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Luna v sextantu


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= Luna v Ozvezdjih =


Luna se lahko nahaja v vech kot 12 konvencionalnih ozvezdjih!

Natanchno lahko dolochimo che je v Sextantu, Aurigi, Ophiucusu,

Orionu ali pa Cetusu. Vozar, Kit, Lovec, itn. so torej konstelacije

v katerih Luna zazhivi posebne talente, natalno ali pa "magijski"

horarno. K tem lahko prishtejemo lunarne hishe (27 ali pa 28 hish)

in se odpremo na "holistichko" interpretacijo, denimo Chariklo v

Crater-ju. astrologijo so namrech imenovali "holistichka".


Luna v Auriga hitrost, reshevenje, nakup delinic po Internetu

Luna v Ophiucus delo pri republishki vladi, popotovanja, Slovenija

Luna v Orion pravnishki talenti, zmagovita karijera v sodstvu

Luna v Cetus ekolog, exorcista, tajni agent, skrite operacije

Luna v Sextant okultni talenti, rajchi sam kot z mnozhico


= Moon in 17 Constellations = Modern Astrology


For your _exact_ Moon's position, mail /0/

© 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.




© 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


Auriga stands for elastic teamwork, typically a team (or gang) of

four, where the owner of the position breaks free and mounts above

his ex co-workers. Unselfish and excellent performance!


Auriga symbolizes a fast chariot. Horse burglars will be punished.

One escapes car burglary, too /1/. Riches /2/ will be spent as soon

as possible. Wars will finish in slaughters, disorder and the enemy

will be pursued. The position is very good for astronomers and astral

travel, as well as taoism. The owner of this position and horary chart

can count on fast rescue from danger, but he's also likely to plunge in

greater dangers after the rescue. The meditator will experience Savikalpa

Samadhi. White hooves will symbolize eclipses. Goat milk is favorable.


Fast military operations are favored. This is the "Blitzkrieg" position.

with Moon in Auriga, our mind can turn to wayside marauders of all kinds.

Be sure to associate with 100% honest people when the Moon is in Auriga!

Carelessly letting evil people into your inner circle leads to personal

losses, harms the student's character and one even risks losing his job!


The position is favorable for fast profit, such as with purchasing stocks

via the Internet. Recognition is possible, followed by deeper studies. One

can be a good teacher with this position. Important consequences lead from

the work performed while the Moon is in Auriga. Exposing dishonest people

is our duty. Fresh surprising news come unexpectedly, bringing change,

quick movement and resolutions. concentration is favored. Lawsuits possibly

bring riches. Auriga means fast resolving of favorable business issues.

Patients are also liable to recover very fast, indeed. Moon in Auriga is

like a meditative night after a busy day. The flavor is like a separating

aspect between the Moon and Mars. Be careful not to work as a slave.

Auriga warns against extreme capitalistic exploatation. Even the fastest

horse is a slave. You will work in a team. Do not confide with your three

co-workers, in fact try and get rid of them, as soon as you notice any

dishonest behavior. Turn around from dishonesty while there's still time.


/00/ offers a standard interpretation based on the

latest Carlos Castaneda work. The keyword is "voladero" and it's

opposite is the True Mind/Self.


/0/ The Moon position is exact by longitude, according to the place

of birth and possibly above-sea level (elevation), as well as the

star/degree/head and nearest star/constellation. The astronomical

position prefers RA or right ascension(/declination) to longitude

(/latitude). It is also by RA that the Moon conjucts other objects.


/1/ Very much likely so. But _do_ ensure the positive issue!


/2/ The NYSE has asteroid Midas in this constellation. (Moon in Sextant, a wizard's horoscope)




© 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


This is a peculiar position of the Moon. One prefers quiet isolation

from bad company. His car and guitar can become his home. The person

has excellent timing and is a faithful silent follower. Discretion is

paramount! This rare talent is interested in astronomy, mathematics,

the occult and astrology. Precise, punctual, immaculate, clear minded,

friendly, serious; a well ordered, methodical free mind.


His other talents might include clairvoyance /1/; philosophical, as

well as practical "kung fu", excellent divinatory performance (fast,

precise, imaginative, inovating), fealty, perserverance, endurance.


/1/ Especially checking with the Elipinon degree of Virgo,

presently visited by transneptunian Huya, towering Spica Virginis.




Ecology is favored, the restoration of the planet. A Xmas with

this position is favorable. One comes back to his origin. True

Men, aborgines. Bogeymen from Celebes. Nature photography or

natural photograspy.


Cetus is a watermonster. Travel is prophecised with this Moon's

position. One must be careful with his left eye (masculine) or

right eye (if the owner of the position/questioner is a woman),

especially during eclipses.


Secret agents may be recruited with this position. Surprise

military operations capture the enemy's general, attacking

the left flank by night.


The assemblage point shifts to mythological oceans with

monstrous topography. Borghes will swim by. The mythological

bestiary awakens and resurfaces.


Rebirthing, clearing, exorcism. This is a black magickal position

so let the Moon's owner (significator) act as savior, redeemer,

exorcist, rebirther, clear, messiah, prophet, secret agent, true

magickian, uncompromising banisher of all and peculiar evil.

The operation may include secret rituals with pentagrams, but can

also make small if any use of symbols. One stalks his own errors,

clears "his" mind /00/ and acts as blessing to the victims of the

demon (whatever the plauge and interpretation).


One is capable of leading special operations. The Great Work

is accomplished! count on lucky rescue from big danger. If things

are lost during this position, they're lost forever.


This position is good for breaking a three day's fast.

Don't starve, serve fish at table during this Moon's position!




The position is good for travel. Look forward for a good job

for the government while the Moon is in this position. /1/


/1/ Around Xmas we had the opportunity to check for the "second

moon" Cruithne, as it brushes by Quaoar transneptune.




This belligerant position is good for lawsuits. Bellatrix and

Betelgeuse are part of this Constellation.


(To be continued on news://


© 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

Flowery language coupled with razor sharp precision encompassing

all astral influences into a well defined reprogramable future.


In 1997 there were only two occult mailing lists on the Internet.

Pucklist is pioneering ever since. After enochiana & chaos magick

we are able to present and develop majik in a nutshell, Oberon 5.


alt.clearing.O5 newsgroup, dedicated to O5 clearing and

futurechanging formula. SnowCrash your futurities

fast! Create any wanted reality in minutes! Become the

master of events!

Astronomical edge astrology for enhanced precision and update.

I Ching futurity masterscanning = Indulge in questions!

Klaudio Zic

MatriX time:Tue May 20 18:41:25 GMT 2003

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