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Darovanje organov


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mal se spomni na kak film o zombijih....zhe tam so jako bi pa she razne organe daroval.... xrolleyesx  xrolleyesx  xrolleyesx  x:Dx

si tip zbudi iz zagleda pr seb mick-ovega mickenega :wOOt:  x:Dx  x:Dx  x:Dx


zlomk x:Dx


Joj, si me nasmejal.... x:Dx smotko! :vragec: x:Dx


Sploh nisi resen!!!! :vragec: x:Dx :lol: :D

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si tip zbudi iz zagleda pr seb mick-ovega mickenega :wOOt:  x:Dx  x:Dx  x:Dx


zlomk x:Dx


A si predstavljaš, da bi bla to ženska??? :eek:

Jas te mam tak rada

I am feeling very olympic today

Is time the only thing you are waiting for?

Ni nujno, da si nor, da pišeš tukaj - pomaga pa!


Old friends pass away, new friends appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: a meaningful friend - or a meaningful day.

Dalai Lama

Majhne usluge prijateljstva so tisočkrat vrednejše kot bleščeča darila, s katerimi nas poniža nečimernost darovalca. (Goethe)

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Pa še eno mnenje Kryona na to temo, ki daje tudi odgovor ali je darovanje organov v redu:

Question: Dear Kryon: I'm from Norway. My question: What about organ transplants? What happens to the chakras? I've listened to many channellings (some valuable, others not), and no one except one has pointed out what kind of mess there will be when humans play "God" like this. What will happen on your side of the veil when humans leave part of an organ behind when they die? There are campaigns going on in my country that require people to give away their organs in case of an accident.


Answer: Dear one, get out of the drama of this entire subject. God/Spirit is not in a vacuum when it comes to these things. Did you ever wonder, in this new energy, if God actually created this so that Humans could help Humans? It is perhaps normal for you to think that these things will somehow affect your chakras, karma, etc. Here is the truth: Through your God-given new technologies, you have permission to save another's life in this fashion. You have permission to use intent to void out the problems of rejection and even to rearrange your own cells! This is not a taboo in a sacred journey. It is an extraordinary gift of life! It's part of a new energy science, and it is honored.


God knows exactly what's taking place, and through your new cellular communication, your body does, too. Don't take these things to a place they don't belong, thinking that somehow God will somehow be displeased, or that the body won't know what's happening. Leaving the organ on Earth when you die is an awesome lineage. What a gift to the planet! How many Humans can say that when they die, part of their body remained to give life? The science was actually given to you so that you could have life-saving technology at this time in your history. It's a gift that can and should be used with spiritual integrity and love.


Let's say that someone needs a kidney or they'll die. The one giving the kidney speaks to the organ and blesses the synchronicity that it will supply extended life to another Human. That Human may go on to affect others, and may help the planet. Therefore, the donated organ is not an accident of nature, or a freak of creation, or a mistake of bad science. The very cells of the kidney know of the contract between the Humans involved. Did you think of that? It was in the potentials of both lives all along, cooperating with new science and new energies. The kidney is blessed and is given sacredness, bringing life and contract fulfillment to both Humans.


As for a requirement to donate? Each Human should have free choice over all things. The giving of an organ should be a sacred event, celebrated with intent - not a requirement.

What you are is God's gift to you. What you make of yourself is your gift to God.
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jaz ko bom polnoleten bom ziher to podpisal.

Saj po smrti ti itaq ne služijo več. telo pa je itaq sam neeka obleka dokler ne umreš.



If you have great passion, then you can do high fashion!

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Poznam primer gospe, ki je po smrti darovala svoje telo v medicinske namene, "ker kao ni hotela svojcem delati skrbi in stroškov s svojim pogrebom in urejanjem groba", čeprav jim je zapustila miljone... tako, da eni tudi iz tega razloga "darujejo organe".

Se mi pa zdi, da je potrbno malo eksibicionistične narave, da ti je do tega, da se navdušuješ, da bodo tvoji organi v kozarcu s formalinom kje na med.faksu in jih bodo vsi prčkali po njih.


Jaz nisem za te hece, zato mi je tisto, kar pravi Contesa par postov više, kul.

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Jaz bi darovala svoje organe. Sej mi po smrti nimajo več kam bit. Če bi pa lahko s tem rešila kakšno življenje bi pa bila še toliko bolj vesela.
Zaupam, da je življenje na moji strani. Svobodno in radostno se izražam.
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klele jst chutim malce paradoksa

po eni strani se vsi zavedamo, da nas je prevech in ni vech naravne selekcije in zato tudi lakota na svetu,

po drugi strani pa reshevati chim vech zhivljenj


zlomk :vio:

tut che pisker okol obrnesh pa se nanga vsedesh.....she zmeri sedish na dnu piskra
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  • 2 weeks later...

zakaj pa ne, ampak v dobi k so že zdravniki podkupljeni(možnost tega je), te lahko ob vsaki manjši "bolezni" ali poškodbi, ki se kljub zapletenostim da pozdraut, še lahko kje namerno "ubijejo", da dobijo drugi tvoje organe...


drugače bi jih z veseljem darovala, tud živa, sam da ostanem zdrava...

Each atom sings to me

"set me free

from chains of the physical"

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