*glas* 23. marec 2018 Avtor Prijavi Deli 23. marec 2018 Adrian Kezele: Galaktičko središte, Saturnovi ritmovi i vrijeme koje dolazi (20.2.2018., u Mariboru, predavanje i radionica s temom: "Prisutnost - oslobađajuća snaga sadašnjeg trenutka". Iako je glavna tema bila vezana uz razvoj i iskustvo decentraliziranog stanja svijesti (od svjesne preko duboke do apsolutne prisutnosti), prvi dio predavanja (kojeg prenosimo u cijelosti na ovoj snimci) bio je posvećen nekim zanimljivim uvidima u posebnost vremena u kojem živimo.) Youtube -1.del:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f92YJ4taHVM&feature=youtu.be Intervju - 2.del:https://blvd13.com/intervju-s-duhovnjakom-a-kezeleom-ii-dio-bjezite-od-onoga-tko-govori-sto-zelite-cuti/ Ali članek v Večeru (v slovenščini): https://www.vecer.com/kezele-znebite-se-laznih-prerokov-6420303 1 Citiraj "če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
mgd 27. marec 2018 Prijavi Deli 27. marec 2018 Zavedanje že skos obstaja, ni ustvarjeno. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
*glas* 27. marec 2018 Avtor Prijavi Deli 27. marec 2018 Zavedanje že skos obstaja, ni ustvarjeno. Zavedanje ja, ne pa tudi samozavedanje..Večina nima izkušnje zavedanja, ampak le samozavedanja. Samozavedanje je, ko se neka "vsebina" samozaveda sama sebe.. Samozavedanje vsebine je zelo intenzivno, zaradi vsebin ki so prisotne in ta intenzivnost absorbira zavedanje samo.. Če želiš izkusiti čisto zavedanje, moraš najprej izničiti vso vsebino, tako da postaneš najprej ničnost in v ničnosti ostane tisto izvorno zavedanje, ki se lahko izkusi le tam in to zavedanje se nato odloči ali za pojavnost ali za nepojavnost, ampak če bi rekel to zavedanje sem "jaz" bi vbistvu izrekel laž, saj to kar sedaj imenuješ "jaz" je vbistvu vsebina, ki se samozaveda in ne zavedanje ki je izvorno. Ko se vsebina ujame v samozavedanje, potem ta vsebina na eni točki ne dopušča prostega pretoka.. Ker vsebine (tudi če se samozavedajo) se vedno borijo za obstoj in ne želijo dopustiti, da jih zamenjajo druge vsebine, ki prihajajo na vrsto.. Citiraj "če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
mgd 27. marec 2018 Prijavi Deli 27. marec 2018 Zavedanje ja, ne pa tudi samozavedanje..Večina nima izkušnje zavedanja, ampak le samozavedanja. Samozavedanje je, ko se neka "vsebina" samozaveda sama sebe.. Samozavedanje vsebine je zelo intenzivno, zaradi vsebin ki so prisotne in ta intenzivnost absorbira zavedanje samo.. Če želiš izkusiti čisto zavedanje, moraš najprej izničiti vso vsebino, tako da postaneš najprej ničnost in v ničnosti ostane tisto izvorno zavedanje, ki se lahko izkusi le tam in to zavedanje se nato odloči ali za pojavnost ali za nepojavnost, ampak če bi rekel to zavedanje sem "jaz" bi vbistvu izrekel laž, saj to kar sedaj imenuješ "jaz" je vbistvu vsebina, ki se samozaveda in ne zavedanje ki je izvorno. Ko se vsebina ujame v samozavedanje, potem ta vsebina na eni točki ne dopušča prostega pretoka.. Ker vsebine (tudi če se samozavedajo) se vedno borijo za obstoj in ne želijo dopustiti, da jih zamenjajo druge vsebine, ki prihajajo na vrsto.. No, in tako kot zavedanje vedno obstaja, ni ustvarjeno (da ga prej kdaj ne bi bilo ali da se lahko transformira), je pa lahko zaradi določene odločitve prekrito/odkrito, tako tudi Krišna/Bog vedno obstaja in naš večni odnos z Njim, ni ustvarjen, je pa lahko zaradi naše določene odločitve ta odnos le prekrit, ampak še vedno vedno obstaja. Takoj ko se pravilno odločimo, ga lahko vidimo kakršen je, ni ustvarjen, večen je. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
