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Resnica o Sai Babi??


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Morda pa nismo dovolj sveti. Glede na to, koliko je danes pedofilije med duhovniki, ... imamo do nje očitno napačen odnos. To je božji izraz najvišje ljubezni.


Zezam se. Bo že držalo, kar je rekel Jezus: veliko bo lažnih prerokov, predno bom jaz spet prišel. Sai Baba pač ni Bog, se pa lahko vseeno od njega oz. iz njegovih zgodb naučimo veliko lepega, dobrega in modrega za naše življenje.


Še enkrat velja tista: ne glej mojih del, poslušaj moje besede.




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Meni se zdi sai Baba car - če bi se lotil religije, bi v njemu našel resnični vzor in izvor navdiha (tip obvlada ni kaj).






Človek lahko dela, kar hoče, ne more pa hoteti, kot bi želel.
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  • 6 months later...

Trenutno berem revije Avatar, ki jih izdaja Sai center v Sloveniji. Moram povedati, da me je potegnilo čist notr. Rada bi slišala tudi vaša mnenja o velikem Sai Babi iz Indije...

Glih 100% me ni še prepričal, zelo pa mi je všeč njegova filozofija...



Res sem iskala, če je blo tle gor kaj govora o njem, pa nisem našla, zato odpiram novo temo!



Če vam ne uspe prvič, vam gre v povprečju tako kot drugim.

M. H. Alderson

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Naky - tu je nekaj, vendar je v bistvu nekaj necastnega o Sai Babi - nekaj njegovih ucencev ga je obtozilo zlorabljanja oz. spolnega nadlegovanja...


Iskanje - moras dati 'Vsi odprti forumi'

'Najdi samo v naslovu teme'

'Od kadarkoli'.


Sem dala Sai - ker Baba se sklanja - pa sem dobila tole...

Malo si precekiraj tole...

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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sicer skrajno zanimivo, ja Sai baba, heh ta njegova nagnjenja, hm vprašanje res, tole biti gay al ne, hm večina grških filozofov je imela ljubezen za nekaj kar so zmožni le moški, in obstaja le med moškimi, heh saibaba bi se najbrž strinjal, anyway, moj tata ma enga prijatla, ki je redno na obisku pri saibabi (hm redno kot 1x na leto) bojda da ni nobenega seksa, tam, resno dvomim v take zlorabe, heh, saj ne rečem tukaj naši katoliki... hehe so zmožni vsega, ampak Sai baba, pa mislim da ni tak, (sedaj boste vsi ki ne veste kaj mislim, rekli podlegel propagandi... bu nino, lamer amater.. kje je tvoj metodični dvom,..) ne mislim da to izhaja iz ega, tistega ega po indijsko ne po frojdovsko, ega dela osebnosti ki nas loči od popolnosti, in je seveda nepopolen, ki ne privošči drugim uspeha, zato ga recimo zahodni verski voditelji ne prizanvajo najbolj, in pač o njem krožijo take in take govorice, saj tud pri nas krožijo govorice o sadamu kako je tak in tak, al pa o osami, heh, al pa recimo o tem kakšen je bušh, najbrž je večina neresnična, možno je da je Saibaba gey, prav naj bo, o zlorabah pa malo dvomim, nekak ni logično, intuicija mi pravi da ni res, slabi ljudje ne pridejo duhovno tako visoko...... no ja jaz še vedno prisegam na D. Lamo... ... no ja moj vtis o Sai babi, je iz druge roke, zares je lahko marsikaj, ne dvomim pa v to da je velik, seveda dvomim v to da je prerok, namestnik boga na zemlji, ipd, to mi itak ne diši,
:D Rad bi se z vami družil tudi v živo, povejte mi če se kdaj mudite v moji okolici LJ, Moste.
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No, El Nino - saj najbrz ne naskoci kar vsake osebe moskega spola... x:o)x x:Dx x:)x


Meni ni vsec - ta prijaznost, ki veje iz njega, mi ni... pristna.

Nedvomno je seveda kaj naredil in kaj premaknil v lajfu, komu odprl oci...

Samo takih grehov pa naj res ne bi imel takle folk...


El Nino - pejt si pogledat na tistem sajtu Findings...

To so pricevanja takega folka kot si ti...

Pravijo, da jim je jasno, da zdaj... dobrotnika kao osirati... samo da se jim je zdelo prav dat na vidjelo to...

Se stirnjam...

Tedaj ko je tole krozilo, sem dobila vec mailov pa tudi razmisljanj (slovenskih alternativcev, tudi njegovih bivsih 'fenov', pa tudi takih, ki ze dolgo delujejo na podrocju duhovnosti, tudi znanstveniki etc.) pa nisem objavila, ker sem dobila po mailu....

