Vojko 1. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 1. april 2004 Vrsta dejavnosti, poklica za posamezne KIjevske znake je objavljena na spletni strani v rubriki - podznak in to 81 različnih smeri. Vojko Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Amis 2. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 2. april 2004 uau, vojko hvala Citiraj you see things; and you say WHY?but i dream things that never were; and i say WHY NOT? Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 2. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 2. april 2004 Tole je tabela, s pomočjo katere lahko določimo KIjevska števila za katerokoli leto in mesec od leta 1901 do 2098. http://forum.histrion.net/images/9-ki_1.gif Vojko Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 2. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 2. april 2004 Druga slika pa nam kaže, kako se energije podpirajo oziroma kontrolirajo, ter razpored števil po hišah.1 podpira 3 in 4 ta podpirata 9. 9 podpira števila 2,5,8. 2,5,8 dajejo podporo 6 in z.Kovini 6 in 7 pa podpirata energijo bele vode 1. Število meseca oziroma leta je vedno v sredini.http://forum.histrion.net/images/9-ki_2.gif Vojko Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 7. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 7. april 2004 Pozdravljeni Z manjšo zamudo je objavljen nov mesečni KI-jevski predvid za vse znake. Vabljeni na ogled, Vojko Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Mateja 8. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 8. april 2004 Hvala, Vojko! Citiraj funchi.si Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 8. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 8. april 2004 Citat Vojko pozdrav! Daj mi povej prosim, če je danes 8.04.2004 šestica na sredini x!x (po moje je!!!), ker pri kitajcih jim tako kaže .....govorim za dnevni položaj, če je moja domneva prava, boš moral nekaj spremeniti pri današnji napovedi, se opravičujem, če te popravljam, daj preveri še enkrat, pa zbrišem potem tale post, ker ne gre v sklop teme, hvala za razumevanje .....lep večer, Boris Boris Zadnje dni sem večkrat in na večih koncih komentiral tole glede dnevne energije. V večini dnevno energijo skupam čutiti in če se ujema z izračunano, potem ta način tudi uporabim za napoved. Na žalost še še strokovnjaki iz tega področja, ki se ukvarjajo z njim že leta in leta, ter so preštudirali veliko več literature in se ukvarjajo z njim tudi znanstveno - kot na primer Joseph Yu in pa Danny Vand Den Berghe ne strinjajo vedno ko gre za iračuna dnevnih energij. Poleg tega je dobro vedeti, da obstaja več metod "Potujočih zvezd", ki niso vse skladne z Devetzvezdnim KIjem. Tu so zanesljivo skladni klasični Xuan Kong Feng Shui, Four Pilars of Destiny in Devetzvezdni KI. So pa še druge metode in šole, ki uporabljajo enako izrazoslovje, ravno tako Pa KuoLo Shou itn, vendar drugače tolčmačijo prehode energij, vendar jih tudi drugače interpretirajo. Devetzvezdni KI je japonska metoda, ki je za svoj izvor uporabljala in še uporablja Xuan Kong Feng Shui, kateri se ne ukvarja prav dosti s simboli, ampak z energijo, ki v svoji osnovi uporablja astronomijo. Nekateri sodobniki namreč tudi sedaj preverjajo, če se abstrakcija gibanja astronomskih teles, uporabljena v FSju in DZKju ujema z dejanskim stanjem. Sam uporabljam metodo, ki jo uporablja Master Joseph Yu. Ta pravi približno takole. Pretok energije spremeni smer dvakrat v letu (če ne upoštevamo dnevnih sprememb). Obakrat je to ob solsticiju. Ob zimskem solsticiju se dnevi začno šteti od 1 pa navzgor in to prvi dan solsticija je 1 nato 2 itn. Ob poletnem solsticiju pa od 9 navzdol. Lansko leto je bil solsticij 23. decembra, torej je takrat dan 1, nato 24. decembra 225. decembra 326. decembra 4 Zdaj si lahko dan izračunaš, lahko pa šteješ dneve. Ta način ugotavljanja energije dneva je narejen za uporabo z gregorianskim koledarjem. Pri Kitajcih je zadeva drugačna. Oni uporabljajo več koledarjev. Glavni koledar je lunarni koledar, ki se ujema s sončevim vsakih 18 ali devetnajst let (zdajle ne vem natančno). Tako (več ali manj) skladno z gibanjem sonca premikajo tudi začetek kitajskega leta, ki pa se pomika na gregorianskem koledarju kar za približno 1 mesec gori doli. Na ta koledar se ne spoznam prav dosti. Vem pa to, da so po izračunu, ki ga uporabljam zadeve kar ok. Če meniš, drugače mi prosim pošlji algoritem izračuna energije dneva, pa ga bom dal v razpravo na forum Ninestar KI, kjer igrajo karte glavni strokovnjaki. Še vedno meni, da je danes dan 9. To sodim po obnašanju nekaterih karakterističnih ljudi v svoji okolici.Po dogajanju v svetu. Po načinu vožnje šoferjev na cesti.......Lahko pa še pogledava na temo Barva oblačil in poskušava ugotoviti. Lep pozdrav, Vojko Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
