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Na kratko: V naslednjih 48 urah, potrebujejo 3000 donatorjev da zazenejo pomoc iz EU.


Sam sem doniral 20 EUR.

Verjamem, da jih lahko tudi mnogi od vas.

This morning, we received this tense demand for action from from Liberata Rumumba, a refugee and women's leader in Eastern Congo pleading for Europe to send peacekeepers to protect her people, (click to watch). We know how to help. Last week, Avaaz ran a hard-hitting advertisement in The Times of London, pressing UK leaders to support a European force or risk responsibility for genocide -- the British Africa minister called us immediately -- and the British position shifted.


Now we're challenging other EU leaders, taking this effective ad campaign Europe-wide – starting by placing ads in El Pais in Spain, Dagens Nyheter in Sweden, The European Voice in Brussels and NRC Handelsblad in the Netherlands. The Times ad was paid for by 300 small donations from Avaaz members. If just 3000 of us donate in the next 48 hours we can run ads across Europe before it's too late - if we raise more funds than necessary we'll put them towards further similar campaigns. Let's chip in what we can to help the people of the Congo.


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The brutal war in Congo is escalating, as a terrified Congolese people plead for Europe to send peacekeepers to protect them.(1) Today, two top experts warned that Congo looks frighteningly like Rwanda before the 1994 genocide and that only Europe can deploy a strong and neutral force fast enough to stop the bloodshed.(2) European leaders are wavering as their council meeting approaches - we have just one week to persuade them to act.


We know how to do it -- last week, Avaaz ran a hard-hitting advertisement in The Times of London, pressing UK leaders to support a European force or risk responsibility for genocide -- their Africa minister called us immediately, and their position has shifted -- the UK has moved toward supporting a European force!


Now we need to take this effective ad campaign Europe-wide -- placing ads in influential newspapers in key deciding countries. The Times ad was paid for by 300 small donations from Avaaz members. If just 3000 of us donate in the next 48 hours we can run ads across Europe before it's too late. A full page ad can cost just 6,000€ ($8,000) in a major newspaper. See the Times ad and watch a tense video demand for action we received today from a displaced woman caught in the conflict:


There are only days left to influence decision makers in Europe. Next week the agenda and positions will be determined for the European Union's Council of Ministers meeting on the 8th and 9th of December. If they fail to act now, the people of the Congo will have to wait months before the EU considers the issue again.


Our ad last week and a campaign by over 135,000 Avaaz members helped shift the British government, but we need another EU state to step up and lead the troop proposal. France will support it, but for historical reasons should not send troops.(3) We are being told that Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands and Spain are the key countries that tip the balance. We will start by placing ads in newspapers in those countries and in the European Voice in Brussels - the most widely read newspaper by European politicians - just as EU Ambassadors decide their positions on this issue.


The UN says it will send more peacekeepers to the Congo, but the Congolese people and experts agree that UN forces have completely failed to protect civilians and require European reinforcement. This week, 44 Congolese organizations signed a letter to European leaders asking them to send peacekeepers. Their letter pleads: "We have been abandoned...We urge you to transform your kind speeches and messages into action... with each day that passes, more and more people die." Follow the link to help these desperate voices reach Europe's leaders:


The Congo has languished for too long, with unspeakable suffering. It now has a brief window of the world's attention – let's seize that window to bring peacekeepers who can help achieve lasting peace.


With hope,

Ricken, Alice, Iain, Veronique, Paul, Graziela, Luis, Milena, Ben, Brett, Paula and the whole Avaaz team


PS: For a report on Avaaz's campaigning so far, see:


PSS: Here are the sources for this alert:








ABOUT AVAAZ is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in Ottawa, London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Paris, Sydney and Geneva. Call us at: +1 888 922 8229. Click here to learn more about our largest campaigns. Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Myspace and Bebo pages!

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Rape has become a defining characteristic of the five-year war in the DRC, according to Anneke Van Woudenberg, the Congo specialist for Human Rights Watch. So, too, has mutilation of the victims. "Last year, I was stunned when a 30-year-old woman in North Kivu had her lips and ears cut off and eyes gouged out after she was raped, so she couldn't identify or testify against her attackers. Now, we are seeing more and more such cases," she says.


As the troops of coccupation from Rwanda and Uganda constantly sought new ways to terrorize, their barbarity became more frenzied.


