ananta 15. julij 2008 Prijavi Deli 15. julij 2008 Pozdravljeni! V korporacijskem obmochju se blixamo kompromisu med dva sveta, namrech astronomskem in astrolo$kem. Kot veste tadva nista enaka xe nekaj chasa, oziroma nikoli nista bila enaka. Gre se za integracijo akademskega (torej natanchnega) pristopa astrologiji in popularnih programchkov kot sta Astrolog in Solar Fire. Na$a mlada korporacija naj bi razvila plug-inchke, katere bi kar pri$tekali na lastni program in greva! The power of the Academic Zodiac at your fingertips! Communique by Klaudio Zic of the Academic Zodiac The obvious development of our efforts towards real sky astrology for everyone seems to converge towards corporation releasing plug-ins for popular computer programs. Thus even from your favorite Astrolog, Kepler or Solar Fire, you would be able to do what those programs already can, detect your true natal positions through the inbuilt planetarium, in modern format. As there are many problems to resolve on the way that is the will, we do not hope for a quick solution, albeit the first steps towards software integration has been made. Nowadays we are able to produce a limited quantity of services in PDF format, including animations, but with software support, literally anyone on any platform could have a bite of the Academic Zodiac, even pre-written report, however this looks alarmingly close to the tactics as used by industry and the enemies of astrology unawares. As we have no time to calculate all the charts in the world, a data base would be used, such as loaded within the program. Our own way of doing is rather complicated for a normal user, albeit the advanced astrologer can be trained into our strange ways. These ways include computer and networking skills, knowledge of the minor planet data base, direction techniques, such as secondary angular direction or primary projection, and good integrating capabilities. As these qualities are rare, we are asked to prepare plug-ins for the programs that are already serving data worldwide. However the day of announcement of an universal plug-in for astrological programs is not quite on the horizon, yet, we want to inform the astrological community that we are already in possession of comprehensive technology that enables the simple determination of the chart wheel, e.g. including Venus in Hydra at the ascendant. It is worthless that all our solutions include the dwarf planets, Apoheles, giant comets, outer guardians, Earth co-orbitals, centaurs, supervoids, the Axis of Evil and objects of interest according to their appropriate classes. Not that every object will make your horoscope, to be understood, but it is always handy to have a quick check for the ascendant or focal points where some little centaur or comet may be the key to interpretation. Rock on, you little frozen potatoes! Klaudio Zic 07/15/0807:57:38 PM UT+2 45N20 14E27 Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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