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NU Zodiac Project postal "uraden" (vidi alt.astrology.moderated alt.astrologymarketplace Torej popolnoma novi sistem.


Ne dela napake. Planeta v 7mi hishi je res v 7mi. Planeta v 6ti je v 6ti. Luna je natanchno tam kam je, kentavrji tudi.


Testirano 30 000 BC - 30 000 AD. Dela tudi na 89 N.


Nima nobene probleme kot navadni zastareli sistem.


Orjentacija: E W N S (NE SW). Torej che je Venera v Hidri na iztoku E, to vzamemo kot prvi podatek. Partner, denimo

Luna v Corvus (Luna v Vrani) "odshtekani poet" je W zahod.


Gre se za natanchni zahod in iztok, potem natanchni N S

in tako naprej. Najbolj logichno!


Do zdej niste vedali che je planet v 7mi hishi res v sedmi!

Namrech z juzhno latitudo je pogosto v 6ti! Primer kateri

sem dal "Mars Saturn switch" ima dve napake:


A/ Mars je pravzaprav v 6ti, ne v 7mi.


B/ Pluton je v 7mi, ne pa v 6ti!


Gre se za veloko pridobitev! Pa je tega she (delal sem nekaj mesecov!). O.K. premijera je b'la, zdej pa ... velik dela .. upload .. unzip ... she mesec dni prezentacije ... pa drzhi,

oziroma "autoriteti" hehe nimajo kaj recht (saj sem ih debelo presenetil), programerji hahaha, naj koregirajo solarfirejeve in podobne igrache.


Na en nachin se vrnemo v Shumer. Na tem forumu prispevek o Hydra = Tiamat, torej watermonster je lahko vash true eastern ascendent!


P.S. Nekaj sem tudi v slovenschini in "po istrsko" napiasal.

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Heh, kako lahko začnete nov zodiak brez ovna... khem, kot astrolog, in predvsem kot oven... hehe se temu odločno upiram.... hm kaj sem zdaj po novem horoskopu, tam tik pred bikom Cutos al kaj je tam. hehe zanimivo cute ime :) hehe aj to bi tud šlo, čeprav ne kapiram, to je veliko bolj astronomski zodiak.... kot pa astrološki
:D Rad bi se z vami družil tudi v živo, povejte mi če se kdaj mudite v moji okolici LJ, Moste.
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Vzorci obstajajo, pa se lahko spreminjajo. Da bi se zgodilo kaj

lepega, diskreirali bomo vzorec ki vstvarja samo probleme. Tako

v primeru sploshne napachne horoskopske identifikacije...


Not even centuries ago, people wanted salvation; or at least

knowledge. Now all we want seems to be ... fun! Have fun and

save your soul then! Discreate old patterns and install new!


= Nu Zodiac Project = Istria /nu


Torej novi zodijak! Kaj ostane starega? Pravzaprav ne veliko!

Vodnar pa Devica ostaneta. Novi zodijak zelo precizno ugotavlja

Vash karakter, denimo Monoceros (Jednorog) je pionirski duh,

erektiven, podzetnishki in pohln inovacij; Hydra (Vodena Kacha)

daja okultne izive (Crowley 1904); Orion (Dalai Lama) odpira

Severna Zvezdana Vrata; Glava Kache ima v srcu hudichevo zvezdo

Cor Serpentis. Velik primerov lahko nashtemo kar se tiche novih

natanchnih pozicij planetov, saj imamo Luno v Cetus (Kit), Luno

v Orionu, Sonce v Ophiucus, Venero v Hydra, Luno in Venero v

Corvus (Gavran), Saturn v Orionu (1914, 1945, 1973, 2003),

Pluton v Coma Berenices in tako naprej. Novi sistem nima

nobenih lokacijskih problemov, niti nikakrshne probleme z

precesijo in je testiran od 30 000 BC ( do 30 000 AD.

Prav gotovo (za razliko od sploshno vporabljenog) deluje

natanchno od Reykyavika do Severnega Pola, kakor tudi lokalno.

Namrech ena odlika je zelo natanchna pozicija Lune, primer je

Dalai Lama-ina vasica. Luna pridobi kar eno stopinjo natanchnosti!


Pa she dodamo: od zdaj boste prav gotovo sigurni che imaste Mars

v sedmi hishi! namrech do slej z astroloshkimi ogledi to ni bilo

mogoche kar bi, denimo, Mars z juzhno latitudo vseeno zasedel

sedmo hisho. Ta napaka zdej ni mogocha, saj se ne zanashamo na

longitudo in ekliptiko, temkar na zanesljivi horizont. A si

predstavljate koliko solz in napak je bilo narejeno z napachno

pozicijo Lune (_vsi_ je imate napachno!) in planetov kateri pach

nikoli niso bili v sedmi hishi! Punce so se jokale, `astrologi'

so napovedali, pa nich. Gre se za napake astroloshkih programa

in celotnega zastarelega zodijakalnega sistema. Tega ne bo vech.


