dayo 29. september 2008 Prijavi Deli 29. september 2008 The Yavanajataka (Sanskrit for "Saying (Jataka) of the Greeks (Yavanas)") is the earliest writing of Indian astrology. It is a translation from Greek to Sanskrit made by "Yavanesvara" ("Lord of the Greeks") in 149–150 CE, under the rule of the Western Kshatrapa king Rudrakarman I, and then versified 120 years later by Sphujidhwaja. The original Greek text is though to have been written around 120 BCE in Alexandria.[1] It is India's earliest Sanskrit work in horoscopy.[2] It was followed by other works of Western origin which greatly influenced Indian astrology: the Paulisa Siddhanta ("Doctrine of Paul"), and the Romaka Siddhanta ("Doctrine of the Romans"). ... Torej so v Indiji astrologijo očitno prejeli od Grkov, kateri so jo, kot povedano, prejeli od Kaldejcev. Zanimivo, česa človek vsega ne izve... Ne poznam tolk detaljno, sam kukr se spomnim iz ene knjige od A. Kazaleta, naj bi bli še bistveno starejši (par tisoč let B.C.) zapisi od nekega Prakašare (oz. neki podobnega). Kaj je res, seveda ne vem. ali pa s simulacijo radiacij planetov, izvršeno nad poskusnimi "zajčki" Ja, ideja ni neumna Kako bi pa naredu simulacijo planetov? Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
xyz 29. september 2008 Avtor Prijavi Deli 29. september 2008 Ne poznam tolk detaljno, sam kukr se spomnim iz ene knjige od A. Kazaleta, naj bi bli še bistveno starejši (par tisoč let B.C.) zapisi od nekega Prakašare (oz. neki podobnega). Kaj je res, seveda ne vem. Ja, tudi jaz ne vem... sicer je pa zoprno dejstvo, ki zna bosti v oči to, da zgodovino včasih pišejo zmagovalciin se morajo poraženci blazno potrudit', da niso za vedno cenzurirani. Ja, ideja ni neumna Kako bi pa naredu simulacijo planetov? Simulacijo radiacij planetov... hm... moram še razmislit' Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
butl 29. september 2008 Prijavi Deli 29. september 2008 Mogoče... ali pa s simulacijo radiacij planetov, izvršeno nad poskusnimi "zajčki" Sem že prej porajtal, da dvomiš v uporabno vrednost statistike.Mislm, da si ga tle u kamn. Brez statistike bi ga pušnl povsod. In glih tko v astrologiji. Pa če bi ti glih ena teorija kr tko padla v glavo, jo moraš potrdit v praksi. Pa če bi ti sam Bog osebno narekoval vse skrivnosti v astrologiji, bi se moral v praksi prepričat, da je to res. Tolk in tolk primerov, ki potrjujejo al pa tud ne, eno tezo. To, da maš en kup podatkov, pa ne pojma, kva z njimi počet, ne pomen, da statistika ni uporabna, pomen le, da ti teh podatkov ne znaš uporabt. Če si dost dober, lahko iz podatkov izpelješ teorijo. Citiraj Čutim, da čutiš, da čutim, kar čutiš Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
xyz 29. september 2008 Avtor Prijavi Deli 29. september 2008 Sem že prej porajtal, da dvomiš v uporabno vrednost statistike.Mislm, da si ga tle u kamn. Brez statistike bi ga pušnl povsod. In glih tko v astrologiji. Pa če bi ti glih ena teorija kr tko padla v glavo, jo moraš potrdit v praksi. Pa če bi ti sam Bog osebno narekoval vse skrivnosti v astrologiji, bi se moral v praksi prepričat, da je to res. Tolk in tolk primerov, ki potrjujejo al pa tud ne, eno tezo. To, da maš en kup podatkov, pa ne pojma, kva z njimi počet, ne pomen, da statistika ni uporabna, pomen le, da ti teh podatkov ne znaš uporabt. Popolnoma se motiš, butl. Od kod ti sklep, da dvomim v statistiko in zakaj si s tem sklepom podpisal moje pisanje o simulaciji radiacije planetov,ki je zgolj delo moje lastne sci-fi produkcije ? Sploh pa to, da si to že prej porajtal... torej dvojna zmota. Ja, saj vem, včasih je težko reči, če je človek ciničen ali ne že samo zato, ker je občasno ciničen...kar zna pripeljati do kynismo-paranoje. Ampak ne, statistika je ravno eden od redkih faktorjev, ki osvetlijo to tematiko na prav poseben način ! Če si dost dober, lahko iz podatkov izpelješ teorijo. Saj ravno zaradi tega sem že pred x-stranmi napisal,da je možno, da so definicije karakteristik NASTALE na osnovi vem sicer, če si to zasledil. Ni bila šala, temveč resno predpostavljena možnost. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
butl 29. september 2008 Prijavi Deli 29. september 2008 Doslej zelo zanimivo, tole o Gauquelinu....da se je zadeve lotil statistično.Sicer nimam nekega visokega mnenja o praktični uporabi statistike,a v primeru astrologije bi znala biti zelo zanimiva. Citiraj Čutim, da čutiš, da čutim, kar čutiš Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
