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Gog in Magog


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The war broke exactly with the eclipse and the announced comet Chiron close-up. Now what is exactly? I take a couple of days of difference between the two events could even act as a sort of midpoint in time. Thus Chiron is prominent in the map, along with Russian fatal chunk called Damocles and all sorts of evil (centaur, apohele, co-orbital, dwarf, ...) objects. We posted the details, some 20 maps and many predictions approximately 3 months ago, then forgot about the whole affair, and now we have blood in the streets for the Olympics, ... the bloodiest of all, this one?


The region swarms with Scynthians, Cimmerians (remember Conan?), and all sorts of people as coded in the old predictions. The Russian are of course the Magog by wide protestant consensus.


Now Putin is coded as Gog. I'll have to rewrite some predictions.


Gog (chief of Magog) attacks (the white gypsies? Schynts?) from the North. An I expected Syria's raid into Israel (under Putin). Could this be Gog's expected attack?


South Ossetia minority conflict as predicted. Now we can expect Chinese minorities to rise as they always did. Russia and Georgia have a problem and NATO is not disinterested. When we predicted war in Russia due to minorities for the eclipse, it probably sounded too eccentric: here we have it. Gori is on flame.


Boy it has been a long time since I shot my last MIG. saw the pictures of dead people, civilians, in the streets. I would volunteer, but the situation is complex. I have ties with the Armenian folk, some with Georgians and fortunately none with Russians. Who is hit if I shoot? Civil wars are the worst hell as concern who is who. Obviously the Russian planes hit the separatists. The situation is unclear. Now what is the deal of NATO with Russia? Nice planet we have, sporty.

STEVO Re: South Ossetia

Today, 11:10 AM

yep, that's the problem: who's who?

sorry to hear that it's hitting "close to home" as it were


Neither did I believe when I wrote the predictions: this is real war.


Hmm, not really close but what is close? Turkey is EU, almost. This does not sound good at all. Surely NATO & Russia have an agreement, a massacre or two. Darn. Give me a Stinger!

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