borism 8. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 8. april 2004 Hvala za izčrpen odgovor in pojasnilo, saj sem si tudi jaz že za pol leta narisal dnevne in mesečne položaje, ampak se mi nekaj razhaja s tvojimi napovedmi,kar pa nikakor ne spodbijam, prosim, daj me razumeti, to je bilo vprašanje in ne dvoboj, zato sem rekel, da bom na čistem....glede izkušenj, bom pa raje tiho, ker te spoštujem in jih nobeden, ki pogleda v primerjavi s tabo nima, z menoj vred...hvala še enkrat, bom v bodoče bolj pasivno opazoval....utle pa še dodajam link, kjer včasih pogledam te položaje......lep večer Vojko in ostali www.chineseastrologyonline.com/allcalendars.htm www.chineseastrologyonline.com/cgi-bin/PWDaily.asp Citiraj FotoBoris Album Vilincev Borisova fotogalerija Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 8. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 8. april 2004 borism pravi: Hvala za izčrpen odgovor in pojasnilo, saj sem si tudi jaz že za pol leta narisal dnevne in mesečne položaje, ampak se mi nekaj razhaja s tvojimi napovedmi,kar pa nikakor ne spodbijam, prosim, daj me razumeti, to je bilo vprašanje in ne dvoboj, zato sem rekel, da bom na čistem....glede izkušenj, bom pa raje tiho, ker te spoštujem in jih nobeden, ki pogleda v primerjavi s tabo nima, z menoj vred...hvala še enkrat, bom v bodoče bolj pasivno opazoval....utle pa še dodajam link, kjer včasih pogledam te položaje......lep večer Vojko in ostali //www.chineseastrologyonline.com/allcalendars.htm //www.chineseastrologyonline.com/cgi-bin/PWDaily.aspUppa Boris Hvala ti za tale dva linka. Krasno.Bom pogledal. Kar zadeva teorije koledarjev imam prav malo znanja in prakse. Zato se prosim nikar ne umakni.Dobrodošla je takšna razprava, saj spodbudi raziskovanje in odkrivanje.Zato te vabim, da še naprej daješ komentarje in svoja mnjenja. Sam te zelo cenim in vidim, da si v DZKju zelo dober. In... brez dvoma se nikakor ne more preveriti ničesar. Vojko Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Ksenia 8. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 8. april 2004 A sta preverila barve oblačil Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
borism 8. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 8. april 2004 Hvala Vojko za spodbudne besede, saj sem konec koncev prišel na LNF, zato ker me je zanimala tvoja tematika, ki jo res odlično obvladaš, kot nobeden na teh prostorih. O.K. saj bom še katero rekel, ampak resnično ne me napačno razumeti o kakšnem rivalstvu, drugače se nič ne naučiš, če ne vprašat, posloviti se pa tudi ne bilo fer, ker sem te le zaprosil za Alijev projekt in si brez pomisleka pristal in pomagaš....HVALA TI in lep večer, Borism Citiraj FotoBoris Album Vilincev Borisova fotogalerija Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 8. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 8. april 2004 Boris Pa poglejva eno razpravo o dnevih iz NSK (Ninestar KI yahoo groups)Tole je skoraj vse, kar je na tej skupini rečeno o tem, Tako Yoseph kot Danny pa sta oba tako znanstvenika kot tudi praktika in teoretika DZK in drugih, metod astrologije. Iz besedila lahko razberemo, da zadeve niso preproste. Vojko **************************************************** From: Joseph Yu <joseph_yu@y...>Date: Fri May 26, 2000 9:17 pmSubject: Day Stars Dear Members, I find that there is a misunderstanding in the way theday stars are calculated. The rule is that from Winter Solstice onwards anduntil the next Summer Solstice, the day stars run inthe forward sequence: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1,... From Summer Solstice onwards to Winter Solstice, theday star runs in the backward sequence: 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,4, 3, 2, 1, 9, ... The first Jia Zi day after Winter Solstice is assignedthe star 1. The first Jia Zi day after Summer Solsticeis assigned the star 9. However, it is understood that the sequence runsforward right after Winter Solstice and runs backwardright after Summer Solstice. These two solstices areprecise moments, not a day. The sequences do not start on the first Jia Zi dayafter the respective solstices. What are the stars assigned to the days between thesolstices and the first Jia Zi day after therespective solstice then? We have to do it byinterpolation. Trace backward from the first Jia Ziday after, say, the Summer Solstice until the momentof the Summer Solstice. I will use 2000 as an example. Jun 21, 2000 at 9:45 at 120E is Summer Solstice.Jul 5 is the first Jia Zi day after this. It has DayStar 9 according to the rule. Jul 5 = 9Jul 4 = 1Jul 3 = 2Jul 2 = 3Jul 1 = 4Jun 30 = 5Jun 29 = 6Jun 28 = 7Jun 27 = 8Jun 26 = 9Jun 25 = 1Jun 24 = 2Jun 23 = 3Jun 22 = 4Jun 21 = 5 Summer Solstice, sequence go backwardfrom this day. However, If we run the sequence from the previousWinter Solstice, we should get 5 for Jun 21. In fact, Jun 21 has two stars, 5 before 9:48 and 5after 9:48. The two stars are the same being acoincidence. If we work out around Winter Solstice on Dec 21 at21:38 at 120E, then the sequence should look like: Dec 10 = 4Dec 11 = 3Dec 12 = 2Dec 13 = 1Dec 14 = 9Dec 15 = 8Dec 16 = 7Dec 17 = 6Dec 18 = 5Dec 19 = 4Dec 20 = 3Dec 21 = 2 before 21:38 (13:38 GMT)Dec 21 = 8 after 21:38 (13:38 GMT)Dec 22 = 9Dec 23 = 1Dec 24 = 2Dec 25 = 3Dec 26 = 4Dec 27 = 5Dec 28 = 6Dec 29 = 7Dec 30 = 8Dec 31 = 9Jan 1 = 1 (Jan 1 is a Jia Zi day). I hope this is clear. The way the sequence of the day stars run depends onwhether the sun is moving towards or away from theTropic of Cancer. The sequence should not start on aJia Zi day but at precisely the Winter and SummerSolstices. Joseph From: "Xi Lu" <xilu@x...