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Due segni di errore


Academic Zodiac <>


Friday 10 October 2008 11:52:30


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Tradotto dalla mia AI personale, ma si capisce che ormai si tratta di ben

DUE SEGNI di errore, oltre ad altri orrori. Per fortuna in Italia

l'astrologia non e mai esistita, meno male.


First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2008, .

Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. Pubblicato per la prima volta da Klaudio

Zic Publications, 2008, / astrologia. Copyright © 2008 Con

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. Tutti i diritti riservati. No part of

this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,

electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the

written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. Nessuna

parte di questo materiale può essere riprodotta o trasmessa in qualsiasi

forma o con qualsiasi mezzo, elettronico o di altro tipo, per scopi

commerciali o di altro tipo, senza l'autorizzazione scritta dell'autore,

salvo quando consentita dalla legge.




Don't feed the troll. Non date da mangiare ai troll. Protect your horoscope

from the TWO SIGN error! Proteggi il tuo oroscopo dal SEGNO DUE errore!





ASTROLOGY ~ TWO SIGNS OF ERROR Astrologia ~ due segni di errore






One born with Sun in Virgo is being told he is “Scorpio”. Note that

the error is two constellations, not two “signs” as they call them. Uno

nato con il Sole in Vergine si è detto "Scorpione". Nota che l'errore è di

due costellazioni, non due "segni", come essi li chiamano.



A woman was mistreated for a lifetime on account of her “Capricorn”

ascendant, while Pisces rose at east at her birth. Una donna è stato

maltrattato per tutta la vita a causa della sua "Capricorno" ascendente,

mentre Pesci è salito a est alla sua nascita. She was merry to learn that

she has Pisces ascending at birth, not “cold Capricorn” as she was accused

fior a lifetime by superstitious folk. Era felice di apprendere che ha

Pesci ascendente alla nascita, non "a freddo Capricorno", come lei è stato

accusato Fior una vita da superstizione popolare.



Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. Copyright © 2008 Klaudio Zic, tutti i diritti

riservati. Http://






It has been a lifetime since you have been invited in reading the wrong

horoscopes for a person that is not yourself at all. E 'stata una vita da

quando è stato invitato nella lettura sbagliata oroscopi per una persona

che non sia te stesso a tutti. Stop reading the wrong horoscopes. Stop

lettura sbagliata oroscopi. Stop feeding the troll! Smettere di alimentare

l'troll! Read this instead and be happy. Leggi questo e invece essere

felice. Not that you need a horoscope in order to be happy, as we invite

you to be happy and informed. Non è che avete bisogno di un oroscopo, al

fine di essere felice, come vi invitiamo a essere felici e informato.






Alice has been born with Hydra ascending, Moon in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans

and Venus in Orion. Alice è nata con Idra ascendente, la Luna nel Balena,

in Sestante Mercurio e Venere in Orion. Her Juno is in Scutum and Pluto in

Serpens Cauda 1 . Her intelligence and horoscope defy both eastern and

western charlatans, and here is where our story starts. La sua Giunone è in

Scudo e Plutone in serpens Cauda 1. La sua intelligenza e oroscopo sfidare

sia orientali e occidentali ciarlatani, e qui è dove inizia la nostra




ZODIACAL CABAL Zodiacale della Cabala



This planet is not large to store two zodiacs 2 , but it has unwillingly

supported several pseudo-astrological models for more than 3000 years.