xyz 29. september 2008 Avtor Prijavi Deli 29. september 2008 ? Če samo opomnim, da so statistiko uporabljali, da so "dokazovali" negativen vpliv rock n' roll-a na najstnike v ameriki,potem je jasno, kaj sem skušal povedati. Zato sem izrazil svoje mnenje o uporabi in ne o tem, kar se uporablja.Ampak ja, razumem, da ti je to speljalo misli. V primeru astrologije je stvar drugačna, kot pa sem tudi že napisal. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
dayo 29. september 2008 Prijavi Deli 29. september 2008 Kolkr vem, zgodovina astrologije ni čist jasna, obstaja več teorij. Npr. indijci bi rekli, da so to celo znanost dobil rišiji v svojih videnjih... in še druge razlage.Evo, najdu ene razlage o začetkih indijske astrologije: Indian astrology is popularly referred to as Vedic astrology. This is not because it is there in the Vedas. There is no mention of astrology in the Vedas. However, it is one of the Vedangas, i.e., limb or branch of Vedas, and dates back to the Vedic period. Several of the Poojas and remedial measures prescribed in the Indian astrology are as per the Vedic system. Hence, it is called Vedic astrology. The Vedangas are six in number. They are: Siksha or phonetics, Kalpa or ritual, Vyakarana or grammar, Nirukta or etymology, Chhandas or metrics and Jyotishya or astronomy and astrology. These are mentioned in the Upanishads. It is impossible ascertain the exact time of origin of our astrology. Even the most famous historians differ wildly, from 1200 BC to 2500 BC while trying to fix our Vedic period. A lot of them, especially the westerners, still study India based on the Mahenjadaro and Harappan discoveries, which were discovered in the 1920’s!! Several archeological discoveries of recent times date our culture to 7500 BC, making it the ancient most civilization in the world. Our astrology has details of the horoscopes of Lord Krishna, Lord Rama and many other ancient Indian kings and queens, recorded thousands of years ago. The Bhishma Parva and Udyoga Parva chapters of Mahabharata mention many astrological descriptions and omens just before the Mahabharata war. It also describes a period of draught with several planetary combinations. There is also a very clear reference about two eclipses, a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse occurring, creating a rare 13 day lunar fortnight. Available scientific research data shows that the Mahabharata war must have occurred either in 3129 BC or 2559 BC. According to the Hindu Panchangas, maintained from ages, Kaliyuga era is counted from February 17/18 midnight 3102 BC. Hindu epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana have been written off as myths by the western historians. However the recent discovery of the submerged ancient city Dwaraka, (the site of the legendary city of Lord Krishna, which got submerged in the sea after the death of Lord Krishna), led by Dr. S.R. Rao of the Marine Archaeology Unit of the National Institute of Oceanography of India lends a lot of credence to our mythology. Various texts attribute the origin of Indian astrology to various gods and Rishis. It is futile to ascertain who was the originator. The most popularly followed astrological classics today are the ones written by Rishis like Parashara, Varahamihira, Garga, Jaimini and their followers. People in those days had no satellites or telescopes and yet the planetary positions and their motions recorded by them are as accurate as the planetary positions and degrees recorded today using the space satellites. Our ancient astrologers used their divine intuition to record these planetary movements and their effects on us. In v kakšne detajle grejo to... Odkuda jim, to je sedaj vprašanje za xyz-ja! isti vir: Astrology has a twofold purpose. On one hand it is used as a tool to select the right month the right date and the right time to start various auspicious rites and rituals so that the results are better. On the other hand it is used as a guide to study the destiny of an individual. Indian astrology is based on the theory of fate. The good and the bad actions of the past life determine your fate or Karma of your present life, and the actions of your present life determine your future Karma. According to