>Date: Sat May 27, 2000 2:39 amSubject: Re: [NineStarKi] Day Stars ADVERTISEMENTDear master Yu, Thank you so much for sharing this major information.It adds a great deal indeed to the study of day Qi. Just for beginners, and to refresh others maybe, there havebeen a lot of different methods for calculating Qi of days. You will find several interpretations from different sources. First, let's explain what Jia Zi means for those of you who didnot have a chance yet to familiarize yourselves with some ofthe Chinese terminology. Jia Zi points to a Yang Wood Rat day. To keep it simple for now, the Chinese zodiac includes twelveanimals, starting with Rat. The animals run in a twelve hour,day, month and year cycle, so that after the twelfth animal, pig,the cycle starts all over again in Rat. The five transformations also run in cycles, but here a cycle often is used, starting with Yang Wood.Each of the five transformations has a yin and yang appearance,so that after a Yang Wood day comes a Yin Wood day, followedby a Yang Fire day and a Yin Fire day et cetera, until a new cyclebegins in Yang Wood. Anyway, these cycles of twelve and ten start off their journey onthe first day of the animal cycle - in Rat - and in the first sign ofthe elements - Yang Wood.While a cycle of ten elements has already been completed, thecycle of twelve animals is still under way to 'click' with the formerat a certain moment. In other words, the Chinese work with a time cycle of 60, thatincludes 5 times an element cycle of ten and 5 times an animalcycle of twelve. The start of such a cycle is on a Yang Wood Rat day i.e. aJia Zi day. The basic idea is that there are two moments in which it is possibleto start a year. We can start a year at the Winter Solstice, around 21 December.We can start a year, two new moons after Winter Solstice, ataround 4 or 5 February. In the first method, the Winter Solstice is taken as the shortest day,after which the days will get longer. In other words, the yang of sunenergy is waxing.This moment in time is shown by the following hexagram: ____ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______________ A hexagram shows six yin lines or six yang lines andthe bottom line is the first line. The top line is the sixth line.You can see the idea of the birth of yang. The second method says, that a year starts when thesun reaches 15 degrees in the sign of Aquarius. I have seen many different interpretations. One, like master Yu described, says to start a new cycleof days on the first Jia Zi day after either Solstice. I have also come across the idea of starting a new cycleof days on the first Jia Zi day just before either Solstice. (Translations: both methods say a new cycle of daysshould start on the Jia Zi day closest to any Solstice). I have seen Chinese daily calendars that seem to go byyet other calculations. Master Yu is making a strong point here, because theformat he is reacting to says that Qi is waxing afterWinter Solstice and waning after Summer Solstice.Yet, the format does not show waxing Qi right afterWinter Solstice, but rather waits until the first Jia Zi dayafter the solstice.This means that in actuality nature is already waxingbut it can take up to 59 days before the days startcounting upward. So, master Yu, I have a couple of questions: - The first method says that just before a 1 Water Jia Ziday we should have another 1 Water day and just beforea 9 Fire Jia Zi day we should have another 9 Fire day.What is your assessment of this and what is the rational?- Am I correct to say that your explanation is that we shouldlink the cycle of 60 to the Solstices to make up for the periodbetween the Solstices and the first Jia Zi day after that? Like I said in the welcome message, a lot of our members havecome a long way. I am very happy with master Yu's posting.Please realize this is 'heavy' stuff.Apart from an indepth first-time-ever series on this matter inRay Langley's ChineseAstrology list, rest assured this hasbeen the best kept secret.I have a colleague in UK who had to pay US 3000 to get amonth from a master, without him giving away the clue for thecalculation. I am sure there are amongst you who dove deep enough intothis matter of calculating days to share with us how differentcalculations are done. Let's share them. Why, for instance, do the months count backward,but in one interpretation