*glas* 2. april 2018 Avtor Prijavi Deli 2. april 2018 Adrian Kezele: Znebite se lažnih prerokov https://www.vecer.com/kezele-znebite-se-laznih-prerokov-6420303 "Kje sta začetek in središče?"Veliko je znakov, da je naša stvarnost decentralizirana. Znanost sporoča, da je geneza vprašanje časa, čas pa nima linearnega karakterja v najgloblji ravni resničnosti. Središče je vprašanje prostora, vendar prostor nima konsistentne realnosti, kakršno prenašajo naša čutila. Če torej niti čas niti prostor niso to, kar se nam zdi, da so, kje je potem začetek in kje središče? Imajo ti pojmi sploh kakšen smisel v stvarnosti, kakršna resnično je?" V decentraliziranem svetovnem nazoru pa stvarnost ne izhaja z ene točke, ampak z več hkrati. Velja, da je vrhunska inteligenca povsod in ne samo na enem mestu. To seveda ne pomeni, da je treba oditi od zamisli o božanskem, božansko je samo drugače razumljeno. V decentraliziranem nazoru božansko ni središče, ločeno od materialnega, ampak vseprisotno in enako distribuirano, o božjem ne govorijo preroki in tisti, ki so religijo osnovali, ampak pripada vsem zavestnim bitjem. Prepričanje ni prepreka za neposredni stik s stvarnostjo, ne obstaja posrednik med zavestnim bitjem in božanskim...." Citiraj "če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
*glas* 7. april 2018 Avtor Prijavi Deli 7. april 2018 Kaj je tisto, kar še vedno tako učinkovito vzdržuje to iluzijo ograje med ljudmi in tudi med državami? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-oCHWsNZwI Citiraj "če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
*glas* 23. april 2018 Avtor Prijavi Deli 23. april 2018 Evan Grant: Making sound visible through cymaticshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsjV1gjBMbQ Cymatic Frequencies --- Complex Patterns and Vibration of the Univershttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-vneqZE-Gc http://www.cymascope.com/cyma_research/images/Cymatic_Trilobite.jpg http://payload327.cargocollective.com/1/17/550970/8857354/tortoise_800.png 1 Citiraj "če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
mgd 2. maj 2018 Prijavi Deli 2. maj 2018 In brahma (advaita) realisation, there is a ‘mass’ of consciousness: ‘all-consciousness’. Then, the next step will come: the consciousness is of individual character – with deeper vision, individuality is added to consciousness. There is consciousness plus individuality. In fact, no consciousness can exist without individuality, without personality. So, the consciousness is personal: personality and consciousness, they cannot be separated, one from the other. What is differentiated from personality, that is only the halo of the personality – it is something like that. And that ‘halo’, that brahma – is also the combination of minutest personality, of souls. Substance is of two kinds: ksara, or changing, perishable; and aksara, unchanging, eternal. In the Bhagavad-gita (15.16) Lord Krishna says: ksarah sarvani bhutani – whatever we see in the changing aspect of the world, that is called ksara. And what is unchangeable is called aksara. Then, He says: yasmat ksaram atito 'ham… (Bhagavad-gita 15.18) “My existence transcends both of these two substances, ksara – aksara. So, I am purusottamah – My name is ‘Purusottama’. My glories are sung in the world and in the scriptures, as Purusottama, the Supreme Person.” ‘Purusottama’ means Vasudeva (Krishna). So, bahunam janmanam ante...; after many births, when the jnanis, those of the impersonal school, come to understand that the Prime Cause of the consciousness of their quest is a personal one, then they come to conceive of Vasudeva. But such jnanis are very rarely to be found. Mostly, jnanis cannot cross this line. They are lost there. (SB:10.2.32) (“O lotus-eyed Lord, although non-devotees who accept severe penances and austerities to achieve the highest position may think themselves liberated, their intelligence remains impure. They simply speculate in various ways and do not seek the means to take shelter of You. Because they have no regard for Your lotus feet, they simply fall down from their position of imagined superiority into material existence again”). Generally, it is the fate of the jnanis to climb up to the highest position with great effort, and then, when they cannot grasp that “consciousness means ‘person’” – they cannot cross that understanding – they have to revert back. They have to come back, fall back. And for those who can cross this line, who can understand that: “Yes, consciousness means person – a Big Personality, I am small ....”, bhakti [devotion] begins there. The relation of subordination of the lower to the Higher, that comes into effect. And, sa mahatma sudurlabhah – such a person among the jnanis is very rarely to be found, who can take the positive connection of the higher aspect of life. Mostly they come back, they have to come back from there. After much penance, they climb up to that high mark, but they cannot accommodate that “the higher Entity must be dealt with devotion”, so they have to come back. Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
rudi.rudi. 4. maj 2018 Prijavi Deli 4. maj 2018 To kar sporočaš je enostavno preveč zakomplicijano in temelji že na fanatika, ki se mu bo v kratkem zavrtelo (oprosti ,spusti se ne nivo ,da te bo navadni človek vsaj malo razumel. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
*glas* 13. maj 2018 Avtor Prijavi Deli 13. maj 2018 Sedaj pa astrologi poskakujejo in napovedujejo menjavo dob.. http://www.lunin.net/forum//public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png Toraj napovedujejo da so na vrsti konkretni premiki iz stare paradigme v novo.. Predvsem spremembe v finančnem sistemu, novi izumi, nove oblike poslovanja itd. Toraj prihod desetletja konkretnih korenitih sprememb, ki bodo tudi fizično spreminjale obstoječo družbo/sistem in premikale to kar se do sedaj še ni dalo premakniti.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2kfEVaelt8 Citiraj "če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
*glas* 13. maj 2018 Avtor Prijavi Deli 13. maj 2018 Vedno aktualni Neal Donald Walsch; tokrat v intervjuju z Zvezdano: https://4d.rtvslo.si/arhiv/zvezdana/174534013 Citiraj "če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
*glas* 27. maj 2018 Avtor Prijavi Deli 27. maj 2018 Proces kreacije: utelesi občutke tega kar želiš imeti, nato vedi da to (kar želiš imeti) imaš sedaj.. HIDDEN TEACHINGS of the Bible That Explain Manifestation, Consciousness & Onenesshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZQ03ki7-UU&feature=share Demanifestacija tumorja (na 5-ti minuti): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOdtKt2fT1I Citiraj "če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
*glas* 18. junij 2018 Avtor Prijavi Deli 18. junij 2018 Vsebine, ki jih pri sebi še nisi ozavestil/a in delujejo nezavedno, ustvarjajo v tebi mehanizme premikov, ki nato ustvarjajo dogodke v tvojem življenju, za katere ljudje ponavadi rečejo, da je to pač delo "usode". A usoda je le celotno polje delovanja vsebin iz nezavednega. Ko ozavestiš podzavedno/nadzavedno postaneš sam sebi usoda... Citiraj "če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
*glas* 21. junij 2018 Avtor Prijavi Deli 21. junij 2018 ...Zavestni del se ponavadi ukvarja z le ozkim delom celotne realnosti, čeprav zase misli, da je "vse kar obstaja", medtem pa podzavestni del kreira neljube dogodke, nagaja, spodtika, nastavlja saboterje in druga nesrečna naključja.. Vseeno pa sočasno obstaja tudi velik nadzavedni del samega sebe, ki pa hkrati ustvarja boljšo podlago in majhna okna priložnosti, kjer lahko spreminjaš/spremeniš vse te stare vsebine, jih ugledaš v pravi luči in stopiš dalje od njih (ali jih spremeniš).. In na koncu vidiš, da so vsa "naključja" ljuba in neljuba tvoja lastna vsebina, ki kreira tvojo osebno izkušnjo realnosti.Vsak pa se sam sproti odloči s kakšno žlico bo zajemal to, kar se odvija pred njim/njo. Vsak si zajame namreč le toliko, kolikor lahko prebavi, ostalo pa si ponavadi pušča za kdaj kasneje, zato pa se stvari pri drugih ne da pospešiti ali jih prisiliti da se naj spremenijo ali ugledajo kaj več.. A se to vseeno dogaja, počasi, vstrajno in neizbežno, vse do tja in še dlje od (do sedaj) največjih sanj/vizij čistega navdiha.. Citiraj "če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