Indian astrology a person is born at that place, on that day and on that moment when his individual fate is in perfect mathematical harmony with the progress of the stars in heaven. However it does not preach total dependence on fate. Astrology lets you know what you were born with, what your possibilities are, the limitations, your strong points and your drawbacks. What type of life partners and professions suit you and to expect is also indicated. It also prescribes various remedial measures to ward off the bad effects and to enhance the good results. Astrology is your roadmap of destiny. However your fate is in your hands. The scriptures guide us by telling us what is good and what is bad; what to do and what not to do; how to do and how not to do. You are given a piece of land and the seeds to sow. How much effort to put in to it, what amount of manure and water to add and when how to reap the produce is your job. After that it is you who have to act using your knowledge intelligence, discrimination and experience. Fate is like a game of cards where you cannot help the cards that have been dealt to you but how to play them is in your hands. You may get good cards but if you play badly you will lose and you may get bad cards and still may win if you play carefully. Don’t blame the roadmap if you get drunk, drive badly and have an accident! In the Mahabharata Lord Krishna gave advise to Arjuna and also to Duryodhana. One listened and the other did not! In the Egyptian, Greek, western and Chinese systems of astrology only the birth chart is cast to give predictions. This is hopelessly inaccurate and insufficient. For example, moon, the fastest moving of the nine planets, remains in one sign fro two and half days. The ascendant, or Lagna, extends for a period of two hours. In these two hours, according to the present birth rate, several thousand people are born in the world with the same birth chart! All of them cannot have the same destiny. Hence their predictions based on this and the monthly transits tends to be inaccurate. They are somewhat accurate about the nature of signs etc., but when it comes to predicting the events in ones life and their timing they are nowhere. You don’t really need an astrologer to tell you that, for example if you are Scorpio sign, you tend to be jealous and possessive! Vedic astrology has a four dimensional approach. Firstly, we have the divisional chart system, called the Varga system. Based on the planetary degrees at the time of birth, sixteen divisional charts are prepared, by dividing the degrees of the planets. These divisional charts are studied to ascertain the strength and weakness of planets and houses and also to study various aspects of ones life. For example, one-ninth division called Navamsa to study spouse and married life, one-tenth division to study profession, one-seventh for children and so on. The last Varga, called Shodashamsa, is prepared by dividing the planet’s degrees in to one-sixtieth part! Second is the dasa system. Based on ones moons degrees at birth, we calculate the Dasas, or the ruling periods of various planets, which keeps changing during ones life. It is not just one planets dasa but Maha dasa, or main dasa, of a planet, Antardasa, or sub period, of another planet and so on till we arrive at a fifth level dasa to study each day. Third is the Gochara, or transit of planets. Planets transiting various houses produce various results. But a planet transits a sign for quite some time. For example Saturn transits a sign for two and half years. During this entire period its results cannot be totally good or bad. Vedic astrology further pinpoints its good and bad periods even during its transit in one sign. We have the Asthakavarga and Prastharasthakavarga system, which divides a planets transit in a sign into eight parts and shows which part is good and which part is bad. Lastly, there is the Prasna Kundali system, or chart cast based on the time of the query. This is studied as an add-on chart to give predictions. The modern scientists do not accept astrology. But it is a known fact that planets do have their effects on us. The doctors of almost all mental asylums accept the fact that during the full moon and the new Moon periods the mental patients behave erratically. The police record the same effects on many criminals. The modern scientists know some of the effects of the ultraviolet rays, gamma rays and beta rays of the planets. But unfortunately they don’t have the divine wisdom of our ancient is to know all the effects fully. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