Questo pianeta non è grande per memorizzare due zodiacs 2, ma ha sostenuto

diversi malvolentieri pseudo-astrologico modelli per oltre 3000 anni. No

Indian astrologer knew how to calculate the ascendant. Astrologo indiano

non sapeva come calcolare l'ascendente. For them, the Earth did not move,

there was no precession included in their calculi. Per loro, la Terra non

muoversi, non vi era alcuna precessione incluso nei loro calcoli. Thus,

celestial seasons were always the same. Così, celeste stagioni erano le







Delphinus rose at east when Delphi was founded. Delfino è salito a est

Delphi quando è stata fondata. Lepus rose at east when the cowardly

paragraph flew. Lepus è salito a est quando il vile paragrafo volato. There

are 88 ascendants at east to deal with, in spite of lazy priests who

approximated heavens, even entrapping human knowledge into a shameful fixed

sky made of 12 signs that absurdly served as ascendants (sic). Sai Baba has

an observatory next door. Ci sono 88 ascendenti a est di affrontare,

nonostante pigro sacerdoti che approssimati cieli, anche entrapping

conoscenza umana in un vergognoso cielo fisso di 12 segni che assurdamente

servita come ascendenti (sic). Sai Baba è un osservatorio della porta

accanto. He was invited to check for his natal Sun which is in Libra on

November 23 rd . Egli è stato invitato a verificare per il suo natale

domenica, che è in Libra su 23 novembre.



A SHAMEFUL PAST Un vergognoso passato



Until recent past, people's horoscopes have been swapped between eastern and

western blunder, as it there were an eastern or western sky. Fino al

recente passato, delle persone oroscopi sono stati scambiati tra l'est e

l'ovest errore, in quanto vi erano uno o orientale occidentale cielo.

Whoever suspected fraud probably had not the means to prove it or time for

research. Chiunque sospetti di frode, probabilmente non aveva i mezzi per

dimostrare che il tempo o per la ricerca. Nevertheless, research was over

in 20 minutes, once the target was defined. Tuttavia, la ricerca era finita

in 20 minuti, una volta che l'obiettivo è stato definito. It was clear that

we never had a zodiac at all, as all our horoscopes were miscalculated for

over 2000 years, including that Ptolemy, too. Era chiaro che noi non ha mai

avuto uno zodiaco a tutti, come tutti i nostri oroscopi sono stati male per

oltre 2000 anni, di cui Tolomeo che, troppo.



PEOPLE'S CHOICE People's Choice



People are sick and tired of being tossed towards eastern and back to

western astrology. Le persone sono malato e stanco di essere lanciata verso

est e ritorno per l'astrologia occidentale. The zodiac is the same from

Alaska to Australia, and from India to Florida 3 ; we call it the Academic

Zodiac, to be sure that the correct zodiac is used and not superstition.

Zodiaco è la stessa da Alaska in Australia, l'India e da Florida a 3;

chiediamo che il Accademico Zodiaco, per essere sicuri che la corretta

zodiaco è utilizzato e non superstizione. Superstition usually rules the

masses as the social being is ruled by the psyche and thus demoniac

influence. Nevertheless mirror neurons, man is not a social being or even

empath, man is a magickal being completely aloof in one's essence, but few

live to witness themselves as they really are. Superstizione regole di

solito le masse come essere sociale è disciplinata dalla psiche e quindi

demoniche influenza. Neuroni specchio Tuttavia, l'uomo non è un essere

sociale o addirittura empath, l'uomo è un essere magickal completamente

distaccato in uno di essenza, ma pochi vivono a testimoniare se stessi come

realmente sono.






The blunders of the past required sophisticated diversion in order to make

man as stuid as an astrologer was. Il errori del passato sofisticati

diversione richiesto al fine di rendere l'uomo come stuid come un astrologo

è stato. You have been told that in this horoscope you were this but in the

other you were that. Lei è stato detto che in questo oroscopo è stato

presente, ma negli altri che si erano. In order to make even more mess, you

were supposed to accumulate as many horoscopes as there were on the market,

in order to view yourself from different perspective. Al fine di rendere

ancora più disordine, lei è stato supposto per accumulare il maggior numero

di oroscopi in quanto vi erano sul mercato, al fine di te vista da

prospettive diverse. Thus you were horse, hairpin, Scorpio, Virgo, quartz,

pig, ass, mule or gibbon, all at the same time. Così è stato cavallo,

gomito, Scorpione, Vergine, quarzo, maiale, asino, mulo o gibbone, tutti

allo stesso tempo. This facilitated extra fraud as it needed a specialist

to tell you that you are none of these nonsenses. Questo facilitato extra

frode come aveva bisogno di uno specialista di dirvi che vi sono nessuno di

questi nonsenses.