I, too, was sickened by what I saw and heard. In three decades of covering war, I had never before come across the cases described to me by Congolese doctors, such as gang-rape victims having their labia pierced and then padlocked.

"They usually die of massive infection," I was told.


Based on personal testimonies collected by Human Rights Watch, it is estimated that as many as 30 percent of rape victims are sexually tortured and mutilated during the assaults, usually with spears, machetes, sticks or gun barrels thrust into their vaginas.


Increasingly, the trigger is being pulled. About 40 percent of rape victims, usually the younger ones, aged 8 to 19, are abducted and forced to become sex slaves.


"The country is in an utter state of lawlessness; it's complete anarchy," says Woudenberg. "In this culture of impunity, people know they can get away with anything. Every armed group is equally culpable."


In the Congo, rape is a cheaper weapon of war than bullets. Experts estimate that some 60 percent of all combatants in the DRC are infected with HIV/AIDS. As women rarely have access to expensive antiretroviral drugs, sexual assaults all too often become automatic death sentences.


Médecins Sans Frontières operates five health clinics offering antiretrovirals in the conflict zone of northeastern DRC, but many women don't know about the drugs and cannot travel safely to the centers. Moreover, according to Helen O'Neill, a nurse who set up MSF's sexual-violence treatment program, such drugs must be taken within forty-eight to seventy-two hours of the rape to prevent infection.


If a woman has been exposed to the virus, the treatment is 80 percent effective. But in the Congo, rape victims who are not captive sex slaves must walk for days or weeks, often with massive injuries, and risk new capture by roving rebel bands, before reaching assistance.


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DR Congo: Doctor speaks out on atrocities of rape"


As conflict continues to flare in Democratic Republic of the Congo, the rape of women and young girls has long been used as a tactic by militia to force villagers from their homes and tear down the social fabric of the community. The sexual attacks taking place in the eastern region of this war-torn country cannot be classified as merely rape . It's far more savage, says Dr. Denis Mukwege, head of the Catholic Relief Services-supported Panzi Hospital in Bukavu. Oftentimes the reproductive organs of these women are completely destroyed, leading to serious health problems. Frequently, the rapists infect the women with HIV. The psychological impact is immeasurable.

Rape atrocities have ravaged Congolese communities since the war began nearly 10 years ago.


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Thank you for your contribution. Avaaz receives no funding from governments or corporations so this work would not be possible without your support.


The more money we can raise, the more adverts we can run in prominent newspapers urging EU leaders to support the immediate deployment of European Peacekeepers into war-torn Congo. Take a moment now to help amplify a global call for peace in the Congo by forwarding the following link to your friends and family, you can also forward the original Avaaz alert, below.


Although Avaaz is a registered non-profit organisation, donations to Avaaz are not tax deductible. Please see the bottom of this email for details of your donation.



Thanks again,


Ricken, Graziela, Paul, Pascal, Alice, Ben, Milena, Iain, Paula, Luis, Veronique -- and the rest of the Avaaz team




This morning we received a video appeal from Liberata Rumumba, a displaced woman in the Eastern Congo. She paints a terrifying picture of violence and pleads with us to help, stating that the only way to stop the bloodshed is by rapidly sending in European troops. Two top experts have concurred with her, warning that Congo looks frighteningly like Rwanda before the 1994 genocide and that only Europe can deploy a strong and neutral force fast enough to halt the terror.(1) But European leaders are wavering as their council meeting approaches - we have just one week to persuade them to act.


We know how to do it -- last week, Avaaz ran a hard-hitting advertisement in The Times of London, pressing UK leaders to support a European force or risk responsibility for genocide -- their Africa minister called us immediately, and their position has shifted -- the UK has moved toward supporting a European force!


Now we need to take this effective ad campaign Europe-wide -- placing ads in influential newspapers in key deciding countries. The Times ad was paid for by 300 small donations from Avaaz members. If just 3000 of us donate in the next 48 hours we can run ads across Europe before it's too late. Full page ad prices vary across European papers from just 6,000€ ($8,000) in a major Brussels newspaper to 24,000€ ($30,000) in the top Spanish newspaper. Click below to watch Liberata's video appeal and please donate:



There are only days left to influence decision makers in Europe. Next week the agenda and positions will be determined for the European Union's Council of Ministers meeting on the 8th and 9th of December. If they fail to act now, the people of the Congo will have to wait months before the EU considers the issue again.


