ananta 25. oktober 2008 Prijavi Deli 25. oktober 2008 Spreminjanje bodochnO5ti. RTRRTV kanal Vam predvaja kako diskreirati tranzit v bodochnO5ti in uvajati pozitivne premembe v xivljenje. Znebitese astrolo$kih (z povdarkem na lo$kih) aspektov v xivljenju in kar svobodno kreirajte karkoli, tudi preteklO5t. Instant magika RTRRT je na Internetu od 1995 kadar smo imeli prvi magichni listserv na sploh. Torej se gre za staro serijo tehnik instant magiki, znanoj in apiliciranoj www. Torej imamo konc evolucije z Uranom v Cetus. V tej eri je Sonce v poziciji Cetus III, torej tretja era Cetus. Prevajajo z kit, pa se ne gre za enostavle rechi, bolj za planetarni exorcizem. Efemeride najdete na in vsepovsod, (tudi na tem forumu) kot komentarje na youtube in news:alt.astrology.marketplace itn;search_type= Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
ananta 25. oktober 2008 Avtor Prijavi Deli 25. oktober 2008 The end of evolution comes with Uranus in Cetus 2012. Here are some useful links.;aq=-1&oq= Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
ananta 28. oktober 2008 Avtor Prijavi Deli 28. oktober 2008 First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2008, Copyright © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. ASTROLOGY 1992 – 2012 Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. Scientific astrology has greatly prospered since its birth in the year 1992i. Its major achievements is the Academic Zodiac, precession of the ascendant set and universal Cartesian house system. The zodiac has 22 constellations, with a changing ascendant set as currently consisting in 16 constellations. One can change personal future at willii. The publications are mainly intimated in reverse chronology. The Union of the Snake. Exposing the list of countries with reptilian ascendantsiii.Serpens versus Hydra. The clash between reptilian races and American Civil War II. Alexandrian plot. The dark fraction, RA Moses' 22 zodiac and the treason of Ptolemy. SIRIVS Lodge and the Owl in masonic heraldry. Ramming astrology. The Temple of the Snake. Bohemian Grove astrology. Solstice of the Owl.The Philadelphia telescope and new American masonry. Plot within the Lodge.The Mexican heraldry plot. Aquila versus Serpens. Maximilian and the Vatican.Expansion of Pepin the Short through Hapsburg and Vatican.The 7 Hills of Hydra. Sextans and the Stargate in Vatican's horoscopes.Sextans in all Russian horoscopes. The Vatican connection. All the U.S.A. presidents with reptilian ascendants. Barbara Crowley Bush. Sleeping agent. Lacerta an Draco in natal astrology. The second reptilian count. As above so below. The Great Snake in the sky. Hidden LA and the reptilian zodiac. Digging in the dirt. Reptilian astrology for Hollywood and its Hebrew legacy. Aquila and Lacerta in the horoscopes of CEOs and grand masons. The tycoon aspect. Reptilian ascendants in the agendas of the U.S.A. presidential candidates.Hidden reptilian ascendants of Italy, Vatican, the United Kingdom and U.S.A.Serpens and Hydra in heraldry, masonry and astrology. The 32nd degree temple. Reptilian astrology in Australian heraldry. Dorado precession and the Child. Two signs of error in European astrology presented as work of the Dark Lodge. Ptolemy debunked. The precession of the ascendants against the “fixed sky”.The 16 eastern ascendants as confronted with geomancy. illustrates the precession of the ascendants. The 22 letters of the Hebrew zodiac as enlivened within the Academic Zodiac.32nd degree masonry astrology on youtube announcing the end of times.Hidden zodiacal cults in Europe. A note on Sun in Orion and Sun in Cetus. Zodiacal plot debunked down to the roots of antisemitism. Black swan operation. British court and writer David Icke confronted with reptilian astrology.Examples of Dark Flow and the Axis of Evil in Cartesian house direction. Witchallow and Witchollow projected into dark Flow. The Mordred effect. The horoscope has two primary axis, the Axis of Evil and experimental Dark Flow. The Axis of Evil has been rotated to the right around the Dark Flow midpoint. Eris and the dwarf planets have been