they count upward after SummerSolstice. Is there a difference in Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan calculationand if so, what are their basics, their foundations.What do you know about time calculation based on the moon,the sun, the Yi Jing et cetera in relation to our studies of NineStar Ki, Feng Shui and Four Pillars of Destiny? Calculating time must be one of the most intriguing subjects.The goal of this list is not to offer or reach one final conclusion,because there isn't any (too many different ways to measure timefrom too many different reference points), but to share what weknow. We have to study different approaches.Confusion vanishes, once we know the different sources.We understand destiny once we understand time. Hope to here from you all and again thank you master Yu forthis major contribution, Xi Lu From: Joseph Yu <joseph_yu@y...>Date: Sat May 27, 2000 6:51 amSubject: Re: [NineStarKi] Day Stars ADVERTISEMENT--- Xi Lu <xilu@x...> wrote:> Master Yu is making a strong point here, because the> format he is reacting to says that Qi is waxing> after> Winter Solstice and waning after Summer Solstice.> Yet, the format does not show waxing Qi right after> Winter Solstice, but rather waits until the first> Jia Zi day> after the solstice.> This means that in actuality nature is already> waxing> but it can take up to 59 days before the days start> counting upward. No, the format shows that right after the WinterSolstice the Qi is waxing. The star sequence changesfrom backward to forward. We do not wait until thefirst Jia Zi day after the solstice. If you examine the sequence you will find that on theday where the solstice falls, there are two stars, onerules before the solstice while the other rules afterthe solstice. Then the sequence of stars after thesolstice changes direction. The qi is continuous without duplication. We do nothave two consecutive days having the same day star. Qiis waxing right after the Winter Solstice and waningright after the Summer Solstice. This is why I find itmore reasonable and convincing than other methods. The Bo Hai Jing (Precious Sea Classic) teaches anothermethod. It requires different considerations for theUpper Cycle, Middle Cycle and Lower Cycle. (These are60 year cycles with 3 cycles forming a larger cycle of180 years,) Some calendars in China use this method and you willfind different stars for the Middle and Lower Cycles.The method is not quite reasonable in my opinion. I will talk about the issue of the Northern andSouthern Hemispheres next time. Joseph From: Joseph Yu <joseph_yu@y...>Date: Sat May 27, 2000 12:57 pmSubject: Various thoughts ADVERTISEMENTXi Lu and members, You may wonder why all of a sudden I talk about NineStar Ki. Actually this is one of the types of ChineseAstrology I studied in the nineteen sixties. I did notfollow the Japanese version but found some ancientwritings about Jiu Gong Ming Li ¤E ®c ©R ²z .Therefore what I am talking in this mailing list ismainly from the ancient Chinese documents. Jiu Gong Ming Li uses 3 stars instead of 4 (the hourstar is not used). The three numbers are the YearStar, the Month Star and the Day Star. All these arebased on the birth data of the person. The thirdnumber is the Day Star for the day the person is born. People in the world will then be classified into9x9x9=729 types. Compared with Four Pillars's60x12x60x12=518,400 types and ZiWeiDou Shu's60x12x30x12=259,200 types, it is obviously too crude. However, getting into too much details sometimes mayresult in neglecting the big picture. That is why theNine Star Ki has its value. Anyway, this method hasbeen abandoned by the Chinese three thousands yearsago. It was then exported to the neighboring countries(probably as part of the "Destroying the BarbarianClassic"?). Some of the original formulas were lost.For example, the Japanese and the Tibetans had toinvent a formula for the third number based on the 81combinations of the first two numbers instead of usingthe Day Star. Now that I have completed the Four Pillars and Zi Weicorrespondence course books, it does not hurt to talkabout Nine Star Ki. If I talked about this before Iintroduced the Four Pillars and Zi Wei, it would havegiven people the wrong impression about my knowledge. I am not saying that the original formulas must becorrect and later inventions are no good. But Idisagree with the attitude towards serious studiesthat there is no need of uniformity. This is not thescientific way. The scientific method is to present the method anddiscuss the reasoning behind the theory. If there aredifferent and contrasting theories, most likely someare not reasonable. Those that are unreasonable shouldbe discarded. Astrology is a serious subject becauseit can change a person's life. All theories should beseriously discussed. The attitude that everybody isright is simply not right. We may not be able toidentify what is right and what is wrong without muchdiscussion. But to draw the conclusion that everyoneis right even before discussion is definitely not thescientific attitude. I find this attitude in Feng Shuiand other metaphysical studies. I suppose this is thehindrance to progress. If we want metaphysical studies to be respected, ourattitude should change. Joseph From: Joseph Yu <joseph_yu@y...