Our ad last week and a campaign by over 135,000 Avaaz members helped shift the British government, but we need another EU state to step up and lead the troop proposal. France will support it, but for historical reasons should not send troops.(2) We are being told that Sweden, Belgium, the Netherlands and Spain could be the key countries that tip the balance. We will start by placing ads in newspapers in those countries and in the European Voice in Brussels - the most widely read newspaper by European politicians - just as EU Ambassadors decide their positions on this issue.


The United Nations has agreed in principle on more peacekeepers for the Congo, but hasn't yet received any pledges, and Congolese people and experts agree that UN forces have completely failed to protect civilians and need European reinforcement. This week, 44 Congolese organizations signed a letter to European leaders asking them to send a new force. Their letter pleads:


"We have been abandoned. Who will protect us? Who will help us? ... with each day that passes, more and more people die… we, the civilian population, have been held hostage and caught between many lines of fire… save our lives now; otherwise it will be too late"(3)


The horrors of the Congo crisis are a stain on the conscience of the world. But, if we act now, we can help move towards a more just and peaceful world--one where threats to human life anywhere are recognised as threats to us all. Follow the link to watch Liberata's video appeal and donate to help these desperate voices reach Europe's leaders:


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Jaz na zadevo gledam drugace.


Eden od vidikov je tudi tale:

967 million people are NOW hungry!

People living in poverty are highly sensitive to price hikes.
Around 2.7 billion people live on less than £1 a day.
And have to spend up to 80 per cent of this income on food. The rising cost of basic foods (by as much as 300 per cent in some places) is pushing millions of families to the limit.

Razlog temu smo tudi mi razviti svet. Ob podnebnih spremembah, ki smo jih povzrocili, smo povzrocili tudi kupe socialno druzbenih problemov. Ne verjamem, da lahko zbezimo od lastnega velikega dolga tem drzavam. To odgovornost, kot se mnogo drugih bomo smorali sprejeti in jo ze sprejemamo na svoja pleca, saj smo zanjo mocno soodgovorni.

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Idealist, morda.


Konolialisti da, pa se kdo drug tudi. Problemi sveta niso problemi enega cloveka ali naroda. Ko bomo razumeli to, se bodo stvari pricele spreminjati.

Tako so obsodili tudi Drnovska, ko je govoril, da je potrebno pomagati ljudem v Darfurju. Ko pa je umrl, pa so mu vsi peli slavo. No, spremenilo pa se se vedno ni dovolj.


Kako ves? Lahko argumentiras?

Kaj pa Darfur? Se ti zdi, da tudi tam ni potrebno ukrepati?


Ja, midva sva lahko "pametna", kle iz "fotelja".


Ti si idealist freejič.

Če je kdo tam kej zasral so to kolonialisti, konkretno v primeru Konga, naj to rešuje Belgija, oziroma Francija.

Neumno in skrajno neodgovorno pa je zbirati denar, za to, da bi EU institucije pritisnile na vlade držav člani da bi te pritisnile na tipko klavirja ta sprožil ton C ta prebudil Pavarottija ta začel pet, in da bi vse to slišal Solana, ki bi povedal Ban ki majmunu da je treba poslati več modrih wcjčkov v Kongo..


Medtem se ves ta denar zbira v žepih raznih Kabil, Sese Sekotov in podobne ljudožerske svojati.

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Če bi vsaj keš pristal v rokah tistih, ki jih rabijo. Pa tudi - na koncu bi kupili orožje, več orožja.

In ja - koncu bodo še naši vojaki potisnjeni v sranje tam - napadajo pa itak konvoje rdečih križev in s pomočjo.

Življenje je to, kar se ti dogaja, medtem, ko planiraš druge reči.

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Tega ne vemo zagotovo, ali je denar prisel tja kamor je bil namenjen.

Ce bi ljudje dajali denar res samo tja, kamor smo prepricani, da bo prisel v "prave roke", ne bi bilo nobene humanitrane pomoci vec. Tudi ob tsunamiju bi svet obstal in ne pomagal.

Tudi ce se Sloveniji zgodi vecja ekoloska katastrofa, bi v primeru, da bi potrebovali mednarodno pomoc, bilo zelo dobrodoslo, da bi jo tudi dobili.