Herein are enlisted but some of our favorite blunders. The complete list

would fill folio volumes. Qui sono arruolato, ma alcuni dei nostri

preferiti errori. L'elenco completo sarebbe folio riempire volumi.





One born with Sun in Virgo is being told he is “Scorpio”. Uno nato con

il Sole in Vergine si è detto "Scorpione". Note that the error is two

constellations, not two “signs” as they call it. Si noti che l'errore è di

due costellazioni, non due "segni", come si chiamano. Also note that they

misspelled Scorpius for “Scorpio”. Si noti inoltre che per errata

Scorpione "Scorpione". This little fact points to marketplace “experts” who

knew a great deal of astronomy. Questo piccolo fatto punti di

mercato "esperti" che sapeva molto di astronomia.



A woman was mistreated for a lifetime on account of her “Capricorn”

ascendant. Una donna è stato maltrattato per tutta la vita a causa della

sua "Capricorno" ascendente. Pisces rose at east at birth. Pesci rosa a est

alla nascita. She was merry to learn that she has Pisces ascending at

birth, not “cold Capricorn” as she was accused by superstitious folk. Era

felice di apprendere che ha Pesci ascendente alla nascita, non "a freddo

Capricorno", come lei è stato accusato dalla superstizione popolare. Much

as pornography, dangerous pseudo-astrological programs circulate the web,

or are even taken as authoritative and raised. Molto come la pornografia

infantile, pericolosa pseudo-astrologico programmi circolare nel web, o

sono addirittura preso come autorevole e sollevati. We make no names since

all are involved. Non tutti i nomi in quanto sono coinvolti.



How did the TWO SIGN error happen? Come ha fatto l'errore SEGNO DUE

succede? As soon as ephemerides were smuggled into marketplaces, a

generation of “astrological experts” was born. Non appena le effemeridi

sono stati contrabbandati in marketplace, una generazione di "esperti

zodiacale" è nato. In order to cheat on their customers they never needed a

check on the real sky. Al fine di barare sui loro clienti non hanno mai

bisogno di un controllo reale sul cielo. This lasted for the known 2000

years and is still going on. Questo è durato per il noto 2.000 anni ed è

ancora in corso.



What you get from alas popular web sites, books and neatly packed

ephemerides is not the real sky at all. Quello che ricevete dal ahimè

popolari siti web, libri e perfettamente imballati effemeridi non è il vero

cielo a tutti. You get fraud. You pay dear for it, since your life, profile

and persona is distorted by wrong data input on daily basis. È possibile

ottenere la frode. Pagherai cara per questo, dal momento che la tua vita,

il profilo e la persona è distorta da sbagliato dati di input su base

giornaliera. You read the wrong horoscopes! È sbagliato leggere oroscopi!



Who writes “astrological” books? Chi scrive "zodiacale" libri? On

checking, people who know how to amuse the public, non-astrologers who have

sweet talk. Il controllo, la gente che sa come divertire il pubblico, non

gli astrologi che hanno dolce parlare. Charismatic charlatans have immense

follow up. We make no names since they are all names. Carismatico

ciarlatani hanno un'immensa follow-up. Non nomi, poiché sono tutti i nomi.

Of Ptolemy was incapable of calculating the ascendant, then Nostradamus

surely blundered as concern his own natal Sun position. Di Tolomeo è stata

in grado di calcolare l'ascendente, quindi sicuramente blundered

Nostradamus per quanto riguarda la sua posizione natale domenica.



Who masters astrological lodges? Chi presenta maestri zodiacale?

Anyone can do it. Chiunque può farlo. We had people like Alan Leo who

wanted Pluto in Aries. Abbiamo avuto gente come Alan Leo che voleva Plutone

in Ariete. The impostor never knew that Pluto never entered Aries.

