intruder 14. julij 2003 Prijavi Deli 14. julij 2003 Temni Planeti. Che je Kerberus Keymaker, potem je Hypnos Morpheus. Olympos je darkplanet orgazma, Amor fizichne ljubezni, Lamia unichuje zakon, itn. Stara tema za nove obiskovalce tega foruma. Avestani, hamburgeri in darkplanets so hipotetici, vndarle nekateri celo morda obvstajajo. Delujejo pa prav gotovo! hamburgshki cupido pa avestanskiretrogradni hipotetik smo najbrzh iznajdli. 1992 je bil samo 1 transneptun 1992 QB1, danes ih je ? 777 ? ... Najvechi je gigant Quaoar, vidi na tem forumu. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
El Nino 21. julij 2003 Prijavi Deli 21. julij 2003 to me neverjetno spominja na en star SF film Dark Star Citiraj Rad bi se z vami družil tudi v živo, povejte mi če se kdaj mudite v moji okolici LJ, Moste. Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
intruder 23. julij 2003 Avtor Prijavi Deli 23. julij 2003 (popravljeno) Dark Star je Nibiru;) Moral bi ga vstavljati v vsako mapo. Zadnjich sem ga nekjer pri Delfinu vstavil. (Pylenor je 1994 TA centaur). Nibirucentrical Astrology - Dawning Jupiter looks natural in 12th when Mars (1st) and Venus (2nd) are flanked by Mercury (3rd). TIAMAT is fit for 6th. Let `she' be the ego, ritual and virgin, suffering turf. Tiamat looks like ruling 6th (house, instead of Virgo as sign), Pluto then rules 8th (?), but Nibiru looks better in 8th (and of course 12th). This was the beginning of a ~ line of thought leading to ... NIBIRUcentrical astrology Neptune ( as supposed `octave' of Venus (?) ) ruling 7th? But we should look heliocentrically, leaving Leo unruled? And what if we would assume a `nibirucentrical' system of 12 houses? (houses/planets/signs) Jupiter looks natural in 12th when Mars (1st) and Venus (2nd) are flanked by Mercury (3rd). TIAMAT is fit for 6th. Let `she' be the ego, ritual and virgin, suffering turf. Nibiru could claim the 12th house. Too far, ruling the FLOODS. Neptune as ruler of majik could fit the 8th house (but Pluto is the traditional lord of the dead). Nibirucentrical astrology would have Earth (6th?) and Sun (5th?) in the same `chart'. Though the shumarans did not follow this concept (or did they?). Popravljeno 23. julij 2003 -> intruder Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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