Da ne omenjam lokalne pomoci in koncanih hvale vrednih projektov, k iso se primenro zakljucili.


Zal pa se v medijih pise predvsem o takih, kjer je bil nekdo "nategnjen".

Tako, da ljudje cetudi cutijo pomagati, tega ne storijo, ker se bojijo, da donirano ne bo prislo tja, kamor so zeleli.

Tako usiha dobro, socutje v ljudeh.


Ob tem pa se postavlja morda eno od kljucnih vprasanja: Ali namera in namen ne velja, kljub temu, da cilj ni tak kot smo zeleli?


Če bi vsaj keš pristal v rokah tistih, ki jih rabijo. Pa tudi - na koncu bi kupili orožje, več orožja.

In ja - koncu bodo še naši vojaki potisnjeni v sranje tam - napadajo pa itak konvoje rdečih križev in s pomočjo.


Morda. Se ne spoznam pra dobro.

Glede na delno poznavanje organizacije Avaaz, jim ocitno zaupam dovolj. Ce je zaupanje utemeljno, pa verjetno nihce od nas ne bo vedel. x;)x


Free na svetu pač deluje to tko. Bil si v sloveniji, ko je bila ta napadena s strani JNA, videl si grozote ki so se dogajale med vojno na prostoru bivše SFRJ. In kaj je počela Evropa? Sestankovala je! Sestankovala in sestankovala in sestankovala in pošiljala resolucije, določbe, akte, pogodbe, sporazume,pakte, določila, deklaracije, ki jih noben na terenu ni jebal pet posto, Pa so bila posiljevanja, poboji, klanja, koncentracijska taborišča..



V Ruandi se je zgodilo enako, bile so modre čelade tko k v Srebrenici ki niso smele, mogle in niti hotele posredovat.


Kaj nam to pove, Da je UN farsa, zunanja politika EU farsa, tudi notranja politika EU je farsa.


Kej pametnega lahko naredijo samo ZDA, vendar je sedaj tam recesija, pa nočejo več igrat globalnega šerifa.


Kitajci pa podpirajo Sudan ki tlači Darfur, Rusi takisto..


Nu torej..


Moje mnenje, čist osebno...


Sami zakuhali sami naj pojedo. So se hoteli odcepiti od Leopolda in biti svoji na svojem, sedaj to imajo, pa naj hendlajo.

V vsakem primeru..


hi hi hi gre za državljansko vojno in mende v takih primerih Idioti iz združenih narodov ne morejo posredovet.


To pa da sekajo noge roke režejo oči ščegetavčke, da obredno jedo svoje žrtve,


to pa tile črni opičnjaki počno že stoletja


pa naj počno še dalje.

Omikan svet naj se umakne stran.

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Porny zate:

Odgovor, ki sem ga dobil:


Miro - we'll be doing a full report back to all donors by early next week. Full page ads are running tomorrow in major newspapers in Netherlands, Spain, Belgium and Sweden, and
we know we're having a serious impact
. Let's see what happens at the EU meeting on Monday!



juhuuu! :palec: x:)x

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Verjamem, hvala.


Da, upajmo na najboljse. In da ne samo upamo probamo vcasih kaj ukreniti, pa naj si bodi samo pljunek v morje. A ce samo ena milijarda pljune v morje, bomo imeli hude poplave!

Tako smo vedno veckrat lahko prica, kako posamezniki preko nevladnih organizacij vplivajo na strukture in odlocitve vlad in segmentov, ki preveckrat loceno od ljudstva odlocajo o tako pomembnih receh.

Ce danes efekta ni, bo morda jutri! Zato NI za obupat, ker se okoliscine definitivno spreminjajo! x^x


EU se vedno bolj odpira ljudem, organizacijam, nevladnemu sektorju. To hocemo kot civilna druzba ali NVO-ji. Razumljivo postaja, da smo soodvisni, zatorej drug drugemu moramo naproti.

Problem pa so lobiji, neznanje ljudi, premajhna osvescenost in depresija, kateri pomagajo se razlicne ekonomske ter socialno druzbene tezave.

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Kaj pravi na zadevo "odgovorna" oseba:

Pomoje je to kar se dogaja v congu, darfurju ipd.. jasen pokazatelj vpliva razvitega sveat na nerazvitega. Obenem pa sprenevedanje, zatiskanje oci in dvolicnost.