mis.debra 30. september 2008 Prijavi Deli 30. september 2008 Ne poznam tolk detaljno, sam kukr se spomnim iz ene knjige od A. Kazaleta, naj bi bli še bistveno starejši (par tisoč let B.C.) zapisi od nekega Prakašare (oz. neki podobnega). Kaj je res, seveda ne vem. Ja, ideja ni neumna Kako bi pa naredu simulacijo planetov? Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
xyz 30. september 2008 Avtor Prijavi Deli 30. september 2008 Evo, najdu ene razlage o začetkih indijske astrologije: Indian astrology is popularly referred to as Vedic astrology. This is not because it is there in the Vedas. There is no mention of astrology in the Vedas. However, it is one of the Vedangas, i.e., limb or branch of Vedas, and dates back to the Vedic period. Several of the Poojas and remedial measures prescribed in the Indian astrology are as per the Vedic system. Hence, it is called Vedic astrology. The Vedangas are six in number. They are: Siksha or phonetics, Kalpa or ritual, Vyakarana or grammar, Nirukta or etymology, Chhandas or metrics and Jyotishya or astronomy and astrology. These are mentioned in the Upanishads. It is impossible ascertain the exact time of origin of our astrology. Even the most famous historians differ wildly, from 1200 BC to 2500 BC while trying to fix our Vedic period. A lot of them, especially the westerners, still study India based on the Mahenjadaro and Harappan discoveries, which were discovered in the 1920’s!! Several archeological discoveries of recent times date our culture to 7500 BC, making it the ancient most civilization in the world. Our astrology has details of the horoscopes of Lord Krishna, Lord Rama and many other ancient Indian kings and queens, recorded thousands of years ago. The Bhishma Parva and Udyoga Parva chapters of Mahabharata mention many astrological descriptions and omens just before the Mahabharata war. It also describes a period of draught with several planetary combinations. There is also a very clear reference about two eclipses, a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse occurring, creating a rare 13 day lunar fortnight. Available scientific research data shows that the Mahabharata war must have occurred either in 3129 BC or 2559 BC. According to the Hindu Panchangas, maintained from ages, Kaliyuga era is counted from February 17/18 midnight 3102 BC. Hindu epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana have been written off as myths by the western historians. However the recent discovery of the submerged ancient city Dwaraka, (the site of the legendary city of Lord Krishna, which got submerged in the sea after the death of Lord Krishna), led by Dr. S.R. Rao of the Marine Archaeology Unit of the National Institute of Oceanography of India lends a lot of credence to our mythology. Various texts attribute the origin of Indian astrology to various gods and Rishis. It is futile to ascertain who was the originator. The most popularly followed astrological classics today are the ones written by Rishis like Parashara, Varahamihira, Garga, Jaimini and their followers. People in those days had no satellites or telescopes and yet the planetary positions and their motions recorded by them are as accurate as the planetary positions and degrees recorded today using the space satellites. Our ancient astrologers used their divine intuition to record these planetary movements and their effects on us. In v kakšne detajle grejo to... Odkuda jim, to je sedaj vprašanje za xyz-ja! isti vir: Astrology has a twofold purpose. On one hand it is used as a tool to select the right month the right date and the right time to start various auspicious rites and rituals so that the results are better. On the other hand it is used as a guide to study the destiny of an individual. Indian astrology is based on the theory of fate. The good and the bad actions of the past life determine your fate or Karma of your present life, and the actions of your present life determine your future Karma. According to Indian astrology a person is born at that place, on that day and on that moment when his individual