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Marsa, kolk je pa to prisrčen video
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upajmo, da ne bo ostalo samo pri obljubah!




Je pa to predvsem odvisno do nas potrošnikov! Že v začetku članka začne z: "so podlegli pritisku javnosti"... hkrati pa lahko potrošniki izbiramo recimo temu cokoladne alternative in kupujemo fairtrade cokolade. Koliko so te res fair, pa ... verjetno so v povprečju vseeno bolj kot tiste ki niso fairtrade. Dejstvo je, da se bomo potrošniki morali zavedati, da so nekatere stvari pač luksuz in jih zato potrebno tudi več plačati in eventuelno uživati poredko. Tako se bomo lahko tudi bolj usmerili v lastno proizvodnjo slovenskih dobrin in jih tako "izmenjavali" z južnimi, če se tako izrazim. "Izmenjuje" pa se seveda tudi drugo blago
Ne meči svinjam biserov!

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The most of what you know about meat is totally wrong. If you aren't selfish ignorant hypocrite, you will see the truth. The facts are clear. Just open your eyes. Be humans ♥


"As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields." - Leo Tolstoy



If you don't agree with informations about meat in the video, then I recommend you these documents from which i drew. You will understand everything after watching them.


Many thanks to creators of these ones:

(it should be seen by everyone)

Forks Over Knifes
(also should be seen by everyone)


Super Size ME

And great movie The Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes


Also thanks to Gary Yourofsky. He is big inspiration and everyone should see and listen his video

If you want know the truth about meat, dairy etc. - there is everything.


Music - 10 Inch nails from Audiomachine (they produce excellent trailer music)


And of course thanks to all people who share informations like this and they are not affraid to be "different"


Don´t stop. Animals need us!
Ne meči svinjam biserov!

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EATING” and “Food Matters” documentaries




Earthlings - Full length documentary (multi-subtitles) (video vsebuje resnične nasilne prizore) :O: :xx!:


Three stages of Truth:

1. Ridicule

2. Violent Oposition

3. Acceptance
Ne meči svinjam biserov!

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