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Ob podrobnejšemu pregledu vsebin na spletni povezavi, ki ste jo objavili v vaši prvi objavi v trenutni temi, sem lahko opazil, da gre pri tako imenovani metodi: ponovne povezave za še en nadvse populističen pristop k preučevanju človekove vere in duhovnosti, kateri temelji na populistično osnovani sintezi določenih znanj posameznih ....





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zavestni preskok ni enak napetostnemu udara ... 500 ali miljon voltov ... zadevi nista primerljivi ...

in zavestni preskok se ne meri v megawattih in megajouilih ... torej ne gre za smrtonosne šuse ...


bolj je vprašanje, koliko novega znaš obdelat v svojih mislih ... kvečjemu se ti lahko zmeša ...

zato je prehitra razsvetlitev neumnost in zato ne dogaja ...


Zavestni preskok se meri tudi koliko so energijski kanali v temenski, ajna in srčni čakri odprti...koliko so energijske svetlobne "žičke" oz. nitke uravnane med še marsikaj če običajni človeček dobi prevelik šus (iniciacija x stopnje na katero še ni pripravljen) kot ga njegov energijski sistem prenese, lahko sledi tudi srčni infarkt in posledično smrt...ampak na našo srečo imajo to v rokah beli bratci, ki imajo več pameti kot mi...Pri tapravih iniciacijah je vedno prisoten Božanski agni (ogenj)...tralala...


Če dam malo banalen primer...Če bi recimo strela zadela Mojstra v glavo, ki ima zelo pretočne meridiane, bi se elektrika oz. ta sila lepo skozi njega spustila v zemljo. Če bi pa strela zadela povprečnega zemljančka je pa vprašanje ali bi od njega ostal pepel ali pečenka...



Primerček iz ezoterike, ki kar v redu namigne na te stvari...


Dangers from the deva evolution.
This second point is more complex. You will remember how it has been said earlier
in these letters that contact with the devas can be brought about through specific
forms and mantrams and that in this contact lies peril for the unwary. This danger is
curiously real now, owing to the following reasons:
a—The coming in of the violet ray, the seventh or Ceremonial Ray, has rendered this
contact more easy of attainment than heretofore. It is therefore the ray on which
approximation is possible, and in the use of ceremonial and of set forms, coupled to
regulated rhythmic movement, will be found a meeting place for the two allied
evolutions. In the use of ritual this will be apparent, and psychics are already bearing
witness to the fact that both in the ritual of the Church and in that of Masonry this has
been evidenced. More and more will this be the case, and it carries with it certain
risks that will inevitably work themselves into common knowledge and thus affect in
various ways the unwary sons of men. [Page 129] As you know, a definite effort is
being made at this time by the Planetary Hierarchy to communicate to the devas their
part in the scheme of things, and the part the human family must likewise play. The
work is slow, and certain results are inevitable. It is not my purpose to take up with
you in these letters the part that ritual and set mantric forms play in the evolution of
devas and of men. I only desire to point out that danger for human beings lies in the
unwise use of forms for the calling of the devas, in experimenting with the Sacred
Word with the object in view of contacting the Builders who are so largely affected
by it, and in endeavouring to pry into the secrets of ritual with its adjuncts of colour
and of sound. Later on, when the pupil has passed the portal of initiation, such
knowledge will be his, coupled with the necessary information that teaches him to
work with the law. In the following of the law, no danger lurks.
b—The race is possessed of a strong determination to penetrate within the veil, and to
find out what lies on the other side of the unknown. Men and women everywhere are
conscious within themselves of budding powers which meditation enhances. They
find that by the careful following of certain rules they become more sensitive to the
sights and sounds of the inner planes. They catch fleeting glimpses of the unknown;
occasionally and at rare intervals, the organ of inner vision temporarily opens and
they hear and see on the astral or the mental plane. They see devas at a meeting in
which ritual has been employed; they catch a sound or a voice that tells them truths
that they recognise as true. The temptation to force the issue, to prolong meditation,
to try out certain methods that promise intensification of psychic faculty is too strong.
They unwarily force matters and dire disaster results. One hint here I give:—In
meditation [Page 130] it is literally possible to play with fire. The devas of the mental
levels manipulate the latent fires of the system and thus incidentally the latent fires of
the inner man. It is woefully possible to be the plaything of their endeavour and to
perish at their hands. A truth I speak here; I give not voice to the interesting chimeras
of a fanciful brain. Beware of playing with fire.
c—This transition period is largely responsible for much of the danger. The right
type of body for the holding and the handling of the occult force has not yet been
built, and in the interim the bodies now in use but spell disaster to the ambitious
student. When a man starts out to follow the path of occult meditation, it takes wellnigh
fourteen years to rebuild the subtle bodies, and incidentally the physical. All
through that period it is not safe to tamper with the unknown for only the very strong
refined physical body, the controlled stable and equalised emotional body and the
properly striated mental body can enter into the subtler planes and literally work with
Fohat, for that is what the occult does. Therefore is the emphasis laid by all wise
Teachers everywhere on the Path of Purification, which must precede the Path of
Illumination. They lay the emphasis on the building in of spiritual faculty before
psychic faculty can be safely permitted; they demand service to the race every day
throughout the scope of life before a man may be permitted to manipulate the forces
of nature, to dominate the elementals, to co-operate with the devas, and to learn the
forms and ceremonies, the mantrams and the key-words, that will bring those forces
within the circle of manifestation.
Letters on occult meditation

Life is like a it...

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