fate is in perfect mathematical harmony with the progress of the stars in heaven. However it does not preach total dependence on fate. Astrology lets you know what you were born with, what your possibilities are, the limitations, your strong points and your drawbacks. What type of life partners and professions suit you and to expect is also indicated. It also prescribes various remedial measures to ward off the bad effects and to enhance the good results. Astrology is your roadmap of destiny. However your fate is in your hands. The scriptures guide us by telling us what is good and what is bad; what to do and what not to do; how to do and how not to do. You are given a piece of land and the seeds to sow. How much effort to put in to it, what amount of manure and water to add and when how to reap the produce is your job. After that it is you who have to act using your knowledge intelligence, discrimination and experience. Fate is like a game of cards where you cannot help the cards that have been dealt to you but how to play them is in your hands. You may get good cards but if you play badly you will lose and you may get bad cards and still may win if you play carefully. Don’t blame the roadmap if you get drunk, drive badly and have an accident! In the Mahabharata Lord Krishna gave advise to Arjuna and also to Duryodhana. One listened and the other did not! In the Egyptian, Greek, western and Chinese systems of astrology only the birth chart is cast to give predictions. This is hopelessly inaccurate and insufficient. For example, moon, the fastest moving of the nine planets, remains in one sign fro two and half days. The ascendant, or Lagna, extends for a period of two hours. In these two hours, according to the present birth rate, several thousand people are born in the world with the same birth chart! All of them cannot have the same destiny. Hence their predictions based on this and the monthly transits tends to be inaccurate. They are somewhat accurate about the nature of signs etc., but when it comes to predicting the events in ones life and their timing they are nowhere. You don’t really need an astrologer to tell you that, for example if you are Scorpio sign, you tend to be jealous and possessive! Vedic astrology has a four dimensional approach. Firstly, we have the divisional chart system, called the Varga system. Based on the planetary degrees at the time of birth, sixteen divisional charts are prepared, by dividing the degrees of the planets. These divisional charts are studied to ascertain the strength and weakness of planets and houses and also to study various aspects of ones life. For example, one-ninth division called Navamsa to study spouse and married life, one-tenth division to study profession, one-seventh for children and so on. The last Varga, called Shodashamsa, is prepared by dividing the planet’s degrees in to one-sixtieth part! Second is the dasa system. Based on ones moons degrees at birth, we calculate the Dasas, or the ruling periods of various planets, which keeps changing during ones life. It is not just one planets dasa but Maha dasa, or main dasa, of a planet, Antardasa, or sub period, of another planet and so on till we arrive at a fifth level dasa to study each day. Third is the Gochara, or transit of planets. Planets transiting various houses produce various results. But a planet transits a sign for quite some time. For example Saturn transits a sign for two and half years. During this entire period its results cannot be totally good or bad. Vedic astrology further pinpoints its good and bad periods even during its transit in one sign. We have the Asthakavarga and Prastharasthakavarga system, which divides a planets transit in a sign into eight parts and shows which part is good and which part is bad. Lastly, there is the Prasna Kundali system, or chart cast based on the time of the query. This is studied as an add-on chart to give predictions. The modern scientists do not accept astrology. But it is a known fact that planets do have their effects on us. The doctors of almost all mental asylums accept the fact that during the full moon and the new Moon periods the mental patients behave erratically. The police record the same effects on many criminals. The modern scientists know some of the effects of the ultraviolet rays, gamma rays and beta rays of the