directed along the Dark Flow.Secondary altitude direction along the Dark Flow. Dark Flow has been entered below the Axis of Evil. Experimenting with Dark Flow in Centaurus constellation.Chariklo and the red ring of life reactivated in Centaurus. WMAP cold spot directed by altitude. Cartesian house directions. Eridanus direction. Dioretsa as Sedna WMAP midpoint. Third petition to UNICEF. Children have right to their true natal skies.Conception horoscope. The Night & Day house system has 24 houses.Talented children against superstition. Alice lectures kindergartens.Burning of books. The event celebrates freedom from superstition.Cartesian Software House founded in London. The first synthetic horoscope. Third version of cabalistic attribution for the 22 zodiacal constellations.The progressive Hebrew zodiac as dwarf planets scale. 22 musical dwarf planets. Incantations, sigils and mantrae for the 64 main dwarf planets.Centaurs in theurgy. Elipinon is Asbolus. (Work in progress). 360 angel guardian stars receive dwarf planet attribution.Snow White and the seven dwarfs system. Dwarf planets for children. The dark planets are integrated into the Tree of Life in 16+1 fashion.Dozens of Centaurs attributed to the hidden Aethyrs around the Tree of Life.64 dwarf planets assigned to the Tree of Life. Ain Soph problem solved. The Second Scribe as 11=2 on youtube. 32 degree masonry astrology. 32 dwarf planets assigned to the (A'aTz ChIIM) Tree of Life.Interactivity between RTRRT initstes and incipient astrologers on youtube.Sun in Orion and Cetus implemented into native astrology and 388000 BC Egyptian. as complement to Cartesian house system implemented into native astronomy. The default is no house.Dwarf Planets in the 12 houses updated for the latest H =< 4 objects.Navaho and Hopi astronomy blended with Egyptian, plug-in on Rabbit Paws 2008.Elevation equations compared between WTC and LHC. Timing catastrophe equation set.Monsters Typhon, Ceto and Logos updated for LHCiv. Makemake and Haumea updated. Haumea enters Bootes. Bailout.Iah congregation of planets. Spica Virginis bracketed. The fool's aspect. Bailout. A decade of economic decay, war lost and “socialistic capitalism”.2008 KV42 full delineation published in the 12 houses.D zodiac defined. The first vampire zodiac. Cross grid with X zodiac. Pavo and Retuculum.2008 KV42 Drac delineated along with Buffyv. Vampires in astrologyvi. Outer guardians update. Horoscope for the Moon impact. Faustini-centric horoscope for the first impactvii. Tony Colaprete delays mission. Muddled results predicted. Islamic world alarmedviii.Petition to Anthony Colaprete of NASA. Islamic apocalypse. http://youtube/AcademicZodiac calls on LCROSS boycott. '50 Moon nuke conspiracy disclosed. LCROSS mission swapped. 2009 Moon scheduled for double impact. Faustini crater. 2005 FY9 named as Makemake. 2003 EL61 becomes Haumea. Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H -------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- ----- 50000 2001 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.67 90377 2004 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.56 90482 2001 2004 DW Orcus 2.30 134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70 136108 2006 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.18 136199 2003 2003 UB313 Eris -1.24136472 2006 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.48Pluto is redefined as plutoid within the historical P Zodiac. A minor update for ex pseudo-classes of Earth co-orbitals, Apoheles and Outer Guardians. The Earth umbra is determined by house and major conjunctions, “Earth in the horoscope”.The Stargates have been aligned with supervoids along the Axis of Evil.The Bootes supervoid receives major status within the Axis of Evil. The WMAP cold spot in Eridanus is paired with the Bootes supervoid. The Axis of Evil has been determined as standard axis for every horoscope. Chinese Olympics with bad omens from Vesta, 2002 AW197, Orcus, Jupiter and Saturn. The 2006 – 2012 subprime mortgage crisis has been determined against the fall of the Fed.2014 reestablished as focal