L'impostore non sapeva che Plutone non è mai entrata Ariete. His successors

were even worse, one of them having Venus square Neptune in his own

horoscope! I suoi successori sono stati peggio ancora, uno di loro che

hanno Venere piazza Nettuno nel suo oroscopo!



Pluto never enters Aries much as Eris never enters Taurus. Plutone non

entra molto Ariete come mai Eris entra Toro. Pluto sinks into Cetus and

Eridanus in order to reach Taurus. Plutone in pozzi e la Balena Eridano, al

fine di raggiungere Toro. Impostors could not possibly know the position of

Pluto since they never knew the position of their own natal Sun in the

first place. Impostori non potrebbe sapere la posizione di Plutone in

quanto non hanno mai conosciuto la posizione della propria natale domenica,

in primo luogo.



Astronomers were no better as they perused a stalled model of the

universe as based on a sky that does not precess. Albeit Hipparchus

intervened, there was still no knowledge about ascendant precession in

astrological quarters. Astronomi non erano meglio in quanto uno stallo

attentamente il modello di come l'universo sulla base di un cielo che non

precess. Ipparco Anche se è intervenuto, non vi era ancora alcuna

conoscenza della precessione ascendente zodiacale in quarti. The zodiac in

use at the marketplace was a primitive tool consisting in 12 zodiacal

stations that absurdly served as ascendant set, as if the sky never

precessed at all. La zodiaco in uso presso il mercato è stato uno strumento

primitivo che consiste in 12 stazioni zodiacale che assurdamente servita

come impostare ascendente, come se il cielo non precessed a tutti.



It was of course not Hipparchus' fault that astrologers like Ptolemy,

Newton or Nostradamus were incapable of determining the ascendant. E 'stato

ovviamente non Ipparco' colpa che astrologi come Tolomeo, Newton o di

Nostradamus sono state in grado di determinare l'ascendente. It was the

spirit of their time. E 'stato lo spirito del loro tempo. An astrologer can

still make great use of directions and predict without any knowledge of the

ascendant or zodiac proper. Un astrologo può ancora fare grande uso di

predire le direzioni e senza alcuna conoscenza del zodiaco ascendente o

corretto. Besides, people like Nostradamus used other methods that

astrology for their predictions. Inoltre, le persone come Nostradamus

utilizzati altri metodi di astrologia che per le loro previsioni.



It is not that we are attacking Nostradamus who perhaps did nothing

much wrong at all, it is that we want to help him. Another French

astrologer was appointed to the Swedish court. Non è che stiamo attaccando

Nostradamus che forse non ha fatto nulla di sbagliato molto a tutti, è che

vogliamo contribuire a lui. Un altro astrologo francese è stato nominato al

tribunale svedese. He wrote a sincere note as concern the King of Sweden.

Ha scritto una sincera preoccupazione nota come il re di Svezia. This king

had all planets in his 12 th house, but was lively, healthy and enjoyed

longevity. Questo re aveva tutti i pianeti nel suo 12 ° casa, ma è stato

vivace, sano e goduto di longevità. Of course the 12 th house is the house

of the rising Sun, the brightest, but false astrological systems had it all

mangled and messed up! Naturalmente la 12 ° casa è la casa del Sol Levante,

la più brillante, ma falsa zodiacale sistemi avuto tutto alterati e messed




Until recent one was tossed from house system to house system. Fino al

recente è stata lanciata da casa a casa sistema di sistema. There is one

house system and it is the real sky, the very sky that we observe is

logically divided by houses much as navigators use the cardinal points. Vi

è un sistema di casa ed è il vero cielo, il cielo che si osserva è

logicamente divisa da case molto navigatori come utilizzare i punti

cardinali. Thus Cartesian house system works on spacecraft and alien

galaxies, while previous systems cracked already at Oslo latitude. Così

cartesiano casa sistema funziona su veicoli spaziali aliene e galassie,

mentre i precedenti sistemi di cracking già a Oslo latitudine.



