Jutranjik 7. april 2011 Avtor Prijavi Deli 7. april 2011 Nč ne zastopm. Tle praviš, da so te izključil, ker si podal subjektivno mnenje, njih pa zanima le objektivno, obenem pa praviš, da objektivnega ne jebejo, zanima jih pa subjektivno. http://www.lunin.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_smile_shy.gif ja tako je to - to je fenomen nekaterih new age forumov! točno!http://www.lunin.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon21.gif (ostanki monarho iluminatov se to imenuje) Pa ne mi rečt da si kao iz Kopra...Tam so mi neki osebki kazal neko stavbo kao v obliki barke...spodaj pa par lokalčkov in par ljudi samo za vzorec...in tako je bilo že parkrat...kaj morem, če sem tupast žabar in sem hodil med tednom tam okoli...pa še hitro so zaprli...ob 2.00 že nisem več vedel kam bi se dal...No ja vsaj tist diskač v Tušu je bil nekatere dni odprt vsaj do jutranjih ur...muzika je bila pa too much na glas...http://www.lunin.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/griny.gif A se v enem letu še nisi vprašal...kaj pa če tvoj pristop ni v redu oz. ni glih primeren za obične človečke...http://www.lunin.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon1_question.gif In če se že imaš kao za light workerja mogoče ne bi bilo slabo če bi malo več praktično delal in nehal prepričevati po forumih kao take "darkerje" kot naj bi mi kao bili...http://www.lunin.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/griny.gif Če osebek že kao dela s svetlobo se mora najprej naučiti koliko so kakšne informacije primerne za njega...koliko je popačenj...mora jih znat vsaj za silo čekirat oz. preverjat al pa če je pridobil zaupanje izvora... Ni glih dobro da se meša različne sisteme iz različnih planetov oz. ozvezdij, ker potem pride do zmede...Kot sem rekel eni govorijo o 7D drugi o 12D, tretji spet drugače...v večini teh linkih, ki si jih ubacio je prava zbrka in še dvomljive informacije...Bolje je če podaš manj informacij in tiste iz zanesljivega vira in preverjene...Ni dobro povzročat še dodatno zmedo že itak zmešanim zemljančkom med katere spadam tudi jaz...http://www.lunin.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/OK2.gif saj delam ...veliko ja! ja, v KP imajo Barko, pa ogrlico, čebelnjak haha Ja ta je hecna, sem tud jaz hotla pripomnit, da kolk so/STE http://www.lunin.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_smile_wink.gif eni hecni s temi nekimi sklepanji. http://www.lunin.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon1_biggrin.gif Verjetno je Butl mislil uno barko, k gremo mi s Hvara pa je na poti. http://www.lunin.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_smile_tongue.gif haha ja v slo imamo samo ENO barko http://www.lunin.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_smile_cool.gif Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
butl 7. april 2011 Prijavi Deli 7. april 2011 http://www.lunin.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_smile_clown.gif Bom rajš tih 2 Citiraj Čutim, da čutiš, da čutim, kar čutiš Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Jutranjik 7. april 2011 Avtor Prijavi Deli 7. april 2011 http://www.lunin.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/em119.gifno to je prava detektivska konkluzija vredna chief inspector Jappa preden je uporabil male sive celice po namigu Poirota. ker ne najdem mojega prejšn posta, dodajam še 1x: ja, v KP imajo Barko (hotel), pa tudi čebelnjak in ogrlico haha Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
butl 7. april 2011 Prijavi Deli 7. april 2011 ker ne najdem mojega prejšn posta, dodajam še 1x: ja, v KP imajo Barko (hotel), pa tudi čebelnjak in ogrlico haha Tole Barko sem mislu http://www.lunin.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_smile_kisses.gif Citiraj Čutim, da čutiš, da čutim, kar čutiš Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Jutranjik 7. april 2011 Avtor Prijavi Deli 7. april 2011 Jutranjik... ne da se mi. Res. jaotem pa odnehaj! dalje gredo le najbolj vztrajni in disciplinirani http://www.lunin.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon27.gif 3 Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Brezo 7. april 2011 Prijavi Deli 7. april 2011 Tole Barko sem mislu Zgleda, da bom moral uporabljati malo več sivih celic...E butl tako zmešanim človečkom kot smo mi moraš drugič malo bolj razložiti kakšna barka...Kakšen jehovec bi mislil Noetovo barko...http://www.lunin.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/griny.gif 1 Citiraj Life is like a game...play it...http://smileys.smilchat.net/smiley/spiritual/myst1c.gif Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
