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vse NAJ NAJ Marsa x:Xx :detelca: xvrtcx

Samo šibki se ne upajo biti pravični.


Svoboda je odgovornost, zato se je večina v bistvu boji.


Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart ... Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.

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Marsa x:Xx xbendx xsingx

Jas te mam tak rada

I am feeling very olympic today

Is time the only thing you are waiting for?

Ni nujno, da si nor, da pišeš tukaj - pomaga pa!


Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day.

Dalai Lama

Majhne usluge prijateljstva so tisočkrat vrednejše kot bleščeča darila, s katerimi nas poniža nečimernost darovalca. (Goethe)

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Ooooo... glej, glej..... x:o)x Big mamma's birthday.... :palec:


Vse dobro 'štraufenpahl' or whatever....!!



Čestitke xwizardx

majic@ Рубашк@... 襯衣... 셔츠... のワイシャツ

Spremeni sebe in spremenil boš ves svet!

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Marsa... z enodnevno zamudo, ampak vseeno iz srca x:Xx x:Xx x:Xx


xsrcx xsrcx xsrcx


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NAJLEPSA HVALA VSEM! xsrcx xsrcx xsrcx


Ste me zlo v dobro spravl, se mi zdi ful lepo, noum pa vsacga posebej citirala, sej vem in veste. :vio:



Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.


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Draga Marsa! Malček zaostajam, a vedi, da kljub zamudi iz srca želim, da se ti uresničijo vse tvoje sanje..... :love: :love: :love:


Draga Gazelca!

Dolgo je kar sva se srečali in tako je prišel tudi tvoj rojstni dan, jaz pa tam v Prekmurju...


Upam, da si lepo praznovala in da si srečna...Vse kar si tvoje srce želi, naj se ti zgodi. :love: :love: :love:



poglej se v ogledalo in videl boš svojo dušo

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Hey unis when your watching "tv", hey hey unis what do you see , do the see the bombs do you see the flames do you see the people do you know there names...


When you see a political publicity stunt.

Will you fight for the right? Will you be a man?

Will you step aside? Will you give a damn?


hey unis what do you see


vse najboljše unisko!!!


I wish u to see The love!! x;)x

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hvala hvala :2src:

"Remember when I told you how my

Kin is different in some ways?

And how you should not fall in love

With someone like me, anyway...

Between the lines, people see signs

When they feel the sear, every day's fear...

And one night their torches

Find the girl without a name...

And the one who has her

Love is no more safe..."

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