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Zgodovina planeta Zemlja


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jaz bom probala poiskat tisto sliko k sem slikala, sam kaj pa pravijo pol na tiste stenske slike ki so povsod po svetu da so celo ljudje in dinozavri skupaj živeli oziroma da so vedeli da obstaja a to je potlej tudi ne resnično....

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maaa ... slika vse prenese ... saj vem, da si slikala ...

ampak oni mali črni so se sigurno smejali ... a maš njih tudi na sliki ... ???

hahaha ne na sliki je samo moja noga in noga nekega bitja, uf zdaj si mi dal misliti, aja sam to spada v drugo temo....

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sej jaz se rada raztegujem, srce hitro začne biti in kri hitreje začne teči požilah,možgani dobijo več kisika....

drugače pa hvala bogu da nisem bila poseksana k tam je bila sam moja prijateljica. tisti ki so naju poslali tja, pa nej imajo trenutek,veselja....


ne resno upam da najdeš dokumentarc če ne ga jutri poiščem sama, hvala in lahko noč

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Mayita, evo branje za tebe

Hvala gold,ste mi dali misliti.... apakš ta tlanek je napisan zelo zelo, čudno in amatersko in skoraj preveč pudarka ta je vse nateg določene stvari me full zmotijo...

recimo ko najdeš kaj,ti muzeji ne plačajo stvari tvoja stvar je ali ti daš to muzeju za ogled ali imaš privat.....

ko recimo mi najdemo stare stvari, vse pripada državi in nič ne dobiš denarja od tega, dobiš denar ko jih porestavriraš in določeni artikli recimo stenske freske dostikrat jih snamemo dol, naredimo kopijo na steno ostalo gre pa v ,muzej ali pač nekam v skrite državne sobane ali vatikan....

to da se časovno ne skladajo, to jim dam prav in kje so prišli do kakšnih podrobnosti tudi ne vem kje jim informacije, dosti stvari je izmiščljenih, težko pa verjamem da vse.

tudi tisto o ptici dodo je muzej, ampak na mauriciusu,kjer je tudi nazadnje živel...v vsaki živalski knigi ga najdemo skoraj....

tko da ni me prepričalo, da so dinozavri izmišljeni, zaenkrat...

to so lahko naredili ker določeni ljudje trdijo da dinozavri niso obstajali pred človekom ampak s človekom, našli so stare stvari kjer so uprizorjeni dinozavri. ampak določeni ljudje nočejo priznati zmote v času,ker bi potlej ugotovili da izhajamo iz narobne številke in nič ne bi držalo kar so nas naučili v šoli.

jaz ne verjamem v evolucijo kot jo je darwin napisal, pa jo še vedno učijo.....

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Šaman preveč gledaš skozi en ta isti vzorni kot,

modrost prihaja iz tega, da ločiš kaj je res in kaj ni....


Lep footage drugače, po moje tisti Nazi posnetki verjetno so res,

možno pa tudi, da so koga preoblekli, vse ostalo pa verjetno FAKE...


Dinozavri...hmmm, vse možno, verjetno so obstajali,

kaj pa misliš, da so pred 100-200 leti začeli zakopavat plastične kosti,

da jih danes, včeraj odkopavajo, pa nas farbajo....

Malo premisli....



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Magična kugla pravi, da dinozavrčki so bili na našem da so prav lepo papcal človečke...zdaj pa mi lepo papcamo živalce...karmični dolg je treba plačat...


Bajke od enega belega možička...


Many people believe, or affect to believe, that this world as it stands today is not more than 5,000 years old; that Man and all the creatures of the animal kingdom and the rocks of the mineral kingdom were created in a few days, fully fledged and finished in all aspects.

They hold that evolution is a myth, that the Christian Bible account of creation is literally true and correct. To accept such a theory it is necessary to close one’s eyes to science in general and to the sciences of geology, anthropology, palaeontology and archaeology in particular.

It is indeed true to say that there was a time when men did not walk the Earth, when dinosaurs, gigantic in size, roamed and ruled instead. It is also true that, according to Our reckoning, Man’s history is infinitely older than today’s science believes. By today’s reckoning, humanity is approximately five or six million years old at the most. By Our science and tradition, however, early animal-man had reached the point when individualization became possible, and the ‘Sons of mind’ began their long journey of evolution. It has taken Man 18-and-a-half million years to reach the level of today. How then is it possible for intelligent, educated ‘creationists’ to hold, against the evidence of science, what seems to be a ludicrous concept?


The answer lies in the fact that the evolutionists and the creationists are really arguing at cross-purposes; both, in their limited way are right. Modern scientists, looking objectively at the findings of Darwin, have accumulated a wealth of evidence for the case of evolution, a long, slow development of men from animal ancestors, in particular by the development of mind.

The creationists look to the Christian Bible as their guide, ignoring the fact that the Bible was written by hundreds of people over hundreds of years; that it is written in symbolic language, and is meant to be symbolic rather than factual. The creationist is at pains to emphasise that ‘Man’ was made by God, in ‘God’s own image’, and so owes nothing to evolution. To such, Darwin and those who follow him are missing the point about Man: that he is a spiritual being, of divine heritage, and if he does not always behave as God’s creation he has been corrupted by Satan.


Can these two diametrically opposed views be bridged and expanded at the same time? From Our point of understanding the scientists of today, the evolutionists, are undoubtedly correct in their analysis of Man’s development from the animal kingdom. We owe our physical bodies to the animal kingdom. That, however, does not make us animals. Darwin, and those who correctly followed his thought, describes only the outer, physical development of Man, largely ignoring that we are all engaged in the development of consciousness. The human body has all but reached its completeness: there remains little further to be achieved. From the standpoint of consciousness, however, man has scarcely taken the first steps towards a flowering which will prove that man is indeed divine, a Soul in incarnation. One day, the fact of the Soul will be proved by science and so become generally accepted, and the old dichotomy will be healed.