*glas* 27. junij 2018 Avtor Prijavi Deli 27. junij 2018 Dva različna pogleda na milenijsko generacijo priljubljen milenijski:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KC1Tok_4ofg ali malo drugačen:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As8XkJNaHbs Sam(a) se odloči kaj je bolj pravilna razlaga, oziroma predvsem opazi kje se v zgodbi najdeš sam(a).. ?! Citiraj "če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
*glas* 26. julij 2018 Avtor Prijavi Deli 26. julij 2018 mystic vs scientist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAluQXDTM9g Citiraj "če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
*glas* 5. oktober 2018 Avtor Prijavi Deli 5. oktober 2018 Izvor vseh skritih znanj, vsega okultnega na Zemlji so Emerald Tablets in "skriti" skupni imenovalec vseh duhovnih struj zadnjih 12.000 let so ezoterična znanja, ki izvirajo iz Hermetizma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2sukRtdwGE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2iaa92Se48 Citiraj "če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
*glas* 9. november 2018 Avtor Prijavi Deli 9. november 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_kAVkx6zWU An Introduction to the Rodin Coil and Vortex-Based MathematicsWith the introduction of Vortex-Based Mathematics you will be able to see how energy is expressing itself mathematically. This math has no anomalies and shows the dimensional shape and function of the universe as being a toroid or donut-shaped black hole. This is the template for the universe and it is all within our base ten decimal system!Numbers are Real and Alive not merely symbols for other things. You will discover that the relationships between numbers are not random or man-made but that numbers are actually elementary particles of which everything is composed.This lost knowledge was well known to our ancients and is now being uncovered for us today. Gradually you will come to see numbers in a simple yet profoundly perfect three-dimensional matrix grid pattern that forms the shape of a torus. The number grid reveals the calibration and timing for an engine that can take us throughout the universe and solve mankind's energy needs.As you begin to glide through this explanation of Marko Rodin's fantastic discoveries, please understand that you must set aside many commonly held belief systems of the way the world works in order to fully comprehend the completely new truths that are embodied in this discovery.This math truly explains everything that ever was, is, and ever will be in the universe, perfectly, with no omissions. As Russell Blake, senior researcher from Microsoft, has said of Marko's work, "This fantastic coherence has existed since the beginning of time but has yet to be harnessed by mankind and the potential is truly mind-boggling."Mathematics as we know it today is only a tool to symbolize quantities. It simply and shamelessly helps the greedy king count his coins.Vortex-Based Mathematics (VBM) is completely different because it is a dynamic math that shows the relationships and thus the qualities of numbers rather than the quantities.Within VBM numbers are not symbols that stand for something else, NUMBERS ARE REAL AND ALIVE. But what exactly does that mean you ask, well...Marko Rodin final conclusion was that all intelligence comes from a person's name. This led him to understand that not only do our personal names and the language they are spoken in highly affect our personalities but that the most important names are the names of God.This led Marko into a journey of thoroughly studying all the world's great religions. When he was introduced to the Baha'i Faith he immediately became a believer.Literally days later Marko decided to take The Most Great Name of Baha'u'llah(Prophet of the Baha’i Faith) which is Abha and convert it into