Tako da se je zdelo, da ni cisto za lase privleceno tole - tele obtozbe...

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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No, El Nino - saj najbrz ne naskoci kar vsake osebe moskega spola...  x:o)x  x:Dx  x:)x


Meni ni vsec - ta prijaznost, ki veje iz njega, mi ni... pristna.

Nedvomno je seveda kaj naredil in kaj premaknil v lajfu, komu odprl oci...

Samo takih grehov pa naj res ne bi imel takle folk...


El Nino - pejt si pogledat na tistem sajtu Findings...

To so pricevanja takega folka kot si ti...

Pravijo, da jim je jasno, da zdaj... dobrotnika kao osirati... samo da se jim je zdelo prav dat na vidjelo to...

Se stirnjam...

Tedaj ko je tole krozilo, sem dobila vec mailov pa tudi razmisljanj (slovenskih alternativcev, tudi njegovih bivsih 'fenov', pa tudi takih, ki ze dolgo delujejo na podrocju duhovnosti, tudi znanstveniki etc.) pa nisem objavila, ker sem dobila po mailu....

Tako da se je zdelo, da ni cisto za lase privleceno tole - tele obtozbe...

Hm. Ce ti povem, vam povem, da ne grem niti pogledat, karkoli slabega o njem!!

Ker enostavno ne verjamem v kakrsne koli slabe namene kar se tice mojstra sai babe!!

Zame je on svet clovek in verjamem, da je avatar in verjamem, da pomaga, razsvetljuje,

in verjamem tudi to, kar so mjstri povedali, da se tudi pac pokazejo taksne kakor jih zelimo videti!!

kajti le tako bomo lahko sprejeli tisto energijo v sebi z ljubeznijo, torej ne obsojali.

:: torej ce si nekdo predstavlja mojstra kot osebo, ki je strog ucitelj, ki te nadere ipd... bo morda pac tudi to dobil, ker se potrebuje uzreti in sprejeti sebe zunaj sebe -torej sebe ;) ce to ni mojstrko ne recem nic!

kaj pa mi storimo, ce nam nekdo pokaze cisto ogledalo (ce imamo privilegij sploh uzreti ga); obsojamo, kritiziramo, ne sprejemamo, ker pac ne sprejemamo tistega kar je v nas; in zatorej nositi glavo na prodaj tudi ni morda enostavna zadeva; se posebej, ce smo vezani na sisteme, materialno, etc... a ne.

mojster pa je itak zasciten!

slisal sem mojstra sai babo, preko nekoga pac; in moja izkusnja z njim je pac taksna, da sem ga poslusal, kolikor se pac nisem tedaj ukvarjas s samim seboj ;) in sprejemam pozitivno. morda pa je nekdo potreboval negativno izkusnjo in je pac tako dobil, verjetno za njegovo dobro. no, se 1 primer: ali obsojate morilca, posiljevalca, roparja, ipd (ce jih ze kvalificiram, kar je neumno)? seveda, ker ne maramo teh delov v sebi, ne ljubimo. ja se slisi cudno kaj ne!! ;)

niti slucajno pa ne verjamem, da bi mojster kronskega nivoja pocel karkoli drugega kakor siril cisto ljubezen; ki jo seveda nase predstave in prepricanja spreminjajo v nekaj kar to ni. no ja, seveda vsak slisi tisto kar potrebuje. no ja, mojstra obiskuje ves svet in povsod so ljudje, ki govorijo o cudezih in pozitivnih izkusnjah.

menda si niso kar izmislili, kaj! No ja, bila so obdobja, ko sem bil skepticen, ker nisem dobil dokaza, ali pa ga nisem videl, oz. sem pozabil na tiste, ki mi jih je ze dal. ce moja zavest nekaj ne dojame, lahko ostanem le ponizen dokler si ne razjasnim, ce se tega zavedam, sem pozoren na svoje misli, reagiranja;; ali pa kritiziram, nergam, obsojam dokler si tudi ne razjasnim! ;) vsekakor na oba nacina usmerjam energijo v smeri ozavestiti! :)

moje mnenje sedaj

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Hej, saj nisem jaz lansirala tega...

Samo povem, kaj sem videla...

So pa mnogi, ki so podali mnenje, bili (prej) takega mnenja kot vidva.


Jaz bi tezko sodila, ker ga ne poznam (pa tudi se nisem dovolj poglobila v tole, ker se mi ni dalo).


Imata prav - verjamemo, kar pac hocemo verjeti.

In tudi on je clovek - z dobrimi lastnostmi in tudi s slabostmi.


Pedofilije pa ne odobravam oz. preziram take, ki izfuravajo tele nagone...

Ne glede na to, za koga gre.

Duhovnike (in ostali folk) naj obsojam, Sai Babo pa razumem... hmm...