zalaya 7. april 2011 Prijavi Deli 7. april 2011 jaotem pa odnehaj! dalje gredo le najbolj vztrajni in disciplinirani http://www.lunin.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon27.gif No saj razumem... vesoljci.... zato še nisi slišal, da pametnejši popušča, ko meni, da je vse ostalo mlatenje prazne slame... Citiraj ... ljubi življenje in življenje bo ljubilo tebe... Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Jutranjik 7. april 2011 Avtor Prijavi Deli 7. april 2011 No saj razumem... vesoljci.... zato še nisi slišal, da pametnejši popušča, ko meni, da je vse ostalo mlatenje prazne slame... http://www.lunin.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_smile_wink.gif to je pa čistd ideologij odvisna razlaga, kaj si kdo misli pod temhttp://www.lunin.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/icon_smile_cool.gif Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Jutranjik 10. april 2011 Avtor Prijavi Deli 10. april 2011 Namesto nadaljevanja v stilu subjektivnega bluzenja ki služi samo dolivanju ognja na kontrolni mehanizem matrixa (namesto njegovemu zlomu!), dodajam citat: Iza velikih projekata u istoriji čovečanstva stoje - SANJARI, ljudi koji su VIZIJE, SLIKE projekata nosili u sebi. Te vizije su dobijale fizičku manifestaciju. Doduše, to je bilo u energetski mnogo manje napregnutim vremenima, ali - taj mehanizam se svakako nije izgubio, samo što je sada potrebno mnogo više energije uložiti u vizije, da bi se ostvarile. Sećam se, isto iz tih energetski mirnijih vremena, dok sam se uz svoju profesiju bavio i stolarskim poslom. U umu bi mi se formirala jasna slika onoga što treba da napravim, toj slici je sledila postupno, spontano, razrada postupaka preko kojih će se vizija ostvariti. Radilo se o sitnim, u odnosu na velike projekte, stvarima, ali - mehanizam je isti: slika u umu, koja je energetski impuls za realizaciju na fizičkom planu. MI TREBA DA NAPRAVIMO PODUHVAT U TOM SMISLU, DA U SVEOPŠTEM HAOSU I ENERGETSKIM NAPREZANJIMA - KREIRAMO I ENERGETSKI POTHRANJUJEMO VIZIJU POZITIVIZACIJE I PREOBRAŽAVANJA, KOJE BISMO IZVELI NAJPRE U SOPSTVENOJ SVESTI I U SOPSTVENOM ŽIVOTU, PA I U STVARNOSTI U KOJOJ ŽIVIMO. OD SNAGE NAŠEG DUHA, OD RAZVIJENOSTI SVESTI SVAKAKO ĆE ZAVISTITI I DOMETI KOJE BUDEMO POSTIZALI: RAZVIJENIJA SVEST ĆE IMATI SNAGU ŠIREG PREOBRAŽAJNOG "PRUŽANJA USLUGA", U SMISLU PRUŽANJA ENERGTESKE POMOĆI ŠIROJ ZAJEDNICI U KOJOJ ŽIVI, MANJE RAZVIJENOJ JE, ZA POČETAK, DOVOLJNO DA PREOBRAZI SEBE SAMU I SOPSTVENE, UŽE ŽIVOTNE OKOLNOSTI. Naravno, domet delovanja je najmanje bitan, svako mora najpre od sebe da pođe, ako preko opisanih mehanizama uspe u sebi i u svom životu da izvede pozitivne preokrete, napravio je veliki korak... Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
karavan 16. april 2011 Prijavi Deli 16. april 2011 Če vas zanima, kako se razvija seksualni škandal s Swamijijem, poglejte na avstrijski forum, http://www.esoterikforum.at/forum/showthread.php?t=149397&page=27 kjer je zadnja zanimivost izjava nemškega swamijijevega učenca, ki je po prvem šoku nad pričanji žensk na www.swamiji-maheshwarananda-abuse.com naredil svojo lastno raziskavo na nemškem področju in prišel do naslednjih zaključkov: Now for the english speaking world: For the clarity: I am a disciple who until three weeks ago did pray all this it-can-not-be-at-all-stuff up and down. Until i came into contact with real people out of love for the truth and did research in the whole world. After six days this old world had a tsunamilike breakdown just the same way that yidl will break down. That is only a question of time and it needs no Chidanand for that. Swamiji started this destruction personally with the first sexual or criminal act of his. Nothing happens without a reason. Chidanand is not at all interesting in the meantime. Only he brought this thing into moving. Since three weeks i know such an infinite number of stories from three directly involved women and many talks with first hand witnesses. One puzzle piece joins the next one. There was consensual and also not so consensual sex between Swamiji and disciple women – since tens and tens of years. And last thing mentioned is an absolute no go and we are not discussing criminal law or personality rights matters (that is another very complicated field). It is all only about what a master is allowed to do and what not. And to have sex with disciples is an absolute no go in his case at least: to do it as a (wannabe) enlightened one, as a swami and all in hidden not openly. Not a single sexual act can be accepted. But everybody can have his opinion here. And really, i had like many but also not like all in YidL never heard during my time in YidL not even a single rumour about such things. That has really struck me like thunder and it is a long story. It is now clear to me how these stories could be kept under the