>Date: Sun May 28, 2000 6:19 pmSubject: Re: [NineStarKi] Day Stars ADVERTISEMENTDear Arlene, Let us examine the rules and reasonings. Option 1: The star sequence starts counting forwardright after Winter Solstice and backward right afterSummer Solstice. Option 2: The star sequence starts counting forward onthe first Jia-Zi day after Winter Solstice andbackward on the first Jia-Zi day after SummerSolstice. Option 3: The star sequence starts counting forward onthe last Jia-Zi day before Winter Solstice andbackward on the last Jia-Zi day before SummerSolstice. Option 4: It is a combination of Options 2 and 3. Thesequence changes direction on the Jia-Zi day closestto the Solstices. In my opinion, Option 1 is more reasonable as theother options do not reflect there is a change in theway qi flows at the Solstices. There are also three options regarding the star on aJia Zi Day near the Solstices. Option A: The first Jia-Zi day after the WinterSolstice is assigned star 1 while the first Jia-Zi dayafter the Summer Solstice is assigned star 9. Option B: The last Jia-Zi day before the WinterSolstice is assigned star 1 while the last Jia-Zi daybefore the Summer Solstice is assigned star 9. Option C: This is a combination of A and B. Thenearest Jia-Zi day to the Winter Solstice is assignedstar 1 while the nearest Jia-Zi day to the SummerSolstice is assigned star 9. I prefer Option A, the reason being that the leadingstar should change only after the Solstices. Now, as we know, the Solstices are the precise momentsof the year when the Sun is overhead the Tropics ofCancer and Capricorn. It "moves" towards and away fromthe north before and after these moments. The day is then divided into two parts, that beforethe Solstice and that after the Solstice. The first part will have the star from the previoussequence. The second part will have a new star. Whatis that star? It is the star that makes the first Jia-Zi day afterthe Winter Solstice #1 when we talk about the WinterSolstice. It is the star that makes the first Jia-Ziday after the Summer Solstice #9 when we talk aboutthe Summer Solstice. The mathematics is to run the sequence from theSolstice to the first Jia-Zi day to make sure it is a1 in first case and a 9 in the second case. If we allow the forward sequence to run until the lastGui-Hai day of a 180-day cycle (which is approximately6 months), it should end up in a 9. Then if the newbackward sequence is to start the next day (the firstJia-Zi day after Summer Solstice), it should also be a9. That is why you have two consecutive days with star9. If this backward sequence is to run the 6-monthcycle, it will end up in a Hui-Hai day with #1. Thenext day will begin with another #1. So it is now clear which do you want - the waxing andwaning qi to be right at the Solstices orapproximately near the Solstices. If you know the first Jia-Zi day after a Solstice, youshould be able to figure out the second star on theSolstice day by extending the sequence from the Jia-Ziday. Joseph From: "windyhill" <windyhill@h...>Date: Mon May 29, 2000 2:53 amSubject: Day Stars ADVERTISEMENTHello again, The book I am using is by Edgar Sung. He uses the Soltices as amarker but appears to use the closest Jia Zi day be it before or afterthe Solstice. Using Dec. 20th as a 3 (reverse motion) and Dec. 21st as a 2/8 and thefirst Jia Zi day after which is Jan. 1st, 2001, I see how we arrive atthe 2/8. We count backwards - Dec. 31st 2000 is a 9, Dec. 30th is a8, etc. The 2/8 bump into each other at the time of the Solstice. Iunderstand! Now using the book by Higa, July 3rd is a 8 and July 4th, 2000 is GuiHai and a 9, July 5th is Jia Zi and also a 9, and July 6th is a 8. Iunderstand! It makes sense to me that the Solstices should be the marker. As towhether it should be the closest Jia Zi day to the Solstice or the oneafter I see where being as the energy changes after the Solstice theleading star should also change after. Thank you for your very thorough explanation. Take care,Arlene From: "Danny Van den Berghe" <danny.vandenberghe@p...