year for the world crisisix and Christian apocalypse. Since 2002, further global economic crisis announced for the year 2008. Subprime mortgage crisis happens as predicted by 2002 AW197. Black Monday. A special study is published concerning centaurs in the constellations of Centaurus and Lupus. Centauress nymph Chariklo has been associated with the discovery of alien life. The ring of life has been announced in the constellation of Centaurus. Alien life may be present on Titan as well as reddish centaurs and comets. Witchållowx determines the date of the Armageddon according to military analysis. Witchållowxi has been directedxii, assuming full role in astrological predictionxiii.Witchållowxiv receives its delineation in the 12 housesxv (Night & Day house system).The WMAP cold spot is ascending in Eridanus. Witchållow introduced to astrology.World economic crisis with 2002 AW197 in Hydra. Subprime mortgage crisis. Venus enters Hydraxvi with Jupiter in Ophiuchusxvii, announcing the Antichrist.Mercury in Orionxviii follows Mars in Cetus in the year 2007. The One who Comes is determined in 650 years. Age of Aquarius after Cetus III.All dwarf planetsxix with to H < 5 were delineated for the benefit of future astrologers. The academic zodiac was introduced in August 2006 having 22 IAU constellations.Eris receives copious delineationxx since its appearance as “Xena” (2003 UB313). The X Zodiacxxi has been published on August 1st 2005 along with 2003 UB313.2005 FY9, 2003 EL61, Orcus, Quaoar, Sedna, 2002 AW197 and Ixion delineated. Transneptunian Astrology upgrade. H < 4 with Eris in the 12 houses.The P Zodiac is valid conclusively with August 2006 as official Academic Zodiac. The planetocentric systemsxxii receive their local zodiacs and ascendant sets.Transneptunes in Enochain Aethyrs. Web awards. I Ching Aspectarian integration.Eris displaced Pluto on the expanded Tree of Life. AIN SOPH redefined.Reality rendering becomes standard occult procedure. Instant magick for everyone.The Personal Cosmic Secretary joined the RTRRT. The “outer guardians” have been delineated within the Nibiru Research project. All centaurs; SDO, cubewano, plutino, KBO; Apoheles & Earth coorbitals delineated.The Moon and Mercury received their zodiacal definitionxxiii. Lunar, Mercurial and Venusian zodiacs. Martial zodiac. 13th Iovial intelligence. Venus delineated through the 21 constellationsxxiv.The 17 dark planets with further purport. Lamia or Nemesis prominent.The Changes have been directed within the “I Ching Aspectarian”xxv.Cassini Lilithxxvi, the observed darkmoon, delineation & elements disclosed. All centaur objectsxxvii were delineated as discoveredxxviii. The scientific zodiac and set of current ascendants has been re-determined.The ascendant of the U.S.A. has been determined as Serpens Caudaxxix.There are nearly 30 zodiacal constellationsxxx. The birth of the N Zodiac.Fed determiend with Phoenix constellation. The Da Vincy cycle. The set of meridian constellationsxxxi was delineated for use in financial astrology. Planetocentric experiments. Eros, comets, Phobos. NASA JPL HORIZONS.Detailed scanning of the Earth zodiac and local zodiac. Cruithne zodiac. The zodiac and ascendant set reformed in the famous half an hour. The academic zodiac research starts with Moon in Sextans.The reformation of Egyptian astrology. Early Egyptian synastry studies.The ascendants determined fr the first dynasty. The precession of the ascendants. The set of ascendants for the current epochxxxii determined as 16 IAU constellations.The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools were introduced as personal instant magick.1992 QB1xxxiii and centaur objectsxxxiv Pholus, Nessus and Asbolus were delineated.The end of sidereal and tropical astrology. Vedic astrology upgrade with awards.The ephemeris for the sunxxxv was determined according to IAU standards. Klaudio Zic Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law.This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from © 2008 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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