Until recent one has to deal with orbs. Fino al recente uno deve fare

i conti con orbs. There are no orbs. Non ci sono orbs. They have been

trying to cover incompetence with large orbs. There is no such thing as the

orb as the event happens exactly at the time the direction triggers. Essi

hanno cercato di coprire con grande incompetenza orbs. Non vi è alcuna cosa

come il globo come l'evento accade esattamente al momento in cui la

direzione trigger. Orbs are an invention of the shameful past when

pseudo-astrologers tred to make up for their errors by covering them with

orbs, absurd aspects or a host of obsolete house systems. Orbs sono un

invenzione del vergognoso passato, quando pseudo-astrologi TRED per

compensare gli errori da loro copertura con orbs, assurdo aspetti o una

serie di sistemi di casa obsolete.



One can live happily without any horoscope, but it is the duty if the

spiritual warrior to be informed. Si può vivere felicemente senza oroscopo,

ma è dovere se il guerriero spirituale di essere informati. Keep being

informed on Tenere essere informati su



As concern your own horoscope, here is the basic data. Your ascendant

rises in the east. Per quanto riguarda il vostro oroscopo, ecco i dati di

base. Il tuo ascendente sorge ad est. It can be Monoceros, Orion, Serpens

or any of the 16 ascendants for the current epoch. Essa può essere

Unicorno, Orion, serpens o ad uno qualsiasi degli ascendenti 16 per l'epoca

attuale. Earth has 22 zodiacal stations if we include the Moon in zodiacal

measurements. Terra dispone di 22 stazioni zodiacale se vogliamo

comprendere la Luna nel zodiacale misurazioni. This is called the Academic

Zodiac. Questo è chiamato Accademico Zodiac. Refer to us,. Fare riferimento

a noi. We can mail you your favorite ephemerides directly from NASA JPL.

Siamo in grado di posta elettronica è il tuo preferito effemeridi

direttamente dal JPL della NASA.



Change your future. Cambia il tuo futuro. it is boring to have a fixed

future as even our florist knows the trick. è noioso avere un futuro, come

anche il nostro fiorista conosce il trucco. anyone can make exact

predictions in seconds. chiunque può fare previsioni esatte in pochi

secondi. it s boring to live in a mechanical world when even your florist

knows when you are married. s è noioso di vivere in un mondo meccanico,

anche quando il vostro fiorista sa quando si sono sposati.



Our florist first learned the trick from us in twenty minutes and was

able to predict in minutes any issue ever after, especially the year and

month of marriage. Il nostro fiorista prima imparato il trucco da noi in

venti minuti ed è stato in grado di predire in pochi minuti qualsiasi

questione dopo che mai, soprattutto l'anno e il mese del matrimonio. She

performs for her customers and for sheer fun, of course, while packing

flowers, as the calculus needs no sophisticated tools at all. Lei esegue

per i suoi clienti e per puro divertimento, naturalmente, mentre

l'imballaggio di fiori, come il calcolo non ha bisogno di sofisticati

strumenti a tutti. She predicts anybody's marriage in seconds while her

hands are busy with arranging flowers. Essa prevede il matrimonio chiunque

in pochi secondi, mentre le mani sono occupato con l'organizzazione di

fiori. We would distrust that owl-looking pseudo-astrologer who can't even

tell you your true Sun sign because he does not know his own. Vorremmo

sfiducia che gufo-looking pseudo-astrologo che non possono dirvi anche il

vostro vero segno domenica perché non sa proprio.



Klaudio Zic Klaudio Zic



Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide. Copyright ©

2008 Klaudio Zic, tutti i diritti riservati in tutto il mondo.


Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law.