Kot receno pa, ne poznam resnice...

Nekateri pa so jo morda izkusili na lastni kozi..

(*ne gre za pricevanje ene -morda zlobne ali mascevalne- osebe, pac pa gre za vec teh pricevanj... - zanje je tudi bil 'svet', dokler ni... )

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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Experiences of an ex-Sai baba devotee




Source : Jens Sethu - A letter to David




Hello David Bailey, I am giving you a thorough account of my traumatic experiences with Sathya Sai Baba and hope that this will help people understand what he is all about. All the details are the truth and can be seen as testimony. I could and would testify to the following in an open court.


I am thirty-five years old and have been interested in spiritual matters since my childhood. For a long time I worshipped Jesus and Padre Pio, then after reading Yogananda’s ‘Autobiography of a Yogi’ I turned towards the yogi path.


In October 1988 I became an ardent follower of Sathya Sai Baba, and came to Puttaparthi for the first time in September 1989. Since then I visited Puttaparthi regularly every year and was totally absorbed in the ‘aura’ of Sai Baba. I was fully convinced of his avatarhood and became so devoted that I was thinking and contemplating all the time about him alone.


In 1989 I read ‘Lord of the Air’ by Tal Brooks (a young male USA ex-devotee who wrote of Sai Baba’s sexual abuse of him), but I did not believe, thinking "Tal only wants to decry Baba". I was just ignoring the facts.


Over the years I had hundreds of darshans but never an interview. In 1993 I became a little suspicious about Sai Baba’s lifestyle and the activities in the ashram. Every year I could see costly new buildings and felt an increasing commercialisation was going on. In 1996 I saw Sai Baba leaving the ashram in an expensive ‘Jaguar’ and other costly cars like ‘Mercedes’ and ‘BMW’ of the big class. But I still believed him to be the Kali avatar of the age.


On 17th January 1996 I got my first interview and he was very kind telling me nice things like "I will give you everything" as he touched and stroked my head. He said "I know you’re not sure about your life and future and so on. Also unhappiness from women. I know, don’t worry. Also you have some bad thoughts, not good". Then he said "I give you everything according to health, spirituality and life. Everything. I give you infinite love. You and me will become one". I touched his robe and he put his hand on the top of my head saying "I give you separate interview".


On 20th January 1996 I got the second interview. Already days before, he had established a strange eye-contact with me indicating the coming interview. My wife and I went to the interview and he acted very disappointed at seeing me together with my wife. He took me alone into the interview room and said "She is diseased and much older than you. Please separate from her". I was really shocked and replied "She is attached to me".


I asked him to give her some spiritual instruction, which he readily agreed to do, but he had something else on his mind.


Without asking permission he started kissing me on my lips for some time, and later asked me to open my trousers and ‘materialised’ some oil which he rubbed on the skin above my genitals. I felt very bad about all of this, but accepted, as I fully trusted Sai Baba.


Then he took my wife into the private interview room alone, and told her "Either you separate from the boy or I throw you out of Puttaparthi!". He appeared wild and furious (my wife told me afterwards) and she shivered all over. When she reappeared in a very short time, looking red faced and very scared, nobody dared ask her what happened in there.


He saw me again some days later in darshan and asked whether I had separated or not. I said "Not yet". He turned away and shouted so all people could hear "Bad, Bad boy!!!" He was so aggressive and seemed to radiate such an aura of evil that I was really shocked. We immediately left and went to north India for some pilgrimage.


This was a turning point, but after a time I decided to go once more to Sai Baba to clarify the matter. At the end of 1996 I returned to India and got interview on 4th December. In the interview he said "Where are you from?" When I told him I was from Germany, he responded "You are also a Hitler!". Shocked, I thought to myself "He is not very kind is he?"


Nevertheless, in the private room the greedy old man kissed me again direct and continuously on my lips for about twenty seconds, and gently stroked my back. By now I was certain that something was very wrong.


On 28th December I was again called for interview and he produced a golden ring which didn’t fit well on my finger in spite of his blowing on it. In the private chamber he said "Come" and again kissed me on the lips for some time as before. This time I resisted and he gurgled "Have no fear". I said "I have no fear". Then he said "This is a good opportunity, so many waiting for months and will not get". This baffled me. I’m sure people don’t wait for mouth kisses in Puttaparthi.


Then his mood totally changed and I did have some fear. He commanded me to remove my trousers, unzipped my fly and went with his right hand into my underpants. Sathya Sai Baba the ‘divine’ touched and massaged my genitals unasked. He expected some erection, but this didn’t happen for I didn’t feel any sexual excitement, no lust in the presence of a seventy years old man. I was really disgusted. Then he had the impudence to say "It is very weak, don’t waste energy". When I looked at him I realised the truth about him and was shocked indeed. Soon afterwards, without another word, he sent me out of the room.