Nikakor clovek ne bi smel pobijati ljudi, posiljevati zensk in odvzemati domove in imetje prebivalcev. To je velik zlocin. Obenem pa ogledalo tistega kar smo dopustili razviti.

Ce temu ni tako, bom vesel ,ce me kdo popravi, ker konkretnih argumentov nimam.


"Crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC) is not new. Since it gained independence in 1960 it has been ravaged by war, tyranny and international economic opportunism. Despite a promise from rebel leader Laurent Nkunda to support a UN backed ceasefire, the fighting has not stopped between Nkunda's forces and the Congolese government. Congo is bordered by eight different countries and McClatchy journalist Shashank Bengali believes that "there is potential for this conflict to destabilize the whole region."

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Da, upajmo na najboljse. In da ne samo upamo probamo vcasih kaj ukreniti, pa naj si bodi samo pljunek v morje....

Ce danes efekta ni, bo morda jutri!

Čeprav se v tej temi nekolk strinjam tud s pornyjem, se še bolj s tabo free. Klinc, včasih je boljš bit idealist, kot pa pesimist. Tud men se zdi avaaz zelo pozitivna organizacija in tud sam sem dal eno mičkeno donacijo za Congo. Več nas bo probal vsaj kako malenkost narest, večja je možnost, da se ipak nekega dne kej premakne. No tak je pač moj pogled na to.



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Zelo strinjam. Da bi lahko nekateri segmenti druzbe lahko pripomogli vec.

Je pa se nekaj: Ce gledas zgodovino premikali situacije skozi zgodovino ravno ljudje, taksni kot midva, posamezniki!

Vedno je to bil ali karizmaticen posameznik ali pa skupina ljudi, ki je potegnila za seboj mnozice. Vcasih zal sele takrat ko jih ni bilo vec.


Vcraj sem gledal potopis diaprojecijo tipa ki je potoval po svetu.

V novi zelandiji je skupina ljudi, cca 20 recimo, ki dve leti in 10 mesecev tabori na predelu, ki je eno od zadnjih mokrisc nove zelandije (kakor sem razumel). Non stop so tam, samo zato, da ne bi zgradili nove avtoceste.

Drug primer: v svici al kje ze, sreca cca. 50 let starega tipa, popotnika, ki je sel taborit na kraj, kjer so prav tako mislili graditi. kraj je bil tudi nek naravni rezrevat al kaj ze. bil je sam!

cez nekaj casa so se mu je pridruzilo nekaj ljudi, nato vec in vec. postal je idol mesta. nemrec prebivalci so uvideli da je skrb za naravo pomebna. do sedaj tam se niso gradili.

no, so tudi taksni, ki potujemo 24 let skupaj :eek: :vio: taksni, ki nimajo kaj izgubiti in sledijo svojemu srcu, tistemu kar verjamejo, da je prav. In ravno taksni predvidevam razlikujejo in se zavedajo prioritet clovestva se toliko bolj! Med temi je sigurno odgovornost skrb za okolje!

In kot pravi indijanski pregovor: "Tvoje dejanje naj bo taksno, da bo vsaj 7 generacij za teboj imelo od tega korist!" oziroma ne imelo skode!


Verjetno takih primerov ni malo, o katerih mediji pac zal se ne porocajo kaj dosti.

Seveda pa niso samo mediji ,temvec tudi izbira gledalcev.


Gledal Hotel Ruando. res da je morda v tem filmu prisotno značilno žanrsko pretiravanje, vendar je dejstvo, da so na določenih položajih ljudje, ki bi lahko bistveno več pripomogli k reševanju teh grozljivih razmer, tako finančno, kot z vplivom, pa jih nekak ne slišim in ne vidim.

Tako na primer ni slišati nobenih pozivov iz Mladike, ne od Žbogarja ne od človeka z mnogokterimi telefonskimi številkami Rupla.

Do nevladnih organizacij imam pa zadržke, tko da podpiram vajino dobro voljo, vendar svoje podpore ne bom podkrepil z, kot bi rekli v Alanu fordu, žvenketajočo valuto.

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globoko cenim in spoštujem tvoj trud Free da ne boš mislil.

