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:D pismu, res je že pet dni... :D thaks Andres08...ti maš tut fajn datum...k moj, pa k moj svak...

majic@ Рубашк@... 襯衣... 셔츠... のワイシャツ

Spremeni sebe in spremenil boš ves svet!

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Bern... (konc leva...zdej device rulajo!) vse najlepše ob tvojem prazniku... :D

majic@ Рубашк@... 襯衣... 셔츠... のワイシャツ

Spremeni sebe in spremenil boš ves svet!

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O nekdo ima tajne podatke x;)x


Bern Vse najboljše,

xrainbowx Veseli me, da te imam čast poznati

in da si tu med nami in tako postal "Lunatek",

hvala ti za to, kar delaš za astrologijo

in naj se vama z ženo vsi načrti gladko uresničijo! xrainbowx


xsingx xcakex


Življenje je PLES do nebes...

Imejte se radi med seboj, vedno!

live well, laugh often, love much (as you've never been hurt!)

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Bern, vse najboljše, veliko zdravja in veliko dela, ki te veseli x;)x


Jas te mam tak rada

I am feeling very olympic today

Is time the only thing you are waiting for?

Ni nujno, da si nor, da pišeš tukaj - pomaga pa!


Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day.

Dalai Lama

Majhne usluge prijateljstva so tisočkrat vrednejše kot bleščeča darila, s katerimi nas poniža nečimernost darovalca. (Goethe)

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VSE NAJ, NAJ RAKCEM PA LEVOM ZA NAZAJ PA DEVICAM ZA NAPREJ xcheersx xrosex xpresentx xpresentx xcakex




Dear Human,
You've got it all wrong. You didn't come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and that is where you will return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of... messing up. Often. You didn't come here to become perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering. (unknown)

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Guest sstane
  borism pravi:
Bern vse najboljše, nas veseli, da si prišel med nas.... :hapyb:  xcrossfingx


Nihce od clanov danes ne praznuje rojstnega dne


Kam :eek:

Bern :palec:

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  sstane pravi:
Nihce od clanov danes ne praznuje rojstnega dne



Bern :palec:

x:Dx x:o)x ......jst tud pojma nima kje to vidijo, verjetn je že tko.......e, Bern......vse naj naj naj....lepše, seveda :palec: x:)x ,, vse glih ne, kaka še naj zame ostane. :vragec: x:o)x x:Dx



Nikogar ne obrekujem, samo govorim, kar mislim.

K. Čapek

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