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91. Do Astrologers use Wrong Positions for Planets?

I write from Ljubljana, Slovenia. I appology for my bad english. If you don't have time to answer me, I will understand.


About sixth month ago I came in contact with the astrology and the position of planets in certain constellation. This data are provided in ephemerides. Because I had studied physics and a little astronomy I noted that astrologers give an incorrect data about the planets and sun position in the constellations. I asked some of astrologers why they don't accept the real position or why the data in ephemerides are incorrect but they can't answer me. Did I something understand wrong or astrologers just don't want to accept that the time is going on?




Congratulations for finding this inconsistency. You were absolutely right!


"Classical" astrology does not take into account the precession of the equinoxes, caused by the motion of the Earth axis around a cone. I have written about that (including "the dawning of the age of Aquarius") in or


The precession causes the constellations associated with positions of the Sun and the planets at a certain part of the year to slowly drift around the zodiac.


You can find more about this by going to and asking it to search for "Precession in astrology." I did, and some of the addresses returned are listed below:

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