Ridistribuzione di questo file in qualsiasi forma è violazione del diritto



This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from Questo materiale protetto da copyright è

stato precedentemente pubblicato come disponibili da


Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. Copyright © 2008 Con Klaudio Zic. All

Rights Reserved. Tutti i diritti riservati. No part of this material may be

reproduced or Nessuna parte di questo materiale può essere riprodotta o


Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for

commercial purposes or otherwise, Trasmessa in qualsiasi forma o con

qualsiasi mezzo, elettronico o di altro tipo, per scopi commerciali o di

altro tipo,


without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.

senza l'autorizzazione scritta dell'autore, salvo quando consentita dalla




NASA Sun ephemeris for Sun in Scorpius. Domenica effemeridi della NASA per

la domenica in Scorpione. The Sun spends a week in Scorpius. Get your own

NASA ephemeris mailed from NASA, animated and explained in detail. La

domenica trascorre una settimana in Scorpione. Crea il tuo effemeridi della

NASA inviato da parte della NASA, animato e illustrato in dettaglio. Note

that the Sun is in Libra on Nov 23 rd . After Scorpius, Ophiuchus is next.

Si noti che la domenica è in Libra su 23 novembre. Dopo Scorpione, Ofiuco è




2008-Nov-23 00:00 Lib 2008-Nov-23 00:00 Lib


2008-Nov-24 00:00 Sco 2008-Nov-24 00:00 Sco


2008-Nov-25 00:00 Sco 2008-Nov-25 00:00 Sco


2008-Nov-26 00:00 Sco 2008-Nov-26 00:00 Sco


2008-Nov-27 00:00 Sco 2008-Nov-27 00:00 Sco


2008-Nov-28 00:00 Sco 2008-Nov-28 00:00 Sco


2008-Nov-29 00:00 Sco 2008-Nov-29 00:00 Sco


2008-Nov-30 00:00 Oph 2008-Nov-30 00:00 OPH



The Sun actually travels two additional zodiacal stations, namely Cetus and

Orion, while the planets span through a total of 22 zodiacal constellations

as crowned with Moon in Auriga. La domenica si reca in realtà altre due

stazioni zodiacale, vale a dire la Balena e Orion, mentre i pianeti di

calibrazione attraverso un totale di 22 costellazioni zodiacali come

coronato con Luna in Auriga.





1 Serpens Cauda is the ascendant of the USA. 1 serpens Cauda è l'ascendente

degli Stati Uniti. Alice has been born on Aug 4 th 2004. Alice è nato il

4 ° agosto 2004.


2 In Planetocentric Astrology , we deal with several “local zodiacs” for

Cruithne, Phobos or Mars. 2 In Planetocentric Astrologia, abbiamo a che

fare con diversi "zodiacs locale" per Cruithne, Phobos o Marte.


3 There are minimal differences as concern the meridian constellation. 3 Ci

sono differenze minime per quanto riguarda il meridiano costellazione. The

meaning is that the basic local zodiac is the same. Il significato è che

l'ente locale di base zodiaco è lo stesso. There is one house system, one

horizon and one position of the Moon. Vi è un sistema di casa, un orizzonte

e una posizione della Luna. This planet is not large enough to have two

zodiacs. Questo pianeta non è grande abbastanza per avere due zodiacs. No

planet is. N. pianeta.


Academic Zodiac RTRRTV


First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2008, Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.





Don't feed the troll. Protect your horoscope from the TWO SIGN error!












One born with Sun in Virgo is being told he is “Scorpio”. Note that the error is two constellations, not two “signs” as they call them.

A woman was mistreated for a lifetime on account of her “Capricorn” ascendant, while Pisces rose at east at her birth. She was merry to learn that she has Pisces ascending at birth, not “cold Capricorn” as she was accused fior a lifetime by superstitious folk.



Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.






It has been a lifetime since you have been invited in reading the wrong horoscopes for a person that is not yourself at all. Stop reading the wrong horoscopes. Stop feeding the troll! Read this instead and be happy. Not that you need a horoscope in order to be happy, as we invite you to be happy and informed.






Alice has been born with Hydra ascending, Moon in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Her Juno is in Scutum and Pluto in Serpens Cauda1. Her intelligence and horoscope defy both eastern and western charlatans, and here is where our story starts.






This planet is not large to store two zodiacs2, but it has unwillingly supported several pseudo-astrological models for more than 3000 years. No Indian astrologer knew how to calculate the ascendant. For them, the Earth did not move, there was no precession included in their calculi. Thus, celestial seasons were always the same.