numbers.He did this in an effort to discover the true precise mystical intonation of The Most Great Name of God. Since the Baha’i sacred scripture was originally written in Persian and Arabic Marko used the Abjad numerical notation system for this letter to number translation.This was a sacred system of allocating a unique numerical value to each letter of the 27 letters of the alphabet so that secret quantum mechanic physics could be encoded into words. What Marko discovered was that (A=1, b=2, h=5, a=1) = 9.The fact that The Most Great Name of God equaled 9 seemed very important to him as everything he had read in both the Baha’i scriptures and other religious text spoke of nine being the Omni-potent number.So next he drew out a circle with nine on top and 1 through 8 going around the circle clockwise. Then he discovered a very intriguing number system within this circle.Marko knew he had stumbled upon something very profound. This circle with its hidden number sequence was the "Symbol of Enlightenment."This is the MATHEMATICAL FINGERPRINT OF GOD. Citiraj "če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
*glas* 12. november 2018 Avtor Prijavi Deli 12. november 2018 Kljub intenzivnosti dogajanja v pojavnem svetu, se znova in znova (lahko) premikaš nazaj v statično točko kjer si le opazovalec tega dogajanja.. Opazovalec pa ne more biti opazovan, saj vse kar je možno izkusiti, je le to kar je opazovalcu opazovano-doživljano-čuteno-izkušano.. A vseeno vsa ta realnost ne bi mogla obstajati, če ne bi nasproti nje bila nerealnost.. Nerealnost vzdržuje stanje niča, znotraj katerega se lahko rojeva nekaj in to nekaj se zato lahko izraža v realnost, kot vso pojavno življenje, v vseh oblikah in formah. In tako prihaja tudi do te dinamike izkušanja življenja.Ko se premikaš od nejaz-a do jaz-a in nazaj, se lahko nato odločiš tudi umreti v ta proces in se ne enotiš več ne ze enim in ne z drugim polom in tako ostane le še ta proces realnosti, ki se izraža kot to kar je, brez da bi znotraj njega vznikal glas, ki bi sam sebi govoril to sem "jaz" - to nisem "jaz".. Citiraj "če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
butl 13. november 2018 Prijavi Deli 13. november 2018 Kljub intenzivnosti dogajanja v pojavnem svetu, se znova in znova (lahko) premikaš nazaj v statično točko kjer si le opazovalec tega dogajanja.. Opazovalec pa ne more biti opazovan, saj vse kar je možno izkusiti, je le to kar je opazovalcu opazovano-doživljano-čuteno-izkušano.. A vseeno vsa ta realnost ne bi mogla obstajati, če ne bi nasproti nje bila nerealnost.. Nerealnost vzdržuje stanje niča, znotraj katerega se lahko rojeva nekaj in to nekaj se zato lahko izraža v realnost, kot vso pojavno življenje, v vseh oblikah in formah. In tako prihaja tudi do te dinamike izkušanja življenja.Ko se premikaš od nejaz-a do jaz-a in nazaj, se lahko nato odločiš tudi umreti v ta proces in se ne enotiš več ne ze enim in ne z drugim polom in tako ostane le še ta proces realnosti, ki se izraža kot to kar je, brez da bi znotraj njega vznikal glas, ki bi sam sebi govoril to sem "jaz" - to nisem "jaz".. Neznam šta je rečeno....al je lepo /ne vem, kdo je avtor...mislm, da je iz Alan Forda/ 1 Citiraj Čutim, da čutiš, da čutim, kar čutiš Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
*glas* 19. november 2018 Avtor Prijavi Deli 19. november 2018 Če si že sam/a kdaj vstopil/a v samo točko singularnosti, če v njo mogoče vstopaš redno.. potem ti bodo poznani vsi ti (sto in en) pogledi na to eno in isto stvar, ki ga opisujejo vse prastare okultne vede in "skrita" znanja. In ta film jih poskuša podati čimveč... in tudi zelo lepo opiše vse, kja se dogaja na poti tja.. Samadhi Movie, 2018 – Part 2 (It’s Not What You Think): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQL6qcGqQ0Y 1 Citiraj "če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
