te Gospodova milost osvobodi. Let your life be that of the rose; in silence, it speaks the language of fragrance. Naj bo tvoje življenje kot življenje vrtnice; v tišini govori jezik dišave/prijetnega vonja. (Sri Babaji) Evo, na prbližn...
  5. Uf, fajn...bomo tole osveževali vsak dan....
  6. DANIEL BEDINGFIELD "If You're Not The One" If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today? If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way? If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all I'll never know what the future brings But I know you're here with me now We’ll make it through And I hope you are the one I share my life with I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am? Is there any way that I can stay in your arms? If I don’t need you then why am I crying on my bed? If I don’t need you then why does your name resound in my head? If you’re not for me then why does this distance maim my life? If you’re not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife? I don’t know why you’re so far away But I know that this much is true We’ll make it through And I hope you are the one I share my life with And I wish that you could be the one I die with And I pray in you’re the one I build my home with I hope I love you all my life I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am Is there any way that I can stay in your arms? ‘Cause I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today ‘Cause I love you, whether it’s wrong or right And though I can’t be with you tonight You know my heart is by your side I don’t want to run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am Is there any way that I could stay in your arms
  7. Boyz 2 Men - End of the road Girl you know we belong together I have no time for you to be playing With my heart like this You’ll be mine forever baby, you just see We belong together And you know that I’m right Why do you play with my heart, Why do you play with my mind? Said we’d be forever Said it’d never die How could you love me and leave me And never say good-bye? Girl I can’t sleep at night without holding you tight Girl, each time I try I just break down and cry Pain in my head oh I’d rather be dead Spinnin’ around and around Although we’ve come to the end of the road Still I can’t let you go It’s unnatural, you belong to me, I belong to you Come to the end of the road Still I can’t let you go It’s unnatural, you belong to me, I belong to you Girl, I know you really love me, You just don’t realize You’ve never been there before It’s only your first time Maybe I’ll forgive you, hmm Maybe you’ll try We should be happy together Forever, you and I... Girl, you love me again like you loved me before This time I want you to love me much more This time instead just come to my bed And baby just don’t let me, don’t let me down Chorus Girl I’m here for you All those times of night when you just hurt me And just run out with that other fella Baby I knew about it, I just didn’t care You just don’t understand how much I love you do you? I’m here for you I’m not out to go out and cheat on you all night Just like you did baby but that’s all right Hey, I love you anyway And I’m still gonna be here for you ’till my dying day baby Right now, I’m just in so much pain baby Cause you just won’t come back to me Will you? just come back to me (lonely) Yes baby my heart is lonely (lonely) My heart hurts baby (lonely) Yes I feel pain too Baby please This time instead just come to my bed And baby just don’t let me go
  8. Ne bom, k se o tem ne govori! Jst samo prakticiram.
  9. Nej ti bo Valkira. Vidla njeno stanovanje...krasne barve po stenah, res, 1A, bejba. Ful bo lepo, ko bo vse poštimano. Mele par težkih debat, uf, se je mogl enim kolcat. Pa fajn je blo, ful, sm rabla en tak ženski čvek. Srce si, dečva.
  10. Še polhn kufr me boš mela, obljubim. Jst tud ene par ljudi...Klarus, Todi, Valkiro (ne vem, zakaj tvoje ime najprej vedno napišem kot VLakira , pa, cel kup babnc tuki gor....mogle bi se enkrat dobit pred NL, pa ornk začvekat pa pošimfat tud mal.
  11. NATASHA BEDINGFIELD "I Bruise Easily" My skin is like a map Of where my heart has been And I cant hide the marks Its not a negative thing So I let down my guard Drop my defences down by my clothes I'm learning to fall With no safety net to cushion the blow I bruise easily So be gentle when you handle me Theres a mark you leave Like a love heart carved on a tree I bruise easily Can't scratch the surface Without moving me underneath I bruise easily I bruise easily I found your fingerprints On a glass of wine Do you know you're leaving them All over this heart of mine too But if I never take this leap of faith I'll never know So im learning to fall With no safety net to cushion the blow [Chorus] Anyone who can touch you Can hurt you or heal you Anyone who can reach you Can love you or leave you So be gentle... [Chorus] I bruise easily I bruise easily
  12. Fak, kok sm slepa...šele zdej vidla nekatere stvari. Mislim, zlat ne vem, če to veš in če mi boš pustil, da ti to dokažem? Pa dej ne se skrivat, prosim. Že tko je težko... Pa kera pesmica... Wow, mislim, res...noben se še ni tolk potrudil. Joj..dej nej bo vse kul....
  13. Hvala. Tudi sama imam o tebi isto mnenje. Vesela, da sem te spoznala, sta mi obe polepšali večer s svojo toplino ...meditacije pa furamo dalje, ne? Sej nikol ne veš, koga sem poslala namesto mene. Upam, da te občutek ne vara. Ja, pride včasih cajt, ko se je treba mal odmaknt in razčistit... Sej sm v mislih z vami.
  14. Še Aiwi za včeraj vse najboljše. Klarus... naš forumski angelc. Bejbi, vse najboljše, res sem vesela, da sem te spoznala in da si mi pustila blizu. Krasna oseba si, z mnogo talenti, ki jih razvijaš v pravo smer. Poslušaj svojega srčeka, pa boš vedno vedela, kaj naredit, da bo prav. Želim ti, da ti uspe na tistem področju, na katerem delaš, si ena od najbolj sposobnih ljudi za to. Kot drugo, ti pa želim, da se ti vsa dobrota, ki nam jo izkazuješ, večkratno povrne in da boš tudi ti našla srečo v tem. Če pa še vmes kak pravi dečko pride, pa še tolko boljše. Samo, glej, da ga boš dobro zdresirala, da bo še kaj ostalo za nas. Lepo praznuj. V mislih sem s tabo.
  15. Ni bil nč kregan, k je ful priden. Pa dobr, k cukr. Res.
  16. To si ti sam mislš, veš pa ne. Enako, jst tud mislm, da sm. Eh, kaj čm te sploh hvalt...sej sm te že vsem prehvalila.
  17. Grem pod tuš, da bom vsaj kej pametnga dons nardila. Spet sm sitna, Samson je kriv.
  18. Na žalost sam v me nben prtisnu, če zato tko čukast gledaš?
  19. Spet nism šla na telovadbo. Ma, k me preveč zebe, pa glavo si morm umit...sej bom namest mal meditirala, pa glasilke sm zdej eno uro in pol razgibavala...sej to tud pod telesno vadbo spada, a ne? Kok mi je pa sedl, res... Mal bljuzitis furam. Kr neki...bla, bla...prtisnena sm.
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