planets. But unfortunately they don’t have the divine wisdom of our ancient is to know all the effects fully. Torej popolnoma druga zgodba...sicer pa se obe najbrž na neki točki ujemata.Skoraj težko verjeti, da Indijci niso opazili nebesnih teles, preden so tja prišli Grki ampak dejstvo je, da so postopki v obeh sistemih tako identični in odgovor na to zna biti dejansko vpliv Grkov. Opisi planetarnih vplivov se namreč ujemajo. Ni namreč za zanemariti, da so planeti najprej "sovpadali" z bogovi Kaldejcev,nato, ko so sistem prevzeli Grki, z bogovi Grkovin nato z rimskimi bogovi (katerih imena so se ohranila do danes).Prav tako so v indiji pripisali planetom svoja božanstvain pripisali celotnemu sistemu astrologije svojo mitologijo ter filozofijo. * Kar me na strani, katero si citiral, malo "moti", je, da je precej religiozno usmerjena in navaja nekatere podatke kot zgodovinska dejstva...npr. nekate mitološke karakterje, kot da so dejansko obstajali, čeprav je to sporno; kar nakazuje na pristranskost.Ker poznam mitologijo Indije kar dobro in sploh njihove religiozne postopke, vem, kako neusmiljeno znajo pretiravati. Malo sem pobrskal po strani in našel celo, da omenjajo Yavanajatako in da jo nekateri zahodnjaški astrologi tretirajo kot začetek Jyotisha. Potem sledijo neki odlomki iz Yavanaj., a stališče omenjenih astrologov je puščeno neargumentirano(mogoče ga samoumevno smatrajo kot napačnega ?) * Jasno, da se astrologija v smislu opazovanja nebesnih teles in poiskusa teh razlage ni razvijala zgolj na enem delu sveta.O tem pričata med drugim tudi kitajska astrologija in astrologija Mayev.A v primeru "naše" astrologije in Jyotisha so podobnosti skoraj absurdno identične.Seveda pa je "zamik" v stopinjah med obema sistemoma ena od točk, na kateri se človek vpraša,kateri od teh dveh sistemov je sedaj pravilen, če sploh... Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
dayo 30. september 2008 Prijavi Deli 30. september 2008 kar nakazuje na pristranskost. To drži... Seveda pa je "zamik" v stopinjah med obema sistemoma ena od točk, na kateri se človek vpraša, kateri od teh dveh sistemov je sedaj pravilen, če sploh...Po moje gre tuki za upoštevanje različnih sil. Je ena kr dobra knjiga od Jamesa Brahme, človeka, ki je kot eden prvih "pripeljal" jotish v usa - Astro-Logos. Tip je obvladal zelo dober oboje - jotish in zahodno. In po njegovem mnenju bi mogu dober astrolog obvladat oboje. Po njegovi razlagi nej bi jostish bil zelo uspešen v determiniranju časa (napovedovanju dogodkov, izbiri ustreznih obdobij za določene aktivnosti itd.), zahodna pa v analizi psihe. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
mis.debra 30. september 2008 Prijavi Deli 30. september 2008 To drži... Po moje gre tuki za upoštevanje različnih sil. Je ena kr dobra knjiga od Jamesa Brahme, človeka, ki je kot eden prvih "pripeljal" jotish v usa - Astro-Logos. Tip je obvladal zelo dober oboje - jotish in zahodno. In po njegovem mnenju bi mogu dober astrolog obvladat oboje. Po njegovi razlagi nej bi jostish bil zelo uspešen v determiniranju časa (napovedovanju dogodkov, izbiri ustreznih obdobij za določene aktivnosti itd.), zahodna pa v analizi psihe. Prej mi je zbrisalo cel komentar, pa ga ne bom pisala še enkrat :-) Bi pa samo dodala, da je jyotish zelo uporaben pri analizi osebnosti. Psihologija je tako ali tako ena izmed najnovejših ved :-) LP, Debra Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
xyz 2. oktober 2008 Avtor Prijavi Deli 2. oktober 2008 Beseda horoscopos pomeni po grško: "Gledam to, kar se dviguje",in se takrat, ko je bila ustvarjena, ni nanašala na celotno konstelacijo planetov,temveč zgolj na ascendent, torej, tisti del zodiaka, ki se je za časa rojstva pojavil nad horizontom.Glavna ideja je bila ta, da je med rojstvom dojenček pod vplivom ozvezdja, ki se je tisti trenutek prav tako rojevalo. (Gauquelin / the cosmic clocks) Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tantra 3. oktober 2008 Prijavi Deli 3. oktober 2008 Moderna astrologija je lahko stara največ dobrih 70 let;Do poznejših odkritij Urana, Neptuna, Plutona dosedanji astrološki izračuni Urana, Neptuna, Plutona niso upoštevali, ker teh planetov niso niti poznali: Uran je bil odkrit leta 1781 [odkril ga je William Herschel]; Neptun je bil odkrit leta 1846 [odkril ga je Johann Gottfried Galle]; Pluton je bil odkrit šele leta 