*glas* 14. december 2018 Avtor Prijavi Deli 14. december 2018 Maybe This Isn’t the Kali Yuga After All In 1895 Yogananda’s teacher, Swami Sri Yukteswar 1855 – 1936, wrote an amazing book called The Holy Science, that was clearly ahead of its time. I bought it on Amazon. It was short and detailed, with crystal clear concepts. The purpose of the book was to remove barriers between all religions. The book explains the astronomical movements of universal bodies and establishes a calculation of the Yugas, or ages of man that had previously been lost. Incidentally, Sri Yukteswar is the man who sent Yogananda to the US, and therefore is in great part responsible for the modern popularity of Yoga in the West. This article summarizes Sri Yukteswar’s calculations of the ages. Or you can read his book here.Time Cycles in Nature In order to understand the Yugas we first have to discover the planetary cycles. We already know that the days, months, and years on Earth are determined by the Earth’s rotation and orbit around the sun. Now we need to learn about the Sun’s orbit through the galaxy in a larger cycle called the Great Year. What is The Great Year?The Great Year is our Sun’s cycle through the solar system, that takes 25,800 years. NASA defines the Great Year as “The period of one complete orbit around the ecliptic, or about 25,800 years. This is also called the Platonic Year, as discussed by Plato, and the Precession of the Equinoxes, the name given by Isaac Newton.How Did Ancient Astronomers Discover the Great Year Cycle?Ancient astronomers found the Great Year by observing sunrise at the spring equinox each year in March. They had to get up very early on that morning, and carefully measure the position of the stars. On the horizon at sunrise there always appears one of these 12 zodiac constellations: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn Aquarius and Pisces. Every 2,150 years, a new zodiac sign appears on the horizon! That’s why Great Year is divided into 12 zodiac sub-cycles or Ages of 2,150 years each.Isaac Newton believed this shift to be caused by a wobble in the Earth’s orbit. However ancient astronomers saw it simply as confirmation of a 25,800 year cycle. They also noticed that the cycle moves backwards through the zodiac signs! Each year’s position ‘precedes’ the previous year. Isaac Newton named this cycle The Precession of the Equinoxes, to describe this reverse movement.While modern thinking regards the Great Year as a phenomenon caused by the Earth’s wobbling axis, it was highly important in the ancient calendars. Swami Sri Yukteswar presents a very different model of the Great Year from the “wobbly axis” that we inherited from Isaac Newton.What age are we in now?The shift to the Age of Aquarius is in transition now. Each zodiac age lasts 2,150 years, 1/12 of the Great Year cycle. If you observe the horizon at sunrise on the vernal Equinox, you’ll see the zodiac sign. We are ending the Age of Pisces and starting the Age of Aquarius. In simple terms, the Age of Pisces saw the rise of Christianity, and the Age of Aquarius is defined by unified truth and brotherhood. But unfortunately no one agrees on the exact beginning dates of these ages.Our Sun’s Orbit with a Binary StarHindu astronomy holds that our Sun orbits as part of a binary star system. Many ancient calendars observed that our Sun, along with all the planets in our solar system, move through the Milky Way galaxy in a binary orbit with the star Alcyone in the Pleiades. This is not unusual, as most of the stars in our galaxy are in binary or multiple star systems in their orbits.The Sun’s Orbit Brings Energy Changes on EarthHindu astronomers noticed that as we move closer to or farther from the magnetic center of the Milky Way galaxy, energy and light bring huge changes in culture and consciousness on Earth. Ancient wisdom held that the Great Year brings powerful energy forces and electro-magnetic influences from the galactic center, and that this rules the rise and fall of civilization on Earth.Ancient