>Date: Wed May 31, 2000 1:28 pmSubject: Re: [NineStarKi] Day Stars ADVERTISEMENTDear Joseph, all, Thanks for bringing up this subject.I have been studying the same problem when I was workingat my Four Pillars software. The problem is that there are 182 or 183 days between summer andwinter solstice. This cannot be divided by 9.That creates all the problems. The solution you propose is very good, the only disadvantagebeing the sudden jump in number on the solstice days. But something interesting is the case here.Applying your method one will find that the 2 numbers on asolstice day always add up to 10, that means they are always2 numbers that are opposite each other in the magic square. So, if the numbers counting upwards towards summer solsticeend in number 3 on the solstice day, the number shifts to 7on the solstice moment and starts counting backwards. This shifting over to the opposite number in the Lo Shu is alsovery appropriate with the shift in Chi. So, we need not count back from the first Jia Zi day after solsticeto find the day numbers. This formula is more easy and elegant.And the 5 star staying 5 in your example is not coincidence, 5 alwaysshifts into 5 on a solstice day. But, we have one big exception with this rule. Every 10 or 11 yearsit happens there are 3 Jia Zi days between two solstices (Last timewas in 1991) and then using my system does not result in the firstJia Zi day after winter solstice to be 1 (it would be 4). Perhaps this shifting over into the opposite number of the Lo Shuon solstice days is the rule , and the 1st Jia Zi day after WS being1 is simply a consequence of it... Are there any documented (and dated) examples of daily stars whichcould be used to test this? Looking forward to your input. All the best, Danny From: Joseph Yu <joseph_yu@y...>Date: Wed May 31, 2000 11:49 pmSubject: Re: [NineStarKi] Day Stars ADVERTISEMENTDanny, Thank you for pointing out the exception. The adding up to 10 feature gives us a hint on themore reasonable method. I have to amend the rules to read: [1] Locate the Jia Zi day nearest Winter Solstice. Case 1: It is before Winter Solstice. Imagine itis assigned the star 1. Count forward to get the newstar for the second part of the Winter Solstice day.Do not change the star before the Winter Solstice. Case 2: It is after Winter Solstice. Then assignthe star 1 to this day. Count back to get the star forthe second part of the Winter Solstice day. This will guarantee that the two stars on WinterSolstice day add up to ten. [2] Locate the Jia Zi day nearest Summer Solstice. Case 1: It is before Summer Solstice. Imagine itis assigned the star 9. Count backward to get the newstar for the second part of the Summer Solstice day.Do not change the star before the Summer Solstice. Case 2: It is after Summer Solstice. Then assignthe star 9 to this day. Count back to get the star forthe second part of the Summer Solstice day. This will guarantee that the two stars on SummerSolstice day add up to ten. In actual practice just employ the adding up to tenrule. It is simple and neat. The only ancient documentation is in the Bao Hai Jingwhich unfortunately does not give reasonable results. Joseph **************************************************** Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
borism 8. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 8. april 2004 Vojko, šah mat Citiraj FotoBoris Album Vilincev Borisova fotogalerija Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 8. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 8. april 2004 borism pravi: Vojko, šah mat Ej Boris Ni bilo mišljeno tako kot si narisal s smeškoti in napisal z besedami. Zadeve pač jemljem resno in ker sem zaenkrat le velik učenec, se učim, pa tudi dvomim in moji začetki pri DZKju izhajajo iz čiste skepse - verjameš ali ne. *** Metoda izračuna, ki je omenjena na linku, ki si mi ga poslal je belo vijolični FS Načelno je ta zelo podobne klasičnemu Xuan Kong Feng Shuiu, vendar je dobro vedeti, da Kitajci za ženske vedno izračunavajo ženska števila. Tako sta tudi energiji 1 in 9 pri njih srečni, kajti za ženske je srečna 1 in za moške 9. Po DZKju, pa se za ženske izračunava po alternativni metodi le takrat, kadar se vidi, da je ženska prevzela žensko energijo (kar je v današnji družbi bolj redkost kot pravilo) tako se tudi energije razlaga različno za ženske kot za moške. Izračunov pa je - kot si videl polno. Vsi pa so enotni za mesečno, letno, devetletno, 81-letno energijo. Tako se mi še vedno zdi najboljši nasvet He Luo-a: Živi v tem trenutku, pa boš vedel! (He Luo je imel pred tem nadimek Xi Lu - kot si videl v prejšnjem postu.) He Luo namreč ni niti Japonec, niti Kitajec ampak pravi pravcati Evropejec - Nizozemec, ki ima sice enega dedka doma iz vzhoda. Lepo se imej, in vse dobro, Vojko Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 8. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 8. april 2004 Boris in vsi drugi spoštovani bralci Zdajle sem se spomnil naslednje podpore trditvi, da je danes dan 9. Amerika ima energijo 9 (pa Slovenija tudi !)Bush je rojen v osnovnem številu 9 (o tem ni dvoma)Mesec april je v znaku 99-tke so v tem mesecu v karmičnem času - tudi o tem ni dvoma in lahko vidimo na vsakem koraku. Amerika te dni doživlja karmične dneve (karmični mesec 9 za devetke), hkrati pa je 9 letno v svoji energiji in ne more skriti ničesar (razen, če se za to močno, močno in na pravi način potrudi). Danes je bil zelo karmičen dan za Busha, ko je ugotovil, da so izgubili oblast nad dvema mestoma v Iraku in se je (danes ) na hitro sestal s svojimi svetovalci. (Pa moj znanec, ki je 3 - (nisi ti Boris), je bil danes zelo vztrajno težak. Na srečo poznam takšno situacijo in mu nisem dal povoda, da bi pri tem lahko vztrajal, saj sem sprejel njegov način podajanja tematike.