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28.01.2011 ob 01:49:09 UT

Double whammy on the sun


John Roach says: A spectacular double eruption on the sun was captured today by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. The eruptions happened nearly simultaneously on opposite sides of the solar disk, reported. The plasma clouds produced by the event are expected to miss Earth, so there's no threat to us or to satellites orbiting the planet.

On the lower left in this image of the sun, a magnetic filament erupted, and on the upper right a departing sunspot produced the strongest solar flare of the year so far, an M1-class event. The double whammy may be more than a mere coincidence: Recent research suggests that solar activity is interconnected by magnetism over large distances, and that solar storms can go global.

For still more stunning views of the cosmos, check out the latest edition of Month in Space Pictures.

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Za Indy-a neki xDDx


Winter waves

A surfer braves the cold to take advantage of the Cornish winter waves on Jan. 20 in Polzeath, England.

With improved wetsuit materials and technology, surfing has now become a year-round sport for places like Cornwall.

Surfing is one of the fastest-growing sports in Britain.

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"In spe nascendi." (Živim v upanju)


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"In spe nascendi." (Živim v upanju)


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