Back in Germany I did intense research on the internet and came across an article from Jed Geyerhahn and was very happy to have found somebody with similar experiences.


As I still had some luggage in Puttaparthi I returned in November 1999 to collect it, taking with me two internet pages to discuss with some friends there. Unfortunately a lady came into possession of the material and took it to the Puttaparthi police station. Then I went through several interrogations with the police there.


A Mr. Reddy repeatedly asked from whom I got the material, and what would be the password. I told him India is still a democracy and I can carry whatever material I have with me, but he took no heed of my words. I told him that no password was needed to enter the net and everyone has free access to the material there. He sent me to an e-mail shop, accompanied by a policeman who waited, but the computers connected with Hydrabad are very slow, and therefore I could not enter the website.


Finally the inspector, Mr. Reddy, took my passport away and said "Unless you give me the password and name of the person I declare you guilty and will not allow you to leave Puttaparthi". He treated me very badly, like a criminal, especially during the last interrogation and I had several witnesses to this incident. All of this because I had been in possession of two pages which I had not even written myself.


He then walked me, my wife and an American friend into the ashram, and once inside the gate, he again asked me the stupid question about the password. At the time I couldn’t understand why he should do so, but today I know he was showing us to some people or trustees whom we could not see or recognise.


I had another appointment on 1st November with the police, which was the day I intended to go to Delhi, but without my passport it would not be possible. On 30th October, late in the evening, two people whom I know and an unknown person came to our unit and one of them warned me that my life was in danger and I should leave immediately.


My wife and I left very early next morning, for Delhi. At Dharmmavaram rail station the police were searching for us, but we entered the train at Anantapur. There is a police station near the platform which we had to pass to enter the train, and the very moment I saw that I told my wife to go into the train separately. My wife heard a group of policemen talking about searching for somebody and caught the words ‘passport, Delhi and telegram’. We were in serious danger but fortunately I was dressed like an Indian, and escaped identification.


So we escaped and reached Delhi, and went immediately to the German Embassy. I got a travel document after telling them of my experience, and the Embassy official said a protest note would be sent to the Indian Government. He told me such an act is illegal and they knew of similar cases.


I want to inform you that at the police station in Puttaparthi the policeman had a bunch of both foreign and Indian passports in a drawer under a table, and once I saw them in his hand. This is just an observation, I don’t know to whom they belonged.


During this frightening time at Puttaparthi I met an Italian couple we knew there and tried to tell them what had happened to me in interview with Sai Baba. They just closed their eyes and the lady shouted "Be quiet!! Shut up!! Sai Baba is our God, and all the bad stories are not true!!" Then they turned away. These same people had told me many years before that they could never find any peace at the ashram, and couldn’t understand it. But they would not listen to those who know it better. Nobody can possibly imagine how I felt while all of this was happening. I suffered a lot.


I met one ex-soldier from Ruanda who is very tall and handsome. This person has also been sexually molested by Sai Baba and he told me his story. He is married and his Japanese wife is a fanatical Sai Baba supporter. They have one child. He totally depends on her and can see no way to get free from Sai Baba. He has been given many gifts from Sai Baba like rings, bracelet, gold watch. Sai Baba touched his testicles and massaged his genitals at least twice. The gifts look like payment for prostitution, but a prostitute and her customer have a mutual agreement whereas the male devotees are molested against their will, and they come for a completely different purpose.


Our strong faith in Sai Baba has been misused by the same Baba, through his paedophile behaviour, and this is the most disgraceful thing he could do.


However there are many other irregularities waiting to be clarified. I also want to let you know that Baba was willing to leave Puttaparthi on 28th November 1999 for Bangalore for a heart treatment but he didn’t because of the internet story about it. This is known to me from the police inspector who blamed me for having brought the internet pages to Puttaparthi. I have a good friend in Puttaparthi who is a shop keeper, and he had already told me that in November 1999 Baba had two heart attacks and went for treatment to Bangalore. He also said that most of the people who know about it don’t believe that Sai Baba will survive the next two years.


The Trustees are very concerned and alarmed about the internet.


Further I want to let you know (in case you do not) that Sathya Sai Baba was not born in Puttaparthi but in Karnatakka-Nagepalle village near Puttaparthi. Baba’s mother came from this place and according to tradition she has to deliver the child where she comes from. I know this from a person who was born in Puttaparthi and lives there for over forty years. The villager said it is an open secret, everyone knows it but is fearful to say it. You see, from the very beginning Baba and his followers were lying.


