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Recommended Posts spoznaš na fraktale... x?x uau...hudo... x;)x x:Dx

majic@ Рубашк@... 襯衣... 셔츠... のワイシャツ

Spremeni sebe in spremenil boš ves svet!

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Gaia...Dali...če se ne motim... x:)x

majic@ Рубашк@... 襯衣... 셔츠... のワイシャツ

Spremeni sebe in spremenil boš ves svet!

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groza!!!! :O:

majic@ Рубашк@... 襯衣... 셔츠... のワイシャツ

Spremeni sebe in spremenil boš ves svet!

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x;)x x:)x :fiju: Teb pa dobr gre, Pinki :palec:

Dear Human,
You've got it all wrong. You didn't come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and that is where you will return. You came here to learn personal love. Universal love. Messy love. Sweaty love. Crazy love. Broken love. Whole love. Infused with divinity. Lived through the grace of stumbling. Demonstrated through the beauty of... messing up. Often. You didn't come here to become perfect. You already are. You came here to be gorgeously human. Flawed and fabulous. And then to rise again into remembering. (unknown)

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*In my dreams I always see you sore above the sky, in my heart there always be a place for you for all my life, I'll keep a part of you with me,...and everywhere I am there you'll be,... (Peral Harbor) *
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Joj...kva bi jest to mečkala x:Xx :2src: xsrcx xsrcbumx xrainbowx xrosex :farb:

majic@ Рубашк@... 襯衣... 셔츠... のワイシャツ

Spremeni sebe in spremenil boš ves svet!

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jaz tudi!
*In my dreams I always see you sore above the sky, in my heart there always be a place for you for all my life, I'll keep a part of you with me,...and everywhere I am there you'll be,... (Peral Harbor) *
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*In my dreams I always see you sore above the sky, in my heart there always be a place for you for all my life, I'll keep a part of you with me,...and everywhere I am there you'll be,... (Peral Harbor) *
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Imam še nekaj norih fotk, samo so vse prevelike!!!! :C:
*In my dreams I always see you sore above the sky, in my heart there always be a place for you for all my life, I'll keep a part of you with me,...and everywhere I am there you'll be,... (Peral Harbor) *
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*In my dreams I always see you sore above the sky, in my heart there always be a place for you for all my life, I'll keep a part of you with me,...and everywhere I am there you'll be,... (Peral Harbor) *
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*In my dreams I always see you sore above the sky, in my heart there always be a place for you for all my life, I'll keep a part of you with me,...and everywhere I am there you'll be,... (Peral Harbor) *
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x:Dx x:Dx x8Dx :vragec:

majic@ Рубашк@... 襯衣... 셔츠... のワイシャツ

Spremeni sebe in spremenil boš ves svet!

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:inocent: ups

majic@ Рубашк@... 襯衣... 셔츠... のワイシャツ

Spremeni sebe in spremenil boš ves svet!

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