Life is like a it...

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Ti pa moram tu pritrditi glede podtaknjenih in prirejenih artifaktih na splošno.

Tega je velik, od egipta do praveka. Kot je že nekdo od znanstvenikov nekje

povedal, če nam nekaj ne paše v sliko bomo pač tako dolgo mlelli, da na koncu bo.


narobe razumeš ...

ni plastično kar izkopljejo ...

sploh ničesar ne izkopljejo ...

podtaknjeni artefakti so obdelane kosti drugih živali ...

skulpture v muzejih pa so plastične ...


sicer ... to je ena od razlag dinozavrov ...

dinozavri so se pojavili (bili kao izkopani) šele potem , ko so jih prevaranti napovedali ...

kaj pa je res ali ni ... koga boli ...?


za ostalo poskrbi holivud ... da ste človečki srečni ...


američančki so vam podarili dinozaverčke samo zato, da vas zaposlijo, da ne opazite njihove svinjarije , ki jih delajo po svetu ...

in sedaj zaposlujete svoje možgančke ....


edino česar zdaj ne vem je, kaj boste naredili s svojimi plišastimi dinozaverčki, ko greste spat .... ???


bojim se, da bo mayita močno razočarana, ker se je slikala zravem dinozavrovega odtisa iz gipsa ...

škoda, ker ni seboj vzela kart ...



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O istom planetu govore sumeranski tekstovi stari 6.000 godina vrlo precizno i s obiljem podataka. Planet NIBIRU pojavljuje se svakih 3.600 godina. Na njemu žive "bogovi", Anunnaki koji su genetskim inženjeringom na Zemlji stvorili čovjeka, tvrde drevni Sumerani. Nibiru, njegovi stanovnici i njihova misija na Zemlji tema je DVANAESTOG PLANETA, jedne od najčitanijih popularno znanstvenih knjiga svih vremena.


anunnaki oz reptili, kateri so izvorno človeško telo, prilagodili svojim ambicijam

izvorni človek jih v resnici precej prekaša v marsičem

zemeljski človek pa je maksimalno omejen, samo zaradi njih !

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O istom planetu govore sumeranski tekstovi stari 6.000 godina vrlo precizno i s obiljem podataka. Planet NIBIRU pojavljuje se svakih 3.600 godina. Na njemu žive "bogovi", Anunnaki koji su genetskim inženjeringom na Zemlji stvorili čovjeka, tvrde drevni Sumerani. Nibiru, njegovi stanovnici i njihova misija na Zemlji tema je DVANAESTOG PLANETA, jedne od najčitanijih popularno znanstvenih knjiga svih vremena.


anunnaki oz reptili, kateri so izvorno človeško telo, prilagodili svojim ambicijam

izvorni človek jih v resnici precej prekaša v marsičem

zemeljski človek pa je maksimalno omejen, samo zaradi njih !


no, ne ravno zaradi annunnakijev, bolj zaradi drugih reptilov. Obstaja fajn dokument, oziroma tekst Zgodovina galaksije in človeka kjer je marsikaj razloženo,tudi kdo ali kaj so annunnaki, kaj je bil njihov namen, zakaj je toliko ras na svetu,....

To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. (Lao Tzu)

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Anunaki niso ustvarili človeštva, vsaj ne v taki meri kot nekateri se pa malo vmešavali v človeško genetiko in "zemeljske" saj niso bili edini...Bo treba čitat kakšne boljše bajke...



(38) The Birth of the Fourth, Atlantean Race. (39) The sub-races of the Fourth Humanity begin to divide and interblend; they form the first mixed races of various colours. (40) The superiority of the Atlantean over other races. (41) They fall into sin and beget children and monsters. (42) The first germs of Anthropomorphism and sexual religion. They lose their “third Eye.”

38. Thus two by two, on the seven zones, the Third (Race) gave birth to the Fourth (Race men). The gods became no-gods (Sura became a-Sura) (a).

39. The First (Race) on every zone was moon-coloured (yellow-white); the Second, yellow, like gold; the Third, red; the Fourth, brown, which became black with sin.* The first seven(human) shoots were all of one complexion in the beginning. The next (seven, the sub-races) began mixing their colours (b).

(a) To understand this verse 38, it must be read together with the three verses of Stanza IX. Up to this point of evolution man belongs more to metaphysical than physical nature. It is only after the so-calledFall, that the races began to develop rapidly into a purely human shape. And, in order that he may correctly comprehend the full meaning of the Fall, so mystic and transcendental is it in its real significance, the student must be told at once the details which preceded



* Strictly speaking, it is only from the time of the Atlantean, brown and yellow giant Races, that one ought to speak of man, since it was the Fourth race only which was the first completely human species, however much larger in size than we are now. In “Man” (by two chelas), all that is said of the Atlanteans is quite correct. It is chiefly that race which became “black with sin” that brought the divine names of the Asuras, the Rakshasas and the Daityas into disrepute, and passed them on to posterity as the names of fiends. For, as said, the Suras (gods) or Devas having incarnated in the wise men of Atlantis, the names of Asuras and Rakshasas were given to the Atlanteans; which names, owing to their incessant conflicts with the last remnants of the Third Race and the “Sons of Will and Yoga,” have led to the later allegories about them in the Puranas. “Asura was the generic appellation of all the Atlanteans who were the enemies of the spiritual heroes of the Aryans (gods).” (“Man,” p. 97.)

Life is like a it...

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