1830[odkril ga je Clyde Tombaugh, na podlagi Lowellovih izračunov, ki je po odkritju Neptuna ponovno preračunal in ugotovil, da mora obstajati še en planet, ki moti gibanje plinskih velikanov. Nov planet so poimenovali Pluton po bogu podzemlja. Sonce tam sveti z -8 do -11 magnitudo, temperatura na površini pa nikoli ne preseže -230°C].Source: [Wikipedia]: Do leta 2006 so Pluton prištevali med planete;Leta 2006 je Mednarodna astronomska zveza postavila novo definicijo planeta.V skladu s to definicijo Pluton ni več planet, ampak pripada novemu razredu nebesnih teles, ki jih imenujemo pritlikavi planeti.Na večjih razdaljah od Sonca so odkrili še več teles, ki so jih uvrstili v to skupino...Source: Pluton je bil torej odkrit šele 18. februarja 1930:[zgodovina opazovanja Plutona]In je imel od odkritja leta 1930 in vse do leta 2006 status najbolj zunanjega,devetega in zadnjega planeta od Sonca. Na srečanju Mednarodne astronomske zveze [iAU] v Pragi avgusta 2006 pa so sodelujoči sprejeli sklep, v katerem je zapisano, da je v našem Osončju samo osem planetov [Merkur, Venera, Zemlja, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uran in Neptun]... Več o Plutonu, Haronu in malih planetih: Moderna astrologija je torej lahko stara največ dobrih 70 let. Stara astrologija je obravnavala pet planetov,Danes se uporabljajo imena, ki so jim jih dali že Rimljani: Merkur, Venera, Mars, Jupiter in Saturn[uran je bil odkrit leta 1781, Neptun je bil odkrit leta 1846,Pluton je bil odkrit šele leta 1830. Od leta 2006 ga astronomi ne tretirajo več kot planet; sodi pod pritlikave planete po Mednarodni astronomski zvezi [iAU] ].Xena - 10. planet odkrit v juliju 2007 [je malce večji od Plutona]. Sedna [planetoid; za planet je premajhna];bila odkrita v Osončju 14. novembra 2003 na observatoriju Palomar pri San Diegu].Izsledili so jo na starih posnetkih za nazaj vse do leta 2001.Odkrije so potrdili tudi z novim vesoljskim teleskopom Spitzer.V premeru meri najverjetneje okoli 1800 km. Torej več kot Quaoar (1250 km)In manj kot Pluton [2350 km]; Luna [3470 km]; Zemlja [12760 km].Sestave seveda znanstveniki še ne poznajo, predvidevajo pa, da jo v enaki meri sestavljajo skale in led, tako kot tudi druga zelo oddaljena telesa.Njena površina je skoraj tako rdečkasta, kot Marsova. Zakaj, še ne vedo - več se bo zvedelo po nadaljnih raziskavah. Na površju vlada večni mraz pri okoli -240°C. Source: Xena - 10. planet odkrit v juliju 2007 [je malce večji od Plutona];... Ameriška vesoljska agencija NASA je sporočila, da je Vesoljski teleskop Hubble prvič razločno opazil julija lani odkrit deseti planet našega osončja in razkril, da je malce večji od Plutona. Premer Xene znaša 2398 kilometrov [z možno napako do 96 kilometrov], medtem ko je premer Plutona 2288 kilometrov...Source: Planeti v našem Osončju zdaj poznani so:Merkur, Venera, Zemlja, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uran, Neptun, pritlikavi planet Pluton s svojo luno Charon, Xena - 10. planet odkrit v juliju 2007]. Oseba, katera se ukvarja z astrologijo o "astro" vplivu Plutona pravi takole:"... Pluton v 12. hiši je zelo močna pozicija; velika moč in soočenje z globljimi resnicami. Čeprav so boleče, znajo biti v veliko olajšanje. Najhujše so stvari, ki so v podzavesti in se ne znaš dokopati do njih. Pluton v 12. hiši se mi zdi, da je super za dobro intuicijo, samo itak je dosti odvisno od aspektov...":Objava #186:;p=1055457666 Astrologija lahko upošteva Pluton & njegove "astro vplive" šele od leta 1830 naprej.[pred tem tega planeta, pritlikavega planeta po Mednarodni astronomski zvezi [iAU]astrološki izračuni niso mogli upoštevati, ker ga preprosto sploh niso poznali.Kot tudi ne Urana do leta 1781, Neptuna do leta 1846.Planetoid Sedna bil odkrit šele leta 2003, Xena - 10. planet bil odkrit šele v juliju 2007[po velikosti malce večji od Plutona]. Starejša astrologija [astro izračuni] torej do odkritij navedenih planetov, planetoida Sedne"astro vplivov" le - teh ni upoštevala konkretno, ker jih ni niti poznala.Oz. je njih "astro" vplive pripisovala do takrat poznanim planetom... Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
FixMinze 3. oktober 2008 Prijavi Deli 3. oktober 2008 Citiraj Brez podpisa Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