Please study the statement Krishna, a friend of Sai Baba’s youth, made to Erlendur Haraldsson. Never was a devotee so close to Sai Baba for such a long time as Krishna. He spent twenty-four hours a day with Sai Baba for some time. This was almost sixty years ago. Eventually Krishna left Sai Baba and went to Hydrabad. In an interview with Haraldsson, Krishna said that even in those days Sai Baba was more like a politician or chieftain of a feudal system. Krishna also said "Whatever Baba may have, one thing he has not, and this is compassion".


I hope that this nightmare comes to an end and I hope that by the Grace of the Almighty, all people round the globe may know about the misdeeds of Sai Baba, a mighty demon who came in the guise of a spurious saint, only interested in self-glorification, name and fame.


He is a master - of deception.


Yours sincerely, Jens and Gurprit Sethi



Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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For the sake of Truth - Connie Larsson's story




Source  : Magazine ‘Sokaren’ (The Seeker) - 10th January 2000


Subject : Feature article - with full front page photograph of Sai Baba






Conny Larsson (a Swedish film star) has been very close to Sai Baba. Today Conny runs a home for young abusers and criminals near Valdemarsvik, a small town on the coast of the Baltic Sea in Sweden.


Conny says :


- I went to his ashram in Puttaparthi. There Sai Baba walked up to me and said "So you have arrived now". Later I was invited to Sai Baba for talks almost every day. He kissed my cheek and was physically very close to me. That didn’t worry me; even in Sweden we sometimes do like that.


- But then he touched my trousers between my legs and started to massage my penis. "Don’t be afraid" he said "This is a divine touch". He took out my penis and touched it, and I touched his penis. He explained that my kundalini was to be changed.


- Because he was God, I let it happen. I became a kind of favourite to him. I had frequent private talks with Sai Baba.


- We were always very close physically. He never came that close to women. He is interested in boys and men from the age of eight up to thirty.


- When you become thirty you are no longer interesting.


Conny Larsson became one of the movement’s spiritual leaders in Sweden. In 1983 there were rumours that Sai Baba was cheating with his materialisations and that he had sexual relations with young boys. Conny couldn’t believe that this was true.


- But in 1986 I finally understood that he was doing the same things to other boys that he had done to me many years ago. I got to know the boys and asked them questions. They all told me the same story. The swami had oral sex with them, of whom many were heterosexual (sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex). The explanation was always that he was going to change their kundalini.


- You wonder whether women don’t have the kundalini power.


Conny also became witness to Sai Baba’s cheating with materialisations.


- I decided never to tell anybody about this. I thought he tested my faith in him.


Conny felt worse and worse about what he had found out. Sai Baba had been the centre of his whole life for so long.


- In January 1999 I got in touch with a Swedish boy, who had six interviews with the swami. I noticed that the boy was shaken. He told me about the same things that had happened to me. It was about masturbation - the swami opened the boy’s trousers and started to masturbate him. The boy withdrew but the swami insisted. Afterwards the boy turned to a medical doctor for help, but because of his age the doctor had never been exposed to the swami’s improper advances, so he told the boy he must have misunderstood the situation.


- During the last interview the boy had with the swami, the boy’s mother was present. She had come to take her two sons home with her. She said "I saw how Sai Baba took things out from behind the cushion and then ‘manifested’ them ‘miraculously’. Then everything crashed for me". The boy left the ashram completely broken hearted.


- According to the latest information from India the shop is found where Sai Baba buys the things he ‘materialises’. It’s a shop in Hyderabad.


- Some of us who have received gold things and ‘diamonds’ from Sai Baba have had them examined by experts, and been told they are all junk pieces and not gold; the ‘diamonds’ are zircons and stained glass.


In Sweden the Gimle school, which was grounded in Sai Baba’s philosophy, has been closed because of Baba’s sexual actions. And Conny Larsson has stopped a movie about his life, in which Sai Baba’s importance to him was the core.


Conny points out that there are leaders in the movement who have known for a long time what the swami does with boys and young men. They say it is ‘divine’. There are also leaders who know about the cheating with miracles, and protect him. There are strong interests behind Sai Baba and his reputation to be an avatar.


What effects have these unveilings had on Conny? He says he’s had to change his concept of God.


- Now I believe in God inside me, and in all human beings.


He adds :


- I feel tired, and have compassion for all who have believed in Sai Baba and been duped. But at the same time I wish to thank all the Sai friends for our moments together at satsangs, camps and courses, where we generated love and truth in spite of the illusion we in good faith, all lived in.


Conny Larsson is currently touring many countries at his own expense, presenting his truth about Sai Baba. He is prepared to travel, and speak wherever and whenever he is invited to do so.



Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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Winding up the Sai organisation in Sweden




Source : A Regional Meeting.






As you know, some of our young boys have testified that Sai Baba has molested them sexually. It is a matter of serious sexual abuse; among other things oral sex.