= Nu Zodiac Project = Progetto NUit! Il nouvOroscopo italiano


© 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


Il tuo ascendente nuovo sara una delle seguenti constelazioni:


La Coda del Serpente Serpens Cauda

Aquila Aquila


Aquario Aquarius

Pesci Pisces

Balena (Mostro Marino) (Cetus)

(An really insignificant portion of Taurus)

Il Fiume Po Eridanus

Il Cacciatore (Porta Stellare) Orion

L'Unicorno Monoceros

(Canis Minor)

La Bissa Gigante Hydra

Sestante Sextans (l'ascendente attuale!)

(A small part of) Leo

Graal (Crater ...)

Vergine Virgo

Bilancia (Libra)

Testa del Serpente (Diavolo) Serpens Caput

Il Cacciatore di Serpenti Ophiucus


Scopri i punti + cardinali del tuo oroscopo! Alcuni esempi:


La constellazione ascendentale presente e il Sestante, quella

opposta l'Aqiario, la constellazione del Cielo e in poszione

zenit, Ercole in nadir. Ecco la Vera + Croce dell'oroscopo.


A volte interpretiamo anche le constellazioni SW e NE

(NE Coma Berenices, I Capelli di Veronica; SW il Scultore).


Le posizioni e le progressioni sono calcolate astronomicamente.

Niente piu errori (che fanno orrori) d'una Luna malcalculata,

(anzi, Vi diamo quatro lune!). La Luna precisa per il tuo

posto natale va delienata nella constellazione esatta, e.g.

Luna in Cetus (Luna Balena, ogni mese la Luna e in questa

constellazione). Tutti i pianeti vanno delineati nelle

loro posizioni esatte. Saturno in Ofiuco (2003, 1973, 1945, 1914),

Venere in Corvo, Hydra, Sestante; Sole in Ofiuco, Plutone in

Coma Berenices e cosi via, i esempi sono sul sito, con le

delineazioni appropriate. Oltre a calcoli precisi all'anno

(tutti amori della vita), il giorno (del evento propizio),

il minuto (delle nozze), il sito offre delineazioni uniche

`fatte in casa' della Cometa Gigante, le tre lune, Lilit

del Cassini, i centauri, nonche dei transnettuni giganti

Quaoar, Ixion, Varuna e altri. Siamo aggiornatissimi e 1mi.


Con questo sistema e finalmente possibile determinare se un

pianeta e nella 7ma casa. Tantissimi orrori sono stati fatti

per via dei pianeti nella settima casa che non sono mai stati

li! I programmi astrologici semplicemente sbagliano questa

posizione! Non piu con il nostro sistema nuovissimo!!!



© 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.



NU ZODIAC PROJECT © 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

A radically new astrological system for the New Age (2012).


= NU! Pattern = Get your NU Zodiac @


What are we clearing? Our `identities'? The light coocoon we are?

Body and soul? False default ego? The voladero mind install? The

devil inside? Everything and nothing? The mind that is not ours?


At an early age we are told this or that. We are forced to accept

so much nonsensei. We are told we are not majikal beings. We are

craddled to hells and into oblivion. A normal person will not even

have the energy to go to hell. Only special lucky monsters like

Dante and Castaneda had stamina to walk hell. People think they

will go to paradise by default. Jesus will take care. Perhaps

Jesus can help somehow, but would saints and monks do the things

they did if Jesus really takes care of all? Too much freedom makes

for mental slavery. Carrying around a mind that is not our own is

a death trap. Everybody has seen graveyards. Someone even saw Jesus

and Mary. We are told we go to paradise by default. Even the drunkard

who can't find the corner drugstore goes to paradise by default. No

need for zen monasteries, salvation's in the DNA. The hell it is!


As Agent Smith nicely points out: `We are not free'. We are here

because we are not free. People talk about free will and new age

but what do they know of majikal will, truewill, and precession?


People walk around thinking `I am a Capricorn', while they're not.

Already identifying oneself with false `sunsigns' limits clear

sight. Our light coocoon has to be explored, the universe projected,

orionted, mapped like Krsna's feet, galaxies classified. All high

civilisations mapped the skies. Shumerian means `he who observes

heavens'. Perhaps we can walk through the Northern Stargate to

Glory? We could learn from ancient and `primitive' people as well.