FixMinze 3. oktober 2008 Prijavi Deli 3. oktober 2008 Dej povej no, kvaj kr neki. . Jaz se strinjam z vplivom. Sam je naše dojemanje o tem omejeno in precej služi naši slepoti. Citiraj Brez podpisa Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
xyz 3. oktober 2008 Avtor Prijavi Deli 3. oktober 2008 in še en popravek; razlika je, če se nekdo UKVARJA z astrologijo ali jo ljubiteljsko študira Res, a saj to smo že obdelali.V bistvu je vsako nekritično ukvarjanje z astrologijo ljubiteljsko,saj se dvom zatira zavoljo navezanosti... kot v bistvu tudi pri religijah značilno.V tem pogledu je večina astrologov bolj ljubiteljskih in je le malo "unih ta pravih đekov". krneki. boljš, da se neha objavljat Paradoks... zakaj potem objavljaš ? Ali pa bi rada malo poklepetala ?Danes je pri nas deževen dan, niti malo se ni otoplilo...treba je praviloma že peč kurit'. Ampak pri sosedih je še bolj hladno. Edit: Ne se jezit' na Tantro, ker med drugim to po možnosti ni oseba,temveč forumova iskalna mašina, nekaj takega kot google z avtopilotom... Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
myrjam 3. oktober 2008 Prijavi Deli 3. oktober 2008 To da odkrivamo nove in nove planete je samo znak da se vse bolj zavedamo vplivov... mitologija je brezčasna... Citiraj "Vse materialno je le navaden odsev duhovnega"...človek ni le skupek celic, je tudi odraz svojih misli...Martin Kojc Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
xyz 3. oktober 2008 Avtor Prijavi Deli 3. oktober 2008 To da odkrivamo nove in nove planete je samo znak da se vse bolj zavedamo vplivov... Sem mislil, da so temu krivi bolj in bolj dovršeni teleskopi ? mitologija je brezčasna... Kako to misliš, Myrjam ? Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
FixMinze 3. oktober 2008 Prijavi Deli 3. oktober 2008 Aja, sorry, se je nanašalo na tantrin/tantrov post Ja sej vem, zato me pa zanima. Tisto s planeti je znanstveno dejstvo in postavi precej stvari pod vprašanje. Citiraj Brez podpisa Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
xyz 3. oktober 2008 Avtor Prijavi Deli 3. oktober 2008 Nisem prebirala teme, odgovorila sem konkretno na tisti post, ki se je nanašal na mojo objavo v drugi temi in ne tule. Če se ne bi nanašal na tisto objavo, se sploh oglasila tule ne bi. Sem omenila zgoraj zakaj sem se oglasila v dotični temi. Ah, tako, ok. Nisem vedel. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
xyz 3. oktober 2008 Avtor Prijavi Deli 3. oktober 2008 Vem in se popolnoma strinjam. Poznam ta dejstva o astronomiji. Gre pa tudi za to, da se astrologijo šele učim (ljubiteljsko) in nisem kompententna za take odgovore. Sem že povedala zakaj sem se sploh oglasila. porkaduš Pizdarija, kaj se potem oglašaš ? (a joke) Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
FixMinze 3. oktober 2008 Prijavi Deli 3. oktober 2008 aja., Citiraj Brez podpisa Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
xyz 3. oktober 2008 Avtor Prijavi Deli 3. oktober 2008 Škorpijoni so luštne ž'valce,ne vem, zakaj se jih drži tak mračnjaški sloves...v bistvu bi bilo najhuje, če bi bila luna v človeku. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
myrjam 3. oktober 2008 Prijavi Deli 3. oktober 2008 Sem mislil, da so temu krivi bolj in bolj dovršeni teleskopi ?...recimo da so tudi teleskopi rezultat razširjanja zavesti Kako to misliš, Myrjam ? V vsaki malo bolj resni astrološki knjigi najdeš razlago za ne nazadnje tudi teorija ničtega polja nas pripelje do takšnega sklepa... Citiraj "Vse materialno je le navaden odsev duhovnega"...človek ni le skupek celic, je tudi odraz svojih misli...Martin Kojc Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
xyz 3. oktober 2008 Avtor Prijavi Deli 3. oktober 2008 ...recimo da so tudi teleskopi rezultat razširjanja zavesti Če imaš s tem v mislih materialnoduhovni napredek (oz. evolucijo), se seveda strinjam.Vplivi sami nedvomno obstajajo, kot tudi zidovi okoli nas vplivajo na naše telo,a pripisati vplivom planetov zaslugo za ves človeški razvoj, se mi zdi prenagleno.A vsekakor zanimivo mnenje. V vsaki malo bolj resni astrološki knjigi najdeš razlago za ne nazadnje tudi teorija ničtega polja nas pripelje do takšnega sklepa... Hm, ok, čeprav sam tu niti ne najdem povezave, mogoče mi tu lahko malo pomagaš ?O teoriji ničtega polja ne vem kaj dosti; veš mogoče, kako se le-ta imenuje po angleško ? Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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