carpet for thirty years (ore even more?). And three weeks ago I thought this not at all to be possible. About this I will post later. Now your question: quite easy, Swamijis master cannot have been an enlightened master. Siddhis the yogic superpowers which are coming long before selfrealisation (see Patanjali 3rd chapter, it is only about that). Swamiji called that always the second level of Maya, the second level of the big ego testing. If you have Siddhis – i am taking the short cut and have no personal experiences with them – you can use them in a positive or a negative way. There is a lot of stories about that. If his master would have been realised he would not have allowed it [remember spirituality to be of cristall clear purity, Patanjalis principles like nonviolence, truth(fulness) and bramacharya, which clearly means celibacy for swamis have to lived. And there the master has to live also what he preaches!!!]. That is where any fun ends. Since his master has done nothing no matter if he had siddhis or not he at least posed himself passively behind his disciple and he is therefore no better. And now no still-Swamiji follower can say that Guruji did not know because that is against the doctrine and therefore contradictory. But others can: According to the laws of logic he is either a charlatan and did not know anything or he had siddhis and did know or had no siddhis and also knew – but he did not do anything to stop it. Or he enjoyed the same fun. By the way I can imagine that this is a possibility even though that thought is extremly difficult to think. But in this story it is like that, something that Swamiji often cited: Nothing is impossible in this universe. 1 Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
capt. spaulding 17. april 2011 Prijavi Deli 17. april 2011 Če vas zanima, kako se razvija seksualni škandal s Swamijijem, poglejte na avstrijski forum, http://www.esoterikf...=149397&page=27 kjer je zadnja zanimivost izjava nemškega swamijijevega učenca, ki je po prvem šoku nad pričanji žensk na www.swamiji-maheshwarananda-abuse.com naredil svojo lastno raziskavo na nemškem področju in prišel do naslednjih zaključkov: Now for the english speaking world: For the clarity: I am a disciple who until three weeks ago did pray all this it-can-not-be-at-all-stuff up and down. Until i came into contact with real people out of love for the truth and did research in the whole world. After six days this old world had a tsunamilike breakdown just the same way that yidl will break down. That is only a question of time and it needs no Chidanand for that. Swamiji started this destruction personally with the first sexual or criminal act of his. Nothing happens without a reason. Chidanand is not at all interesting in the meantime. Only he brought this thing into moving. Since three weeks i know such an infinite number of stories from three directly involved women and many talks with first hand witnesses. One puzzle piece joins the next one. There was consensual and also not so consensual sex between Swamiji and disciple women – since tens and tens of years. And last thing mentioned is an absolute no go and we are not discussing criminal law or personality rights matters (that is another very complicated field). It is all only about what a master is allowed to do and what not. And to have sex with disciples is an absolute no go in his case at least: to do it as a (wannabe) enlightened one, as a swami and all in hidden not openly. Not a single sexual act can be accepted. But everybody can have his opinion here. And really, i had like many but also not like all in YidL never heard during my time in YidL not even a single rumour about such things. That has really struck me like thunder and it is a long story. It is now clear to me how these stories could be kept under the carpet for thirty years (ore even more?). And three weeks ago I thought this not at all to be possible. About this I will post later. Now your question: quite easy, Swamijis master cannot have been an enlightened master. Siddhis the yogic superpowers which are coming long before selfrealisation (see Patanjali 3rd chapter, it is only about that). Swamiji called that always the second level of Maya, the second level of the big ego testing. If you have Siddhis – i am taking the short cut and have no personal experiences with them – you can use them in a positive or a negative way. There is a lot of stories about that. If his master would have been realised he would not have allowed it [remember spirituality to be of cristall clear purity, Patanjalis principles like nonviolence, truth(fulness) and bramacharya, which clearly means celibacy for swamis have to lived. And there the master has to live also what he preaches!!!]