Toda let's see kaj bodo naredili na EU meetingu v ponedeljek, verjetno bodo 8 ur debatiral o povišanju DDVja pol pa domov, Ne vem kdaj bo Kongo na vrsto prišel.


free... se pridružujem spoštovanju.

kaj bodo pa u pondelk nardil, je pa precej odwisn od tega, kolk bodo zadeti.

pa žou ne ircam

sploh nimam besed... miiiissslllmmmmmm....
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  • 2 weeks later...

tolk zanekrat:

Hi Miro - sorry we haven't done the report back yet, it's coming. The meeting was not a success, but I think due in part to our campaigning, not a failure either. The EU has not decided to send peacekeepers, but a few European countries that we targeted are now thinking about moving ahead without the EU.




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  • 1 month later...

Ne samo to, da sem idealist. Temvec so mi iz racuan odvzeli 2x 20 EUR :o|o:

Ok, mogoce sem zadevo ponesreci 2x kliknil, ceprav dvomim.

Obenem pa vse obljube, da bodo poslali porocilo o tem kam je sel denar niso prisle!

Potem pa naj clovek komu se verjame :sori:



Ti si idealist freejič.

Če je kdo tam kej zasral so to kolonialisti, konkretno v primeru Konga, naj to rešuje Belgija, oziroma Francija.

Neumno in skrajno neodgovorno pa je zbirati denar, za to, da bi EU institucije pritisnile na vlade držav člani da bi te pritisnile na tipko klavirja ta sprožil ton C ta prebudil Pavarottija ta začel pet, in da bi vse to slišal Solana, ki bi povedal Ban ki majmunu da je treba poslati več modrih wcjčkov v Kongo..


Medtem se ves ta denar zbira v žepih raznih Kabil, Sese Sekotov in podobne ljudožerske svojati.

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Ne samo to, da sem idealist. Temvec so mi iz racuan odvzeli 2x 20 EUR :o|o:

Ok, mogoce sem zadevo ponesreci 2x kliknil, ceprav dvomim.

Obenem pa vse obljube, da bodo poslali porocilo o tem kam je sel denar niso prisle!

Potem pa naj clovek komu se verjame :sori:

shit. skoda. :(


no morda si ipak ti dvakrat kliknil, saj ti ne morjo kr potegnit casha do0l!

in ono porocilo morda se dobis?


verjamem pa da si slabe, jaz bi bla (in sem) tud.

potem pa morda revezi oz. ti, ki jim je namenjeno, ne dobijo, se pravi trojno slabo naredijo: otroke prikrajsajo, tebi ukradejo, sebi dajo ukradeno. :angry:

Pa se morebitni kasnejsi kateri so zato prikrajsani, ker ne mores nikomur vec zaupat! :||

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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Hm. Lahk potegnejo, ce imajo stevilko kartice in vse podatke. itaq, da lahko.

Obenem je na strani tudi jasno doloceno koliko se donira. 40 EUR ne obstaja in treba tocno kliknit na znesek (20, 50, itn).

Ma sej mi ni zrad tistih 20 EUR vec, ce vem, da gre v namen; temvec predvsem pa zato, da je prav da dobim kot donor feedback. Sam to.

Vceraj sem jim pisal. Bomo videli odziv. Upam, da se motim. :inocent:


Sicer pa ni slo za reveze v Congu direktno, temvec za oglasevanje tega kar se dogaja v razlicne casopise: The Times, El Pais in Spain, Dagens Nyheter in Sweden, The European Voice in Brussels and NRC Handelsblad in the Netherlands.

Posledicno pa naj bi oglasevanje vplivalo na odlocitve voditeljev EU, ki so se o krizi v Congu pogovarjali. Next week the agenda and positions will be determined for the European Union's Council of Ministers meeting on the 8th and 9th of December. If they fail to act now, the people of the Congo will have to wait months before the EU considers the issue again.

Akcijo za doniranje so izvedli teden dni pred sestankovanjem v EU. Razvidno pribl. kdaj sem odprl temo.


Doslej so povedali, da so bili odzivi mocni, a porocila po enem mesecu se ni, kljub obljubi.

Full page ads are running tomorrow in major newspapers in Netherlands, Spain, Belgium and Sweden, and we know we're having a serious impact. Let's see what happens at the EU meeting on Monday!