Delphinus rose at east when Delphi was founded. Lepus rose at east when the cowardly paragraph flew. There are 88 ascendants at east to deal with, in spite of lazy priests who approximated heavens, even entrapping human knowledge into a shameful fixed sky made of 12 signs that absurdly served as ascendants (sic). Sai Baba has an observatory next door. He was invited to check for his natal Sun which is in Libra on November 23rd.






Until recent past, people's horoscopes have been swapped between eastern and western blunder, as it there were an eastern or western sky. Whoever suspected fraud probably had not the means to prove it or time for research. Nevertheless, research was over in 20 minutes, once the target was defined. It was clear that we never had a zodiac at all, as all our horoscopes were miscalculated for over 2000 years, including that Ptolemy, too.






People are sick and tired of being tossed towards eastern and back to western astrology. The zodiac is the same from Alaska to Australia, and from India to Florida3; we call it the Academic Zodiac, to be sure that the correct zodiac is used and not superstition. Superstition usually rules the masses as the social being is ruled by the psyche and thus demoniac influence. Nevertheless mirror neurons, man is not a social being or even empath, man is a magickal being completely aloof in one's essence, but few live to witness themselves as they really are.






The blunders of the past required sophisticated diversion in order to make man as stuid as an astrologer was. You have been told that in this horoscope you were this but in the other you were that. In order to make even more mess, you were supposed to accumulate as many horoscopes as there were on the market, in order to view yourself from different perspective. Thus you were horse, hairpin, Scorpio, Virgo, quartz, pig, ass, mule or gibbon, all at the same time. This facilitated extra fraud as it needed a specialist to tell you that you are none of these nonsenses.






Herein are enlisted but some of our favorite blunders. The complete list would fill folio volumes.



One born with Sun in Virgo is being told he is “Scorpio”. Note that the error is two constellations, not two “signs” as they call it. Also note that they misspelled Scorpius for “Scorpio”. This little fact points to marketplace “experts” who knew a great deal of astronomy.

A woman was mistreated for a lifetime on account of her “Capricorn” ascendant. Pisces rose at east at birth. She was merry to learn that she has Pisces ascending at birth, not “cold Capricorn” as she was accused by superstitious folk. Much as pornography, dangerous pseudo-astrological programs circulate the web, or are even taken as authoritative and raised. We make no names since all are involved.

How did the TWO SIGN error happen? As soon as ephemerides were smuggled into marketplaces, a generation of “astrological experts” was born. In order to cheat on their customers they never needed a check on the real sky. This lasted for the known 2000 years and is still going on.

What you get from alas popular web sites, books and neatly packed ephemerides is not the real sky at all. You get fraud. You pay dear for it, since your life, profile and persona is distorted by wrong data input on daily basis. You read the wrong horoscopes!

Who writes “astrological” books? On checking, people who know how to amuse the public, non-astrologers who have sweet talk. Charismatic charlatans have immense follow up. We make no names since they are all names. Of Ptolemy was incapable of calculating the ascendant, then Nostradamus surely blundered as concern his own natal Sun position.

Who masters astrological lodges? Anyone can do it. We had people like Alan Leo who wanted Pluto in Aries. The impostor never knew that Pluto never entered Aries. His successors were even worse, one of them having Venus square Neptune in his own horoscope!

Pluto never enters Aries much as Eris never enters Taurus. Pluto sinks into Cetus and Eridanus in order to reach Taurus. Impostors could not possibly know the position of Pluto since they never knew the position of their own natal Sun in the first place.

Astronomers were no better as they perused a stalled model of the universe as based on a sky that does not precess. Albeit Hipparchus intervened, there was still no knowledge about ascendant precession in astrological quarters. The zodiac in use at the marketplace was a primitive tool consisting in 12 zodiacal stations that absurdly served as ascendant set, as if the sky never precessed at all.