(seveda se on sam sebi sploh ni zdel trmast ali tečnoben). Vse dobro, Vojko Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tipo 10. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 10. april 2004 Dragi Vojko, ze kar nekaj casa spremljam tvoje pisanje in tvoje strani , pa ti moram povedati, da sem zelo navdusena nad tvojim znanjem in entuziazmom ob branju tvojih postov, pa me nekaj zanima....brala sem namrec, da je tezavno za otroka, ce ne hodi s svojimi vrstniki v solo.Moj mlajsi otrok namrec hodi v vrtec v drug kraj, kot bi moral cez dve leti hoditi v solo.Se vedno premisljujemo o tem, ce bi ga dali sploh v domaci kraj v solo ( imeli dosti problemov s starejsim sinom, mlajsi pa ima en kup alergij, pa mu niso hoteli kuhati).Ali se potem recimo, ce bi dali mlajsega v domac kraj v solo, kjer ne bi hodil v razred s svojimi prijatelji, tudi pojavi ta razlika ?Pa se podatki : 11.7.1999 zanima pa me se nas odnos ( oce, mati , otrok) , ker je nas Luka strasansko spirited( kar za druge ljudi predstavlja vcasih velik problem...Mateja bi ga sigurno imenovala indigo...ha..ha.. ) se nasi datumi 1.11.1971 ( moj )20.3.1969 ( moz )30.9.1994 ( starejsi otrok ) Prijazen pozdrav, Mojca Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 11. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 11. april 2004 borism pravi: Hvala Vojko za spodbudne besede, saj sem konec koncev prišel na LNF, zato ker me je zanimala tvoja tematika, ki jo res odlično obvladaš, kot nobeden na teh prostorih. O.K. saj bom še katero rekel, ampak resnično ne me napačno razumeti o kakšnem rivalstvu, drugače se nič ne naučiš, če ne vprašat, posloviti se pa tudi ne bilo fer, ker sem te le zaprosil za Alijev projekt in si brez pomisleka pristal in pomagaš....HVALA TI in lep večer, Borism Boris Rivalstvo daj ga no lomit! Za vse je dovolj prostora - in bolj ko bova preverjala stvari, več, ko si bova povedala - boljša bova oba - in bomo vsi. Znanje mora naprej, med ljudi in dobro ga je tudi preveriti. In, da ti po pravici povem, dnevna energija me sicer zanima, a veliko pomembnejši so mi drugi elementi. Samo korajžno. Vojko Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Mateja 11. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 11. april 2004 tipo pravi: ...Mateja bi ga sigurno imenovala indigo...ha..ha.. )a res, al kaj ... a tko delujem... (sicer pa - pozdravljena, Tipo ) Citiraj funchi.si Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
tipo 11. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 11. april 2004 Draga Mateja, ne vzeti za hudo, prebrala vse tvoje clanke v Auri, pa vse tvoje komentarje tukaj, doma imam indigo, pa mi vsa vesoljna okolica ne verjame...ja saj ves, razvajenost, pa trmoglavost..pa popustljivost... , upam, da nisi vzela za hudo..midve bi se sigurno lahko o indigo pogovarjale ure in ure Lp Mojca Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 11. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 11. april 2004 Bobnar pravi: Kdaj bo atentat na Busha?Bobnar Meniš, da je to pravo vprašanje za na forum? Vprašati je lahko. Kaj bi ti odgovoril, če bi bil vprašan kaj takega?Imaš njegove rojstne podatke? Lep pozdrav, Vojko Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 12. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 12. april 2004 Bobnar pravi: Čekiram. Nekdo znan iz astro krogov je povedal tole, po čemer sprašujem. Nimam podatkov od Busha.Bobnar Nekdo, ki je znan iz astro krogov je nekje, o nekom, ki mu pravijo Bush (kdo je to?) povedal tole, po čemer sprašuješ in o komur nimaš podatkov! :xx!: Naj si jih izmislim? BUSH, George Herbert Walker; b Milton, Mass., 12 June 1924; educ Phillips Acad, Andover, Mass., and Yale (BA Econs 1948); Lt USNR WW II (DFC 1944, three Air Medals), equipment clerk then salesman Dresser Industs/Ideco 1948-51, Co-Fndr Bush-Overbey Devpt Corp (oil and gas) 1951-53, joined Hugh and William Liedtke to found Zapata Petroleum Corp (Dir 1953-59), which absorbed Bush-Overbey and devpd offshore drilling equipmnt, Co-Fndr & Pres Zapata Offshore Co, Houston, 1954 (Pres 1956-64, Chm 1964-66), Republican Pty Chm Harris Co, Tex., 1963-64, candidate for US Senate 1966 and 1970, Memb US House of Reps for Texas 7th Dist 1967-71 (Memb Ways and Means Ctee), Perm Rep to UN 1971-73, Chm Republican Nat Ctee 1973-74, Ch US Liaison Office Peking 1974-75, Dir CIA 1976-77, Chm Exec Ctee First Internat Bank of Houston 1977-78, Adjunct Prof Business Rice U 1977-78, V-Pres USA 1981-89, 41st President ® of the USA 1989-93, Hon LLD: Beaver Coll and Adelphi U (1972), N Michigan U (1973), Franklin Pierce Coll, New Hampshire, and Allegheny