No, zdej k sem se malo pomiril od presenecenja v banki, vseeno mislim, da je sel denar v tja kamor sem ga namenil; kljub temu pa bi bilo dobro kocno ze dobiti tisto porocilo in ga objavil tule (vsaj del) za vspodbudo. xrolleyesx x;)x No, jst vcasih prehitr reagiram (ovnovsk :o|o: ), zato sem se tolk bolj pazljiv kle na forumu. Treniram ze leta x:o)x

...sorry we haven't done the report back yet, it's coming. The meeting was not a success, but I think due in part to our campaigning, not a failure either. The EU has not decided to send peacekeepers, but a few European countries that we targeted are now thinking about moving ahead without the EU.

Ce je temu res tako kot pravi, je to verjetno uspeh. Pomeni, da bo v Congu s posredovanjem prislo do miru. Ostalo prepuscam... recimo bogu. xrolleyesx

V vsakem primeru pa, se vedno lahko storimo kaj, da bo tam bolje. Apeliramo na vlado v Slo., ta pa na EU. Peticije, clanki v medijih, itn. Sicer uspeh ni zagotovljen, se pa definitivno zavest ljudi dvigne, kakor tudi pokaze tistim, ki imajo moc odlocati, da ljudem JE mar kaj se dogaja po svetu.

Kamen na kamen... (2 kamna x:o)x ) - palaca.

In ce so mediji res 4 roka politike, potem imajo se pomembno vlogo pri osvescanju. Tudi tale portal.



Se pa ob vsem tem poraja zanimivo vprasanje:

Ali je dati denar ali pomagati nekomu direktno vec vredno od tega, da pomagamo posredno, kot je v primeru zgoraj; torej osvescamo sirse, preko medijev itn.

Verjetno za zaradi slabsih izkusenj, ki jih ljudje imajo in pa predvsem tega, kar so mediji pisali dosti slabega o raznih prevarah prejemnikov donacij.

Zadevo pac ne moremo gledati CB. Vse se povezuje, zato sta oba nacina pravzaprav vec kot dobrodosla. Seveda pa, pod pgojem, da je namen in s tem donirana sredstva res sprovedena.

Ali je sam namen dovolj? Torej sredstva ne pridejo na cilj. Verjetno ne. Ima pa svojo moc!

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dragi free xsrcx

prosim, TAKOJ blokiraj kartico. Zna bit, da boš še ob kej druzga, ne sam 40 eur :sori:

Prevzemanje tujih identitet v Afriki jemljejo v OŠ :vio:



You see beauty where you desire to see it. You see ugliness where your are afraid to see beauty.

»Grem naprej.

Kjer ni poti, ustvarim pot.

Usmerjam tok svojega življenja,

tako kot duša v meni hoče.«


¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)

(¸.•´ (¸.•´

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No, prav zanimivo, kako sem tudi jaz padel v stos nazaupanja. Tega je res prevec. Ocitno je bil moj prvi obcutek povsem na mestu. Torej zaupati in temu primerno delovati. x:)x :palec:


Odgovor mi jasno pokaze, kako negativno in neprimerno sem odreagiral.

Torej odgovor, ki sem se ga razveselil:


One of our team that works on finance is looking into the double donation of 20 Euros and will get back to you on that.

To bring you up to date: we ran 6 full page ads in key newspapers in Sweden, Belgium, Spain, UK, Holland and a special ad to the EU audience in Brussels. We also ran polls across Europe and found that a clear majority in Spain, Sweden and Germany supported sending EU troops to the DRC and we did a series of briefings to Foreign Office officials in key countries.

You can see an update, the polls and ads at:

After our actions, Sweden and Spain changed course and made statements that they we open to sending troops if another country were to lead, the Ducth Ministry got in touch with us to find out more about what was needed and Belgium re-launched it's efforts at the EU forum. Even though we did not win this time around to get urgent EU troops sent to the DRC, we are still working hard to find a way to get MONUC reinforcements as soon as possible to protect civilians.

If you would like any more information do not hesitate to contact me again.

Best wishes and thank you for your support in this vital campaign,...


Mislim, da se bomo "slovenclji" se veliko morali ukvarjat sami s seboj; svojimi strahovi, nezaupanjem in vsem tem kar nas je zgodovina naucila in kar bi lahko sedaj spremenili na bolje. No, vsaj jaz. x;)x

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