Oral Texts Preserved the Galactic WisdomHindu masters encoded cosmology, astronomy and calendar history in sacred oral Sanskrit verses that were memorized, chanted, and passed down with each generation, in order to survive even the lowest ages of mankind. Modern scholars do not agree on the exact age of the Veda and the Purana texts. Their estimates of its age range widely from 5,000 years up to billions of years old!What are Yugas?The Hindu calendar measures time cycles called Yugas or Ages. Hindu astronomers observed the Sun’s orbit and our changing relationship to the galactic center, called Vishṇunābhi Vishnu, in a cycle of 25,800 years. Ancient Hindu astronomers called it The Great Year and believed that the rise and fall of civilization is synchronized with Earth’s distance from the center of our galaxy. The Hindu calendar measures even larger cycles – for example, one Day of Brahma or Manvantara is one orbit around the entire galaxy of 4.32 billion years!“Civilization is much older than commonly believed. Myths of a Golden Age of gods and advanced civilizations in the past are true stories of a real time period. Earth will eventually see another Golden Age. Now we’re in a Bronze Age moving into a period of greater enlightenment.” Swami Sri YukteswarThere are four Hindu Yugas or Ages:Satya Yuga – Golden Age Treta Yuga– Silver Age Dwapara Yuga– Bronze Age Kali Yuga– Iron AgeA Full Cycle of Four Hindu Yugas is a ‘Great Year’.A full cycle of ages consists of four expanding ages followed by 4 declining ages. Together these eight ages represent a full cycle of The Great Year, being about 25,800 years.Cycles of Culture and Consciousness on EarthSwami Sri Yukteswar explains that just as the cycles of day, night, and the four seasons are caused by celestial rotations, so too is the Yuga cycle, or the Great Year. This brings huge energy changes to life on Earth. Light and vibrations emanating from the galactic center affect the human mind and body.When our sun orbits through the galaxy, it is said to bring the Earth closer to or further away from the grand galactic center called Vishṇunābhi. This is the center of subtle energy and the creative power or Brahma which regulates the mental and spiritual level of the internal world. It is the proximity of the Earth and Sun to this grand center that determines the level of human civilization, health, intelligence and spiritual wisdom.Why So Much Confusion about the Hindu Yugas?Sri Yukteswar calculated the Yuga dates in his book The Holy Science. While they are often quoted, not all Hindu astronomers agree. Some people say we are in the Kali Yuga now. Sri Yukteswar wrote that the Yuga count is often misunderstood. He explains why:“At the end of the last Bronze Age or Dwapara Yuga c. 700 BC, the reigning king, Maharaja Yudhisthira, was faced with the arrival of the dreaded and dark Kali Yuga. He left his throne to his grandson and retired to the Himalayas with all his wise men. Since no one in the court knew how to count the Yugas, and nobody wanted to announce the bad news, they began adding years to the Bronze Age Dwapara dates.This has degenerated into a series of mistakes and miscalculations that lead many people to believe we are now in the Kali Yuga. Some people even maintain that the Kali Yuga lasts 432,000 years. Sri Yukteswar’s book has made great contribution to clarifying these confusions.Yukteswar’s book describes the Kali Yuga: Sri Yukteswar says we Are Now in the Dwapara Yuga, not the Kali Yuga.The most recent Golden Age, Satya Yuga was 16300 – 6700 BC, a time of the highest civilization.The last Silver Age, Treta Yuga was 6700 – 3100 BC, as the level of culture began to decline.The last Bronze Age, Dwapara Yuga was 3100 – 700 BC, in a continuing decline of civilization.The lowest Iron Age, Kali Yuga, from 700 BC – 1600 CE, declined into a time of greed, war, and disease.We are now in an expanding Bronze Age, Dwapara Yuga from 1600 – 