aakhut 20. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 20. junij 2003 volk© CHEVAPCHICHI lohk pa po slovensk:LULCHKI Citiraj tut che pisker okol obrnesh pa se nanga vsedesh.....she zmeri sedish na dnu piskra Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
strelka 20. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 20. junij 2003 Jaz sem 'uletela' na LN predvsem zaradi astrologije in ko sem se logirala, sploh nisem nič premišljala. KAr strelka sem napisala - moje sončno znamenje. Citiraj strelka Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Marsa 20. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 20. junij 2003 ... pa se pase ti... Meni se zdi zate to edino normalno... Citiraj Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.Picasso Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
strelka 20. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 20. junij 2003 ... pa se pase ti... Meni se zdi zate to edino normalno... A veš, da men tud... Citiraj strelka Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Uma 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 Uma- lepo mi zveni to ime in mogoče bo nekoč zares moje. Pomeni pa "božanska mati", ima pa še kup drugih pomenov, kot se spodobi za indijsko mitologijo. ...pa se ne počutim nič kaj božansko materinska... Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Marsa 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 Strelka je pac Strelka - saj si. Uma - tudi meni je vsec to ime. Dobim pa vedno asociacijo na Umo Thurman. Ki mi je pa tudi vsec. Citiraj Jaz iščem le eno; da bi izrazil tisto, kar hočem. In ne iščem novih oblik, temveč jih najdem.Picasso Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Mateja 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 jaz tudi... in mi je tudi všeč Citiraj funchi.si Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
free 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 ...jest bi pr 'uma' neku prjel pa nimam za kej lahk se edin na 'A' obesim Citiraj free Blog Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 Ali ima kdo kakšno idejo za nadimek - zame?! Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
pokowc 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 aja, še nism povedu the name je pršlo kr nekak spontano,ljubkovalno˝naj bi izviralo iz pravljice˝(sploh nvem katere), ker sem tut raziskoval, pa jo tut v slo.knjižnici nimajo tko,da mi je postalo kr všeč! Res pa je ,da je bolj otroškega zvena, samo men je všeč bolj zato, ker sem res edini vse ostalo je le posluh in vibracija črk imena. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 Aakhut = Heru-Neb-Aakhut = Horus = gospod horizonta (morda Neba) = http://greywolf.critter.net/images/deadlands/weirdwars/minis/avatar-horus.jpg In Egyptian mythology, Horus was the falconheaded god of the sky. He was the son of Osiris and Isis. After a long struggle, Horus avenged his father's death and received the Eye of Horus, the symbol of royal authority. Ever after, Pharaohs were thought to rule through his power. As a representative of the sun, Horus co-ordinates the Planetary Council's activities with the higher Christ Councils. Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Mateja 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 tale aakhut... Citiraj funchi.si Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 tale aakhut... Ni vse tako kot je videti! Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Mateja 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 senzibilen opazovalec si Vojko! Citiraj funchi.si Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
pokowc 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 VOJK0 IS VOJC˝ Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Aliana 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 Sem imela pred kakima dvema letoma obdobje, ko sem strasno rada poslusala radijske igre.. In sem se zaradi ene o nekem janicarju zbujala ob 8h, da sem lahko poslusala.. No, tam je bila neka princeska, groficna, kaj jaz vem kaj... Aliana.. ki so jo ugrabili.. saj se ne spomnim vec zgodbe, ampak ime mi je bilo strasno vsec, ker je nekaj posebnega, lepo zveni.. sem si ga napisala na en listek in prilepila na nocno omarico.. In potem sploh nisem razmisljala, ko sem se vpisovala v forum.. Aliana Se mi zdi, da mi ful pase ime.. Mogoce ga bom enkrat dodala svojemu pravemu... Citiraj WHEN LIFE PUTS STONES IN YOUR WAY BUILD SOMETHING NICE OUT OF THEM loesje Spet nazaj - Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Tamburin 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 Pokowc, mene pa tvoj nick spominja na pokavko - tisto koruzo, ki poka... Hja, sej jih tud ti kdaj streljaš! Pokavec = mlad fantič, otrok (hmm...) Citiraj Tamara MOJA DOMAČA STRAN Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 Sem imela pred kakima dvema letoma obdobje, ko sem strasno rada poslusala radijske igre.. In sem se zaradi ene o nekem janicarju zbujala ob 8h, da sem lahko poslusala.. No, tam je bila neka princeska, groficna, kaj jaz vem kaj... Aliana.. ki so jo ugrabili.. saj se ne spomnim vec zgodbe, ampak ime mi je bilo strasno vsec, ker je nekaj posebnega, lepo zveni.. sem si ga napisala na en listek in prilepila na nocno omarico.. In potem sploh nisem razmisljala, ko sem se vpisovala v forum.. Aliana Se mi zdi, da mi ful pase ime.. Mogoce ga bom enkrat dodala svojemu pravemu...Aliana To je bilo pred dvema letoma, ko se je opis popolnoma ujemal s tvojim takratnim počutjem. Sedanje stanje je sicer malo podobno, vendar pa se bo občutek za vsebino imena spremenil že v dveh letih. Aliana The name of Aliana creates an easy-going, good-natured personality, meeting and mixing easily. You appreciate the company of others, to the point that you do not like to be by yourself for very long. You are gifted with natural expression, both verbal and musical, but you would find it tedious to study music and practice theory. Anything that involves concentration or just plain hard work, you prefer to avoid as best you can. Although you have many creative, original ideas, procrastination is your worst enemy because you can seldom make decisions and carry them out. In your desire to gain the favour of others and to keep peace, because you abhor friction, you change your opinion to agree with those at hand. It is easy for you to express love and affection, but you would have to watch that your emotional nature does not get the better of you and lead you to indiscretions which you would later regret. A desire for sweet, rich foods could create skin problems, overweight, or you could suffer weakness across the back, or possibly a liver ailment. Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 Meni se zdi zate to edino normalno... Marsa Your name of Marsa gives you a very idealistic but passive outlook on life. You desire culture and all the refinements of life but you are inclined to live in your dreams. Although you would like to do many things, procrastination undermines your accomplishment and success in life. You do not like to create issues and will do anything to avoid a conflict. Making decisions is difficult for you without the support and approval of others. This name gives you a very sensitive nature, making you feel much that you do not understand. Your feelings are easily hurt, at which times you are inclined to withdraw and become uncommunicative. Although you desire the friendship and association of others, you find it difficult to express your thoughts through the spoken word, and others find you hard to get to know. It is much more natural for you to express your deeper thoughts in writing. Inner tension can deplete your physical vitality. You are inclined to indulge in rich foods that lack proper nourishment. The physical weaknesses due to this name centre in the heart and respiratory organs, and in the fluid functions. Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Aliana 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 To je bilo pred dvema letoma, ko se je opis popolnoma ujemal s tvojim takratnim počutjem. Sedanje stanje je sicer malo podobno, vendar pa se bo občutek za vsebino imena spremenil že v dveh letih. Aliana The name of Aliana creates an easy-going, good-natured personality, meeting and mixing easily. You appreciate the company of others, to the point that you do not like to be by yourself for very long. You are gifted with natural expression, both verbal and musical, but you would find it tedious to study music and practice theory. Anything that involves concentration or just plain hard work, you prefer to avoid as best you can. Although you have many creative, original ideas, procrastination is your worst enemy because you can seldom make decisions and carry them out. In your desire to gain the favour of others and to keep peace, because you abhor friction, you change your opinion to agree with those at hand. It is easy for you to express love and affection, but you would have to watch that your emotional nature does not get the better of you and lead you to indiscretions which you would later regret. A desire for sweet, rich foods could create skin problems, overweight, or you could suffer weakness across the back, or possibly a liver ailment.A mi bo cez dve leti potem se vsec ali ne?Samo drugace ga bom videla? Aliana Citiraj WHEN LIFE PUTS STONES IN YOUR WAY BUILD SOMETHING NICE OUT OF THEM loesje Spet nazaj - Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 Vojko Your first name of Vojko makes you spontaneous and versatile, enjoying congenial association, appreciating the finer things of life, and loving to talk and debate. You are strong willed and self-sufficient, not depending on others for encouragement. Your desire for independence and freedom means that you seldom tolerate limitations. Although you are naturally happy and generous, you fail to hold friendships because you are inclined to be too dogmatic, argumentative, or sarcastic. In an argument, you usually emerge the victor, but at a cost. Physical weaknesses centre in the head. The eyes, ears, teeth, or sinuses could be affected, or you could experience loss of hair. Skin problems such as acne or eczema could also appear. Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 Sanjalica... Sploh ne vem odkod, zakaj; bi kdo rekel, da sem več v "oblakih" kot na tleh, pa mislim da ni tako. Vojko; tebi bi pa vedno dala nek nick, ki bi ponazarjal da si "pomirjujoč in stabilen" ... tak ... (iščem primerno besedo pa je ne najdem) močan, steber, varnost, mir, zaupanje, zanesljivost, nežen - pa hkrati odločen ...Tak - veš ... tak... "tisti pravi".Hvala Sanjalica In še vedno mi je hudo.... saj veš zakaj. Pa ne morem odgovorit, ker nimam ne podatkov, ne vprašanja. Vojko Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 Tamara Your name of Tamara has given you a generous nature. You will do your utmost to help others in need, despite inconvenience or even hardship to yourself. You are affectionate, and respond quickly to appreciation. As a child you were expressive. An imaginative, impressionable person, you could excel in the theatre as a dramatist or comedienne, and the enjoyment and appreciation of your audience would be your greatest inspiration. Fine as your nature is at times the power of your feelings is difficult to control as it unleashes itself through outbursts of temper. The name does not engender emotional stability; nor have you the system and order in your thinking always to finish what you start. Scattering of efforts interferes with success in your undertakings. Sensitivity in your nervous system could cause you to suffer either through goitre, or nervous conditions, or to experience hysteria or mental repression. Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 Hvala SanjalicaIn še vedno mi je hudo.... saj veš zakaj. Pa ne morem odgovorit, ker nimam ne podatkov, ne vprašanja.VojkoVojko ne no. Naj ti ne bo hudo. Ko bo spet pravi čas...te bom spet pobarala...do takrat pa bodi tak kot si "Tisti pravi" Hvala ti, Sanjalica Vojko P.S.Poskušam Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Vojko 29. junij 2003 Prijavi Deli 29. junij 2003 Žal Sanjalice ni na spisku - je pa Sanja: Sanja Your first name of Sanja has given you a friendly, likeable nature, and you could excel in artistic, dramatic, and musical expression. With this name, you desire the finer things in life, but you do not always have the resolve and vitality to put forth the effort necessary to fulfil your desires. Your emotional feelings are easily aroused and you will always be involved in other people's problems as a result of your overly sympathetic nature. You have many disappointments because of extending a helping hand to others in need, and then not receiving any acknowledgement or reciprocation for your generosity. After each experience, you have to guard against feelings of despondency and self-pity. You have high goals and ideals, but must incorporate more practicality, system, and concentration in order to materialize them. In health, this name affects the nervous system and also the fluid functions, giving rise to kidney or bladder weaknesses. Citiraj Si želiš več od življenja?Privošči si življenjski coaching!Vojko J Kalane: vojko@9zvezd.comt: @vojko_9kit: @vojko629 Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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