. That is where any fun ends. Since his master has done nothing no matter if he had siddhis or not he at least posed himself passively behind his disciple and he is therefore no better. And now no still-Swamiji follower can say that Guruji did not know because that is against the doctrine and therefore contradictory. But others can: According to the laws of logic he is either a charlatan and did not know anything or he had siddhis and did know or had no siddhis and also knew – but he did not do anything to stop it. Or he enjoyed the same fun. By the way I can imagine that this is a possibility even though that thought is extremly difficult to think. But in this story it is like that, something that Swamiji often cited: Nothing is impossible in this universe. Hvala za inf. mislim, da brez le teh ne bi mogli živet, sicer si pa off topic. Te pa razumem se nisi imel kje oglašat pa te je žulilo. THX 1 Citiraj «Mes chers frères, n'oubliez jamais, quand vous entendrez vanter le progrès des lumières, que la plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu'il n'existe pas!» Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Jutranjik 19. april 2011 Avtor Prijavi Deli 19. april 2011 imamo temo o gurujih!sicer pa tule ne bom več objavljal, naj vam vlada tema oz. neznanje. ko sem objavil prav tak v slovenji na drugem forumu, da mi je tukaj urednica obrisala temo o vesoljcih, in dodal, da slovence očitno ne zanima kaj se na tem področju aktualnega dogaja v svetovnih klanih, so mi odgovorili, da ne smem posploševati menenja in da mi tam takih postingov ne bodo brisali.torej zakaj bi še naprej moral metati bisere unim dlakavim debelim živalim .... če jih ne potrebujejo in so zadovoljne s tem ,da se valjajo v lastnem d....u? to je urednica dokazala že ničkolikokrat na kakšnem nivoju je in na kakšnem nivoju želi imeti forum.n anivoju navadnega šund škandala opravljanja in klevetanja - to je pa tudi vse kar je zmogla sproducirati in sugerirati s svojim moderiranjem v vseh teh dolgih letih.raj ese grem posvečati tistim, ki so znanja in informacij željni in ki radi raziskujejo, naj še naprej paradira tukaj s svojo bolano prisotnostjo. 1 3 Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
PsicoMagico 19. april 2011 Prijavi Deli 19. april 2011 imamo temo o gurujih!sicer pa tule ne bom več objavljal, naj vam vlada tema oz. neznanje. ko sem objavil prav tak v slovenji na drugem forumu, da mi je tukaj urednica obrisala temo o vesoljcih, in dodal, da slovence očitno ne zanima kaj se na tem področju aktualnega dogaja v svetovnih klanih, so mi odgovorili, da ne smem posploševati menenja in da mi tam takih postingov ne bodo brisali.torej zakaj bi še naprej moral metati bisere unim dlakavim debelim živalim .... če jih ne potrebujejo in so zadovoljne s tem ,da se valjajo v lastnem d....u? to je urednica dokazala že ničkolikokrat na kakšnem nivoju je in na kakšnem nivoju želi imeti forum.n anivoju navadnega šund škandala opravljanja in klevetanja - to je pa tudi vse kar je zmogla sproducirati in sugerirati s svojim moderiranjem v vseh teh dolgih letih.raj ese grem posvečati tistim, ki so znanja in informacij željni in ki radi raziskujejo, naj še naprej paradira tukaj s svojo bolano prisotnostjo. Kaj imaš proti svinjam? So prav prisrčne in pametne živali. Pa še genetsko smo jim zelo blizu: A University of Illinois side-by-side comparison of the human and pig genomes has revealed remarkable similarities. "We took the human genome, cut it into 173 puzzle pieces and rearranged it to make a pig," explains animal geneticist Lawrence Schook. "Everything matches up perfectly. The pig is genetically very close to humans." When looking at a pig or a human, the difference is seen instantly. "But, in the biological sense, animals aren't that much different from one another – at least not as different as they appear," he says. 1 Citiraj "I must create a system or be enslaved by another mans; I will not reason and compare: my business is to create." William Blake Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Dreammer 20. april 2011 Prijavi Deli 20. april 2011 samo bedaka THCu se lahko identificira s svinjami - nič nenavadnega, če odpiraš tako bolane teme! Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
capt. spaulding 20. april 2011 Prijavi Deli 20. april 2011 samo bedaka THCu se lahko identificira s svinjami - nič nenavadnega, če odpiraš tako bolane teme! Pa kva je tvoj problem? sej se samo pogovrjamo, a vzameš res vse zdravo za gotovo? Citiraj «Mes chers frères, n'oubliez jamais, quand vous entendrez vanter le progrès des lumières, que la plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu'il n'existe pas!» Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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