4100 CE. This is said to be a period of expanding electrical, atomic and finer forces.The next Silver Age will be from 4100 – 7700 CE, an age of great expansion.The next Golden Age will be from 7700 – 12500 CE, an age of the highest spiritual culture. The book describes our current Bronze Age or Dwapara Yuga:We can see evidence all around us that we are living in the beginnings of an expanding time. So I personally can accept Sri Yukteswar’s calculations. That would put the fall of the Roman Empire at the lowest point of the Kali Yuga in 500 CE. The slow ascension through the dark ages would have also been part of the Kali Yuga. Then the so-called Renaissance period of 14th to 17th century could be seen as the positive transition out of the Kali Yuga, leading into the beginning of the current Dwapara Yuga, Bronze Age.Since 1600 CE, the Dwapara or Bronze Age clearly shows great acceleration and developments within the material realm including all areas of electricity, science and technology. In these times there is great focus on money and physical concerns, with just a few hints of widespread spiritual advancement.Overall I find it reassuring that cycles are just part of the forever turning, and even huge cycles are not to be taken too seriously. Having the big picture gives us permission to relax and enjoy the ride up and down through the ages, without getting too excited about a few bumps along the road. What are your thoughts?“Everything flows out and in.Everything has its tides. All things rise and fall.The pendulum swing manifests in everything.The measure of the swing to the right isthe measure of the swing to the left.”The Kybalion, Hermetic TextsResources:http://www.starcenter.com/holy-science.pdfThe Holy Science by Swami Sri YukteswarThe Secret Calendar Codes, by Caterina SchiavoneLink: https://fiveseasonsmedicine.com/maybe-this-isnt-the-kali-yuga-after-all/?fbclid=IwAR3Sp5rY-ejXIvD0LKkyoC4OO93k8pSZkPrmZmYTJSp_WBL4BqblLgNlgFY Citiraj "če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
*glas* 16. januar 2019 Avtor Prijavi Deli 16. januar 2019 Ko izkusiš/izkušaš najgloblj-ega/o Sebe, instantno doživiš da nikdar nisi bil/a nikjer drugje kot "tukaj"! Brezčasni vseprisotni "tukaj".. in ti je samoumevno, da se nikdar nisi mogel/a roditi, nikdar nisi mogel/a biti ločen/a od ničesar, ker si celoten obstoj.. Nikdar se nisi mogel/a kot duša ločiti od Enosti in iti (na pot) raziskovanja nižjih dimenzij časa/materije, saj kaj takega ne more obstajati.. Kot ne morejo obstajati bitja, katera nisi ti.. Obstaja le ta prostor od koder si večen vse.. nikdar ni obstajala realnost ko "to" nisi bil/a, nikdar ne bo obstajala realnost/čas ko "to" neboš in nikdar nisi mogel/a biti nič druga kot to.. Citiraj "če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
mgd 16. januar 2019 Prijavi Deli 16. januar 2019 Ko izkusiš/izkušaš najgloblj-ega/o Sebe, instantno doživiš da nikdar nisi bil/a nikjer drugje kot "tukaj"! Brezčasni vseprisotni "tukaj".. in ti je samoumevno, da se nikdar nisi mogel/a roditi, nikdar nisi mogel/a biti ločen/a od ničesar, ker si celoten obstoj.. Nikdar se nisi mogel/a kot duša ločiti od Enosti in iti (na pot) raziskovanja nižjih dimenzij časa/materije, saj kaj takega ne more obstajati.. Kot ne morejo obstajati bitja, katera nisi ti.. Obstaja le ta prostor od koder si večen vse.. nikdar ni obstajala realnost ko "to" nisi bil/a, nikdar ne bo obstajala realnost/čas ko "to" neboš in nikdar nisi mogel/a biti nič druga kot to.. Ja, dokler ne izkusiš še globjega/resničnejšega sebe. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
*glas* 16. januar 2019 Avtor Prijavi Deli 16. januar 2019 Ja, dokler ne izkusiš še globjega/resničnejšega sebe. seveda.. goloblji jaz je vedno najgloblji, dokler ne sreča še globljega heh Citiraj "če te nekaj sili leteti, se nikdar ne boš plazil.." Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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