Furthermore it has turned out, that the materialisation of vibhuti, rings etc is a bluff. It is only usual magic, built of sleight of hand.


Large scale economical frauds and misuse of donated means exisits in Prashanthi Nilayam. There are bad conditions in the hospital and the water project is uncompleted and full of problems.


Statements are supported by serious investigations and personal testimonies, about which can be read on internet.


Scotland Yard and other police organisations are making investigations of other crimes. The information about what is going on is of that kind.


We cannot hide behind the statement ‘we did not know’. All in the Swedish organisation know.


These are hard words, that hurt us all who have Baba in our hearts. But since in the organisation there have been attempts to cover up, tone down and lessen what has happened and still happens, we consider it necessary to be very clear and unambiguous in the formulation.


Naturally everyone is free to keep having Baba as his/her spiritual guide and personal image of God, in spite of what has come out. But is it possible for the Sai organisation in Sweden to remain?


Our answer is : For decency’s sake, no.


What can we say to the person who comes to the organisation to get information about Baba?


What kind of message will the organisation give on its homesite on internet? Can one continue to sell books, which we know describe false facts?


What can one tell the person, who has perhaps put his savings on a journey to Baba, and then comes home telling that Baba has molested his son, and they have seen things that make them doubt the authenticity of the materialisations, and they have heard rumours of economical irregularities?


Do we answer with "Well, we already knew. It has been known for years" ???


He, who through ‘advertising’ Baba, entices others into going there or donating money, might have made himself guilty of the crime of encouraging criminality.


So what will the leaders of the organisation say on the day, when the press or police ring the door bell and want to know?


Do they say "Of course we knew, but since we have not personally had anything but good experiences of Baba, we did not feel that we needed to bother" ???


No dear friends, let us instead, through a forceful dissasociation, send the message through the Sai heirarchy to Sai Baba himself.


-This is what we have learnt and we cannot accept it! Stop the sexual violations immediately, give up the bluff materialisations and get competent and honest persons to run the activities.


If the unsatisfactory state of things stops through voluntary action, it may be possible to save the good parts. Otherwise the activity will sooner or later be broken down more violently through other measures from international police, press, international service organisations etc. Then all the good which exists will disappear along with the evil. And in such a scandal, India as a nation could be damaged.


Through winding up the Sai organisation in Sweden and spreading information about that through a statement to all central coordinators and to other appropriate key persons, we take our responsibility for the persons who have been abused and cheated, and for those who run the risk to be abused and cheated.


This action will likely result in other people in other countries start acting, and taking their responsibility.


We the undersigned, and many more of us, hereby demand that the president of the Sathya Sai Organisation in Sweden calls an extra annual meeting at once, where the decision to discontinue the association can be made in a correct way.


If the meeting comes to the decision that the association should not be discontinued, a restructuring and complementary elections to the coordinating committee has to be made, since some of the members will leave the organisation and whole centres will discontinue. Likewise a new treasurer and a new auditor has to be elected.


This is a tragic process for everybody. But the work on our spiritual growth does not stop with Baba, and some of us have already discussed the forms for continued meetings for ex-devotees, where meditation and study circles, retreats and summer celebrations can be held.


So with, or without Baba, together or in different groups : Life goes on.



Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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The Findings are something that both David and I never thought or knew existed, and although neither of us could have ever even imagined that one day we would be compiling them, the unthinkable has happened.


The following is the spelling out of a situation that exists with Sai Baba. Sadly, it is extremely negative, and will possibly shock and distress you greatly as it did us, when we found ourselves in the incredible position of being presented with information we could not ignore. Once David accepted that something was very, very wrong, he began his own research. He has been very thorough, meanwhile hoping and praying every moment that the things he was uncovering were untrue. These findings are the last thing we both would ever have wanted.


However, they exist. We ask only that you read them all before forming any judgement.


Apart from our separate personal experiences, there are also included experiences of others, chosen from many such, which are an integral part of unveiling this huge, illusory global scam - the biggest hoax in the God business. A veritable mountain of information is now available, far more than I can possibly place before you. My task is to report the findings I do offer accurately, while presenting a cross section of untenable behaviour, lies uncovered and magic exposed. David has spent long hours and many months, talking to people all over the world, whilst unravelling this tangled skein of years of deceit accumulated around the said ‘divinity incarnate’, but he is not alone in this. Courageous people on every continent are banding together to expose the monumental spiritual fraud which has been perpetrated for the personal gain of a select group, headed by Sai Baba.


Disillusioned people of every rank and file who have also found what lies behind the facade - including ex-students of the Sai colleges, judges, doctors, government ministers in Europe, the Americas, Australia and beyond - are in agreement that it is now time to share their findings. There are hundreds of personal accounts which tear the veil from the ‘avatar’. I give only a few. Due to verbosity from some of the contributors, I have edited the information, but not altered its context. Contributors have given permission to be quoted and identified. The accounts that follow are merely a fraction of those available, all describing a situation that has been functional for many years. This is an opportunity to become aware of it, thus moving into a position enabling informed choice, rather than one coming from ignorance.


