Ksenia 8. september 2006 Prijavi Deli 8. september 2006 pol ni nepricakovan...?ne Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Ebor 8. september 2006 Prijavi Deli 8. september 2006 Dotik daje en svojstven občutek,naj bo na mehkih licih dotik dlani, ali ustnice in jezik,k z njima se poljub strasti rodi.Opojna je harmonija čustev in bližine naj takšen bo trenutek in naj nikdar ne mine. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Pika Pikica 8. september 2006 Prijavi Deli 8. september 2006 Ful se rada dotikam...me pa moti, če se me dotika kdo, ki mi ne paše. Samo določeni imajo to dovoljenje...pa ful mam rada objeme, k se počutim varno objeta. Citiraj Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
kukica 8. september 2006 Prijavi Deli 8. september 2006 Se spomnim kako sem se včasih bala dotikov. Še vedno se jih malo, a veliko manj. Z dotikom človeka spustiš v svoj intimen prostor. Dotik senzibilnemu človeku pove veliko o tebi. Razgali te. Še danes postanem živčna v kakšnem dolgem intimnem objemu z osebo do katere nimam popolnoma razčiščenih čustev. Se pa za spremembo od včasih zdaj rada dotikam prijateljev in ljudi, ki jih srečujem. Jim ponudim roko, potrepljam po stegnu ali po hrbtu, požgečkam ... Se mi zdi da tako odnosi postanejo veliko bolj osebni. Res močno potrebujem dotike ... Citiraj Pri duhovnosti ne gre za težnjo po biti duhoven, temveč pomeni biti resnićen.Spirituality is not about being spiritual. It's about beeing real.by Tony Samara NAGAJIVA USTVARJALKARECEPTKI Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Trudi 8. september 2006 Prijavi Deli 8. september 2006 Full moon in the cityAnd the night was youngI was hungry for loveI was hungry for fun I was hunting you downAnd I was the baitWhen I saw you thereI didn't mean to hesitate This is the nightThis is the nightThis is the time we've got to get it right (This is the night)Touch me, touch meI want to feel your bodyYour heart beat next to mine(This is the night)Touch me, touch me now Quick as a flash you disappeared into the nightDid I hurt you boy?Didn't I treat you right?You made me feel so goodMade me feel myselfNow I'm alone & you're with somebody else This is the night, yeahThis is the nightThis is the time we've got to get it right (This is the night)Touch me, touch meI want to feel your bodyYour heart beat next to mine(This is the night)Touch me, touch me nowTouch me, touch me nowTouch me, touch me now Hot & cold emotions confusing my brainI could not decide between pleasure & painLike a tramp in the nightI was begging for youTo treat my body like you wanted to Uh....Uh, it's begging for you (This is the night)Touch me, touch meI want to feel your bodyYour heart beat next to mine(This is the night)'Cos I want your body all the time (This is the night)Touch me, touch meI want to feel your bodyYour heart beat next to mine(This is the night)'Cos I want your body all the time Citiraj http://members.aol.com/dcreelma/imagesite/animated/otherstuff/madhack.gif Trudi -- Car Dvora http://smile.smilies.nl/923.gif Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
kapica 8. september 2006 Prijavi Deli 8. september 2006 trudi, tebe "to" asocira kr na samanto fox? Citiraj ßoDi ło K@r §i... DrUgih J€ ił@k z€ Pr€v€c !!! life is a strange thing... just when you think you learned how to use it... it's gone... Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
Trudi 8. september 2006 Prijavi Deli 8. september 2006 Ja Sam k je ona bl za tiste k tud jest ...beybike Citiraj http://members.aol.com/dcreelma/imagesite/animated/otherstuff/madhack.gif Trudi -- Car Dvora http://smile.smilies.nl/923.gif Link to comment Deli na socialnih omrežjih Več možnosti deljenja...
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