Try and take a sunsing from one. You believed you are a Cancer

for most of your life and this guy comes up and uproots whatever

`obvious and accepted roots' modern astrology has taken for

granted. No wonder astronomers think astrologers are nuts! They

are! The poor fellow lives in a miscalculated omniverse. He thinks

he has three malefic planets in his house of marriage and threfore

divorces three times or does not marry at all three times, while

he never had those planets in the seventh house at all. A matter

of miscalculation. When the new pattern is applied, planets come

from the flipped house and flipp out into the opposite. A matter

of latitude. Things fall into their place. This is to say that


in this or that or many things. The Moon is an important initiation

(the second tarot initiation, Isis) in Franz Bardon's system (the

only orderly self-initiation majikal system on this planet), as well

as the position of the Moon. Wedon't buy astrological programs that

largely miscalculate the Moon's position. The degree a planet is at

is important for your development. See also


I am sure many scientologists think `I am turean', `I have an Aries

ascendant'. News: you CAN'T HAVE AN ARIES ASCENDANT. Also: Pluto is

never in Aries (or Pisces). That is iformation, the correct pattern.

I guess even the best of the clears will tend to keep their sunsign

or moonsign identification. One discreates it with `I wasn't born.

I have no mind.' (Kaivalya Upanisad). There is no Sunset Beach. One

never had a childhood. (Dark City). The Matrix is maya, illusion.


Even turning out to believe (=INTEND) one's has Venus in Hydra at the

ascendant, with Sun in Ophiucus and Moon in Cetus ... is hard, huh?

Imagine the intent one has to actually EXPERIENCE he was never been

born at all! True Mind is the new pattern. It has always been the

only pattern we are. But somehow we ae covered by shit happens, all

this nonsensei, acendants, numbers, Mars attacks, sunsigns, labels,

names, functions, programs leading nowhere... Well, it led us HERE!


= Clear Skies! = news://

Clearing your light coocoon is knowing the Intent of Heaven|||

© 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.





Tue Aug 05 07:37:36 GMT 2003

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Sonce je lahko v Ovnu. Iztok pa ne. Lahko je bil 30 000 BC.


Oven ostane. Dejanje je da Pluton ne gre chez Oven.


Oven je drugach chist mejhno /\ ne gre se za kaj bistvenega.


Vechji del ekliptike ima Ophiucus, Cetus, VIRGO!




Kako vesh da ti je sonce v ovnu?


eko n beo skan par el nino:


vidish, b'lo je mozhno da je Aries na Iztoku, samo poglej kdaj je to b'lo:



= The Venice Scan =


© 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


A sample scan shows the eastern constellation at Venice location

Jul 24th 3998 BC. A significant difference in choice of the east

ern constellations at our times. Here are my working notes:











Canis Minor




Crater (I promised Chariklo in Crater ascending, here it is!)







Serpens Cauda










Therefore the constellation the shaman saw at the East could

vary among all of this constellations! Surely this means we

can have more types of eastern ascending constellations than

mere twelve (a pure convention and not a very happy one). In

fact many systems coexisted of which some are known to us.


Dec 22nd 2012 countdown

CREATE a New World for you with O5. UPDATE your astrological

SKIES with EXTRAZODIACAL astrology. Find the meaning of NEW

OBJECTS in your HOROSCOPE. Enjoy authentical fun and SURPRISE. O5 is fun, a technique for the busy city

dweller, an entertaining way to do instant majik in daily life.

© 2003 Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


matriX time:




Thu Jul 24 21:30:41 GMT 2003

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zdej me pa vse skupaj ze bolj zanima ... !!!

ker bi rad zadevi prisel do dna, ali vsaj navideznega dna, ki bi si ga

lahko ustvaril moj um... ce sem skromen.


torej ali lahko predlagas kaj naj stori posameznik, ki bi zelel vediti

o astrologiji in sebi vec s pomocjo astrologije???

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Informacija je zdravljenje. Pravi DNK, hudichev um v'n, in tako naprej. Zdravljenej je odshtevanje - (a se (rezhim se) strinj.. OK


Rezhim se!?! Kdo si ti? Hvala kar mi je rabilo malo ;)


OK zdravimo planeto (predvsem eni druge).


OK che pogledash Iztok, to je ascendent.


To je seveda moja teorija.


Zdej.. haha ne morem, a ME CHVECHKASHHHH!?!?!







(po premoru)



ok zachne kakor je zachel ... ali kar novo


jaz sem zachel vech al'manj kot vsi...


saj vem da je astronomija zamudna


jaz pa nisem ne vem .. astronom .. ne she ...


ok malo si zvezde oglej .. spet me .. xsrcx


ok ... kaj naj rechem .. a ti odshiljash ene



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