I begin with my personal revelations. Those who read David’s and my books (written before our discoveries and since removed from sale by us), know our history. How devoted we were to Sai Baba, to the point of each marrying the other, even though we were strangers from opposite sides of the world. How we travelled the world speaking of the wonder of him.


So, what happened to change everything?


When the dark side of Sai Baba began to be revealed to David, at first I refused to listen, unable to bear hearing anything negative about my beloved ‘avatar of the age’. This unhappy state of affairs continued for six months, until on our next visit to India, I had my own validation of David’s findings. Can you imagine how it felt as I began to see beyond the veil? For years I had enjoyed the privilege of being called to the interview room and had spent every moment there, focused only on Swami’s face; until David suggested that I shift my attention to his hands. Watching rings, watches and other trinkets being palmed, or pulled out from the side of chair cushions, and seeing vibhuti tablets held between fingers before being crushed and ‘manifest’ was a horrifying revelation, a personal catastrophe for me. I had given up my life, my marriage, husband, children, home, career and homeland because of my love for Sai Baba - only to find trickery at the epicenter of all I held dear.


During subsequent interviews, increasingly aghast as I watched the same things happen again and again, I kept silently pleading ‘Why? Why do it ??’ This illusionist activity totally destroyed my trust in one whom I expected to practise the truth he preached. But magician’s tricks were the very least of it. As time passed, and people began sharing their own experiences and findings with us, my world of divine-guru centred spirituality came crashing down.


Whilst still at the ashram, the worst thing for me - as a mother of sons - occurred when a young man, a college student, came to our room, to plead with David. ‘Please Sir, do something to stop him sexually abusing us’ (!). These sons of devotees, unable to bear their untenable position of being unwilling participants in a paedophile situation any longer, yet unable to share this with their parents because they would be disbelieved, placed their trust in David; a trust which had built over his five years as a visiting professor of music to the Sai college.


Later that night the same young man returned to our room in great distress, to implore David not to reveal his name, saying that he feared expulsion from the college, and even worse than that, for his personal safety, if it were to be found out that he had spoken of these things. David was able to reassure him that he didn’t know his name, therefore could not, and would not, ever identify him. But this interaction and shocking revelation was merely the tip of an iceberg of sickening information, an iceberg that was to batter then sink our years of blind devotion.


Becoming increasingly cognisant of Sai Baba’s sexual activity involving violation of basic human rights with the children (as young as seven years old) under his care, and the growing list of one deceit after another in activities stemming from him, brought awareness of the depth of our own emotional investment. Awareness also, of the devastation these discoveries wrought in us. We were placed in an untenable situation; unable to risk creating similar chaos in other spiritual seekers of like investment. The only course was to say little and move away, which caused a furore of angry and untrue rumours about us to proliferate.


Last year, David felt it appropriate to share his findings when personally questioned, but the dilemma of whether to speak or not tested me sorely. I felt keenly the responsibility of holding this negative knowledge; recognising that silence made me part of the conspiracy, but kept praying that given time, somehow, all of it would be satisfactorily explained away. It was not to be.


Over the past eighteen months we have become privy to so many serious, and horrific allegations, and so much damning information sent from disillusioned ex-devotees from all over the world (in particular, from ex-students of Sai Baba’s male colleges) which supported our own findings, that it is now impossible to remain silent.


As editor of a magazine that has as its mandate the seeking of truth, I have no option but to fulfil my responsibility to that mandate. My decision to do so, follows much personal anguish, and earnest prayer, and I have been given the necessary support and courage by my inner guidance and outer, true friends.


It is not the doctrine of Sai Baba that is being scrutinised, but his practices within it - not the message, but the messenger. His message is for the most part, one of universal verities, even though his teachings have been found to have many contradictions, misquotes and proven anomalies.


The allegations I have gathered to record here, are in regard to the global scam he perpetrates. His chicanery, illusion, fraud, embezzlement, implication with murders, ongoing paedophile activities and the almost impenetrable fortress of lies creating his ‘divinity’. The weight of detailed descriptive testimony regarding his participation in sexual activity with willing - and unwilling partners (both students and visiting foreigners), discounting the widely distributed justification of ‘kundalini raising’. The super speciality hospital and water project being shown to be paper tigers, with apparent embezzlement of money, organ theft and unfulfilled hydration promises.