It was of course not Hipparchus' fault that astrologers like Ptolemy, Newton or Nostradamus were incapable of determining the ascendant. It was the spirit of their time. An astrologer can still make great use of directions and predict without any knowledge of the ascendant or zodiac proper. Besides, people like Nostradamus used other methods that astrology for their predictions.

It is not that we are attacking Nostradamus who perhaps did nothing much wrong at all, it is that we want to help him. Another French astrologer was appointed to the Swedish court. He wrote a sincere note as concern the King of Sweden. This king had all planets in his 12th house, but was lively, healthy and enjoyed longevity. Of course the 12th house is the house of the rising Sun, the brightest, but false astrological systems had it all mangled and messed up!

Until recent one was tossed from house system to house system. There is one house system and it is the real sky, the very sky that we observe is logically divided by houses much as navigators use the cardinal points. Thus Cartesian house system works on spacecraft and alien galaxies, while previous systems cracked already at Oslo latitude.

Until recent one has to deal with orbs. There are no orbs. They have been trying to cover incompetence with large orbs. There is no such thing as the orb as the event happens exactly at the time the direction triggers. Orbs are an invention of the shameful past when pseudo-astrologers tred to make up for their errors by covering them with orbs, absurd aspects or a host of obsolete house systems.

One can live happily without any horoscope, but it is the duty if the spiritual warrior to be informed. Keep being informed on

As concern your own horoscope, here is the basic data. Your ascendant rises in the east. It can be Monoceros, Orion, Serpens or any of the 16 ascendants for the current epoch. Earth has 22 zodiacal stations if we include the Moon in zodiacal measurements. This is called the Academic Zodiac. Refer to us,. We can mail you your favorite ephemerides directly from NASA JPL.

Change your future. it is boring to have a fixed future as even our florist knows the trick. anyone can make exact predictions in seconds. it s boring to live in a mechanical world when even your florist knows when you are married.

Our florist first learned the trick from us in twenty minutes and was able to predict in minutes any issue ever after, especially the year and month of marriage. She performs for her customers and for sheer fun, of course, while packing flowers, as the calculus needs no sophisticated tools at all. She predicts anybody's marriage in seconds while her hands are busy with arranging flowers. We would distrust that owl-looking pseudo-astrologer who can't even tell you your true Sun sign because he does not know his own.



Klaudio Zic



Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.

Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law.

This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from

Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or

Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise,

without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.



NASA Sun ephemeris for Sun in Scorpius. The Sun spends a week in Scorpius. Get your own NASA ephemeris mailed from NASA, animated and explained in detail. Note that the Sun is in Libra on Nov 23rd. After Scorpius, Ophiuchus is next.



2008-Nov-23 00:00 Lib

2008-Nov-24 00:00 Sco

2008-Nov-25 00:00 Sco

2008-Nov-26 00:00 Sco

2008-Nov-27 00:00 Sco

2008-Nov-28 00:00 Sco

2008-Nov-29 00:00 Sco

2008-Nov-30 00:00 Oph



The Sun actually travels two additional zodiacal stations, namely Cetus and Orion, while the planets span through a total of 22 zodiacal constellations as crowned with Moon in Auriga.







1Serpens Cauda is the ascendant of the U.S.A.. Alice has been born on Aug 4th 2004.

2In Planetocentric Astrology, we deal with several “local zodiacs” for Cruithne, Phobos or Mars.

3There are minimal differences as concern the meridian constellation. The meaning is that the basic local zodiac is the same. There is one house system, one horizon and one position of the Moon. This planet is not large enough to have two zodiacs. No planet is.

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Due segni di errore


Academic Zodiac <>


Friday 10 October 2008 11:52:30


no references


Tradotto dalla mia AI personale, ma si capisce che ormai si tratta di ben

DUE SEGNI di errore, oltre ad altri orrori. Per fortuna in Italia

l'astrologia non e mai esistita, meno male.



Chiao Klaudio, ti ho lasciatto un mesaggio a OS per te. Se lo vuoi leggere e rispondere. x:)x



Grazzie, e spero, che troverai un po di tempo per me.

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