Skoči na vsebino

Why tha hell not

El Nino

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Something died today in me,

one of those days i guess,

strange so it seems,

I die more than i live.


I can't explain,

I run and thrumble,

I fall and stumble,

my life seems in vain.


I am searching for an answer,

but I don't seem to know the question,

I seek like I've lost,

something i never had.


I feel so alive and yet,

am i dead?

noone can answer,

the questions in my heart.


Such is my mystery,

that I'll never forget,

the first time we've met,

you all are a part of my mystery.


In the end there is nothing,

and then there is me,

there is darkness,

and let there be light!


(ok nagradno vprašanje če mi poveste s kje so zadnje tri vrstice (en film v hipijevski dobi) potem vas peljem na pijačo...)

:D Rad bi se z vami družil tudi v živo, povejte mi če se kdaj mudite v moji okolici LJ, Moste.
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