There are known investigations at governmental level world wide. The Sai school has been closed in Sweden. A veritable volcano is about to erupt, due to the disquiet of many, many people. The Internet has had a major role in this. The mass of experience and evidence being presented there is hard, thrusting, knife edged; and backed by courageous ex-devotees prepared to put their names to such statements for the good of all. David has personally contacted many of the contributors, and listened as they verbally verified and further described their own experiences.


Sadly, there is no way this letter can be gently worded.


The truth that THIS SITUATION EXISTS will stand. It will stand, whether it is believed or not.


I fully appreciate the grief and awful sense of loss reading these revelations may bring to you. David and I have experienced it and we know how terrible it can be. I send you my love and empathy.


Faye Bailey,





Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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To bolj pase semle...


Dal mi je misliti Free v temi Sai baba...


Namrec - pravi - 'nocem verjeti, da je kaj takega - zame je Sai baba svet clovek'...


Hmmm - ali ne pravi necesa podobnega tako nerazumljena mama-zena, ki njen moz spolno zlorablja njune otroke...

Namrec - NOCE videti...


Zoprna zadeva...

Po eni strani res... ne moremo 'kupiti' kar vsega, kar kdo lansira...

Vendar - ne verjeti NJEGOVI (zlorabljenega) resnici, pa je zaljivo do njega!

Kaj zanj to ne obstaja?

Pa se kako - za vedno je izgubil zaupanje v svetost....


Kako lahko reces, da ne verjames, ce pa se je njemu to zgodilo?

Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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Kljub vsemu.....jaz ga še vedno požiram.....












Ko bi le doživeli moj občutek, ker ga ne znam opisati!



Lepo vas pozdravjam! xsrcx xsrcx xsrcx xsrcx x:)x x;)x

Če vam ne uspe prvič, vam gre v povprečju tako kot drugim.

M. H. Alderson

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No, El Nino - saj najbrz ne naskoci kar vsake osebe moskega spola...    


Meni ni vsec - ta prijaznost, ki veje iz njega, mi ni... pristna.

Nedvomno je seveda kaj naredil in kaj premaknil v lajfu, komu odprl oci...

Samo takih grehov pa naj res ne bi imel takle folk...


El Nino - pejt si pogledat na tistem sajtu Findings...

To so pricevanja takega folka kot si ti...

Pravijo, da jim je jasno, da zdaj... dobrotnika kao osirati... samo da se jim je zdelo prav dat na vidjelo to...

Se stirnjam...

Tedaj ko je tole krozilo, sem dobila vec mailov pa tudi razmisljanj (slovenskih alternativcev, tudi njegovih bivsih 'fenov', pa tudi takih, ki ze dolgo delujejo na podrocju duhovnosti, tudi znanstveniki etc.) pa nisem objavila, ker sem dobila po mailu....

Tako da se je zdelo, da ni cisto za lase privleceno tole - tele obtozbe...


Saj nič ne rečem, meni je neprijeten tip, že na prvi pogled in najbrž je marsikomu, sploh ne prenesem njegovega pogleda na slikah, veliko bolj so mi všeč tibetanci, pri temu je neka vsiljenost kakor..... hehe ja tista poročila zgledajo dokaj avtentična, sem jih že zdavnaj prebral, razum mi pravi da je res, ampak intuicija mi pravi da ni... bom držal z intuicijo, ker nimam kaj zgubit.... :)

:D Rad bi se z vami družil tudi v živo, povejte mi če se kdaj mudite v moji okolici LJ, Moste.
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Marsa, uh kako žugaš s prstom x:Dx x:Dx x:Dx


Ja res upam, da ne bom nekoč rekla:" Uf, sem bla naivna!"

Ampak RESNIČNO mi sede in resnično tudi nočem brati o njegovi dvomljivosti, ker se počutim odlično, ko ga berem... Mogoče mi planetki tko stojijo, mogoče sem res rabila nekaj, kar me bo prebudilo iz monotonosti...

Mogoče bom pa res postala boljši človek.... WHO KNOWS?


Pozdravljam te! x;)x

Če vam ne uspe prvič, vam gre v povprečju tako kot drugim.

M. H. Alderson

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hm v bistvu, meni pa Dalajlama, veliko bolj deluje kot sveti človek, heh, recimo papež in tale saibaba, sta show-mena res oba sta taka, razlika je sicer zahod vzhod, ampak ona dva sta zaradi zvezdništva, bolj ego kot pa kakšni resnični vzgibi, mene prepriča Dalajlama... ma veliko bolj dodelano filozofijo kot Sai Baba, in v bistvu Krščanstvo, pa tko al tko ni resna religija, je le produkt Pavlovega laganja o resničnem jezusu, ki pa je bil itak budist tko da... Sai Baba, je kruh za množice. tako kot Pavel, resnični so drugje,
:D Rad bi se z vami družil tudi v živo, povejte mi če se kdaj mudite v moji okolici LJ, Moste.
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