Coll, Pa. (1976), U of New Haven, Conn. (1979), Tuskegee Inst, Ala., Dusquesne U, Pa., Howard U, DC, Sacred Heart U, Conn. (1981), Miami U, Ohio, Boston Coll, Mass., Bowdoin Coll, Maine (1982), Furman U, S Carolina, New England Sch of Law, Mass., Texas Christian U, U of Delaware, Rochester U, New York (1983), Wheaton Coll, Ill., Hampden-Sydney Coll, Va., Bar-Ilan U, Israel, Yeshiva U, New York City (1985), Westminster Coll, Mo. (1986), Albion Coll, Mich., U of New Hampshire, Northwestern Coll, Iowa (1987), Texas A & M, Boston U, Mass. (1989), U of S Carolina, U of Texas at Austin (1990), U of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Princeton, Hampton U, Va., Yale (1991), Notre Dame U (1992), Hon DHL: Texas Southern U (1981), Ohio State U, Medical U of S Carolina (1983),............................................. Vojko Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 12. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 12. april 2004 Bobnar pravi: Tut prav. Res bi bila razlika v tvojem odgovoru, če bi se spomnil kdo je to rekel, ane? Bobnar Želel sem, da vprašaš naravnost, s pravim nazivom, imenom in priimkom!Pa se očitno niti ti sam, ki si skrit pod nickom nočeš izpostavljati, pa to očitno pričakuješ od drugih. Ker nisi vprašal tako si predstavljam, da najbrž misliš na najbolj znanega Busha, ki je predsednik ZDA! Ne poznam načina, da bi za kaj takega vedel! Če bi to vedel, najbrž ne bi več sedel tukaj za tem računalnikom! Res je, da obstajajo časi, ko za posameznike obstaja večja možnost, da imajo nesreče pri delu s kovinami in kovinskimi aparati, da ja nanje napravljen atentat in podobno. Če že sprašuješ, bi bilo lepo in prav, da bi mi priskrbel vsaj datum rojstva osebe za katero te zanima. No, sedajle bom pogledal sam. omenjena oseba ima KI-jevske znake 9 9 5 Omenjena oseba bi morala biti oprezna za omenjena dejanja posebej v naslednjem mesecu - torej od 6. maja do 5. junija, pa tudi potem je še v nevarnosti, da se ji zgodijo nesreče ali celo napadi nanjo in sicer obstaja velika možnost, da so poškodovani v glavo. Večja možnost takšne nesreče je v prometu oziroma s kovinskimi predmeti. Če se ji to zgodi v maju so posledice običajno fatalne, v juniju pa ni nujno, da so s smrtnim izidom. Če se takšni osebi zgodi kaj od omenjenega, potem se v juliju stvari obrnejo ali na boljše, ali na slabše - ne ostanejo enake. Brez, da bi kdo posegal po takšnem podlem in zgrešenem načinu spreminjanja zgodovine, se bo že v maju dogajalo veliko hudih demonstracij ali celo oboroženih nemirov v središčih mest, v maju in juniju pa obstaja zelo velika možnost, da se zadeve v ZDA obrnejo tako, da si tega tudi predstavljati ne moremo. Letos je namreč karmično leto in kot sem zapisal na svoji spletni strani, Svet doživlja posledice svojega devetletnega delovanja, Amerika pa lahko svoje črne doživlja dni do leta 2008, posebej pa v naslednjem letu. Seveda obstaja še veliko drugih možnosti. Upošteval sem le tisto, za katero si me vprašal. Takšne osebe bodo imele relativno (zelo) slabo leto v letu 2005, brez, da bi jim kdo storil kaj žalega. Vojko Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 12. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 12. april 2004 Bobnar pravi: Ej, tu mač s tem tvojim pametovanjem, kot da sem ti kaj dolžan.Vzgajaj svoje otroke, če jih maš, če ti pa ni za odgovarjat, pa tut prav, prihrani mi vzgojne prijeme. Sem rekel da se ne spomnim, kaj bi rad? A ne verjameš, hja tvoj problem. Najmanj pa sem dolžan pojasnjevat kaj, zakaj, kako, kje itd itd... :xx!: Pa kaj je s folkom tule?A zdaj se bom moral bati bilo kaj vprašat, ker bo pol treba objasnit vsa ozadja, scene, pa še pol bo sledilo par vzgojnih... Ma daj, mej se.Hvala za nasvete Bobnar! Vojko Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
etna 13. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 13. april 2004 Vojko, živjo! 775 Ob prebiranju aprilskega predvida za rdečo kovino to sem jaz sem se zmedla ob omenjaju meseca marca in osmice. Če poskusim malo citirati, da boš videl, kaj me je zmedlo: ...Zdaj v mesecu marcu...No pri vas - osmicah... Mesec marec je za vas...Morda nisem dobro razumela predvida in se sicer nanaša na april, ne vem. Morda pa ti je kaj ponagajalo Boš pa to gotovo preveril. Gracijas! Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 13. april 2004 Prijavi Deli 13. april 2004 etna pravi: Vojko, živjo! 775 Ob prebiranju aprilskega predvida za rdečo kovino to sem jaz sem se zmedla ob omenjaju meseca marca in osmice. Če poskusim malo citirati, da boš videl, kaj me je zmedlo: ...Zdaj v mesecu marcu...No pri vas - osmicah... Mesec marec je za vas...Morda nisem dobro razumela predvida in se sicer nanaša na april, ne vem. Morda pa ti je kaj ponagajalo Boš pa to gotovo preveril. Gracijas! Hvala Etna Prav gotovo si pravilno prečitala.Bom popravil. Vojko Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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